Example #1
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (!from.CanBeginAction(typeof(BaseWand)))

            if (Parent == from)
                TeiravonMobile m_Player = (TeiravonMobile)from;

                if ((m_Player.IsAssassin() || m_Player.IsThief()) && !m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.UseMagicDevice))
                    m_Player.SendMessage("You must have the Use Magical Device to use this wand.");
                else if (Charges > 0)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1019073);                       // This item is out of charges.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502641);                   // You must equip this item to use it.
Example #2
        public static Chart CompileStatChart()
             *          PieChart chart = new PieChart( "Stat Distribution", "graphs_strdexint_distrib", true );
             *          ChartItem strItem = new ChartItem( "Strength", 0 );
             *          ChartItem dexItem = new ChartItem( "Dexterity", 0 );
             *          ChartItem intItem = new ChartItem( "Intelligence", 0 );
             *          foreach ( Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values )
             *          {
             *                  if ( mob.RawStatTotal == mob.StatCap && mob is PlayerMobile )
             *                  {
             *                          strItem.Value += mob.RawStr;
             *                          dexItem.Value += mob.RawDex;
             *                          intItem.Value += mob.RawInt;
             *                  }
             *          }
             *          chart.Items.Add( strItem );
             *          chart.Items.Add( dexItem );
             *          chart.Items.Add( intItem );

            PieChart chart = new PieChart("Class Distribution", "graphs_class_distrib", true);

            ChartItem fightItem   = new ChartItem("Fighters", 0);
            ChartItem rogueItem   = new ChartItem("Rogues", 0);
            ChartItem mageItem    = new ChartItem("Mages", 0);
            ChartItem clericItem  = new ChartItem("Clerics", 0);
            ChartItem rangerItem  = new ChartItem("Rangers", 0);
            ChartItem druidItem   = new ChartItem("Druids", 0);
            ChartItem barbItem    = new ChartItem("Barbarians", 0);
            ChartItem crafterItem = new ChartItem("Crafters", 0);
            ChartItem advItem     = new ChartItem("Advanced", 0);

            foreach (Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values)
                if (mob != null && mob is TeiravonMobile)
                    TeiravonMobile tav  = mob as TeiravonMobile;
                    Account        acct = (Account)tav.Account;
                    if ((acct.LastLogin + TimeSpan.FromDays(90.0)) < DateTime.Now)

                    if (tav.IsFighter() || tav.IsCavalier() || tav.IsMonk())
                    else if (tav.IsThief() || tav.IsAssassin() || tav.IsBard())
                    else if (tav.IsMage())
                    else if (tav.IsCleric() || tav.IsDarkCleric())
                    else if (tav.IsArcher() || tav.IsMageSlayer() || tav.IsRanger())
                    else if (tav.IsForester() || tav.IsShapeshifter())
                    else if (tav.IsBerserker() || tav.IsDragoon())
                    else if (tav.IsCrafter())


Example #3
        public override void CustomSystem(Mobile thePlayer)
            int index = -1;

            TeiravonMobile m_Player = (TeiravonMobile)thePlayer;

            if (thePlayer != null && thePlayer.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(AlchemyTome)) != null && !m_Player.IsAssassin())
                AlchemyTome m_Tome = (AlchemyTome)thePlayer.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(AlchemyTome));

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x1) != 0)
                    // Refresh
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(RefreshPotion), 1044530, 1044538, -25, 25.0, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044361);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x2) != 0)
                    // Greater Refresh
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(TotalRefreshPotion), 1044530, 1044539, 25.0, 75.0, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 5, 1044361);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x4) != 0)
                    // Agility
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(AgilityPotion), 1044531, 1044540, 15.0, 65.0, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 1, 1044362);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x8) != 0)
                    // Greater Agility
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterAgilityPotion), 1044531, 1044541, 35.0, 85.0, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 3, 1044362);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x10) != 0)
                    // Nightsight
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(NightSightPotion), 1044532, 1044542, -25.0, 25.0, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044368);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x20) != 0)
                    // Lesser Heal
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LesserHealPotion), 1044533, 1044543, -25.0, 25.0, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 1, 1044364);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x40) != 0)
                    // Heal
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(HealPotion), 1044533, 1044544, 15.0, 65.0, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 3, 1044364);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x80) != 0)
                    // Greater Heal
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterHealPotion), 1044533, 1044545, 55.0, 105.0, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 7, 1044364);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x100) != 0)
                    // Strength
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(StrengthPotion), 1044534, 1044546, 25.0, 75.0, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 2, 1044365);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x200) != 0)
                    // Greater Strength
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterStrengthPotion), 1044534, 1044547, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 5, 1044365);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x400) != 0)
                    // Lesser Poison
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LesserPoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044548, -5.0, 45.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x800) != 0)
                    // Poison
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(PoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044549, 15.0, 65.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 2, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x1000) != 0)
                    // Greater Poison
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterPoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044550, 55.0, 105.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 4, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x2000) != 0)
                    // Deadly Poison
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DeadlyPoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044551, 90.0, 140.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 8, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x4000) != 0)
                    // Lesser Cure
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LesserCurePotion), 1044536, 1044552, -10.0, 40.0, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 1, 1044363);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x8000) != 0)
                    // Cure
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(CurePotion), 1044536, 1044553, 25.0, 75.0, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 3, 1044363);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x10000) != 0)
                    // Greater Cure
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterCurePotion), 1044536, 1044554, 65.0, 115.0, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 6, 1044363);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x20000) != 0)
                    // Lesser Explosion
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LesserExplosionPotion), 1044537, 1044555, 5.0, 55.0, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 3, 1044367);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x40000) != 0)
                    // Explosion
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(ExplosionPotion), 1044537, 1044556, 35.0, 85.0, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 5, 1044367);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x80000) != 0)
                    // Greater Explosion

                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterExplosionPotion), 1044537, 1044557, 65.0, 115.0, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 10, 1044367);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                // ************** Teiravon Potions**************

                if (m_Player.IsAlchemist() || m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.AlchemyScience))
                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x100000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(ChameleonPotion), "Lost Lore", "Chameleon Potion", 90.0, 100.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(BatWing), "Bat Wing", 3);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(WyrmHeart), "Wyrm Heart", 3);

                     *                  if ( ( m_Tome.Formulas & 0x200000 ) != 0 )
                     *                  {
                     *                          index = AddCraft( typeof( LesserFloatPotion ), "Lost Lore", "Lesser Float Potion", 75.0, 100.0, typeof( Bottle ), "Bottle", 1 );
                     *                          AddRes( index, typeof( Pumice ), "Pumice", 1 );
                     *                          AddRes( index, typeof( EyeOfNewt ), "Eye of Newt", 1 );
                     *                  }
                     *                  if ( ( m_Tome.Formulas & 0x400000 ) != 0 )
                     *                  {
                     *                          index = AddCraft( typeof( FloatPotion ), "Lost Lore", "Float Potion", 85.0, 100.0, typeof( Bottle ), "Bottle", 1 );
                     *                          AddRes( index, typeof( Pumice ), "Pumice", 3 );
                     *                          AddRes( index, typeof( EyeOfNewt ), "Eye of Newt", 3 );
                     *                  }
                     *                  if ( ( m_Tome.Formulas & 0x800000 ) != 0 )
                     *                  {
                     *                          index = AddCraft( typeof( GreaterFloatPotion ), "Lost Lore", "Greater Float Potion", 95.0, 115.0, typeof( Bottle ), "Bottle", 1 );
                     *                          AddRes( index, typeof( Pumice ), "Pumice", 5 );
                     *                          AddRes( index, typeof( EyeOfNewt ), "Eye of Newt", 5 );
                     *                  }*/

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x1000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(SustenancePotion), "Lost Lore", "Sustenance Potion", 75.0, 100.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), "Garlic", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(BatWing), "Bat Wing", 1);

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x2000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterSustenancePotion), "Lost Lore", "Greater Sustenance Potion", 85.0, 100.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), "Garlic", 3);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(BatWing), "Bat Wing", 3);

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x4000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(GenderSwapPotion), "Lost Lore", "Gender Swap Potion", 75.0, 100.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), "Dragon's Blood", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(WhiteScales), "White Scales", 2);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(BatWing), "Bat Wing", 2);

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x8000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(InvisibilityPotion), "Lost Lore", "Invisibility Potion", 80.0, 100.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(WyrmHeart), "Wyrm Heart", 4);

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x10000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(ManaRefreshPotion), "Lost Lore", "Mana Refresh Potion", 90.0, 100.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(EyeOfNewt), "Eye of Newt", 4);

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x20000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(TotalManaRefreshPotion), "Lost Lore", "Total Mana Refresh Potion", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(EyeOfNewt), "Eye of Newt", 6);

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x40000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(MagicResistPotion), "Lost Lore", "Magic Resist Potion", 95.0, 110.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), "Mandrake Root", 4);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), "Spiders Silk", 4);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(RedScales), "Red Scales", 4);
                        //AddRes( index, typeof( Garlic ), "Garlic", 3 );

                    if ((m_Tome.Formulas & 0x80000000) != 0)
                        index = AddCraft(typeof(InvulnerabilityPotion), "Lost Lore", "Invulnerability Potion", 99.0, 120.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), "Ginseng", 5);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(TAVOre.AmiriteOre), "Amirite Ore", 3);
                        AddRes(index, typeof(BlackScales), "Black Scales", 5);
                        //AddRes( index, typeof( Garlic ), "Garlic", 3 );

            if (m_Player.IsAssassin() && m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.ExoticPoisons))
                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 5)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LesserPoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044548, 0, 0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 9)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(PoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044549, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 2, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 13)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterPoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044550, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 4, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 17)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DeadlyPoisonPotion), 1044535, 1044551, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 8, 1044366);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 7)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LesserCurePotion), 1044536, 1044552, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 1, 1044363);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 11)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(CurePotion), 1044536, 1044553, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 3, 1044363);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

                if (m_Player.PlayerLevel >= 15)
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GreaterCurePotion), 1044536, 1044554, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 6, 1044363);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bottle), 1044529, 1, 500315);

            if (((m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.RacialCrafting) || m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.MasterCraftsman)) && m_Player.IsAlchemist()) || m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.AlchemyScience))
                if (m_Player.IsHuman())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(HumanEnhancePotion), "Racials", "Potion Enhancer", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), "Black Pearl", 2);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(TAVOre.PyriteOre), "Pyrite Ore", 3);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(RedScales), "Red Scales", 1);
//					AddRes( index, typeof( Garlic ), "Garlic", 3 );
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(HumanPetHealPotion), "Racials", "Potion of Pet Heal", 90.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), "Ginseng", 3);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Mandrake), "Mandrake", 3);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), "Garlic", 3);
                else if (m_Player.IsOrc())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(OrcGrowthPotion), "Racials", "Potion of Growth", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), "Black Pearl", 2);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(TAVOre.MalachiteOre), "Malachite Ore", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(BlackScales), "Black Scales", 1);
//					AddRes( index, typeof( SulfurousAsh ), "Sulfurous Ash", 2 );
                else if (m_Player.IsDrow())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DrowWebPotion), "Racials", "Essence of Spider Web", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), "Spider Silk", 10);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), "Bone", 3);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DrowPoisonImmunityPotion), "Racials", "Potion of Poison Immunity", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(PoisonPotion), "Poison Potion", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), "Ginseng", 6);
                else if (m_Player.IsDwarf())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DwarvenRagePotion), "Racials", "Potion of Dwarven Rage", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(StrengthPotion), "Strength Potion", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(DwarvenAle), "Troll Liver Ale", 1);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DwarvenOrePotion), "Racials", "Ore Refinement Potion", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(LesserPoisonPotion), "Lesser Poison Potion", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), "Sulfurous Ash", 8);
                else if (m_Player.IsElf())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(ElvenHealPotion), "Racials", "Elixer of Life", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(GreaterHealPotion), "Greater Heal Potion", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Lilypad), "Lilly Pads", 3);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(EyeOfNewt), "Eye of Newt", 1);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(ElvenPlantPotion), "Racials", "Potion of Plant Growth", 95.0, 130.0, typeof(Bottle), "Bottle", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(StrengthPotion), "Strength Potion", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(KnotGrass), "Knot Grass", 3);
                else if (m_Player.IsGoblin())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(GoblinSatchel), "Racials", "Explosive Satchel", 85.0, 120.0, typeof(Backpack), "Backpack", 1);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), "Sulfurous Ash", 15);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), "Black Pearl", 10);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), "Dragon's Blood", 5);