internal Utf8Span TrimHelper(TrimType trimType) { ReadOnlySpan <byte> retSpan = Bytes; if ((trimType & TrimType.Head) != 0) { int indexOfFirstNonWhiteSpaceChar = Utf8Utility.GetIndexOfFirstNonWhiteSpaceChar(retSpan); Debug.Assert((uint)indexOfFirstNonWhiteSpaceChar <= (uint)retSpan.Length); // TODO_UTF8STRING: Can use an unsafe slicing routine below if we need a perf boost. retSpan = retSpan.Slice(indexOfFirstNonWhiteSpaceChar); } if ((trimType & TrimType.Tail) != 0) { int indexOfTrailingWhiteSpaceSequence = Utf8Utility.GetIndexOfTrailingWhiteSpaceSequence(retSpan); Debug.Assert((uint)indexOfTrailingWhiteSpaceSequence <= (uint)retSpan.Length); // TODO_UTF8STRING: Can use an unsafe slicing routine below if we need a perf boost. retSpan = retSpan.Slice(0, indexOfTrailingWhiteSpaceSequence); } return(UnsafeCreateWithoutValidation(retSpan)); }
private MString TrimHelper(TrimType trimType) { int end = this.Length - 1; int start = 0; if (((uint)trimType | (uint)TrimType.Left) != 0) { start = 0; while (start < this.Length) { if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(this[start])) { break; } start++; } } if (((uint)trimType | (uint)TrimType.Right) != 0) { end = this.Length - 1; while (end >= start) { if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(this[end])) { break; } end--; } } return(this.CreateTrimmedString(start, end)); }
// This function is used to prevent long quotations in error messages private static void AppendTrimmed(StringBuilder sb, string value, int startIndex, int count, TrimType trimType) { const int TrimSize = 32; const string TrimMarker = "..."; if (count <= TrimSize) { sb.Append(value, startIndex, count); } else { switch (trimType) { case TrimType.Left: sb.Append(TrimMarker); sb.Append(value, startIndex + count - TrimSize, TrimSize); break; case TrimType.Right: sb.Append(value, startIndex, TrimSize); sb.Append(TrimMarker); break; case TrimType.Middle: sb.Append(value, startIndex, TrimSize / 2); sb.Append(TrimMarker); sb.Append(value, startIndex + count - TrimSize / 2, TrimSize / 2); break; } } }
private Utf8String TrimHelper(TrimType trimType) { Utf8Span trimmedSpan = this.AsSpan().TrimHelper(trimType); // Try to avoid allocating a new Utf8String instance if possible. // Otherwise, allocate a new substring wrapped around the resulting slice. return((trimmedSpan.Length == this.Length) ? this : trimmedSpan.ToUtf8String()); }
public void SetPropertyValue(string property, string value) { if (property == "Type") { Type = (TrimType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TrimType), value.XOMLName()); } else { throw new OwlKeywordException(KeywordsType.Trim, string.Format(ETexts.GT(ErrorType.XOMLEnumInvalid), property)); } }
public TrimPath( string name, string matchName, TrimType trimPathType, Animatable <double> startPercent, Animatable <double> endPercent, Animatable <double> offsetDegrees) : base(name, matchName) { TrimPathType = trimPathType; StartPercent = startPercent; EndPercent = endPercent; OffsetDegrees = offsetDegrees; }
public string Trim(TrimType trimType, string value) { switch (trimType) { case TrimType.Left: value = value.TrimStart(); break; case TrimType.Right: value = value.TrimEnd(); break; case TrimType.Both: value = value.Trim(); break; } return(value); }
public void In( [FriendlyName("Target", "The target string to be trimmed.")] string Target, [FriendlyName("Trim Type", "Specify the side of the string that will be trimmed.")] [SocketState(false, false)] TrimType trimType, [FriendlyName("Characters", "(optional) Specify the characters to trim. If none are provided, whitespace will be trimmed by default.")] [SocketState(false, false)] string trimChars, [FriendlyName("Result", "Resulting trimmed string.")] out string Result ) { char[] myChar; // Determine what to trim if (trimChars == "") { string whitespace = " "; myChar = whitespace.ToCharArray(); } else { myChar = trimChars.ToCharArray(); } // Trim string based on TrimType if (trimType == TrimType.Both) { Result = Target.Trim(myChar); } else if (trimType == TrimType.Left) { Result = Target.TrimStart(myChar); } else { Result = Target.TrimEnd(myChar); } }
public static string TrimDuplicates(this string input, TrimType trimType) { string result = string.Empty; switch (trimType) { case TrimType.Comma: result = input.TrimCharacter(','); break; case TrimType.Pipe: result = input.TrimCharacter('|'); break; case TrimType.Colon: result = input.TrimCharacter(':'); break; } return(result); }
static public bool BuildAtlas(TrimType trimType, List <SpriteElement> listSprite, Dictionary <string, EAPInfoAttachment> dicPivot, string texturePath, int padingSize, bool append = false) { try { //bool checkAppend=append; float prog = 0.2f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Spritesheet", "Auto Build Atlas Sprites", prog); Texture2D[] textArray = new Texture2D[listSprite.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < textArray.Length; i++) { textArray[i] = listSprite[i].texture; } Texture2D mainTexture = new Texture2D(8192, 8192); Rect[] rects = mainTexture.PackTextures(textArray, padingSize, 8192, false); mainTexture.Apply(); //ImportTextureUtil.MaxImportSettings(mainTexture); int xmin = 0; int ymin = 0; int cacheWidth = mainTexture.width; int cacheHeight = mainTexture.height; int optimizeWidth = cacheWidth; int optimizeHeight = cacheHeight; Texture2D mainTexture2 = null; prog = 0.4f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Spritesheet", "Auto Build Atlas Sprites", prog); #region Trim to minimum Texture if (trimType == TrimType.TrimMinimum && rects.Length > 0) { float rectMinX = rects[0].xMin; float rectMinY = rects[0].yMin; float rectMaxX = rects[0].xMax; float rectMaxY = rects[0].yMax; for (int i = 1; i < rects.Length; i++) { if (rects[i].xMin < rectMinX) { rectMinX = rects[i].xMin; } if (rects[i].yMin < rectMinY) { rectMinY = rects[i].yMin; } if (rects[i].xMax < rectMaxX) { rectMaxX = rects[i].xMax; } if (rects[i].yMax < rectMaxY) { rectMaxY = rects[i].yMax; } } int intRectMinX = (int)(rectMinX * cacheWidth); int intRectMinY = (int)(rectMinY * cacheHeight); int intRectMaxX = (int)(rectMaxX * cacheWidth); int intRectMaxY = (int)(rectMaxY * cacheHeight); Color32[] pixels = mainTexture.GetPixels32(); xmin = mainTexture.width; int xmax = 0; ymin = mainTexture.height; int ymax = 0; int oldWidth = mainTexture.width; int oldHeight = mainTexture.height; // Trim solid pixels for (int y = 0, yw = oldHeight; y < yw; ++y) { for (int x = 0, xw = oldWidth; x < xw; ++x) { Color32 c = pixels[y * xw + x]; if (c.a != 0) { if (y < ymin) { ymin = y; } if (y > ymax - 1) { ymax = y + 1; } if (x < xmin) { xmin = x; } if (x > xmax - 1) { xmax = x + 1; } } } } if (xmin > intRectMinX) { xmin = intRectMinX; } if (ymin > intRectMinY) { ymin = intRectMinY; } if (xmax < intRectMaxX) { xmax = intRectMaxX; } if (ymax < intRectMaxY) { ymax = intRectMaxY; } if (xmax - xmin > 0 && ymax - ymin > 0) { optimizeWidth = xmax - xmin; optimizeHeight = ymax - ymin; mainTexture2 = new Texture2D(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin); mainTexture2.SetPixels(mainTexture.GetPixels(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)); mainTexture2.Apply(); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(mainTexture); mainTexture = mainTexture2; } } #endregion prog = 0.5f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Spritesheet", "Auto Build Atlas Sprites", prog); #region Write New File byte[] byt = mainTexture.EncodeToPNG(); if (texturePath != "") { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(texturePath, byt); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); } AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(texturePath); #endregion EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); prog = 0.6f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Spritesheet", "Auto Build Atlas Sprites", prog); mainTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; TextureImporter ti = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(texturePath) as TextureImporter; TextureImporterSettings settings = new TextureImporterSettings(); ti.ReadTextureSettings(settings); SpriteMetaData[] lstMetaSprite = new SpriteMetaData[listSprite.Count]; if (append) { if (ti.spritesheet != null && ti.spritesheet.Length > 0) { append = true; lstMetaSprite = ti.spritesheet; } else { append = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < lstMetaSprite.Length; i++) { if (i < rects.Length) { SpriteMetaData metaSprite = new SpriteMetaData(); if (append) { metaSprite = lstMetaSprite[i]; } = listSprite[i].name; Rect rectInfo = listSprite[i].GetSpriteRect(); Rect rect = new Rect(rects[i].x * cacheWidth - xmin, rects[i].y * cacheHeight - ymin, rectInfo.width, rectInfo.height); if (rect.x + rect.width > optimizeWidth) { rect.width = optimizeWidth - rect.x; } if (rect.y + rect.height > optimizeHeight) { rect.height = optimizeHeight - rect.y; } metaSprite.rect = rect; int oWidth = listSprite[i].originalRect.width; int oHeight = listSprite[i].originalRect.height; if (oWidth < 1) { oWidth = 1; } if (oHeight < 1) { oHeight = 1; } int xLeft = listSprite[i].startX; int yTop = listSprite[i].startY; if (listSprite[i].IsOptimize()) { float pivotX = listSprite[i].pivot.x * listSprite[i].originalRect.width; float pivotY = listSprite[i].pivot.y * listSprite[i].originalRect.height; pivotX = pivotX - xLeft; pivotY = pivotY - yTop; pivotX = pivotX / listSprite[i].optimizeRect.width; pivotY = pivotY / listSprite[i].optimizeRect.height; listSprite[i].SetPivot(new Vector2(pivotX, pivotY)); metaSprite.pivot = new Vector2(pivotX, pivotY); metaSprite.alignment = ImportTextureUtil.GetAlignment(metaSprite.pivot); // listSprite[i].alignment; if (dicPivot != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, EAPInfoAttachment> pair in dicPivot) { if (pair.Value.spriteName == { pair.Value.SetCache(xLeft, yTop, listSprite[i].originalRect, listSprite[i].optimizeRect); } } } } else { metaSprite.pivot = listSprite[i].pivot; metaSprite.alignment = ImportTextureUtil.GetAlignment(metaSprite.pivot); } lstMetaSprite[i] = metaSprite; } } prog = 0.7f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Spritesheet", "Auto Build Atlas Sprites", prog); ti.isReadable = true; ti.mipmapEnabled = false; ti.spritesheet = lstMetaSprite; ti.textureType = TextureImporterType.Sprite; ti.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple; ti.spritePixelsPerUnit = 100; settings.textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.ARGB32; settings.npotScale = TextureImporterNPOTScale.None; settings.alphaIsTransparency = true; ti.SetTextureSettings(settings); ti.maxTextureSize = 4096; ti.mipmapEnabled = false; ti.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(texturePath); EditorUtility.SetDirty(mainTexture); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(texturePath); prog = 1.0f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Spritesheet", "Auto Build Atlas Sprites", prog); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // douple setting for fix Unity 5.5 ti.textureType = TextureImporterType.Sprite; ti.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple; EditorUtility.SetDirty(mainTexture); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(texturePath); /*for(int i=0;i<listSprite.Count;i++) * { * listSprite[i].FreeMemory(); * }*/ System.GC.Collect(); return(true); } catch (UnityException ex) { Debug.LogError("Error:" + ex.Message); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("Error:" + ex.Message); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } }
static public bool AutoBuildAtlasFromListTexture(List <Texture2D> listTexture, List <DataAnimAnalytics> listJsonAnim, TrimType trimType, string texturePath, int pading) { float prog = 0.0f; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Collecting Textures", "Process...", prog); try { Dictionary <string, EAPInfoAttachment> dicPivot = new Dictionary <string, EAPInfoAttachment>(); for (int i = 0; i < listJsonAnim.Count; i++) { DataAnimAnalytics dataAnalytic = listJsonAnim[i]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, EAPInfoAttachment> pair in dataAnalytic.jsonFinal.dicPivot) { dicPivot[pair.Value.spriteName] = pair.Value; } } List <SpriteElement> listSprite = new List <SpriteElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < listTexture.Count; i++) { Object obj = listTexture[i]; if (obj is Texture2D) { Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)obj; SpriteElement element = new SpriteElement(tex); if (trimType == TrimType.Trim2nTexture || trimType == TrimType.TrimMinimum) { if (!element.TrimTexture()) { element.CloneFromOriginTexture(); } } else { element.CloneFromOriginTexture(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, EAPInfoAttachment> pair in dicPivot) { if (pair.Value.spriteName == { //Debug.LogError(pair.Value.spriteName); element.SetPivot(new Vector2(pair.Value.x, pair.Value.y)); break; } } listSprite.Add(element); prog = (float)(i + 1) / listTexture.Count; EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Collecting Textures", "Process...", prog); } } if (listSprite.Count > 0) { bool result = BuildAtlas(trimType, listSprite, dicPivot, texturePath, pading); // GC memory for (int i = 0; i < listSprite.Count; i++) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(listSprite[i].texture); listSprite[i] = null; } return(result); } return(false); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("Error:" + ex.Message); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } }
// cutDownType values: ( PercentOfTrees, Volume, Area ) // trimType values: ( ByTallest, BySmallest, Systematic ) // value: (% de corta) public override void ApplyCutDown(Parcela oldPlot, Parcela newPlot, CutDownType cutDownType, TrimType trimType, float value) { newPlot.VAR_10 = value; newPlot.H_DOMINANTE = oldPlot.H_DOMINANTE.Value; double parA1, parA2, parB0, parB1, parB2, parB3, parC0, parC1, parC2, parC3, parD1, parD2, parA, parB, SEC_NORMAL, tpuBA; switch (trimType) { case TrimType.ByTallest: break; case TrimType.BySmallest: if (cutDownType == CutDownType.Area) { parC0 = 1.35; parC1 = 0.979; parC2 = 0.859; tpuBA = value / 100; newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA = oldPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value - tpuBA * oldPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value; newPlot.N_PIESHA = newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA * 40000 / Math.Pow(oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value, 2) * Math.PI; newPlot.D_CUADRATICO = oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value; newPlot.VCC = Math.Exp((double)1.69 + 0.0604 * newPlot.SI.Value - 48.8 / newPlot.EDAD.Value + 0.982 * Math.Log(newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value)); } break; case TrimType.Systematic: if (cutDownType == CutDownType.Area) { parC0 = 1.35; parC1 = 0.979; parC2 = 0.859; tpuBA = value / 100; newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA = oldPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value - tpuBA * oldPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value; newPlot.N_PIESHA = newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA * 40000 / Math.Pow(oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value, 2) * Math.PI; newPlot.D_CUADRATICO = oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value; newPlot.VCC = Math.Exp((double)1.69 + 0.0604 * newPlot.SI.Value - 48.8 / newPlot.EDAD.Value + 0.982 * Math.Log(newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value)); } break; } }
private void Screenshot_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { long mouseMoveTimeStep = DateTime.Now.Ticks - lastMouseMoveTime; if (mouseMoveTimeStep > 200) { lastMouseMoveTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; switch (screenshotStatus) { case ScreenshotStatus.SCREENSHOTSTART: endPoint = e.Location; break; case ScreenshotStatus.SCREENSHOTTRIM: trim_X = trim_X == 0 ? e.X : trim_X; trim_Y = trim_Y == 0 ? e.Y : trim_Y; switch (trimType) { case TrimType.MOVE: startPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, e.Y - trim_Y); endPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, e.Y - trim_Y); break; case TrimType.TOP: startPoint.Offset(0, e.Y - trim_Y); break; case TrimType.TOPLEFT: startPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, e.Y - trim_Y); break; case TrimType.TOPRIGHT: startPoint.Offset(0, e.Y - trim_Y); endPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, 0); break; case TrimType.RIGHTR: endPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, 0); break; case TrimType.BOTTOMRIGHT: endPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, e.Y - trim_Y); break; case TrimType.BOTTOM: endPoint.Offset(0, e.Y - trim_Y); break; case TrimType.BOTTOMLEFT: startPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, 0); endPoint.Offset(0, e.Y - trim_Y); break; case TrimType.LEFT: startPoint.Offset(e.X - trim_X, 0); break; } trim_X = e.X; trim_Y = e.Y; break; case ScreenshotStatus.SCREENSHOTEND: if (cancelRect.Contains(e.Location)) { inBtn = 1; } else if (completRect.Contains(e.Location)) { inBtn = 2; } else { inBtn = 0; } if (blockDic.Count == 9) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Rectangle> pair in blockDic) { if ((pair.Value).Contains(e.Location)) { switch (pair.Key) { case 0: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeAll) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; } trimType = TrimType.MOVE; break; case 1: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeNWSE) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } trimType = TrimType.TOPLEFT; break; case 2: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeNS) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; } trimType = TrimType.TOP; break; case 3: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeNESW) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; } trimType = TrimType.TOPRIGHT; break; case 4: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeWE) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; } trimType = TrimType.RIGHTR; break; case 5: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeNWSE) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } trimType = TrimType.BOTTOMRIGHT; break; case 6: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeNS) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; } trimType = TrimType.BOTTOM; break; case 7: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeNESW) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; } trimType = TrimType.BOTTOMLEFT; break; case 8: if (Cursor != Cursors.SizeWE) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; } trimType = TrimType.LEFT; break; } break; } else { if (Cursor != Cursors.Default) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } trimType = TrimType.NONE; } } } break; } Invalidate(); } }
// cutDownType values: ( PercentOfTrees, Volume, Area ) // trimType values: ( ByTallest, BySmallest, Systematic ) // value: (% de corta) public override void ApplyCutDown(Parcela oldPlot, Parcela newPlot, CutDownType cutDownType, TrimType trimType, float value) { newPlot.VAR_9 = value; // % de corta... double parA0, parB0, parB1, parB2, parB3; parA0 = 4.9272; parB0 = 1.3324; parB1 = 0.0559; parB2 = -22.7815; parB3 = 1.0394; newPlot.SI = oldPlot.SI.Value; double parC0, parC1, parC2, SEC_NORMAL; switch (cutDownType) { case CutDownType.PercentOfTrees: parC0 = 0.531019; parC1 = 0.989792; parC2 = 0.517850; newPlot.N_PIESHA = (1 - value / 100) * oldPlot.N_PIESHA.Value; newPlot.D_CUADRATICO = parC0 + oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value * (parC1 + parC2 * Math.Pow(value / 100, 2)); SEC_NORMAL = Math.PI * Math.Pow(newPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value / 2, 2); newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA = SEC_NORMAL * newPlot.N_PIESHA.Value / 10000; newPlot.VCC = Math.Exp((double)parB0 + parB1 * newPlot.SI.Value + parB2 / newPlot.EDAD.Value + parB3 * Math.Log(newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value)); break; case CutDownType.Volume: break; case CutDownType.Area: parC0 = 0.144915; parC1 = 0.969819; parC2 = 0.678010; newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA = (1 - value / 100) * oldPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value; newPlot.D_CUADRATICO = Math.Pow(parC0 + parC1 * Math.Pow(oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value, 0.5) + parC2 * (value / 100), 2); SEC_NORMAL = Math.PI * Math.Pow(newPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value / 200, 2); newPlot.N_PIESHA = newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value / SEC_NORMAL; newPlot.VCC = Math.Exp((double)parB0 + parB1 * newPlot.SI.Value + parB2 / newPlot.EDAD.Value + parB3 * Math.Log(newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value)); break; } }
static private StringSlice Trim(string inString, int inStartIdx, int inLength, char[] inTrimChars, TrimType inTrimType) { if (inString == null) { return(StringSlice.Empty); } if (inTrimChars == null || inTrimChars.Length == 0 || inTrimType == TrimType.None) { return(new StringSlice(inString, inStartIdx, inLength)); } int trimCount = inTrimChars.Length; int startIdx = inStartIdx; int endIdx = startIdx + inLength - 1; if ((inTrimType & TrimType.Start) == TrimType.Start) { while (startIdx <= endIdx) { int i = 0; char c = inString[startIdx]; for (i = 0; i < trimCount; ++i) { if (c == inTrimChars[i]) { break; } } if (i == trimCount) { break; } ++startIdx; } } if ((inTrimType & TrimType.End) == TrimType.End) { while (endIdx >= startIdx) { int i = 0; char c = inString[endIdx]; for (i = 0; i < trimCount; ++i) { if (c == inTrimChars[i]) { break; } } if (i == trimCount) { break; } --endIdx; } } if (startIdx > endIdx) { return(StringSlice.Empty); } int newLength = endIdx - startIdx + 1; if (newLength == inLength) { return(new StringSlice(inString, inStartIdx, inLength)); } return(new StringSlice(inString, startIdx, newLength)); }
/// <summary> /// 元画像を指定の方法で加工した新しい画像を取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap">元画像を設定します。</param> /// <param name="trimming">トリミングするかどうかを設定します。</param> /// <param name="trimmingType">トリミングの基準となる位置を設定します。</param> /// <param name="line200">200ライン画像とみなすかを設定します。</param> /// <param name="color8">8色画像とみなすかを設定します。</param> /// <returns>加工した新しい画像を返します。</returns> private BitmapSource ProcessImage(BitmapImage bitmap, bool trimming, TrimType trimmingType, bool line200, bool color8) { if (HasPalette && BitsPerPixel == 8 && CountUsedColor(bitmap) <= 16) { var wBmp = ShrinkBitsPerPixel(bitmap); if (line200 && wBmp.PixelHeight >= 2) { // 200ライン unsafe { wBmp.Lock(); var ptr = (byte *)wBmp.BackBuffer; for (var y = 1; y < wBmp.PixelHeight; y += 2) { byte *sBuffer = ptr + (y - 1) * wBmp.BackBufferStride; byte *dBuffer = ptr + y * wBmp.BackBufferStride; for (var offset = 0; offset < wBmp.BackBufferStride; offset++) { dBuffer[offset] = sBuffer[offset]; } } wBmp.Unlock(); } } if (trimming) { // トリミング unsafe { wBmp.Lock(); int sx, sy, ex, ey, oColorIndex; var width = bitmap.PixelWidth; var height = bitmap.PixelHeight; var ptr = (byte *)wBmp.BackBuffer; // 左上 or 右下 のパレットを取得 byte *oPtr = ptr + (trimmingType == TrimType.LeftTop ? 0 : (bitmap.PixelHeight - 1) * wBmp.BackBufferStride + (width - 1) / 2); // トリミングするカラーインデックスを取得 if ((width - 1) % 2 == 0) { oColorIndex = *oPtr >> 4; } else { oColorIndex = *oPtr & 0x0f; } // 上端取得 for (sy = 0; sy < height; sy++) { var check = false; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { byte *pixel = ptr + sy * wBmp.BackBufferStride + x / 2; var dColorIndex = (x % 2 == 0) ? *pixel >> 4 : *pixel & 0x0f; if (dColorIndex != oColorIndex) { check = true; break; } } if (check) { break; } } // 下端取得 for (ey = height - 1; ey >= 0; ey--) { var check = false; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { byte *pixel = ptr + ey * wBmp.BackBufferStride + x / 2; var dColorIndex = (x % 2 == 0) ? *pixel >> 4 : *pixel & 0x0f; if (dColorIndex != oColorIndex) { check = true; break; } } if (check) { break; } } // 左端取得 for (sx = 0; sx < width; sx++) { var check = false; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { byte *pixel = ptr + y * wBmp.BackBufferStride + sx / 2; int dColorIndex = (sx % 2 == 0) ? *pixel >> 4 : *pixel & 0x0f; if (dColorIndex != oColorIndex) { check = true; break; } } if (check) { break; } } // 右端取得 for (ex = width - 1; ex >= 0; ex--) { var check = false; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { byte *pixel = ptr + y * wBmp.BackBufferStride + ex / 2; int dColorIndex = (ex % 2 == 0) ? *pixel >> 4 : *pixel & 0x0f; if (dColorIndex != oColorIndex) { check = true; break; } } if (check) { break; } } wBmp.Unlock(); if (sx <= ex || sy <= ey) { return(new CroppedBitmap(wBmp, new Int32Rect(sx, sy, ex - sx + 1, ey - sy + 1)) as BitmapSource); } } } return(wBmp); } return(bitmap); }
// This function is used to prevent long quotations in error messages, SQLBUDT 222626 private static void AppendTrimmed(StringBuilder sb, string value, int startIndex, int count, TrimType trimType) { const int TrimSize = 32; const string TrimMarker = "..."; if (count <= TrimSize) { sb.Append(value, startIndex, count); } else { switch (trimType) { case TrimType.Left: sb.Append(TrimMarker); sb.Append(value, startIndex + count - TrimSize, TrimSize); break; case TrimType.Right: sb.Append(value, startIndex, TrimSize); sb.Append(TrimMarker); break; case TrimType.Middle: sb.Append(value, startIndex, TrimSize / 2); sb.Append(TrimMarker); sb.Append(value, startIndex + count - TrimSize / 2, TrimSize / 2); break; } } }
// cutDownType values: ( PercentOfTrees, Volume, Area ) // trimType values: ( ByTallest, BySmallest, Systematic ) // value: (% de corta) public override void ApplyCutDown(Parcela oldPlot, Parcela newPlot, CutDownType cutDownType, TrimType trimType, float value) { newPlot.VAR_9 = value; //Indice de calidad double IC = oldPlot.SI.Value / 10; // H_DOMINANTE: double parA17, parB17, parC17, parA29, parB29, parC29; parA17 = 1.9962; parB17 = 0.2642; parC17 = 0.46; parA29 = 3.1827; parB29 = 0.3431; parC29 = 0.3536; double H0_17 = 10 * parA17 * Math.Pow(1 - Math.Exp((double)-1 * parB17 * newPlot.EDAD.Value / 10), 1 / parC17); double H0_29 = 10 * parA29 * Math.Pow(1 - Math.Exp((double)-1 * parB29 * newPlot.EDAD.Value / 10), 1 / parC29); newPlot.VAR_2 = H0_17; newPlot.VAR_3 = H0_29; newPlot.H_DOMINANTE = H0_17 + (H0_29 - H0_17) * (IC - 1.7) / 1.2; // parametros de volumen y área basimétrica double parA0, parB0, parB1, parB2, parB3; parA0 = 5.103222; parB0 = 1.42706; parB1 = 0.388317; parB2 = -30.691629; parB3 = 1.034549; // parametros de corta double parC0, parC1, parC2, SEC_NORMAL, tpuN, tpuBA; switch (cutDownType) { case CutDownType.PercentOfTrees: parC0 = 0.531019; parC1 = 0.989792; parC2 = 0.517850; tpuN = value / 100; newPlot.N_PIESHA = (1 - tpuN) * oldPlot.N_PIESHA.Value; newPlot.D_CUADRATICO = parC0 + parC1 * oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO + parC2 * oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value * Math.Pow(tpuN, 2); SEC_NORMAL = Math.PI * Math.Pow(newPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value / 2, 2); newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA = SEC_NORMAL * newPlot.N_PIESHA.Value / 10000; newPlot.VCC = Math.Exp((double)parB0 + parB1 * IC + parB2 / newPlot.EDAD.Value + parB3 * Math.Log(newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value)); break; case CutDownType.Volume: break; case CutDownType.Area: parC0 = 0.144915; parC1 = 0.969819; parC2 = 0.678010; tpuBA = value / 100; newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA = (1 - tpuBA) * oldPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value; newPlot.D_CUADRATICO = Math.Pow(parC0 + parC1 * Math.Pow(oldPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value, 0.5) + parC2 * (tpuBA), 2); SEC_NORMAL = Math.PI * Math.Pow(newPlot.D_CUADRATICO.Value / 200, 2); newPlot.N_PIESHA = newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value / SEC_NORMAL; newPlot.VCC = Math.Exp((double)parB0 + parB1 * IC + parB2 / newPlot.EDAD.Value + parB3 * Math.Log(newPlot.A_BASIMETRICA.Value)); break; } }
private void Trim(TrimType type) { string data = Singleton.Instance<SavedData>().Variables[_textActionData.SourceVar].GetValue(); char ch; if (_searchString == "\\r") ch = '\r'; else if (_searchString == "\\n") ch = '\n'; else ch = Convert.ToChar(_searchString); if (type == TrimType.Trim) data = data.Trim(ch); else if (type == TrimType.TrimEnd) data = data.TrimEnd(ch); else if (type == TrimType.TrimStart) data = data.TrimStart(ch); Singleton.Instance<SavedData>().Variables[_textActionData.TargetVar].SetValue(data); ActionStatus = Enums.Status.Pass; AutoApp.Logger.WritePassLog(string.Format("{0} String Completed", type)); }
/// <summary> /// 指定されたエンコーダーで画像を保存します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="codec">エンコードするためのコーデック情報を設定します。</param> /// <param name="directory">保存するパスを設定します。</param> /// <param name="removeSource">元画像を削除するかどうかを設定します。</param> /// <param name="trimming">トリミングするかどうかを設定します。</param> /// <param name="trimmingType">トリミングの基準となる位置を設定します。</param> /// <param name="line200">200ライン画像とみなすかを設定します。</param> /// <param name="color8">8色画像とみなすかを設定します。</param> public SaveResult Save(CodecInfo codec, string directory, bool removeSource, bool trimming, TrimType trimmingType, bool line200, bool color8) { if (!IsProcessed) { var filename = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Filename)}{codec.Extension}"; var path = Path.Combine(directory ?? Directory, filename); var bitmap = LoadImage(); var pBitmap = ProcessImage(bitmap, trimming, trimmingType, line200, color8); var encoder = (BitmapEncoder)Activator.CreateInstance(codec.EncoderType); encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(pBitmap)); using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(path)) { encoder.Save(stream); stream.Close(); } // 元画像削除オンで出力したファイル名が異なる場合は削除 if (removeSource && Filename != filename) { File.Delete(fullPath); } IsProcessed = true; return(SaveResult.Processed); } return(SaveResult.Skipped); }