Example #1
            public static TSVector2?FindIntersection(LineSegment a, LineSegment b)
                FP x1 = a.A.Position.x;
                FP y1 = a.A.Position.y;
                FP x2 = a.B.Position.x;
                FP y2 = a.B.Position.y;
                FP x3 = b.A.Position.x;
                FP y3 = b.A.Position.y;
                FP x4 = b.B.Position.x;
                FP y4 = b.B.Position.y;

                FP denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);

                FP uaNum = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3);
                FP ubNum = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);

                FP ua = uaNum / denom;
                FP ub = ubNum / denom;

                if (TSMath.Clamp(ua, 0f, 1f) != ua || TSMath.Clamp(ub, 0f, 1f) != ub)

                return(a.A.Position + (a.B.Position - a.A.Position) * ua);
Example #2
    public static TSVector Clamp(TSVector val, TSVector min, TSVector max)
        TSVector vec = TSVector.zero;

        vec.Set(TSMath.Clamp(val.x, min.x, max.x), TSMath.Clamp(val.y, min.y, max.y), TSMath.Clamp(val.z, min.z, max.z));
Example #3
    // The smaller of the two possible angles between the two vectors is returned, therefore the result will never be greater than 180 degrees or smaller than -180 degrees.
    // If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point, then the /axis/ vector would point up out of the paper.
    // The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an anti-clockwise direction.
    public static FP SignedAngle(TSVector from, TSVector to, TSVector axis)
        TSVector fromNorm = from.normalized, toNorm = to.normalized;
        FP       unsignedAngle = TSMath.Acos(TSMath.Clamp(Dot(fromNorm, toNorm), -FP.ONE, FP.ONE)) * TSMath.Rad2Deg;
        FP       sign          = TSMath.Sign(Dot(axis, Cross(fromNorm, toNorm)));

        return(unsignedAngle * sign);
Example #4
    public static TSVector2 Lerp(TSVector2 value1, TSVector2 value2, FP amount)
        amount = TSMath.Clamp(amount, 0, 1);

        return(new TSVector2(
                   TSMath.Lerp(value1.x, value2.x, amount),
                   TSMath.Lerp(value1.y, value2.y, amount)));
Example #5
        private FP GetPercent(FP distance, FP radius)
            // TODO - PORT
            // FP percent = (FP)Math.Pow(1 - ((distance - radius) / radius), Power) - 1;
            FP percent = (FP)Math.Pow((1 - ((distance - radius) / radius)).AsFloat(), Power.AsFloat()) - 1;

            if (FP.IsNaN(percent))

            return(TSMath.Clamp(percent, 0f, 1f));
Example #6
    public static TSVector ClosestPointOnSegment(TSVector lineStart, TSVector lineEnd, TSVector point)
        var dir     = lineEnd - lineStart;
        FP  sqrMagn = dir.sqrMagnitude;

        if (sqrMagn <= EPSILON)

        FP factor = TSVector.Dot(point - lineStart, dir) / sqrMagn;

        return(lineStart + TSMath.Clamp(factor, 0, 1) * dir);
Example #7
    public Node GetNodeFromPoint(FP nodeX, FP nodeY)
        FP percentX = nodeX / (FP)_nodeAmountX;
        FP percentY = nodeY / (FP)_nodeAmountY;

        percentX = TSMath.Clamp(percentX, FP.Zero, FP.One);
        percentY = TSMath.Clamp(percentY, FP.Zero, FP.One);

        int x = (int)TSMath.Round((((_nodeAmountX / _nodeUnitSize)) * percentX));
        int y = (int)TSMath.Round((((_nodeAmountY / _nodeUnitSize)) * percentY));

        x = Mathf.Clamp(x, 0, _nodeAmountX - 1);
        y = Mathf.Clamp(y, 0, _nodeAmountY - 1);

        return(_grid[x, y]);
Example #8
    public static TSQuaternion Slerp(TSQuaternion from, TSQuaternion to, FP t)
        t = TSMath.Clamp(t, 0, 1);

        FP dot = Dot(from, to);

        if (dot < 0.0f)
            to  = Multiply(to, -1);
            dot = -dot;

        FP halfTheta = FP.Acos(dot);

        return(Multiply(Multiply(from, FP.Sin((1 - t) * halfTheta)) + Multiply(to, FP.Sin(t * halfTheta)), 1 / FP.Sin(halfTheta)));
    /// <summary>
    /// 移动
    /// </summary>
    private void Move()
        if (!(_movX == 0 && _movY == 0))
            bool gotIt = true;

        tsRigidBody.velocity = new TSVector(_movX * speed, 0, _movY * speed);

        // 限制角色移动范围
        tsRigidBody.position = new TSVector(
            TSMath.Clamp(tsRigidBody.position.x, boundary.xMin, boundary.xMax),
            TSMath.Clamp(tsRigidBody.position.z, boundary.zMin, boundary.zMax)

        // 左右平移时稍微倾斜一下机身(绕 z 轴)
        tsRigidBody.rotation = TSQuaternion.Euler(0, 0, tsRigidBody.velocity.x * -tilt);

        // 旋转方向
        if (_rotX == 0 && _rotY == 0)
            tsTransform.rotation = TSQuaternion.Lerp(tsTransform.rotation, TSQuaternion.identity,
                                                     TrueSyncManager.DeltaTime * rotateSpeed);
            TSVector     joystickKnobPos = new TSVector(_rotX, 0, _rotY);
            TSQuaternion targetRot       = TSQuaternion.LookRotation(joystickKnobPos);
            tsTransform.rotation =
                TSQuaternion.Lerp(tsTransform.rotation, targetRot, TrueSyncManager.DeltaTime * rotateSpeed);

        // 旋转粒子系统
        float r = (float)tsTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        if (null != particleSystem1)
            particleSystem1.startRotation = r;
        if (null != particleSystem2)
            particleSystem2.startRotation = r;
Example #10
        public override void ApplyForce(FP dt, FP strength)
            foreach (Body body in World.BodyList)
                //TODO: Consider Force Type
                FP decayMultiplier = GetDecayMultiplier(body);

                if (decayMultiplier != 0)
                    TSVector2 forceVector;

                    if (ForceType == ForceTypes.Point)
                        forceVector = body.Position - Position;

                        forceVector = Direction;

                        if (forceVector.magnitude == 0)
                            forceVector = new TSVector2(0, 1);

                    //TODO: Consider Divergence:
                    //forceVector = Vector2.Transform(forceVector, Matrix.CreateRotationZ((MathHelper.Pi - MathHelper.Pi/2) * (FP)Randomize.NextFP()));

                    // Calculate random Variation
                    if (Variation != 0)
                        FP strengthVariation = TrueSync.TSRandom.value * TSMath.Clamp(Variation, 0, 1);
                        body.ApplyForce(forceVector * strength * decayMultiplier * strengthVariation);
                        body.ApplyForce(forceVector * strength * decayMultiplier);
Example #11
        public void integrate(FP duration)
            if (inverseMass <= 0)

            TSVector movement = this.velocity * duration;

            this.position += movement;

            TSVector resultingAcc = acceleration;

            resultingAcc += this.forceAccum * this.inverseMass;

            this.velocity *= TSMath.Clamp(FP.ONE - duration * this.damping, 0.0f, 1.0f);

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a gear shape with the specified radius and number of teeth.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radius">The radius.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfTeeth">The number of teeth.</param>
        /// <param name="tipPercentage">The tip percentage.</param>
        /// <param name="toothHeight">Height of the tooth.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vertices CreateGear(FP radius, int numberOfTeeth, FP tipPercentage, FP toothHeight)
            Vertices vertices = new Vertices();

            FP stepSize = FP.PiTimes2 / numberOfTeeth;

            tipPercentage /= 100f;
            TSMath.Clamp(tipPercentage, 0f, 1f);
            FP toothTipStepSize = (stepSize / 2f) * tipPercentage;

            FP toothAngleStepSize = (stepSize - (toothTipStepSize * 2f)) / 2f;

            for (int i = numberOfTeeth - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (toothTipStepSize > 0f)
                        new TSVector2(radius *
                                      FP.Cos(stepSize * i + toothAngleStepSize * 2f + toothTipStepSize),
                                      -radius *
                                      FP.Sin(stepSize * i + toothAngleStepSize * 2f + toothTipStepSize)));

                        new TSVector2((radius + toothHeight) *
                                      FP.Cos(stepSize * i + toothAngleStepSize + toothTipStepSize),
                                      -(radius + toothHeight) *
                                      FP.Sin(stepSize * i + toothAngleStepSize + toothTipStepSize)));

                vertices.Add(new TSVector2((radius + toothHeight) *
                                           FP.Cos(stepSize * i + toothAngleStepSize),
                                           -(radius + toothHeight) *
                                           FP.Sin(stepSize * i + toothAngleStepSize)));

                vertices.Add(new TSVector2(radius * FP.Cos(stepSize * i),
                                           -radius * FP.Sin(stepSize * i)));

Example #13
    public void FixedUpdate()
        this.wheelAngle = TSMath.Lerp(this.wheelAngle, this.steerAngle, Time.fixedDeltaTime * this.steerTime);
        if (TSPhysics.Raycast(transform.position.ToTSVector(), (-transform.up).ToTSVector(), out TSRaycastHit hit, maxLength + wheelRadius))
            lastLength     = springLength;
            springLength   = hit.distance.AsFloat() - wheelRadius;
            springLength   = TSMath.Clamp(springLength, minLength, maxLength).AsFloat();
            springVelocity = (lastLength - springLength) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            springForce    = springStiffness * (restLength - springLength);
            damperForce    = damperStiffness * springVelocity;

            suspensionForce = (springForce + damperForce) * transform.up.ToTSVector();

            this.wheelVelocityLS = this.tsTransform.InverseTransformDirection(this.trb.GetPointVelocity(hit.point));

            this.Fx = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * springForce * speed;
            this.Fy = wheelVelocityLS.x * springForce;

            this.trb.AddForceAtPosition(suspensionForce + (Fx * transform.forward.ToTSVector()) + (Fy * (transform.right.ToTSVector() * -1)), hit.point);
        /// <summary>
        /// PrepareForIteration has to be called before <see cref="Iterate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The timestep of the simulation.</param>
        public void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            FP dvx, dvy, dvz;

            dvx = (body2.angularVelocity.y * relativePos2.z) - (body2.angularVelocity.z * relativePos2.y) + body2.linearVelocity.x;
            dvy = (body2.angularVelocity.z * relativePos2.x) - (body2.angularVelocity.x * relativePos2.z) + body2.linearVelocity.y;
            dvz = (body2.angularVelocity.x * relativePos2.y) - (body2.angularVelocity.y * relativePos2.x) + body2.linearVelocity.z;

            dvx = dvx - (body1.angularVelocity.y * relativePos1.z) + (body1.angularVelocity.z * relativePos1.y) - body1.linearVelocity.x;
            dvy = dvy - (body1.angularVelocity.z * relativePos1.x) + (body1.angularVelocity.x * relativePos1.z) - body1.linearVelocity.y;
            dvz = dvz - (body1.angularVelocity.x * relativePos1.y) + (body1.angularVelocity.y * relativePos1.x) - body1.linearVelocity.z;

            FP kNormal = FP.Zero;

            TSVector rantra = TSVector.zero;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rantra.x = (relativePos1.y * normal.z) - (relativePos1.z * normal.y);
                    rantra.y = (relativePos1.z * normal.x) - (relativePos1.x * normal.z);
                    rantra.z = (relativePos1.x * normal.y) - (relativePos1.y * normal.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rantra.y * relativePos1.z) - (rantra.z * relativePos1.y);
                    num1 = (rantra.z * relativePos1.x) - (rantra.x * relativePos1.z);
                    num2 = (rantra.x * relativePos1.y) - (rantra.y * relativePos1.x);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

            TSVector rbntrb = TSVector.zero;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rbntrb.x = (relativePos2.y * normal.z) - (relativePos2.z * normal.y);
                    rbntrb.y = (relativePos2.z * normal.x) - (relativePos2.x * normal.z);
                    rbntrb.z = (relativePos2.x * normal.y) - (relativePos2.y * normal.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.z) - (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.y);
                    num1 = (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.x) - (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.z);
                    num2 = (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.y) - (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.x);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += rantra.x * normal.x + rantra.y * normal.y + rantra.z * normal.z;
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += rbntrb.x * normal.x + rbntrb.y * normal.y + rbntrb.z * normal.z;

            massNormal = FP.One / kNormal;

            FP num = dvx * normal.x + dvy * normal.y + dvz * normal.z;

            tangent.x = dvx - normal.x * num;
            tangent.y = dvy - normal.y * num;
            tangent.z = dvz - normal.z * num;

            num = tangent.x * tangent.x + tangent.y * tangent.y + tangent.z * tangent.z;

            if (num != FP.Zero)
                num        = FP.Sqrt(num);
                tangent.x /= num;
                tangent.y /= num;
                tangent.z /= num;

            FP kTangent = FP.Zero;

            if (treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rantra.x = (relativePos1.y * tangent.z) - (relativePos1.z * tangent.y);
                    rantra.y = (relativePos1.z * tangent.x) - (relativePos1.x * tangent.z);
                    rantra.z = (relativePos1.x * tangent.y) - (relativePos1.y * tangent.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rantra.y * relativePos1.z) - (rantra.z * relativePos1.y);
                    num1 = (rantra.z * relativePos1.x) - (rantra.x * relativePos1.z);
                    num2 = (rantra.x * relativePos1.y) - (rantra.y * relativePos1.x);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

            if (treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rbntrb.x = (relativePos2.y * tangent.z) - (relativePos2.z * tangent.y);
                    rbntrb.y = (relativePos2.z * tangent.x) - (relativePos2.x * tangent.z);
                    rbntrb.z = (relativePos2.x * tangent.y) - (relativePos2.y * tangent.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.z) - (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.y);
                    num1 = (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.x) - (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.z);
                    num2 = (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.y) - (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.x);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += TSVector.Dot(ref rantra, ref tangent);
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += TSVector.Dot(ref rbntrb, ref tangent);
            massTangent = FP.One / kTangent;

            restitutionBias = lostSpeculativeBounce;

            speculativeVelocity = FP.Zero;

            FP relNormalVel = normal.x * dvx + normal.y * dvy + normal.z * dvz; //JVector.Dot(ref normal, ref dv);

            if (Penetration > settings.allowedPenetration)
                restitutionBias = settings.bias * (FP.One / timestep) * TSMath.Max(FP.Zero, Penetration - settings.allowedPenetration);
                restitutionBias = TSMath.Clamp(restitutionBias, FP.Zero, settings.maximumBias);
                //  body1IsMassPoint = body2IsMassPoint = false;

            FP timeStepRatio = timestep / lastTimeStep;

            accumulatedNormalImpulse  *= timeStepRatio;
            accumulatedTangentImpulse *= timeStepRatio;

                // Static/Dynamic friction
                FP relTangentVel     = -(tangent.x * dvx + tangent.y * dvy + tangent.z * dvz);
                FP tangentImpulse    = massTangent * relTangentVel;
                FP maxTangentImpulse = -staticFriction * accumulatedNormalImpulse;

                if (tangentImpulse < maxTangentImpulse)
                    friction = dynamicFriction;
                    friction = staticFriction;

            TSVector impulse;

            // Simultaneos solving and restitution is simply not possible
            // so fake it a bit by just applying restitution impulse when there
            // is a new contact.
            // modified by tiger, uncommmented.
            //if (relNormalVel < -FP.One && newContact)
            //    restitutionBias = TSMath.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // added by seok
            //if (!newContact)

            if (!newContact || TSMath.Abs(relNormalVel *= restitution) < restitution)
                relNormalVel = 0;

            restitutionBias = TSMath.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // Speculative Contacts!
            // if the penetration is negative (which means the bodies are not already in contact, but they will
            // be in the future) we store the current bounce bias in the variable 'lostSpeculativeBounce'
            // and apply it the next frame, when the speculative contact was already solved.
            if (penetration < -settings.allowedPenetration)
                speculativeVelocity = penetration / timestep;

                lostSpeculativeBounce = restitutionBias;
                restitutionBias       = FP.Zero;
                lostSpeculativeBounce = FP.Zero;

            impulse.x = normal.x * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.x * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            impulse.y = normal.y * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.y * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            impulse.z = normal.z * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.z * accumulatedTangentImpulse;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                body1.linearVelocity.x -= (impulse.x * body1.inverseMass);
                body1.linearVelocity.y -= (impulse.y * body1.inverseMass);
                body1.linearVelocity.z -= (impulse.z * body1.inverseMass);

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    FP num0, num1, num2;
                    num0 = relativePos1.y * impulse.z - relativePos1.z * impulse.y;
                    num1 = relativePos1.z * impulse.x - relativePos1.x * impulse.z;
                    num2 = relativePos1.x * impulse.y - relativePos1.y * impulse.x;

                    FP num3 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31));
                    FP num4 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32));
                    FP num5 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33));

                    body1.angularVelocity.x -= num3;
                    body1.angularVelocity.y -= num4;
                    body1.angularVelocity.z -= num5;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                body2.linearVelocity.x += (impulse.x * body2.inverseMass);
                body2.linearVelocity.y += (impulse.y * body2.inverseMass);
                body2.linearVelocity.z += (impulse.z * body2.inverseMass);

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    FP num0, num1, num2;
                    num0 = relativePos2.y * impulse.z - relativePos2.z * impulse.y;
                    num1 = relativePos2.z * impulse.x - relativePos2.x * impulse.z;
                    num2 = relativePos2.x * impulse.y - relativePos2.y * impulse.x;

                    FP num3 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31));
                    FP num4 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32));
                    FP num5 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33));

                    body2.angularVelocity.x += num3;
                    body2.angularVelocity.y += num4;
                    body2.angularVelocity.z += num5;

            lastTimeStep = timestep;

            newContact = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// PrepareForIteration has to be called before <see cref="Iterate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The timestep of the simulation.</param>
        public void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            TSVector dv      = CalculateRelativeVelocity();
            FP       kNormal = FP.Zero;

            TSVector rantra = TSVector.zero;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    TSVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    TSVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    TSVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);

            TSVector rbntrb = TSVector.zero;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    TSVector.Cross(ref relativePos2, ref normal, out rbntrb);
                    TSVector.Transform(ref rbntrb, ref body2.invInertiaWorld, out rbntrb);
                    TSVector.Cross(ref rbntrb, ref relativePos2, out rbntrb);

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += TSVector.Dot(ref rantra, ref normal);

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += TSVector.Dot(ref rbntrb, ref normal);

            massNormal = FP.One / kNormal;

            tangent = dv - TSVector.Dot(dv, normal) * normal;

            FP kTangent = FP.Zero;

            if (treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    TSVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    TSVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    TSVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);

            if (treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    TSVector.Cross(ref relativePos2, ref tangent, out rbntrb);
                    TSVector.Transform(ref rbntrb, ref body2.invInertiaWorld, out rbntrb);
                    TSVector.Cross(ref rbntrb, ref relativePos2, out rbntrb);

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += TSVector.Dot(ref rantra, ref tangent);
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += TSVector.Dot(ref rbntrb, ref tangent);

            massTangent = FP.One / kTangent;

            restitutionBias = lostSpeculativeBounce;

            speculativeVelocity = FP.Zero;

            FP relNormalVel = TSVector.Dot(ref normal, ref dv);

            if (Penetration > settings.allowedPenetration)
                restitutionBias = settings.bias * (FP.One / timestep) * TSMath.Max(FP.Zero, Penetration - settings.allowedPenetration);
                restitutionBias = TSMath.Clamp(restitutionBias, FP.Zero, settings.maximumBias);
                //  body1IsMassPoint = body2IsMassPoint = false;

            FP timeStepRatio = timestep / lastTimeStep;

            accumulatedNormalImpulse  *= timeStepRatio;
            accumulatedTangentImpulse *= timeStepRatio;

                // Static/Dynamic friction
                FP relTangentVel     = -TSVector.Dot(ref tangent, ref dv);
                FP tangentImpulse    = massTangent * relTangentVel;
                FP maxTangentImpulse = -staticFriction * accumulatedNormalImpulse;

                if (tangentImpulse < maxTangentImpulse)
                    friction = dynamicFriction;
                    friction = staticFriction;

            TSVector impulse;

            // Simultaneos solving and restitution is simply not possible
            // so fake it a bit by just applying restitution impulse when there
            // is a new contact.
            if (relNormalVel < -FP.One && newContact)
                restitutionBias = TSMath.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // Speculative Contacts!
            // if the penetration is negative (which means the bodies are not already in contact, but they will
            // be in the future) we store the current bounce bias in the variable 'lostSpeculativeBounce'
            // and apply it the next frame, when the speculative contact was already solved.
            // 如果穿透是负的(这意味着物体还没有接触,但是它们将来会接触),
            // 我们将当前弹跳偏置存储在变量“lostSpeculativeBounce”中,并在下一个框架中应用它,此时投机接触已经解决。
            if (penetration < -settings.allowedPenetration)
                speculativeVelocity = penetration / timestep;

                lostSpeculativeBounce = restitutionBias;
                restitutionBias       = FP.Zero;
                lostSpeculativeBounce = FP.Zero;

            impulse = normal * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            ApplyImpulse(ref impulse);

            lastTimeStep = timestep;

            newContact = false;
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// PrepareForIteration has to be called before <see cref="Iterate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The timestep of the simulation.</param>
        public void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            var dv = CalculateRelativeVelocity();

            var kn = CalcK(body1, relativePos1, normal) +
                     CalcK(body2, relativePos2, normal);

            massNormal = FP.One / kn;

            tangent = dv - TSVector.Dot(dv, normal) * normal;

            var kt = CalcK(body1, relativePos1, tangent) +
                     CalcK(body2, relativePos2, tangent);

            massTangent = FP.One / kt;

            restitutionBias = lostSpeculativeBounce;

            speculativeVelocity = FP.Zero;

            FP relNormalVel = TSVector.Dot(normal, dv);

            if (Penetration > settings.allowedPenetration)
                restitutionBias = settings.bias * (FP.One / timestep) * TSMath.Max(FP.Zero, Penetration - settings.allowedPenetration);
                restitutionBias = TSMath.Clamp(restitutionBias, FP.Zero, settings.maximumBias);
                //  body1IsMassPoint = body2IsMassPoint = false;

            FP timeStepRatio = timestep / lastTimeStep;

            accumulatedNormalImpulse  *= timeStepRatio;
            accumulatedTangentImpulse *= timeStepRatio;

                // Static/Dynamic friction
                FP relTangentVel     = -TSVector.Dot(tangent, dv);
                FP tangentImpulse    = massTangent * relTangentVel;
                FP maxTangentImpulse = -staticFriction * accumulatedNormalImpulse;

                if (tangentImpulse < maxTangentImpulse)
                    friction = dynamicFriction;
                    friction = staticFriction;

            // Simultaneos solving and restitution is simply not possible
            // so fake it a bit by just applying restitution impulse when there
            // is a new contact.
            if (relNormalVel < -FP.One && newContact)
                restitutionBias = TSMath.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // Speculative Contacts!
            // if the penetration is negative (which means the bodies are not already in contact, but they will
            // be in the future) we store the current bounce bias in the variable 'lostSpeculativeBounce'
            // and apply it the next frame, when the speculative contact was already solved.
            if (penetration < -settings.allowedPenetration)
                speculativeVelocity = penetration / timestep;

                lostSpeculativeBounce = restitutionBias;
                restitutionBias       = FP.Zero;
                lostSpeculativeBounce = FP.Zero;

            var impulse = normal * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent * accumulatedTangentImpulse;


            lastTimeStep = timestep;

            newContact = false;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the closest two points on two line segments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the line segments are parallel and overlap in their common direction, then the midpoint of the overlapped portion of line segments
        /// is returned.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sa">The first line segment.</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The second line segment.</param>
        /// <param name="scalarA">Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the position of the closest point on the first segment.</param>
        /// <param name="pa">Returns the closest point on the first segment.</param>
        /// <param name="scalarB">Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the position of the closest point on the second segment.</param>
        /// <param name="pb">Returns the closest point on the second segment.</param>
        public static void ClosestPoints(ref SegmentShape sa, ref SegmentShape sb,
                                         out FP scalarA, out TSVector pa, out FP scalarB, out TSVector pb)
            TSVector d1, d2, r;

            TSVector.Subtract(ref sa.P2, ref sa.P1, out d1);
            TSVector.Subtract(ref sb.P2, ref sb.P1, out d2);
            TSVector.Subtract(ref sa.P1, ref sb.P1, out r);
            FP a, e, f;

            a = TSVector.Dot(ref d1, ref d1);
            e = TSVector.Dot(ref d2, ref d2);
            f = TSVector.Dot(ref d2, ref r);

            if (a < TSMath.Epsilon && e < TSMath.Epsilon)
                // segment a and b are both points
                scalarA = scalarB = FP.Zero;
                pa      = sa.P1;
                pb      = sb.P1;

            if (a < TSMath.Epsilon)
                // segment a is a point
                scalarA = FP.Zero;
                scalarB = TSMath.Clamp(f / e, FP.Zero, FP.One);
                FP c = TSVector.Dot(ref d1, ref r);

                if (e < TSMath.Epsilon)
                    // segment b is a point
                    scalarB = FP.Zero;
                    scalarA = TSMath.Clamp(-c / a, FP.Zero, FP.One);
                    FP b     = TSVector.Dot(ref d1, ref d2);
                    FP denom = a * e - b * b;

                    if (denom < TSMath.Epsilon)
                        // segments are parallel
                        FP a1, a2, b1, b2;
                        a1 = TSVector.Dot(ref d2, ref sa.P1);
                        a2 = TSVector.Dot(ref d2, ref sa.P2);
                        b1 = TSVector.Dot(ref d2, ref sb.P1);
                        b2 = TSVector.Dot(ref d2, ref sb.P2);
                        if (a1 <= b1 && a2 <= b1)
                            // segment A is completely "before" segment B
                            scalarA = a2 > a1 ? FP.One : FP.Zero;
                            scalarB = FP.Zero;
                        else if (a1 >= b2 && a2 >= b2)
                            // segment B is completely "before" segment A
                            scalarA = a2 > a1 ? FP.Zero : FP.One;
                            scalarB = FP.One;
                            // segments A and B overlap, use midpoint of shared length
                            if (a1 > a2)
                                f = a1; a1 = a2; a2 = f;
                            f       = (TSMath.Min(a2, b2) + TSMath.Max(a1, b1)) / 2;
                            scalarB = (f - b1) / e;
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref d2, scalarB, out pb);
                            TSVector.Add(ref sb.P1, ref pb, out pb);
                            sa.ClosestPointTo(ref pb, out scalarA, out pa);
                        // general case
                        scalarA = TSMath.Clamp((b * f - c * e) / denom, FP.Zero, FP.One);
                        scalarB = (b * scalarA + f) / e;
                        if (scalarB < FP.Zero)
                            scalarB = FP.Zero;
                            scalarA = TSMath.Clamp(-c / a, FP.Zero, FP.One);
                        else if (scalarB > FP.One)
                            scalarB = FP.One;
                            scalarA = TSMath.Clamp((b - c) / a, FP.Zero, FP.One);
            TSVector.Multiply(ref d1, scalarA, out d1);
            TSVector.Multiply(ref d2, scalarB, out d2);
            TSVector.Add(ref sa.P1, ref d1, out pa);
            TSVector.Add(ref sb.P1, ref d2, out pb);
Example #18
 public static void Clamp(ref TSVector2 value1, ref TSVector2 min, ref TSVector2 max, out TSVector2 result)
     result = new TSVector2(
         TSMath.Clamp(value1.x, min.x, max.x),
         TSMath.Clamp(value1.y, min.y, max.y));
Example #19
 public static TSVector2 Clamp(TSVector2 value1, TSVector2 min, TSVector2 max)
     return(new TSVector2(
                TSMath.Clamp(value1.x, min.x, max.x),
                TSMath.Clamp(value1.y, min.y, max.y)));
Example #20
 // Returns the angle in degrees between /from/ and /to/. This is always the smallest
 public static FP Angle(TSVector from, TSVector to)
     return(TSMath.Acos(TSMath.Clamp(Dot(from.normalized, to.normalized), -FP.ONE, FP.ONE)) * TSMath.Rad2Deg);
Example #21
    public static TSQuaternion Lerp(TSQuaternion a, TSQuaternion b, FP t)
        t = TSMath.Clamp(t, FP.Zero, FP.One);

        return(LerpUnclamped(a, b, t));