Example #1
        public override string TalkMessage(Player player, TerraGuardian guardian)
            List <string> Mes = new List <string>();

            Mes.Add("*[name] showed you a rare insect he found, he seems very happy about that.*");
            Mes.Add("*[name] is asking you when is going to happen another party.*");
            Mes.Add("*[name] seems to want a new toy, but what could I give him?*");
            Mes.Add("*[name] wants to explore the dungeon sometime.*");
            if (NPC.AnyNPCs(Terraria.ID.NPCID.Merchant))
                Mes.Add("*[name] is asing me if [nn:" + Terraria.ID.NPCID.Merchant + "] has put his trash can outside.*");
            if (!PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 0))
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to want to go on an adventure with you.*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 0))
                Mes.Add("*[name] is enjoying travelling with me.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to killing insects with gasoline, I wonder where he acquired that.*");
                if (guardian.Wet || guardian.HasBuff(Terraria.ID.BuffID.Wet))
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is soaked and cold.*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 1))
                Mes.Add("*[name] looks surprised at [gn:1], and suddenly forgets what he was going to talk about.*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 2))
                Mes.Add("*[name] is asking if you could let him play with [gn:2].*");
Example #2
        public override void ModifyDrawing(TerraGuardian tg, GuardianSpecialAttackData d)
            CaptainStenchBase.CaptainStenchData data =
            switch (data.SwordID)
            case CaptainStenchBase.RubyFalchion:
                if (d.Step >= 4)
                    int       WhipFrame = d.Step - 4;
                    Texture2D texture   = tg.GetExtraTexture(CaptainStenchBase.RubyGPTextureID);
                    if (WhipFrame >= 0 && WhipFrame < 6)
                        Vector2 WhipPos = tg.CenterPosition - Main.screenPosition;
                        WhipPos.X += 40 * tg.Direction;
                        GuardianDrawData gdd = new GuardianDrawData(GuardianDrawData.TextureType.TGExtra, texture, WhipPos,
                                                                    new Rectangle(160 * WhipFrame, 0, 160, 160), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(80, 80), tg.Scale,
                                                                    (tg.LookingLeft ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None));
                    if (tg.HasBuff(Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.DrainingHealth>()))
                        int SiphonFrame = d.Step - 5;
                        if (SiphonFrame >= 0 && SiphonFrame < 7)
                            GuardianDrawData gdd = new GuardianDrawData(GuardianDrawData.TextureType.TGExtra, texture, tg.Position - Main.screenPosition,
                                                                        new Rectangle(160 * SiphonFrame, 160, 160, 160), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(80, 160), tg.Scale,
                                                                        (tg.LookingLeft ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None));

            case CaptainStenchBase.DiamondFalchion:
                int FlashFrame = (int)(((d.Step - 4) * AnimationTime + d.Time) * (1f / AnimationTime) * 0.5f);
                if (FlashFrame >= 0 && FlashFrame < 8)
                    Texture2D        texture = tg.GetExtraTexture(CaptainStenchBase.DiamondGPTextureID);
                    GuardianDrawData gdd     = new GuardianDrawData(GuardianDrawData.TextureType.TGExtra, texture, tg.CenterPosition - Main.screenPosition,
                                                                    new Rectangle(200 * FlashFrame, 0, 200, 200), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(100, 100), tg.Scale,
                                                                    (tg.LookingLeft ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None));
                    gdd = new GuardianDrawData(GuardianDrawData.TextureType.TGExtra, texture, tg.CenterPosition - Main.screenPosition,
                                               new Rectangle(200 * FlashFrame, 200, 200, 200), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(100, 100), tg.Scale,
                                               (tg.LookingLeft ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None));
Example #3
        public override string NormalMessage(Player player, TerraGuardian guardian)
            List <string> Mes = new List <string>();

            Mes.Add("*I'm loving my time here.*");
            Mes.Add("*(singing) Lalala...*");
            Mes.Add("*Hello [nickname], want something?*");
            Mes.Add("*Are you cooking something? I want to see your cooking secrets, teehee.*");
            Mes.Add("*Happiness is contagious, am I right?*");

            if (FlufflesBase.IsHauntedByFluffles(player))
                Mes.Add("*Aahh!! There's a ghost on your back!!*");

            if (!guardian.HasBuff(Terraria.ID.BuffID.WellFed))
                Mes.Add("(Growl) *Oh, my stomach is complaining... Is " + (Main.dayTime ? "lunch" : "dinner") + " ready?*");
                Mes.Add("*I hate being hungry... I want to eat something...*");
                Mes.Add("*Ow... I think I should be cooking something to eat.*");
            if (guardian.IsUsingToilet)
                Mes.Add("*I'm quite busy doing the number 2 here... Go away, please.*");
                Mes.Add("*I really didn't wanted you to see me like this.*");
                Mes.Add("*I can't concentrate with you staring at me.*");
            else if (Main.eclipse)
                Mes.Add("*I'm sorry, but I really feel like locking myself inside my house now.*");
                Mes.Add("*Do you think I'll be safe if I lock myself in the toilet?*");
                Mes.Add("*Please, get those horrible creatures away!*");
            else if (Main.dayTime)
                if (!Main.raining)
                    Mes.Add("*What a beautiful day.*");
                    Mes.Add("*I like seeing butterflies flying and critters around.*");
                    Mes.Add("*Oh nice... It's raining... Well.... I'll take the day off.*");
                    Mes.Add("*Acho~! Sorry... I'm alergic to this weather.*");
                    Mes.Add("*I'm getting a bit drowzy...*");
                Mes.Add("*What a silent night.*");
                Mes.Add("*I think I saw something moving in the dark.*");
                Mes.Add("*It's too quiet, and that doesn't makes me feel okay.*");
            if (guardian.IsPlayerRoomMate(player))
                Mes.Add("*I love having you as my room mate. Your help when making the morning set will be very helpful.*");
                Mes.Add("*It's nice sharing the room with you.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Rococo))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Rococo + "] helps me with testing food. He seems to enjoy that.*");
                Mes.Add("*Sometimes [gn:" + Rococo + "] brings trash, wanting me to add them to the food. I keep denying but he keeps bringing them.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Blue))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Blue + "] has a really cool hair.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Bree))
                Mes.Add("*I were learning how to cook from [gn:" + Bree + "].*");
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Bree + "] isn't that much grumpy when you talk about something she likes.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Glenn))
                Mes.Add("*Sometimes I play with [gn:" + Glenn + "]. I like that there's someone of my age around.*");
                Mes.Add("*There are some times where I don't like playing a game with [gn:" + Glenn + "], he can't accept when I win.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Brutus))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Brutus + "] told me not to wander on the outside alone... He said that I should call him when I'm going to do so. But I'm already a grown girl, I can take care of myself!*");
                Mes.Add("*I offered [gn:" + Brutus + "] some food earlier, It looked like he liked It.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Fluffles))
                Mes.Add("*A lot of people seems to be scared of [gn:" + Fluffles + "], but I'm not.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Liebre))
                Mes.Add("*I saw [gn:" + Liebre + "] watching me the other day. Am I going to die?*");
                Mes.Add("*It's so scary! Sometimes I'm playing around my house, I see [gn:" + Liebre + "] watching me. Is my time coming? I don't want to die!*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Vladimir))
                Mes.Add("*Sometimes, I ask [gn:" + Vladimir + "] to help me test food. He has an accurate taste for seasoning, he impresses me.*");
                Mes.Add("*I'm curious to meet [gn:" + Vladimir + "]'s brother. Is he as nice as him?*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Mabel))
                Mes.Add("*Why people keep staring at [gn:" + Mabel + "]? It's so weird.*");
                Mes.Add("*I asked [gn:" + Mabel + "] if she wanted to test the newest food I cooked, but she said she can't, or else she would gain weight.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Minerva))
                Mes.Add("*I love hanging around with [gn:" + Minerva + "], we keep testing each other's meal, to see if we make the best ones.*");
                Mes.Add("*I actually don't exagerate when testing my meals, so you don't need to worry about me ending up like [gn:" + Minerva + "].*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Zacks))
                Mes.Add("*The other day, [gn:" + Zacks + "] was at my house and pulled my blanked! I woke up and screamed so loud that he run away.*");
                Mes.Add("*Sometimes, during the night, I see [gn:" + Zacks + "] staring through the window.*");
                Mes.Add("*I fear leaving my house at night, because [gn:" + Zacks + "] may be out there.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Miguel))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Miguel + "] gave me some tips of things I could use as alternative on my meals.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Green))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Green + "] is really scary! He always look at us with a menacing face, and looks like he can swallow me whole.*");
                Mes.Add("*I don't like getting sick or injured, because that means I'll have to visit [gn:" + Green + "].*");
            if (guardian.IsSleeping)
                Mes.Add("*Nom nom nom nom nom nom...* (She seems to be dreaming about eating lots of food)");
                Mes.Add("*Zzzzz.... (Snif snif) Hmmm....* (She smelled something good.)");
                Mes.Add("*Zzzz... Zzzzzz..... More food.... Seasoning.... Eat.... Zzzzz...*");
            if (Main.bloodMoon)
                Mes.Add("*What now?!*");
                Mes.Add("*Don't you have someone else to bother?*");
                Mes.Add("*No! I wont cook for you!*");
Example #4
 public override void Update(TerraGuardian guardian)
     if (guardian.ItemAnimationTime <= 0 && !guardian.IsAttackingSomething)
         for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
             if (guardian.Inventory[i].buffType > 0 && !Main.vanityPet[guardian.Inventory[i].buffType] && !Main.lightPet[guardian.Inventory[i].buffType] && !Main.projPet[guardian.Inventory[i].buffType] && !guardian.Inventory[i].summon && !guardian.Inventory[i].DD2Summon && !guardian.Inventory[i].sentry && !guardian.HasBuff(guardian.Inventory[i].buffType))
                 guardian.SelectedItem = i;
                 guardian.Action       = true;
         InUse = false;
Example #5
        public override void Update(TerraGuardian guardian)
            bool CanPickupPlayer = guardian.Base.MountUnlockLevel != 255 && guardian.Base.Size >= GuardianBase.GuardianSize.Large && !guardian.PlayerMounted && !guardian.SittingOnPlayerMount;

            AvoidItemUsage = true;
            bool HoldingPlayer = false;

            FocusCameraOnGuardian = false;

            /*if (Target.dead)
             * {
             *  InUse = false;
             *  return;
             * }*/
            switch (Step)
            case 0:
                if (guardian.furniturex > -1)
                if (TryReachingPlayer(guardian, Target))

            case 1:
                if (!CanPickupPlayer)
                    FocusCameraOnGuardian = true;
                    if (Time < 8)
                        int AnimFrame = Time / 4;
                        if (guardian.Ducking)
                            SetPlayerOnHandPosition(guardian, Target, guardian.Base.DuckingSwingFrames[2 - AnimFrame], HeldHand.Right);
                            SetPlayerOnHandPosition(guardian, Target, guardian.Base.ItemUseFrames[3 - AnimFrame], HeldHand.Right);
                        HoldingPlayer = true;

            case 2:
                IgnoreCombat     = true;
                AvoidItemUsage   = false;
                EffectOnlyMirror = true;
                if (!guardian.HasMagicMirror)
                if (guardian.ItemAnimationTime <= 0)
                    if (Time >= 10 * 60)
                        Main.NewText("For some reason, " + guardian.Name + " got Itself confused when using the magic mirror.");
                if (guardian.MagicMirrorTrigger)
                    Player player = Target;
                    if (guardian.HasBuff(Terraria.ID.BuffID.Horrified))
                        string Mes;
                        switch (Main.rand.Next(6))
                            Mes = " is asking if you are nuts.";

                        case 0:
                            Mes = " is asking what you have on your head.";

                        case 1:
                            Mes = " says that this is not the right time and place to do that.";

                        case 2:
                            Mes = " questions itself \"WHAT?!\" a few moments before attempting to teleport.";

                        case 3:
                            Mes = " asks if there is something wrong with your head.";

                        case 4:
                            Mes = " said that It's not the wisest thing to do right now.";
                        Main.NewText("*" + guardian.Name + Mes + "*");
                        PlayerMod pm = player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>();

                         * guardian.Position.X = player.SpawnX * 16;
                         * guardian.Position.Y = player.SpawnY * 16;
                         * player.position.X = player.SpawnX * 16 + 8 - player.width * 0.5f;
                         * player.position.Y = player.SpawnY * 16 - player.height;*/
                        Vector2 PlayerBottom = new Vector2(player.position.X + player.width * 0.5f, player.position.Y + player.height);
                        guardian.Position  = PlayerBottom;
                        guardian.FallStart = (int)guardian.Position.Y / 16;
                        foreach (TerraGuardian mg in pm.GetAllGuardianFollowers)
                            if (mg.Active && (mg.PlayerMounted || mg.PlayerControl))
                                mg.Position  = PlayerBottom;
                                mg.FallStart = (int)mg.Position.Y / 16;
                HoldingPlayer = true;

            case 3:
                if (guardian.ItemAnimationTime == 0)
                HoldingPlayer = true;

            case 4:
                if (!CanPickupPlayer)
                    FocusCameraOnGuardian = true;
                    if (Time < 8)
                        if (guardian.Ducking)
                            int AnimFrame = 2 - Time / 4;
                            SetPlayerOnHandPosition(guardian, Target, guardian.Base.DuckingSwingFrames[2 - AnimFrame], HeldHand.Right);
                            int AnimFrame = 2 - Time / 4;
                            SetPlayerOnHandPosition(guardian, Target, guardian.Base.ItemUseFrames[3 - AnimFrame], HeldHand.Right);

            case 5:
                if (CanPickupPlayer)
                    SetPlayerPositionOnGuardianCenter(guardian, Target);
                InUse = false;
            if (HoldingPlayer)
                if (CanPickupPlayer)
                    FocusCameraOnGuardian = true;
                    if (guardian.Ducking)
                        SetPlayerOnHandPosition(guardian, Target, guardian.Base.DuckingSwingFrames[1], HeldHand.Right);
                        SetPlayerOnHandPosition(guardian, Target, guardian.Base.ItemUseFrames[2], HeldHand.Right);
                    Target.velocity.Y = -Player.defaultGravity;
                    guardian.ProtectingPlayerFromHarm = true;
                else if (!guardian.PlayerMounted && !guardian.SittingOnPlayerMount)
                    /*Vector2 HandPosition = GetHandPosition(guardian, guardian.Base.ItemUseFrames[2], HeldHand.Right);
                     * float HorizontalPosChange = Target.Center.X - HandPosition.X;
                     * if (!guardian.PlayerMounted && !guardian.SittingOnPlayerMount && Math.Abs(HorizontalPosChange) >= Target.width * 0.5f)
                     * {
                     *  //guardian.Position.X += HorizontalPosChange;
                     *  if (HorizontalPosChange < 0)
                     *  {
                     *      guardian.MoveLeft = true;
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      guardian.MoveRight = true;
                     *  }
                     * }*/
Example #6
        public override string NormalMessage(Player player, TerraGuardian guardian)
            bool          MerchantInTheWorld = NPC.AnyNPCs(Terraria.ID.NPCID.Merchant), SteampunkerInTheWorld = NPC.AnyNPCs(Terraria.ID.NPCID.Steampunker);
            List <string> Mes = new List <string>();

            if (!Main.bloodMoon && !Main.eclipse)
                Mes.Add("*[name] is happy for seeing you.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] asks if you brought him something to eat.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] is asking if you want to play with him.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] wants you to check some of his toys.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems very glad to see you safe.*");
                if (guardian.OwnerPos == -1)
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is asking you if you came to ask him to go on an adventure.*");
                if (guardian.HasBuff(Terraria.ID.BuffID.WellFed))
                    Mes.Add("*[name] thanks you for the food.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be relaxing after eating something.*");
                    Mes.Add("*You can hear [name]'s stomach growl.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be a bit hungry.*");
            if (MainMod.IsPopularityContestRunning)
                Mes.Add("*[name] is telling you that the TerraGuardians Popularity Contest is running right now, and asks if you're going to vote.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that he can take you to the voting of the popularity contest, and that all you need to do is speak to him about it.*");
            if (Main.dayTime)
                if (!Main.eclipse)
                    Mes.Add("*[name] asks you what's up.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is telling that is liking the weather.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be watching some classic horror movie on the tv... No, wait, that's a window.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is trying to hide behind you, he seems scared of the monsters.*");
                if (!Main.bloodMoon)
                    if (MerchantInTheWorld)
                        Mes.Add("*As soon as [name] started talking, you hastily asked him to stop, because of the bad trash breath that comes from his mouth.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is sleeping while awake.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is trying hard to keep It's eyes opened.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] seems sleepy.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] looks scared.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is trembling in terror..*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] asks if his house is safe.*");
            if (Terraria.GameContent.Events.BirthdayParty.PartyIsUp)
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be enjoying the party.*");
            if (SteampunkerInTheWorld)
                Mes.Add("*[name] is talking something about a jetpack joyride?*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(1))
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be crying, and with a purple left eye, I guess his dialogue with [gn:1] went wrong.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be crying, and with his right cheek having a huge red paw marking, I wonder what he were talking about with [gn:1].*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(3))
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to have gotten kicked in his behind. Maybe he annoyed [gn:3]?*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 2) && PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(player, 1))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:2] is telling [name] that he's lucky that [gn:1] doesn't plays her terrible games with him. But [name] insists that he wanted to play.*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 1))
                Mes.Add("*[name] asked [gn:1] why she doesn't plays with him, she told him that she can't even bear seeing him.*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, 3) && PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(player, 1))
                Mes.Add("*[name] asked [gn:3] why he doesn't plays with him, he told him that It's because he makes [gn:1] upset.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(5))
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that loves playing with [gn:5], but wonders why he always find him on hide and seek.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that bringing [gn:5] made the town very livelly.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(8))
                Mes.Add("*[name] said that [gn:8] looks familiar, have they met before?*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Vladimir))
                Mes.Add("*[name] hugs you. It feels a bit weird. He never hugged you without a reason.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Fluffles))
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that sometimes he feels weird when [gn:" + Fluffles + "] stares at him for too long.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] is asking you if you know why [gn:" + Fluffles + "] looks at him, with her paw on the chin.*");
                if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Alex))
                    Mes.Add("*[name] says that playing with [gn:" + Alex + "] and [gn:" + Fluffles + "] has been one of the most enjoyable things he has done, and asks you to join too.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Glenn))
                Mes.Add("*[name] is telling you that [gn:" + Glenn + "] is his newest friend.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that loves playing with [gn:" + Glenn + "].*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Cinnamon))
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that after meeting [gn:" + Cinnamon + "], he has been eating several tasty foods.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] asks what is wrong with the seasonings he brings to [gn:" + Cinnamon + "].*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Luna))
                Mes.Add("*[name] is really happy for having [gn:" + Luna + "] around. He really seems to like her.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems to be expecting [gn:" + Luna + "]'s visit.*");
            if (guardian.IsUsingToilet)
                Mes.Add("*[name] is telling me to plug my nose.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] is asking if there is no other moment to chat.*");
            if (guardian.IsPlayerRoomMate(player))
                Mes.Add("*[name] is very happy for having you as his room mate.*");
                Mes.Add("*[name] says that no longer fear sleeping at night, since you shared your room with him.*");
            if (guardian.KnockedOut)
                if (!guardian.KnockedOutCold)
                    Mes.Add("*[name] says that will still try protecting you.*");
                    Mes.Add("*[name] is asking you to stay by his side for a while.*");
                    Mes.Add("(He's trying to endure the pain, you can see a few tears rolling from his eyes.)");
                    Mes.Add("(He whited out.)");
                    Mes.Add("(He seems to be having pain while whited out.)");
            else if (guardian.IsSleeping)
                Mes.Add("(He must be dreaming about playing with someone.)");
                Mes.Add("(You got startled when he looked at your direction and smiled.)");
                Mes.Add("(He seems to be sleeping fine.)");
            if (FlufflesBase.IsHauntedByFluffles(player) && Main.rand.NextDouble() < 0.75)
                Mes.Add("*[name] seems about scared of the ghost on your shoulders.*");
Example #7
 public override bool GuardianCanUseItem(TerraGuardian guardian)
     return(!guardian.HasBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.FirstAidCooldown>()) && guardian.Data.Injury > 0);