protected void Initialize(CodeActivityContext context) { doc = Document.Get(context); rec = Signer.Get(context); if (rec.RecipientType != "Signer") { throw new ArgumentException("Only Signers can have tabs added to them, not other Recipient types"); } sigX = PositionX.Get(context); sigY = PositionY.Get(context); anchorText = AnchorText.Get(context); offsetX = OffsetX.Get(context); offsetY = OffsetY.Get(context); tabLabel = TabLabel.Get(context); toolTip = ToolTip.Get(context); pageNumber = PageNumber.Get(context); if (anchorText != null && anchorText != "" && Path.GetExtension(doc.filename) != ".pdf") { throw new FormatException("Can only use relative positioning on .pdf files"); } }