public ActionResult Scheduling(string TargetDate, string TargetTheatre, string CopiedDate)
            // create variables of appropriate datatype variables
            DateTime copieddate    = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime targetdate    = DateTime.Now;
            Theatre  targettheatre = Theatre.TheatreOne;

            //Filter through Try and Catch
                copieddate    = DateTime.Parse(CopiedDate);
                targetdate    = DateTime.Parse(TargetDate);
                targettheatre = (Theatre)Theatre.Parse(typeof(Theatre), TargetTheatre);

            if (copieddate > targetdate)

            //Create to a list to get all movies
            var query = from r in db.Showings select r;

            query = query.Where(sh => sh.StartTime.Day == copieddate.Day);
            List <Showing> CopyShowings = query.ToList();

            //Get TimeBetween the date they want to copy and the date they want populate
            TimeSpan TimeBetween = (targetdate - copieddate);
            //Create new showing and populate the correct Showing Starttime and Endtime

            int limit  = CopyShowings.Count;
            var query2 = from t in db.Showings select t;

            query2 = query2.Where(sh => sh.StartTime.Day == targetdate.Day);
            List <Showing> TestShowings = query2.ToList();

            if (TestShowings.Count == 0)
                //Change Date of every copied showing date before adding to database
                for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                    if ((CopyShowings[i].StartTime.Day != targetdate.Day) || ((CopyShowings[i].StartTime.Month != targetdate.Month)))
                        Showing show     = new Showing();
                        Showing copyshow = db.Showings.Find(CopyShowings[i].ShowingID);
                        show.SpecialEventStatus = copyshow.SpecialEventStatus;
                        show.Movie      = db.Movies.Find(copyshow.Movie.MovieID);
                        show.StartTime  = copyshow.StartTime + TimeBetween;
                        show.EndTime    = copyshow.EndTime + TimeBetween;
                        show.TheatreNum = targettheatre;
                        //db.Entry(show).State = EntityState.Modified;

                //Create a list for all the movies in date
                ViewBag.Confirm = "Dates have been successfully copied!";
            ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Movies are already scheduled for this day";