static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { return; } if (!Directory.Exists(args[0])) { return; } Console.WriteLine($"Loading..."); var assetsManager = new AssetsManager(); assetsManager.LoadFolder(args[0]); if (assetsManager.assetsFileList.Count == 0) { return; } var containers = new Dictionary <AssetStudio.Object, string>(); var cubismMocs = new List <MonoBehaviour>(); foreach (var assetsFile in assetsManager.assetsFileList) { foreach (var asset in assetsFile.Objects) { switch (asset) { case MonoBehaviour m_MonoBehaviour: if (m_MonoBehaviour.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script)) { if (m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismMoc") { cubismMocs.Add(m_MonoBehaviour); } } break; case AssetBundle m_AssetBundle: foreach (var m_Container in m_AssetBundle.m_Container) { var preloadIndex = m_Container.Value.preloadIndex; var preloadSize = m_Container.Value.preloadSize; var preloadEnd = preloadIndex + preloadSize; for (int k = preloadIndex; k < preloadEnd; k++) { var pptr = m_AssetBundle.m_PreloadTable[k]; if (pptr.TryGet(out var obj)) { containers[obj] = m_Container.Key; } } } break; } } } var basePathList = new List <string>(); foreach (var cubismMoc in cubismMocs) { var container = containers[cubismMoc]; var basePath = container.Substring(0, container.LastIndexOf("/")); basePathList.Add(basePath); } var lookup = containers.ToLookup(x => basePathList.Find(b => x.Value.Contains(b)), x => x.Key); var baseDestPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]), "Live2DOutput"); foreach (var assets in lookup) { var key = assets.Key; if (key == null) { continue; } var name = key.Substring(key.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); Console.WriteLine($"Extract {name}"); var destPath = Path.Combine(baseDestPath, name) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var destTexturePath = Path.Combine(destPath, "textures") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var destAnimationPath = Path.Combine(destPath, "motions") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(destPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destTexturePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destAnimationPath); var monoBehaviours = new List <MonoBehaviour>(); var texture2Ds = new List <Texture2D>(); var gameObjects = new List <GameObject>(); var animationClips = new List <AnimationClip>(); foreach (var asset in assets) { if (asset is MonoBehaviour m_MonoBehaviour) { monoBehaviours.Add(m_MonoBehaviour); } else if (asset is Texture2D m_Texture2D) { texture2Ds.Add(m_Texture2D); } else if (asset is GameObject m_GameObject) { gameObjects.Add(m_GameObject); } else if (asset is AnimationClip m_AnimationClip) { animationClips.Add(m_AnimationClip); } } //physics var physics = monoBehaviours.FirstOrDefault(x => { if (x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script)) { return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismPhysicsController"); } return(false); }); if (physics != null) { File.WriteAllText($"{destPath}{name}.physics3.json", ParsePhysics(physics)); } //moc var moc = monoBehaviours.First(x => { if (x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script)) { return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismMoc"); } return(false); }); File.WriteAllBytes($"{destPath}{name}.moc3", ParseMoc(moc)); //texture var textures = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (var texture2D in texture2Ds) { using (var bitmap = new Texture2DConverter(texture2D).ConvertToBitmap(true)) { textures.Add($"textures/{texture2D.m_Name}.png"); bitmap.Save($"{destTexturePath}{texture2D.m_Name}.png", ImageFormat.Png); } } //motion var motions = new List <string>(); var rootTransform = gameObjects[0].m_Transform; while (rootTransform.m_Father.TryGet(out var m_Father)) { rootTransform = m_Father; } rootTransform.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var rootGameObject); var converter = new CubismMotion3Converter(rootGameObject, animationClips.ToArray()); foreach (ImportedKeyframedAnimation animation in converter.AnimationList) { var json = new CubismMotion3Json { Version = 3, Meta = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableMeta { Duration = animation.Duration, Fps = animation.SampleRate, Loop = true, AreBeziersRestricted = true, CurveCount = animation.TrackList.Count, UserDataCount = animation.Events.Count }, Curves = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableCurve[animation.TrackList.Count] }; int totalSegmentCount = 1; int totalPointCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < animation.TrackList.Count; i++) { var track = animation.TrackList[i]; json.Curves[i] = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableCurve { Target = track.Target, Id = track.Name, Segments = new List <float> { 0f, track.Curve[0].value } }; for (var j = 1; j < track.Curve.Count; j++) { var curve = track.Curve[j]; var preCurve = track.Curve[j - 1]; if (Math.Abs(curve.time - preCurve.time - 0.01f) < 0.0001f) //InverseSteppedSegment { var nextCurve = track.Curve[j + 1]; if (nextCurve.value == curve.value) { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(3f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(nextCurve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(nextCurve.value); j += 1; totalPointCount += 1; totalSegmentCount++; continue; } } if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(curve.inSlope)) //SteppedSegment { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(2f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 1; } else if (preCurve.outSlope == 0f && Math.Abs(curve.inSlope) < 0.0001f) //LinearSegment { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(0f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 1; } else //BezierSegment { var tangentLength = (curve.time - preCurve.time) / 3f; json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(1f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(preCurve.time + tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(preCurve.outSlope * tangentLength + preCurve.value); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time - tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value - curve.inSlope * tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 3; } totalSegmentCount++; } } json.Meta.TotalSegmentCount = totalSegmentCount; json.Meta.TotalPointCount = totalPointCount; json.UserData = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableUserData[animation.Events.Count]; var totalUserDataSize = 0; for (var i = 0; i < animation.Events.Count; i++) { var @event = animation.Events[i]; json.UserData[i] = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableUserData { Time = @event.time, Value = @event.value }; totalUserDataSize += @event.value.Length; } json.Meta.TotalUserDataSize = totalUserDataSize; motions.Add($"motions/{animation.Name}.motion3.json"); File.WriteAllText($"{destAnimationPath}{animation.Name}.motion3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented, new MyJsonConverter())); } //model var job = new JObject(); var jarray = new JArray(); foreach (var motion in motions) { var tempjob = new JObject(); tempjob["File"] = motion; jarray.Add(tempjob); } job[""] = jarray; var groups = new List <CubismModel3Json.SerializableGroup>(); var eyeBlinkParameters = monoBehaviours.Where(x => { x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script); return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismEyeBlinkParameter"); }).Select(x => { x.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject); return(m_GameObject.m_Name); }).ToArray(); if (eyeBlinkParameters.Length > 0) { groups.Add(new CubismModel3Json.SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "EyeBlink", Ids = eyeBlinkParameters }); } var lipSyncParameters = monoBehaviours.Where(x => { x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script); return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismMouthParameter"); }).Select(x => { x.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject); return(m_GameObject.m_Name); }).ToArray(); if (lipSyncParameters.Length > 0) { groups.Add(new CubismModel3Json.SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "LipSync", Ids = lipSyncParameters }); } var model3 = new CubismModel3Json { Version = 3, FileReferences = new CubismModel3Json.SerializableFileReferences { Moc = $"{name}.moc3", Textures = textures.ToArray(), //Physics = $"{name}.physics3.json", Motions = job }, Groups = groups.ToArray() }; if (physics != null) { model3.FileReferences.Physics = $"{name}.physics3.json"; } File.WriteAllText($"{destPath}{name}.model3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model3, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return; } foreach (var arg in args) { if (!File.Exists(arg)) { continue; } var path = Path.GetFullPath(arg); var assetsManager = new AssetsManager(); assetsManager.LoadFiles(path); if (assetsManager.assetsFileList.Count == 0) { continue; } var assets = assetsManager.assetsFileList[0].Objects.Values.ToList(); var name = Path.GetFileName(path); var destPath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\"; var destTexturePath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\textures\"; var destAnimationPath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\motions\"; Directory.CreateDirectory(destPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destTexturePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destAnimationPath); Console.WriteLine($"Extract {name}"); //MonoBehaviour var monoBehaviours = assets.OfType <MonoBehaviour>().ToArray(); //physics var physics = monoBehaviours.First(x => { if (x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script)) { return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismPhysicsController"); } return(false); }); File.WriteAllText($"{destPath}{name}.physics3.json", ParsePhysics(physics)); //moc var moc = monoBehaviours.First(x => { if (x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script)) { return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismMoc"); } return(false); }); File.WriteAllBytes($"{destPath}{name}.moc3", ParseMoc(moc)); //texture var textures = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (var texture2D in assets.OfType <Texture2D>()) { using (var bitmap = new Texture2DConverter(texture2D).ConvertToBitmap(true)) { textures.Add($"textures/{texture2D.m_Name}.png"); bitmap.Save($"{destTexturePath}{texture2D.m_Name}.png", ImageFormat.Png); } } //motions var motions = new List <string>(); var animator = (Animator)assets.First(x => x is Animator); var animations = assets.OfType <AnimationClip>().ToArray(); animator.m_GameObject.TryGet(out GameObject rootGameObject); var converter = new CubismMotion3Converter(rootGameObject, animations); foreach (ImportedKeyframedAnimation animation in converter.AnimationList) { var json = new CubismMotion3Json { Version = 3, Meta = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableMeta { Duration = animation.Duration, Fps = animation.SampleRate, Loop = true, AreBeziersRestricted = true, CurveCount = animation.TrackList.Count, UserDataCount = animation.Events.Count }, Curves = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableCurve[animation.TrackList.Count] }; int totalSegmentCount = 1; int totalPointCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < animation.TrackList.Count; i++) { var track = animation.TrackList[i]; json.Curves[i] = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableCurve { Target = track.Target, Id = track.Name, Segments = new List <float> { 0f, track.Curve[0].value } }; for (var j = 1; j < track.Curve.Count; j++) { var curve = track.Curve[j]; var preCurve = track.Curve[j - 1]; if (Math.Abs(curve.time - preCurve.time - 0.01f) < 0.0001f) //InverseSteppedSegment { var nextCurve = track.Curve[j + 1]; if (nextCurve.value == curve.value) { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(3f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(nextCurve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(nextCurve.value); j += 1; totalPointCount += 1; totalSegmentCount++; continue; } } if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(curve.inSlope)) //SteppedSegment { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(2f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 1; } else if (preCurve.outSlope == 0f && Math.Abs(curve.inSlope) < 0.0001f) //LinearSegment { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(0f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 1; } else //BezierSegment { var tangentLength = (curve.time - preCurve.time) / 3f; json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(1f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(preCurve.time + tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(preCurve.outSlope * tangentLength + preCurve.value); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time - tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value - curve.inSlope * tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 3; } totalSegmentCount++; } } json.Meta.TotalSegmentCount = totalSegmentCount; json.Meta.TotalPointCount = totalPointCount; json.UserData = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableUserData[animation.Events.Count]; var totalUserDataSize = 0; for (var i = 0; i < animation.Events.Count; i++) { var @event = animation.Events[i]; json.UserData[i] = new CubismMotion3Json.SerializableUserData { Time = @event.time, Value = @event.value }; totalUserDataSize += @event.value.Length; } json.Meta.TotalUserDataSize = totalUserDataSize; motions.Add($"motions/{animation.Name}.motion3.json"); File.WriteAllText($"{destAnimationPath}{animation.Name}.motion3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented, new MyJsonConverter())); } //model var job = new JObject(); var jarray = new JArray(); foreach (var motion in motions) { var tempjob = new JObject(); tempjob["File"] = motion; jarray.Add(tempjob); } job[""] = jarray; var groups = new List <CubismModel3Json.SerializableGroup>(); var eyeBlinkParameters = monoBehaviours.Where(x => { x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script); return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismEyeBlinkParameter"); }).Select(x => { x.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject); return(m_GameObject.m_Name); }).ToArray(); if (eyeBlinkParameters.Length > 0) { groups.Add(new CubismModel3Json.SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "EyeBlink", Ids = eyeBlinkParameters }); } var lipSyncParameters = monoBehaviours.Where(x => { x.m_Script.TryGet(out var m_Script); return(m_Script.m_ClassName == "CubismMouthParameter"); }).Select(x => { x.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject); return(m_GameObject.m_Name); }).ToArray(); if (lipSyncParameters.Length > 0) { groups.Add(new CubismModel3Json.SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "LipSync", Ids = lipSyncParameters }); } var model3 = new CubismModel3Json { Version = 3, FileReferences = new CubismModel3Json.SerializableFileReferences { Moc = $"{name}.moc3", Textures = textures.ToArray(), Physics = $"{name}.physics3.json", Motions = job }, Groups = groups.ToArray() }; File.WriteAllText($"{destPath}{name}.model3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model3, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return; } foreach (var arg in args) { if (!File.Exists(arg)) { continue; } var path = Path.GetFullPath(arg); var bundleFile = new BundleFile(path, new EndianBinaryReader(File.OpenRead(path))); if (bundleFile.fileList.Count == 0) { return; } var assetsFile = new AssetsFile(path, new EndianBinaryReader(bundleFile.fileList[0].stream)); var assets = assetsFile.preloadTable.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); var name = Path.GetFileName(path); var destPath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\"; var destTexturePath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\textures\"; var destAnimationPath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\motions\"; Directory.CreateDirectory(destPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destTexturePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destAnimationPath); Console.WriteLine($"Extract {name}"); //physics var physics = new TextAsset(assets.First(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.TextAsset)); File.WriteAllBytes($"{destPath}{physics.m_Name}.json", physics.m_Script); //moc var moc = assets.First(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.MonoBehaviour); foreach (var assetPreloadData in assets.Where(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.MonoBehaviour)) { if (assetPreloadData.Size > moc.Size) { moc = assetPreloadData; } } var mocReader = moc.InitReader(); mocReader.Position += 28; mocReader.ReadAlignedString(); var mocBuff = mocReader.ReadBytes(mocReader.ReadInt32()); File.WriteAllBytes($"{destPath}{name}.moc3", mocBuff); //texture var textures = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (var texture in assets.Where(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.Texture2D)) { var texture2D = new Texture2D(texture); using (var bitmap = new Texture2DConverter(texture2D).ConvertToBitmap(true)) { textures.Add($"textures/{texture2D.m_Name}.png"); bitmap.Save($"{destTexturePath}{texture2D.m_Name}.png", ImageFormat.Png); } } //motions var motions = new List <string>(); var animatorAsset = assets.First(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.Animator); var animator = new Animator(animatorAsset); var rootGameObject = new GameObject(animator.m_GameObject.Get()); var animations = assets.Where(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.AnimationClip).Select(x => new AnimationClip(x)).ToArray(); var converter = new CubismMotion3Converter(rootGameObject, animations); foreach (ImportedKeyframedAnimation animation in converter.AnimationList) { var json = new CubismMotion3Json { Version = 3, Meta = new SerializableMeta { Duration = animation.Duration, Fps = animation.SampleRate, Loop = true, CurveCount = animation.TrackList.Count, UserDataCount = 0, TotalUserDataSize = 0 }, Curves = new SerializableCurve[animation.TrackList.Count] }; int totalSegmentCount = 1; int totalPointCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < animation.TrackList.Count; i++) { var track = animation.TrackList[i]; json.Curves[i] = new SerializableCurve { Target = track.Target, Id = track.Name, Segments = new List <float> { 0f, track.Curve[0].value } }; for (var j = 1; j < track.Curve.Count; j++) { var curve = track.Curve[j]; if (track.Curve.Count == 2) //LinearSegment { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(0f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 1; } else { var preCurve = track.Curve[j - 1]; if (Math.Abs(curve.time - preCurve.time - 0.01f) < 0.0001f) //InverseSteppedSegment { var nextCurve = track.Curve[j + 1]; if (nextCurve.value == curve.value) { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(3f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(nextCurve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(nextCurve.value); j += 1; totalPointCount += 1; continue; } } if (curve.inSlope == float.PositiveInfinity) //SteppedSegment { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(2f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 1; } /*else if (preCurve.outSlope == 0f && Math.Abs(curve.inSlope) < 0.0001f) //LinearSegment * { * json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(0f); * json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); * json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); * totalPointCount += 1; * }*/ else //BezierSegment { var tangentLength = (curve.time - preCurve.time) / 3f; json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(1f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(preCurve.time + tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(preCurve.outSlope * tangentLength + preCurve.value); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time - tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value - curve.inSlope * tangentLength); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); totalPointCount += 3; } } totalSegmentCount++; } } json.Meta.TotalSegmentCount = totalSegmentCount; json.Meta.TotalPointCount = totalPointCount; motions.Add($"motions/{animation.Name}.motion3.json"); File.WriteAllText($"{destAnimationPath}{animation.Name}.motion3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented, new MyJsonConverter())); } //model var job = new JObject(); var jarray = new JArray(); var tempjob = new JObject(); foreach (var motion in motions) { tempjob["File"] = motion; jarray.Add(tempjob); } job[""] = jarray; var model3 = new CubismModel3Json { Version = 3, FileReferences = new SerializableFileReferences { Moc = $"{name}.moc3", Textures = textures.ToArray(), Physics = $"{physics.m_Name}.json", Motions = job }, Groups = new[] { new SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "LipSync", Ids = new[] { "ParamMouthOpenY" } }, new SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "EyeBlink", Ids = new[] { "ParamEyeLOpen", "ParamEyeROpen" } } } }; File.WriteAllText($"{destPath}{name}.model3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model3, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (var arg in args) { if (!File.Exists(arg)) { continue; } var path = Path.GetFullPath(arg); var bundleFile = new BundleFile(path, new EndianBinaryReader(File.OpenRead(path))); if (bundleFile.fileList.Count == 0) { return; } var assetsFile = new AssetsFile(path, new EndianBinaryReader(bundleFile.fileList[0].stream)); var assets = assetsFile.preloadTable.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); var name = Path.GetFileName(path); var destPath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\"; var destTexturePath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\textures\"; var destAnimationPath = @"live2d\" + name + @"\motions\"; Directory.CreateDirectory(destPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destTexturePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(destAnimationPath); Console.WriteLine($"Extract {name}"); //physics var physics = new TextAsset(assets.First(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.TextAsset)); File.WriteAllBytes($"{destPath}{physics.m_Name}.json", physics.m_Script); //moc var moc = assets.First(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.MonoBehaviour); foreach (var assetPreloadData in assets.Where(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.MonoBehaviour)) { if (assetPreloadData.Size > moc.Size) { moc = assetPreloadData; } } var mocReader = moc.InitReader(); mocReader.Position += 28; mocReader.ReadAlignedString(); var mocBuff = mocReader.ReadBytes(mocReader.ReadInt32()); File.WriteAllBytes($"{destPath}{name}.moc3", mocBuff); //texture var textures = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (var texture in assets.Where(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.Texture2D)) { var texture2D = new Texture2D(texture); using (var bitmap = new Texture2DConverter(texture2D).ConvertToBitmap(true)) { textures.Add($"textures/{texture2D.m_Name}.png"); bitmap.Save($"{destTexturePath}{texture2D.m_Name}.png", ImageFormat.Png); } } //motions var motions = new List <string>(); var animatorAsset = assets.First(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.Animator); var animator = new Animator(animatorAsset); var rootGameObject = new GameObject(animator.m_GameObject.Get()); var animations = assets.Where(x => x.Type == ClassIDReference.AnimationClip).Select(x => new AnimationClip(x)).ToArray(); var converter = new CubismMotion3Converter(rootGameObject, animations); foreach (ImportedKeyframedAnimation animation in converter.AnimationList) { var json = new CubismMotion3Json { Version = 3, Meta = new SerializableMeta { Duration = animation.Duration, Fps = animation.SampleRate, Loop = true, AreBeziersRestricted = true, CurveCount = animation.TrackList.Count, TotalSegmentCount = 63, //TODO How to calculate this? TotalPointCount = 165, //TODO How to calculate this? UserDataCount = 0, TotalUserDataSize = 0 }, Curves = new SerializableCurve[animation.TrackList.Count] }; for (int i = 0; i < animation.TrackList.Count; i++) { var track = animation.TrackList[i]; json.Curves[i] = new SerializableCurve { Target = track.Target, Id = track.Name, Segments = new List <float> { 0f, track.Curve[0].value } }; for (var j = 1; j < track.Curve.Count; j++) { var curve = track.Curve[j]; if (curve != null) { json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(0f); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.time); json.Curves[i].Segments.Add(curve.value); } } } motions.Add($"motions/{animation.Name}.motion3.json"); File.WriteAllText($"{destAnimationPath}{animation.Name}.motion3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented, new MyJsonConverter())); } //model var model3 = new CubismModel3Json { Version = 3, FileReferences = new SerializableFileReferences { Moc = $"{name}.moc3", Textures = textures.ToArray(), Motions = motions.ToArray(), Physics = $"{physics.m_Name}.json" }, Groups = new[] { new SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "LipSync", Ids = new[] { "ParamMouthOpenY" } }, new SerializableGroup { Target = "Parameter", Name = "EyeBlink", Ids = new[] { "ParamEyeLOpen", "ParamEyeROpen" } } } }; File.WriteAllText($"{destPath}{name}.model3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model3, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.Read(); }