Example #1
    public static FP SDBox(TSVector2 x, TSVector2 c, TSVector2 b)
        TSVector2 p = x - c;

        p.x = TSMath.Abs(p.x);
        p.y = TSMath.Abs(p.y);
        TSVector2 d = p - b;

        return(TSVector2.Max(d, TSVector2.zero).sqrMagnitude + TSMath.Min(TSMath.Max(d.x, d.y), FP.Zero));
Example #2
    public static FP SDOrientedBox(TSVector2 x, TSVector2 c, TSVector2 rot, TSVector2 b)
        TSVector2 v  = x - c;
        FP        px = TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(v, rot));                          //在box的x轴的投影长度
        FP        py = TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(v, new TSVector2(-rot.y, rot.x))); //在box的y轴的投影长度
        TSVector2 p  = new TSVector2(px, py);
        TSVector2 d  = p - b;

        return(TSVector2.Max(d, TSVector2.zero).sqrMagnitude + TSMath.Min(TSMath.Max(d.x, d.y), FP.Zero));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理所有的碰撞记录
        /// </summary>
        //void ProcessHitData()
        //    foreach(var ballpair in ballPairHit)//每个球对应的碰撞记录集合
        //    {
        //        int ID = ballpair.Key;
        //        var baseHits = ballpair.Value;
        //        for(int i =0; i < baseHits.Count;i++)//其中一个球的碰撞记录集合
        //        {
        //            var baseHit = baseHits[i];
        //            if(baseHit.hitType==HitType.Ball)
        //            {
        //                var _baseHit = baseHit as fastHitBall;
        //                int otherID = _baseHit.staticballObj.ID;
        //                if (ballPairHit.ContainsKey(otherID))
        //                {
        //                    var other_baseHits = ballPairHit[otherID];
        //                    for(int j = 0; j<other_baseHits.Count;j++)
        //                    {
        //                        var otherHit = other_baseHits[j];
        //                        if(otherHit.hitType==HitType.Ball)
        //                        {
        //                            var _otherHit = otherHit as fastHitBall;
        //                            if (_baseHit.runballObj.ID == _otherHit.staticballObj.ID)
        //                            {
        //                                continue;
        //                            }
        //                            else
        //                            {
        //                                if (/*_baseHit.CalHitTime()*/_baseHit.t_percent * _baseHit.staticballObj.deltaTime > _otherHit.CalHitTime())
        //                                {
        //                                    _baseHit.valid = false;
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                    _otherHit.valid = false;
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                        {
        //                            var _otherHit = otherHit as fastEdge;
        //                            if (/*_baseHit.CalHitTime()*/ _baseHit.t_percent * _baseHit.staticballObj.deltaTime > _otherHit.CalHitTime())
        //                            {
        //                                _baseHit.valid = false;
        //                            }
        //                            else
        //                                _otherHit.valid = false;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                else
        //                    Debug.Log("一般碰撞对都是成对记录出现,不可能走到这!");
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    bool isFlag = false;
        //    foreach (var ballpair in ballPairHit)
        //    {
        //        int ID = ballpair.Key;
        //        var baseHits = ballpair.Value.OrderBy((m)=>m.CalHitTime()).ToList();//按时间来排序

        //        BaseHit baseHit=null;
        //        for(int i = 0; i < baseHits.Count;i++)
        //        {
        //            if (baseHits[i].valid == false) continue;
        //            baseHit = baseHits[i];
        //            break;
        //        }

        //        if (baseHit!=null&&baseHit.valid == true && !baseHit.Isprocess())
        //        {
        //            isFlag = true;
        //            baseHit.TagProcess();
        //            if (baseHit.hitType == HitType.Ball)
        //            {
        //                var _baseHit = baseHit as fastHitBall;
        //                _baseHit.runballObj.CalBallPos(_baseHit.t_percent * _baseHit.runballObj.deltaTime);
        //                _baseHit.staticballObj.CalBallPos(_baseHit.t_percent * _baseHit.staticballObj.deltaTime);
        //                //updateDirAndTimeByBall(_baseHit.t_percent, _baseHit.runballObj, _baseHit.staticballObj);
        //            }
        //            else if (baseHit.hitType == HitType.Edge)
        //            {
        //                var _baseHit = baseHit as fastEdge;
        //                _baseHit.ball.CalBallPos(_baseHit.t_percent * _baseHit.ball.deltaTime);
        //                //updateDirAndTimeByEdge(_baseHit.t_percent, _baseHit.tbe, _baseHit.ball);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    if(isFlag==false)
        //    {
        //        Debug.Log("虽然有碰撞记录,但是没有执行碰撞,这里可能会导致死循环的情况,因为一直检测到有碰撞,却不执行");
        //    }
        //    UnLockBalls();
        //    ballPairHit.Clear();

        public bool CheckBound(TSVector2 pos)
            var x = TSMath.Abs(pos.x);
            var y = TSMath.Abs(pos.y);

            if (x + TSMath.Epsilon > tableWidth / 2.0 || y + TSMath.Epsilon > TableHeight / 2.0)
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 圆和边的平面动态相交检测(注意是边的平面 并不是线段)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tedge"></param>
        /// <param name="crd"></param>
        /// <returns>是否在该段时间内相交</returns>
        public static bool CheckCircle_LineContact(tableEdge tedge, CircleRunData crd, ref FP t_percent)
            TSVector2 Sc = PointToLineDir(tedge.start, tedge.end, crd.cur_pos);
            TSVector2 Se = PointToLineDir(tedge.start, tedge.end, crd.next_pos);

            TSVector2 Scnormal = Sc.normalized;
            TSVector2 Senormal = Se.normalized;
            //TSVector2 Scnormal = Sc.normalized;
            //TSVector2 Senormal = Se.normalized;
            //只有两种结果 同向和 反向
            FP result = TSVector2.Dot(Scnormal, Senormal);              //1同向,0垂直,-1反向

            FP Scnorm = TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(Sc, Sc))); //Sc模
            FP Senorm = TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(Se, Se))); //Se模

            //FP radius_square = crd.radius * crd.radius;

            if (result > 0 && Scnorm > crd.radius && Senorm > crd.radius)//Sc,Se同向,俩圆圆半径大于到直线距离,不相交
            else//相交 求t
                FP S = 0;
                if (result > 0)
                    S = Scnorm - Senorm;
                    S = Scnorm + Senorm;
                //TSVector2 sce = Sc - Se;
                //FP S = TSMath.Sqrt( TSVector2.Dot(sce, sce));
                t_percent = (Scnorm - crd.radius) / S;//圆心到达撞击点的距离/圆心经过的总距离 来求出时间占比
                if (t_percent > 1)

                //if (t_percent < 0)
                //    if (Detection.CheckCircle_tableEdgeEndContact(crd, tedge, ref t_percent))
                //    {
                //        Debug.Log("修正");
                //    }
                return(t_percent >= 0?true:false);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceToApply">basic force</param>
        /// <param name="basicVelocity">basic Velocity</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TSVector ApplySeperateForce(TSVector toAcc, List <IAgentBehaviour> agents, bool bSkipStatic)//,out bool isTminStaticAgent
            int      count         = agents.Count;
            TSVector boidsVelocity = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector forceToApply  = TSVector.zero;
                TSVector totalForce         = TSVector.zero;
                int      neighboursCountSep = 0;
                FP       radius             = _behaviour.colliderRadius * 4;
                FP       sepSqr             = radius * radius;//
                FP       nrSqr = _behaviour.baseData.neighbourRadiusSqr * FP.EN2 * 25;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    IAgentBehaviour a = agents[j];// _behaviour.neighbours
                    Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeparation(_behaviour, a, sepSqr, ref totalForce, ref neighboursCountSep, bSkipStatic);

                if (count > 0)
                    TSVector sep = totalForce * (_behaviour.baseData.maxForce) / count;

                    FP lenSqr = sep.sqrMagnitude;
                    if (lenSqr > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                        FP fval = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce / TSMath.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                        sep = sep * fval;
                    forceToApply = sep;
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                        if (FP.Abs(forceToApply.x) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000 || FP.Abs(forceToApply.z) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("forceToApply error!");

            if (forceToApply != TSVector.zero)
                FP max = TSMath.Max(TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.x), TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.z));
                if (max > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * FP.EN1 * 7)
                    forceToApply = forceToApply / max;
                    forceToApply = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * forceToApply.normalized * FP.EN1 * 6;
                return((forceToApply + toAcc) * _behaviour.baseData.invMass);//
            return(forceToApply + toAcc);
Example #6
        public void ReqSetForward(TSVector forward, bool immediately = true)
            if (TSMath.Abs(TSVector.Angle(m_sCurForward, forward)) < FP.EN1)
            Frame_ReqSetForward_Data data = new Frame_ReqSetForward_Data();

            data.unitId      = id;
            data.forward     = GameInTool.ToProtoVector2(forward);
            data.immediately = immediately;
            NetSys.Instance.SendMsg(NetChannelType.Game, (short)PacketOpcode.Frame_ReqSetForward, data);
    public override void OnSyncedUpdate()
        if (useSpring)
            //Adding a spring and damper Term to the Equation of Motion
            thisBody.AddTorque((-1) * TSWorldAxis * ((thisJoint.getHingeAngle() - Spring.tagetPosition) * Spring.spring + thisJoint.getAngularVel() * Spring.damper));

        if (TSMath.Abs(thisJoint.AppliedImpulse) >= breakForce)//@TODO: Add break torque
Example #8
        static void DrawVO(TSVector2 circleCenter, FP radius, TSVector2 origin)
            FP alpha = TSMath.Atan2((origin - circleCenter).y, (origin - circleCenter).x);
            FP gamma = radius / (origin - circleCenter).magnitude;
            FP delta = gamma <= FP.One ? TSMath.Abs(TSMath.Acos(gamma)) : 0;

            // Draw.Debug.CircleXZ(FromXZ(circleCenter), radius, Color.black, alpha - delta, alpha + delta);
            TSVector2 p1 = new TSVector2(TSMath.Cos(alpha - delta), TSMath.Sin(alpha - delta)) * radius;
            TSVector2 p2 = new TSVector2(TSMath.Cos(alpha + delta), TSMath.Sin(alpha + delta)) * radius;

            TSVector2 p1t = -new TSVector2(-p1.y, p1.x);
            TSVector2 p2t = new TSVector2(-p2.y, p2.x);

            p1 += circleCenter;
            p2 += circleCenter;

            //  Debug.DrawRay(FromXZ(p1), FromXZ(p1t).normalized * 100, Color.black);
            //  Debug.DrawRay(FromXZ(p2), FromXZ(p2t).normalized * 100, Color.black);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 圆碰撞的反弹方向
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tedge">线段</param>
        /// <param name="circlePos">圆心</param>
        /// <param name="radius">半径</param>
        /// <param name="moveDir">圆的速度方向</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TSVector2 CheckCircle_LineCollision(tableEdge tedge, TSVector2 circlePos, FP radius, TSVector2 moveDir)
            TSVector2 C        = circlePos;
            TSVector2 A        = tedge.farstart;
            TSVector2 B        = tedge.farend;
            TSVector2 V        = moveDir;
            TSVector2 AC       = C - A;
            TSVector2 AB       = B - A;
            TSVector2 ABnormal = TSVector2.Normalize(AB);
            TSVector2 HC       = AC - ABnormal * TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(AC, ABnormal));
            TSVector2 HCnormal = TSVector2.Normalize(HC);
            FP        VP       = TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(V, HCnormal));

            if (TSMath.Abs(VP) > 10000)
            TSVector2 VF = V + HCnormal * VP * 2;//反射方向

Example #10
        void CreateTable2()
            int big = 99999;

            tableWidth  = 0;
            tableHeight = 0;
            int factor = 10;

            FP[] edges = new FP[] { -1.39, 0.46, -1.44, 0.53, -1.36, 0.63, -1.31, 0.59, -0.08, 0.59, -0.07, 0.64, 0.07, 0.64, 0.08, 0.59, 1.31, 0.59, 1.36, 0.63, 1.44, 0.53, 1.39, 0.46,
                                    1.39, -0.46, 1.44, -0.53, 1.36, -0.63, 1.31, -0.59, 0.08, -0.59, 0.07, -0.64, -0.07, -0.64, -0.08, -0.59, -1.31, -0.59, -1.36, -0.63, -1.44, -0.53, -1.39, -0.46, -1.39, 0.46 };
            for (int j = 0, i = 0; j < edges.Length - 2; i++)
                tableEdges.Add(new tableEdge(new TSVector2(edges[j] * factor, edges[j + 1] * factor), new TSVector2(edges[j + 2] * factor, edges[j + 3] * factor), i));
                var w = TSMath.Abs(edges[j] * factor);
                var h = TSMath.Abs(edges[j + 1] * factor);
                if (tableWidth < w)
                    tableWidth = w;
                if (tableHeight < h)
                    tableHeight = h;
                w = TSMath.Abs(edges[j + 2] * factor);
                h = TSMath.Abs(edges[j + 3] * factor);
                if (tableWidth < w)
                    tableWidth = w;
                if (tableHeight < h)
                    tableHeight = h;
                j += 2;
            tableWidth  *= 2;
            tableHeight *= 2;
    void MoveCallBack(Vector2 tVec2)
        TSVector2 mTSVector2 = new TSVector2((FP)(tVec2.x - 0.001f), (FP)(tVec2.y - 0.001f)).normalized;//这里减0.001f是因为这里精度有问题,会传来一个极其微小大于1的浮点数,后面使用时候导致FP Acos()中算出来的1值(4294967297)大于FP.ONE值(4294967296)
        FP        anglenew   = TSVector2.Angle(mTSVector2, TSVector2.up);
        FP        angle      = TSQuaternion.Angle(AllTSTransform.rotation, RotateTSTransform.rotation);

        //FP iTanDeg = TSMath.Atan2((FP)tVec2.y, (FP)tVec2.x) * FP.Rad2Deg;
        //Debug.LogErrorFormat("MoveCallBack===12=======>{0},{1},{2},{3},iTanDeg={4}", mTSVector2.x, mTSVector2.y, mTSVector2.ToString(), anglenew, iTanDeg);
        if (mTSVector2.x < 0 && (360 - anglenew) < 183)
            anglenew = 360 - anglenew;                                             //这里让他们夹角在0-183范围内,刚好与下面的0-180错开3(灵敏度5的一半),这样就少算了一次RotateTransform.rotation.eulerAngles的值
        //if (mTSVector2.y < 0) anglenew = 360 - anglenew;
        //if (RotateTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.x < 0) angle = 360 - angle;
        //Debug.LogErrorFormat("MoveCallBack==2====>{0},{1},ToString={2}", anglenew, angle, RotateTSTransform.rotation.ToString());
        if (TSMath.Abs(angle - anglenew) > 5)
            int x = FP.ToInt(mTSVector2.x * 1000);
            int y = FP.ToInt(mTSVector2.y * 1000);
            //Debug.LogErrorFormat("MoveCallBack=3==>{0},{1}", x, y);
            _UdpSendManager.SendChangeAngle(x, y);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the avoid direction vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selfPos">This unit's position.</param>
        /// <param name="currentVelocity">This unit's current velocity.</param>
        /// <param name="otherPos">The other unit's position.</param>
        /// <param name="otherVelocity">The other unit's velocity.</param>
        /// <param name="combinedRadius">The combined radius.</param>
        /// <returns>An avoidance direction vector, if a collision is detected.</returns>
        private static TSVector GetAvoidDirectionVector(TSVector selfPos, TSVector currentVelocity, TSVector otherPos, TSVector otherVelocity, FP combinedRadius, out TSVector selfCollisionPos)
            selfCollisionPos = TSVector.zero;
            // use a 2nd degree polynomial function to determine intersection points between moving units with a velocity and radius
            FP a = ((currentVelocity.x - otherVelocity.x) * (currentVelocity.x - otherVelocity.x)) +
                   ((currentVelocity.z - otherVelocity.z) * (currentVelocity.z - otherVelocity.z));
            FP b = (2 * (selfPos.x - otherPos.x) * (currentVelocity.x - otherVelocity.x)) +
                   (2 * (selfPos.z - otherPos.z) * (currentVelocity.z - otherVelocity.z));
            FP c = ((selfPos.x - otherPos.x) * (selfPos.x - otherPos.x)) +
                   ((selfPos.z - otherPos.z) * (selfPos.z - otherPos.z)) -
                   (combinedRadius * combinedRadius);

            FP d = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);

            if (d <= 0)
                // if there are not 2 intersection points, then skip

            // compute "heavy" calculations only once
            FP dSqrt   = TSMath.Sqrt(d);
            FP doubleA = 2 * a;

            // compute roots, which in this case are actually time values informing of when the collision starts and ends
            FP t1 = (-b + dSqrt) / doubleA;
            FP t2 = (-b - dSqrt) / doubleA;

            if (t1 < 0 && t2 < 0)
                // if both times are negative, the collision is behind us (compared to velocity direction)

            // find the lowest non-negative time, since this will be where the collision time interval starts
            FP time = 0;

            if (t1 < 0)
                time = t2;
            else if (t2 < 0)
                time = t1;
                time = TSMath.Min(t1, t2);

            // the collision time we want is actually 25 % within the collision
            time += TSMath.Abs(t2 - t1) * _collisionTimeFactor;

            // compute actual collision positions
            selfCollisionPos = selfPos + (currentVelocity * time);
            // _selfCollisionPos = selfCollisionPos;
            TSVector otherCollisionPos = otherPos + (otherVelocity * time);

            // _lastAvoidPos = otherPos;

            // return an avoid vector from the other's collision position to this unit's collision position
            return(otherCollisionPos - selfCollisionPos);
Example #13
        internal TSVector steeringBehaviourFlowField(IAgentBehaviour agent)
            //bilinear interpolation
            TSVector vec   = _gridMap.GetGridFloatCoord(agent.position);
            IInt2    floor = IInt2.zero;// GetNearestGridCoordWithoutClamp(agent.position);

            floor.x = TSMath.Floor(vec.x).AsInt();
            floor.y = TSMath.Floor(vec.z).AsInt();
            bool     bIn1    = IsValid(floor.x, floor.y);
            TSVector f00     = (bIn1) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y)) : TSVector.zero;//(posOrigin - pos1) ;// TSVector.zero
            int      offsetX = f00.x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
            int      offsetY = f00.z > 0 ? 1 : -1;
            bool     bIn2    = IsValid(floor.x, floor.y + offsetY);
            bool     bIn3    = IsValid(floor.x + offsetX, floor.y);
            bool     bIn4    = IsValid(floor.x + offsetX, floor.y + offsetY);
            // bool bAllIn = bIn1 && bIn2 && bIn3 && bIn4;//bAllIn ||!

            //TSVector posOrigin = (TSVector)vec;
            //TSVector pos1 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos1.Set((float)floor.x, 0, floor.y);
            //TSVector pos2 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos2.Set((float)floor.x, 0, floor.y + 1);
            //TSVector pos3 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos3.Set((float)floor.x + 1, 0, floor.y);
            //TSVector pos4 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos3.Set((float)floor.x + 1, 0, floor.y + 1);
            //TSVector f00 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x), ClampZ(floor.y)] : (bIn1?TSVector.zero: ((bIn2&& bIn3&& bIn4) ? TSVector._northEst:(bIn2?TSVector._forward:(bIn3?TSVector._right:TSVector.zero))));
            //TSVector f01 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x), ClampZ(floor.y + 1)] : (bIn2 ? TSVector.zero : ((bIn1 && bIn3 && bIn4) ? TSVector._southEst : (bIn1 ? -TSVector._forward : (bIn4 ? TSVector._right : TSVector.zero))));
            //TSVector f10 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x + 1), ClampZ(floor.y)] : (bIn3 ? TSVector.zero : ((bIn2 && bIn1 && bIn4) ? TSVector._northWest : (bIn4 ? TSVector._forward : (bIn1 ? -TSVector._right : TSVector.zero))));
            //TSVector f11 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x + 1), ClampZ(floor.y + 1)] : (bIn4 ? TSVector.zero : ((bIn2 && bIn3 && bIn1) ? TSVector._southWest : (bIn3 ? -TSVector._forward : (bIn2 ? -TSVector._right : TSVector.zero))));

            TSVector f01 = (bIn2) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y + offsetY)) : TSVector.zero;           //(posOrigin - pos2);
            TSVector f10 = (bIn3) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x + offsetX), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y)) : TSVector.zero;           //(posOrigin - pos3);
            TSVector f11 = (bIn4) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x + offsetX), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y + offsetY)) : TSVector.zero; // (posOrigin - pos4);

            //Do the x interpolations
            FP fx    = agent.position.x;
            FP fy    = agent.position.z;
            FP w     = FP.One * _gridWidth * GridMap.GetNodeSize();
            FP h     = FP.One * _gridHeight * GridMap.GetNodeSize();
            FP dstX0 = TSMath.Abs(vec.x - (floor.x + CustomMath.FPHalf));
            FP dstX1 = TSMath.Abs(vec.x - (floor.x + offsetX + CustomMath.FPHalf));
            FP dstY0 = TSMath.Abs(vec.z - (floor.y + CustomMath.FPHalf));
            FP dstY1 = TSMath.Abs(vec.z - (floor.y + offsetY + CustomMath.FPHalf));

            FP xW      = (dstX0) / (dstX0 + dstX1);
            FP xWeight = (fx < w && fx >= FP.Zero) ? (xW) : FP.Zero;//vec.x - floor.x

            TSVector top    = f00 * (1 - xWeight) + f10 * (xWeight);
            TSVector bottom = f01 * (1 - xWeight) + f11 * xWeight;

            FP yW = (dstY0) / (dstY0 + dstY1);
            //Do the y interpolation
            FP yWeight = (fy < h && fy >= FP.Zero) ? (yW) : FP.Zero;//vec.z - floor.y
            TSVector desiredDirection = (top * (1 - yWeight) + bottom * yWeight);

            // desiredDirection = desiredDirection + Boids.BoidsBehaviourTerrainSeparation(vec,IsValid);
            //desiredDirection = desiredDirection.normalized;
            // return Boids.SteerTowards(agent, desiredDirection);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceToApply">basic force</param>
        /// <param name="basicVelocity">basic Velocity</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TSVector ApplyForce(FP deltaTime, TSVector desiredDirection, TSVector basicVelocity, TSVector pos, List <IAgentBehaviour> agents, bool bUsePreForce, bool bSkipStatic)//
            // isTminStaticAgent = false;
            int      count         = agents.Count;
            TSVector boidsVelocity = TSVector.zero;
            //TSVector forceToApply = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector forceToApply   = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector avoidObstacle  = TSVector.zero;
            FP       mAvoidObstacle = FP.Zero;

            if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.terrainSeperation) && false)
                avoidObstacle = Boids.BoidsBehaviourAvoidObstacle(pos, _behaviour.map, basicVelocity);
                //desiredDirection = (desiredDirection + dir * S_terrainSepFactor);
                //    desiredDirection = desiredDirection.normalized;
                avoidObstacle = CustomMath.Normalize(avoidObstacle, out mAvoidObstacle);
            if (desiredDirection != TSVector.zero)
                desiredDirection = CustomMath.Normalize(desiredDirection);
                forceToApply    += Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, desiredDirection, basicVelocity);
            if (mAvoidObstacle > FP.Zero)
                forceToApply += Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, avoidObstacle, basicVelocity);
            if (PathFindingManager.c_useAvoidUnit)
                if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.avoidUnit))
                    TSVector avoidVector = SteerForUnitAvoidance.GetDesiredSteering(_behaviour);
                    TSVector force       = TSVector.ClampMagnitude(avoidVector / deltaTime * _behaviour.baseData.invMass, _behaviour.baseData.maxForce);
                    forceToApply += force;
                //else if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.collisionAvoidance))
                // //   bool isTminStaticAgent = false;
                //    forceToApply += CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(ForceBasedAgent.computeForces(_behaviour, basicVelocity,out isTminStaticAgent));

            if (_activeBoids > 0 && !bUsePreForce &&
                (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.seperation) || IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.cohesion) ||
                // int count =(i%3== _updateStart)? this.neighbours.Count:0;//_group._thiss
                TSVector totalForce          = TSVector.zero;
                TSVector averageHeading      = TSVector.zero;
                TSVector centerOfMass        = TSVector.zero;
                int      neighboursCountSep  = 0;
                int      neighboursCountAlig = 0;
                int      neighboursCountCoh  = 0;
                FP       radius = _behaviour.colliderRadius * 4;
                FP       sepSqr = radius * radius;//
                FP       nrSqr  = _behaviour.baseData.neighbourRadiusSqr * FP.EN2 * 25;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    IAgentBehaviour a = agents[j];// _behaviour.neighbours
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.seperation))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeparation(_behaviour, a, sepSqr, ref totalForce, ref neighboursCountSep, bSkipStatic);
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.alignment))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourAlignment(_behaviour, a, nrSqr, ref averageHeading, ref neighboursCountAlig);
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.cohesion))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourCohesion(_behaviour, a, nrSqr, ref centerOfMass, ref neighboursCountCoh);
                    if (a.enabled && a.agent == null) //the ally neighbour has a target,
                                                      //cause this agent change type to atar type targeted to the same target
                        PathFindingAgentBehaviour agent = _behaviour as PathFindingAgentBehaviour;
                        if (agent.AgentType == EAgentType.flowFiled)
                            TSVector target         = (a as PathFindingAgentBehaviour).targetPos;
                            bool     isDefaultTaget = target == a.baseData.defaultTargetPos;
                            if (target != TSVector.MaxValue && target != TSVector.MinValue && !isDefaultTaget)
                                agent.stopMoving = false;
                                agent._hasNeighbourTargetedDefaultPos = true;
                                target.y = 0;
                                agent.SetNewTargetPos(target, true);
                            if (!isDefaultTaget)
                                agent.preVelocity = TSVector.zero;
                                forceToApply      = TSVector.zero;
                                // agent.velocity = TSVector.zero;
                                // agent.ChangeAgentType(EAgentType.astar);

                if (count > 0)
                    TSVector sep = TSVector.zero;
                    if (totalForce != TSVector.zero)
                        //totalForce.Multiply(agent.maxForce / neighboursCount)
                        sep = totalForce * (_behaviour.baseData.maxForce) / neighboursCountSep;
                        //sep=Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, sep, basicVelocity);
                        FP lenSqr = sep.sqrMagnitude;
                        if (lenSqr > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                            FP fval = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce / TSMath.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                            sep = sep * fval;
                    TSVector avh = TSVector.zero;
                    if (averageHeading != TSVector.zero) //average heading
                        averageHeading = averageHeading / (neighboursCountAlig);
                        avh            = Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, CustomMath.Normalize(averageHeading), basicVelocity);
                    //average position
                    TSVector coh = TSVector.zero;
                    if (centerOfMass != TSVector.zero)// seek that position
                        centerOfMass = centerOfMass + _behaviour.position;
                        centerOfMass = centerOfMass / neighboursCountCoh;
                        coh          = Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeek(_behaviour, basicVelocity, centerOfMass);
                    _preBoidsForce = sep * S_seperationFactor + avh * S_alignmentFactor + coh * S_cohesionFactor;
                    forceToApply  += _preBoidsForce;
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                        if (FP.Abs(forceToApply.x) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000 || FP.Abs(forceToApply.z) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("forceToApply error!");
            else if (bUsePreForce)
                forceToApply += _preBoidsForce;

            if (forceToApply != TSVector.zero)
                if (TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.x) > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                    TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.z) > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                //FP lengthSquared = forceToApply.sqrMagnitude;
                //if (lengthSquared > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)//&& _activeBoids!=(byte)EBoidsActiveType.seperation)
                    forceToApply = forceToApply * FP.EN3;
                    forceToApply = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * forceToApply.normalized;
                return(forceToApply * _behaviour.baseData.invMass);//
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 更通用的圆和边碰撞,对端点的碰撞也能适用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tedge"></param>
        /// <param name="circlePos"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <param name="moveDir"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TSVector2 CheckCircle_EdgeCollision(TSVector2 hitNormal, TSVector2 moveDir)
            FP VP = TSVector2.Dot(moveDir, hitNormal);

            return(moveDir - hitNormal * VP + hitNormal * TSMath.Abs(VP));
        internal static TSVector2 computeForces(IAgentBehaviour behaviour, List <CircleObstacleAngleData> circleObstacles, TSVector basicVelocity, bool bUseForwardPos,
                                                FP maxTime, FP obstacleMaxTime, out bool isTminStaticAgent, out FP time, ref bool isCollidering, bool bIgnoreObstacle = false)//,
            time = -1;
            TSVector2 F = TSVector2.zero;
            List <IAgentBehaviour> neighbours = behaviour.neighbours;
            int icount = neighbours.Count;

            isTminStaticAgent = false;
            FP       tmin       = FP.MaxValue;
            TSVector forwardPos = TSVector.zero;

            if (bUseForwardPos)
                forwardPos = behaviour.position + basicVelocity.normalized * behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //return TSVector2.zero;
            TSVector pos = (bUseForwardPos ? forwardPos : behaviour.position);

            // compute the anticipatory force from each neighbor
            for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
                IAgentBehaviour other = neighbours[i];
                FP radiusSum          = other.colliderRadius;// + behaviour.colliderRadius;
                if (!bUseForwardPos)
                    radiusSum = other.colliderRadius + behaviour.colliderRadius;
                if (behaviour != other)
                    maxTime = other.agent == null? obstacleMaxTime:maxTime;
                    F      += ComputeForce(behaviour, pos, other.position, radiusSum, other.agent == null, maxTime,
                                           basicVelocity, other.velocity, ref isTminStaticAgent, ref tmin, ref time, ref isCollidering);
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG && behaviour.agent != null)
                        if (TSMath.Abs(F.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000 ||
                            TSMath.Abs(F.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("F over flow!");
            if (!bIgnoreObstacle)
                FP       dirDst  = GridMap.blockDirDst;
                TSVector testDir = basicVelocity.normalized;
                TSVector pos2    = behaviour.position + testDir * dirDst;

                TSVector blockedPos  = TSVector.zero;
                bool     hasObstacle = behaviour.map.IsBlockedByObstacleBetween2Point(behaviour.position, pos2
                                                                                      , behaviour.pathManager._queryStack, ref blockedPos);
                if (hasObstacle)
                    F    = F - CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(testDir) * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    time = FP.EN1;//near static obstacle
                    isTminStaticAgent = true;
            // behaviour.pathManager._queryStack.Clear();
            //icount = circleObstacles.Count;
            //bool temp=false;
            //for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
            //    CircleObstacle other = circleObstacles[i];
            //    FP radiusSum = other._radius;// + behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //    if (!bUseForwardPos)
            //    {
            //        radiusSum = other._radius + behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //    }
            //    maxTime = obstacleMaxTime;
            //    F += ComputeForce(behaviour, pos, CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(other._center), radiusSum, true, maxTime,
            //             basicVelocity, TSVector.zero, ref isTminStaticAgent, ref tmin, ref time,ref temp);
            //forces from static obstacles
            List <LineObstacle> obstacleNeighbours = behaviour.neighbourObstacles;
            icount = obstacleNeighbours.Count;
            TSVector2 position        = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(behaviour.position);
            TSVector2 velocity        = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(basicVelocity);
            FP        radiusSqr       = behaviour.colliderRadius * behaviour.colliderRadius;
            FP        neighbourDstSqr = behaviour.neighbourRadius * behaviour.neighbourRadius;
            for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
                LineObstacle obstacle = obstacleNeighbours[i];
                TSVector2    n_w      = CustomMath.ClosestPointLineSegment(obstacle._p1, obstacle._p2, position) - position;
                FP           d_w      = n_w.LengthSquared();

                if (velocity * n_w < 0 || d_w == radiusSqr || d_w > neighbourDstSqr) // Agent is moving away from obstacle, already colliding or obstacle too far away

                FP radius = d_w < radiusSqr?TSMath.Sqrt(d_w) : behaviour.colliderRadius;   // correct the radius, if the Agent is already colliding

                FP   a = velocity * velocity;
                bool discCollision = false, segmentCollision = false;
                FP   t_min = FP.MaxValue;

                FP        c = FP.Zero, b = FP.Zero, discr = FP.Zero;
                FP        b_temp = FP.Zero, discr_temp = FP.Zero, c_temp = FP.Zero, D_temp = FP.Zero;
                TSVector2 w_temp = TSVector2.zero, w = TSVector2.zero, o1_temp = TSVector2.zero
                , o2_temp = TSVector2.zero, o_temp = TSVector2.zero, o = TSVector2.zero, w_o = TSVector2.zero;

                // time-to-collision with disc_1 of the capped rectangle (capsule)
                w_temp     = obstacle._p1 - position;
                b_temp     = w_temp * velocity;
                c_temp     = w_temp * w_temp - (radius * radius);
                discr_temp = b_temp * b_temp - a * c_temp;
                if (discr_temp > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr_temp = TSMath.Sqrt(discr_temp);
                    FP t = (b_temp - discr_temp) / a;
                    if (t > 0 && t < C_MaxColliderTime)
                        t_min         = t;
                        b             = b_temp;
                        discr         = discr_temp;
                        w             = w_temp;
                        c             = c_temp;
                        discCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with disc_2 of the capsule
                w_temp     = obstacle._p2 - position;
                b_temp     = w_temp * velocity;
                c_temp     = w_temp * w_temp - (radius * radius);
                discr_temp = b_temp * b_temp - a * c_temp;
                if (discr_temp > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr_temp = TSMath.Sqrt(discr_temp);
                    FP t = (b_temp - discr_temp) / a;
                    if (t > 0 && t < t_min)
                        t_min         = t;
                        b             = b_temp;
                        discr         = discr_temp;
                        w             = w_temp;
                        c             = c_temp;
                        discCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with segment_1 of the capsule
                o1_temp = obstacle._p1 + radius * obstacle._normal;
                o2_temp = obstacle._p2 + radius * obstacle._normal;
                o_temp  = o2_temp - o1_temp;

                D_temp = CustomMath.det(velocity, o_temp);
                if (D_temp != 0)
                    FP inverseDet = 1 / D_temp;
                    FP t          = CustomMath.det(o_temp, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    FP s          = CustomMath.det(velocity, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    if (t > 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t < t_min)
                        t_min            = t;
                        o                = o_temp;
                        w_o              = position - o1_temp;
                        discCollision    = false;
                        segmentCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with segment_2 of the capsule
                o1_temp = obstacle._p1 - radius * obstacle._normal;
                o2_temp = obstacle._p2 - radius * obstacle._normal;
                o_temp  = o2_temp - o1_temp;

                D_temp = CustomMath.det(velocity, o_temp);
                if (D_temp != 0)
                    FP inverseDet = 1 / D_temp;
                    FP t          = CustomMath.det(o_temp, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    FP s          = CustomMath.det(velocity, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    if (t > 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t < t_min)
                        t_min            = t;
                        o                = o_temp;
                        w_o              = position - o1_temp;
                        discCollision    = false;
                        segmentCollision = true;
                bool      bMax = false;
                TSVector2 val  = TSVector2.zero;
                if (discCollision)
                    if (t_min < FP.EN1 * 2)
                        bMax = true;
                        // F += (-(velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                        val = -_k *System.Math.Exp((-t_min / _t0).AsFloat()) * (velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)
                              / (a * System.Math.Pow(t_min.AsFloat(), _m)) * (_m / t_min + FP.One / _t0);
                    if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                        TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                        val = (-(velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    F += val;
                else if (segmentCollision)
                    if (t_min < FP.EN1 * 2)
                        bMax = true;
                        //   F += (CustomMath.det(velocity, o)* new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                        val = _k * System.Math.Exp((-t_min / _t0).AsFloat()) / (System.Math.Pow(t_min.AsFloat(), _m)
                                                                                * CustomMath.det(velocity, o)) * (_m / t_min + FP.One / _t0) * new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x);
                    if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                        TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                        val = (CustomMath.det(velocity, o) * new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x)).normalized
                              * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    F += val;
                if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG && behaviour.agent != null)
                    if (TSMath.Abs(F.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000 ||
                        TSMath.Abs(F.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000)
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("F over flow!");
                return(F);// + desiredF;
            //    return desiredF;
        static TSVector2 ComputeForce(IAgentBehaviour behaviour, TSVector pos, TSVector otherPosition,
                                      FP radiusSum, bool isStatic, FP maxTime, TSVector basicVelocity, TSVector otherVelocity
                                      , ref bool isTminStaticAgent, ref FP tmin, ref FP time, ref bool isCollidering)
            TSVector2 F   = TSVector2.zero;
            TSVector  dir = otherPosition - pos;

            if (otherVelocity == TSVector.zero && TSVector.Dot(dir, basicVelocity) <= 0)

            FP distanceSq = dir.sqrMagnitude;
            FP radiusSq   = radiusSum * radiusSum;

            //  bool newMin = false;
            // if (distanceSq != radiusSq)
                // if ForceBasedAgents are actually colliding use their separation distance
                TSVector2 v = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(basicVelocity - otherVelocity);//warning
                if (distanceSq < radiusSq)
                    isCollidering = true;
                    FP r = radiusSum - TSMath.Sqrt(distanceSq);
                    radiusSq = r * r;
                    //F = -CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(dir).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 3;
                    //return F;
                TSVector2 w = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(dir);

                FP a     = v * v;
                FP b     = w * v;
                FP c     = w * w - radiusSq;
                FP discr = b * b - a * c;//(a*t^2-2*b*t+w*w-rSqr=0)
                if (discr > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr = TSMath.Sqrt(discr);
                    FP        t    = (b - discr) / a;
                    bool      bMax = false;
                    TSVector2 val  = TSVector2.zero;

                    if (t > 0 && t < maxTime)
                        if (t < tmin)
                            tmin = t;
                            time = t;
                            isTminStaticAgent = isStatic;
                            //  newMin = true;
                        TSVector2 vecDir = (v - (b * v - a * w));
                        //other.agent!=null? (v - (b * v - a * w))
                        //: CustomMath.perpendicular(v - (b * v - a * w));
                        //int rIdx=behaviour.pathManager.RadomIdx()%2;
                        //   vecDir = rIdx == 0 ? vecDir : vecDir * -1;
                        if (t < FP.EN1 * 2)
                            bMax = true;
                            //  F +=(-(v - (b * v - a * w) / discr)).normalized*behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                            //-_k * System.Math.Exp((-t / _t0).AsFloat()) * (v - (b * v - a * w) / discr)
                            // (a * System.Math.Pow(t.AsFloat(), _m)) * (_m / t + FP.One / _t0);
                            FP fValX = -t / _t0;
                            val = -_k *CustomMath.ApproximateExp2(fValX) * vecDir
                                  / (discr * a * t * t) * (_m / t + FP.One / _t0);//System.Math.Exp(().AsFloat())//System.Math.Pow(t.AsFloat(), _m)
                        if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * c_maxForceFactor ||
                            TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * c_maxForceFactor)
                            FP maxXY = TSMath.Max(TSMath.Abs(vecDir.x), TSMath.Abs(vecDir.y));
                            if (maxXY > 1)
                                vecDir = vecDir / maxXY;
                            val = -(vecDir).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce * c_maxForceFactor;
                        //    F = val;//only the most threatening agent
                        F = val;

Example #18
            /** Creates a VO for avoiding another agent.
             * \param center The position of the other agent relative to this agent.
             * \param offset Offset of the velocity obstacle. For example to account for the agents' relative velocities.
             * \param radius Combined radius of the two agents (radius1 + radius2).
             * \param inverseDt 1 divided by the local avoidance time horizon (e.g avoid agents that we will hit within the next 2 seconds).
             * \param inverseDeltaTime 1 divided by the time step length.
            public VO(TSVector2 center, TSVector2 offset, FP radius, FP inverseDt, FP inverseDeltaTime)
                // Adjusted so that a parameter weightFactor of 1 will be the default ("natural") weight factor
                this.weightFactor = 1;
                weightBonus       = 0;

                //this.radius = radius;
                TSVector2 globalCenter;

                circleCenter = center * inverseDt + offset;
                FP tmp = Sqr(center.LengthSquared() / (radius * radius));//exp(-tmp),

                // tmp = 1 +tmp+tmp*tmp/2+tmp*tmp*tmp/6; //simple use Taylor's Formula
                this.weightFactor = 4 * System.Math.Exp(-tmp.AsFloat()) + 1;// 4 /tmp + 1;//exp()
                // Collision?
                if (center.magnitude < radius)
                    colliding = true;

                    // 0.001 is there to make sure lin1.magnitude is not so small that the normalization
                    // below will return TSVector2.zero as that will make the VO invalid and it will be ignored.
                    line1  = center.normalized * (center.magnitude - radius - FP.One / 1000) * 3 / 10 * inverseDeltaTime;
                    dir1   = new TSVector2(line1.y, -line1.x).normalized;
                    line1 += offset;

                    cutoffDir   = TSVector2.zero;
                    cutoffLine  = TSVector2.zero;
                    dir2        = TSVector2.zero;
                    line2       = TSVector2.zero;
                    this.radius = 0;
                    colliding = false;

                    center      *= inverseDt;
                    radius      *= inverseDt;
                    globalCenter = center + offset;

                    // 0.001 is there to make sure cutoffDistance is not so small that the normalization
                    // below will return TSVector2.zero as that will make the VO invalid and it will be ignored.
                    var cutoffDistance = center.magnitude - radius + FP.One / 1000;

                    cutoffLine  = center.normalized * cutoffDistance;
                    cutoffDir   = new TSVector2(-cutoffLine.y, cutoffLine.x).normalized;
                    cutoffLine += offset;

                    FP alpha = TSMath.Atan2(-center.y, -center.x);

                    FP delta = TSMath.Abs(TSMath.Acos(radius / center.magnitude));

                    this.radius = radius;

                    // Bounding Lines

                    // Point on circle
                    line1 = new TSVector2(TSMath.Cos(alpha + delta), TSMath.Sin(alpha + delta));
                    // Vector tangent to circle which is the correct line tangent
                    // Note that this vector is normalized
                    dir1 = new TSVector2(line1.y, -line1.x);

                    // Point on circle
                    line2 = new TSVector2(TSMath.Cos(alpha - delta), TSMath.Sin(alpha - delta));
                    // Vector tangent to circle which is the correct line tangent
                    // Note that this vector is normalized
                    dir2 = new TSVector2(line2.y, -line2.x);

                    line1 = line1 * radius + globalCenter;
                    line2 = line2 * radius + globalCenter;

                segmentStart = TSVector2.zero;
                segmentEnd   = TSVector2.zero;
                segment      = false;
Example #19
 public static TSVector2 Abs(TSVector2 v)
     v.x = TSMath.Abs(v.x);
     v.y = TSMath.Abs(v.y);
Example #20
        public int RayCast(DynamicTreeRayCastCallback callback, ref RayCastInput input, Stack <int> _tmpStack, bool bTestHasNode, int excludeProxyId = -1)
            TSVector2 p1 = input.p1;
            TSVector2 p2 = input.p2;
            TSVector2 r  = p2 - p1;

            Assert(r.LengthSquared() >= FP.Zero);

            // v is perpendicular to the segment.
            TSVector2 v     = CustomMath.Cross(FP.One, r);
            TSVector2 abs_v = CustomMath.Abs(v);

            // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
            // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)

            FP maxFraction = input.maxFraction;
            // Build a bounding box for the segment.
            AABB segmentAABB = new AABB();
                TSVector2 t = p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1);
                segmentAABB.lowerBound = TSVector2.Min(p1, t);
                segmentAABB.upperBound = TSVector2.Max(p1, t);

            Stack <int> stack = _tmpStack;


            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int nodeId = stack.Pop();
                if (nodeId == TreeNode <T> .nullNode)

                TreeNode <T> node = _nodes[nodeId];

                if (TestOverlap(ref node.aabb, ref segmentAABB) == false)

                // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
                // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)
                TSVector2 c          = node.aabb.GetCenter();
                TSVector2 h          = node.aabb.GetExtents();
                FP        separation = TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(v, p1 - c)) - TSVector2.Dot(abs_v, h);
                if (separation > FP.Zero)

                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    if (bTestHasNode && nodeId != excludeProxyId)
                    RayCastInput subInput;
                    subInput.p1          = input.p1;
                    subInput.p2          = input.p2;
                    subInput.maxFraction = maxFraction;
                    FP value = FP.One;
                    if (callback != null)
                        value = callback(ref subInput, nodeId);

                    if (value == FP.Zero)
                        // The client has terminated the ray cast.

                    if (value > FP.Zero)
                        // Update segment bounding box.
                        maxFraction = value;
                        TSVector2 t = p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1);
                        segmentAABB.lowerBound = TSVector2.Min(p1, t);
                        segmentAABB.upperBound = TSVector2.Max(p1, t);
        /// <summary>
        /// PrepareForIteration has to be called before <see cref="Iterate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The timestep of the simulation.</param>
        public void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            FP dvx, dvy, dvz;

            dvx = (body2.angularVelocity.y * relativePos2.z) - (body2.angularVelocity.z * relativePos2.y) + body2.linearVelocity.x;
            dvy = (body2.angularVelocity.z * relativePos2.x) - (body2.angularVelocity.x * relativePos2.z) + body2.linearVelocity.y;
            dvz = (body2.angularVelocity.x * relativePos2.y) - (body2.angularVelocity.y * relativePos2.x) + body2.linearVelocity.z;

            dvx = dvx - (body1.angularVelocity.y * relativePos1.z) + (body1.angularVelocity.z * relativePos1.y) - body1.linearVelocity.x;
            dvy = dvy - (body1.angularVelocity.z * relativePos1.x) + (body1.angularVelocity.x * relativePos1.z) - body1.linearVelocity.y;
            dvz = dvz - (body1.angularVelocity.x * relativePos1.y) + (body1.angularVelocity.y * relativePos1.x) - body1.linearVelocity.z;

            FP kNormal = FP.Zero;

            TSVector rantra = TSVector.zero;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rantra.x = (relativePos1.y * normal.z) - (relativePos1.z * normal.y);
                    rantra.y = (relativePos1.z * normal.x) - (relativePos1.x * normal.z);
                    rantra.z = (relativePos1.x * normal.y) - (relativePos1.y * normal.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rantra.y * relativePos1.z) - (rantra.z * relativePos1.y);
                    num1 = (rantra.z * relativePos1.x) - (rantra.x * relativePos1.z);
                    num2 = (rantra.x * relativePos1.y) - (rantra.y * relativePos1.x);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

            TSVector rbntrb = TSVector.zero;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rbntrb.x = (relativePos2.y * normal.z) - (relativePos2.z * normal.y);
                    rbntrb.y = (relativePos2.z * normal.x) - (relativePos2.x * normal.z);
                    rbntrb.z = (relativePos2.x * normal.y) - (relativePos2.y * normal.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.z) - (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.y);
                    num1 = (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.x) - (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.z);
                    num2 = (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.y) - (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.x);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += rantra.x * normal.x + rantra.y * normal.y + rantra.z * normal.z;
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += rbntrb.x * normal.x + rbntrb.y * normal.y + rbntrb.z * normal.z;

            massNormal = FP.One / kNormal;

            FP num = dvx * normal.x + dvy * normal.y + dvz * normal.z;

            tangent.x = dvx - normal.x * num;
            tangent.y = dvy - normal.y * num;
            tangent.z = dvz - normal.z * num;

            num = tangent.x * tangent.x + tangent.y * tangent.y + tangent.z * tangent.z;

            if (num != FP.Zero)
                num        = FP.Sqrt(num);
                tangent.x /= num;
                tangent.y /= num;
                tangent.z /= num;

            FP kTangent = FP.Zero;

            if (treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rantra.x = (relativePos1.y * tangent.z) - (relativePos1.z * tangent.y);
                    rantra.y = (relativePos1.z * tangent.x) - (relativePos1.x * tangent.z);
                    rantra.z = (relativePos1.x * tangent.y) - (relativePos1.y * tangent.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rantra.x * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rantra.y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rantra.z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rantra.y * relativePos1.z) - (rantra.z * relativePos1.y);
                    num1 = (rantra.z * relativePos1.x) - (rantra.x * relativePos1.z);
                    num2 = (rantra.x * relativePos1.y) - (rantra.y * relativePos1.x);

                    rantra.x = num0; rantra.y = num1; rantra.z = num2;

            if (treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rbntrb.x = (relativePos2.y * tangent.z) - (relativePos2.z * tangent.y);
                    rbntrb.y = (relativePos2.z * tangent.x) - (relativePos2.x * tangent.z);
                    rbntrb.z = (relativePos2.x * tangent.y) - (relativePos2.y * tangent.x);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    FP num0 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    FP num1 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    FP num2 = ((rbntrb.x * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rbntrb.y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rbntrb.z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.z) - (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.y);
                    num1 = (rbntrb.z * relativePos2.x) - (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.z);
                    num2 = (rbntrb.x * relativePos2.y) - (rbntrb.y * relativePos2.x);

                    rbntrb.x = num0; rbntrb.y = num1; rbntrb.z = num2;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += TSVector.Dot(ref rantra, ref tangent);
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += TSVector.Dot(ref rbntrb, ref tangent);
            massTangent = FP.One / kTangent;

            restitutionBias = lostSpeculativeBounce;

            speculativeVelocity = FP.Zero;

            FP relNormalVel = normal.x * dvx + normal.y * dvy + normal.z * dvz; //JVector.Dot(ref normal, ref dv);

            if (Penetration > settings.allowedPenetration)
                restitutionBias = settings.bias * (FP.One / timestep) * TSMath.Max(FP.Zero, Penetration - settings.allowedPenetration);
                restitutionBias = TSMath.Clamp(restitutionBias, FP.Zero, settings.maximumBias);
                //  body1IsMassPoint = body2IsMassPoint = false;

            FP timeStepRatio = timestep / lastTimeStep;

            accumulatedNormalImpulse  *= timeStepRatio;
            accumulatedTangentImpulse *= timeStepRatio;

                // Static/Dynamic friction
                FP relTangentVel     = -(tangent.x * dvx + tangent.y * dvy + tangent.z * dvz);
                FP tangentImpulse    = massTangent * relTangentVel;
                FP maxTangentImpulse = -staticFriction * accumulatedNormalImpulse;

                if (tangentImpulse < maxTangentImpulse)
                    friction = dynamicFriction;
                    friction = staticFriction;

            TSVector impulse;

            // Simultaneos solving and restitution is simply not possible
            // so fake it a bit by just applying restitution impulse when there
            // is a new contact.
            // modified by tiger, uncommmented.
            //if (relNormalVel < -FP.One && newContact)
            //    restitutionBias = TSMath.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // added by seok
            //if (!newContact)

            if (!newContact || TSMath.Abs(relNormalVel *= restitution) < restitution)
                relNormalVel = 0;

            restitutionBias = TSMath.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // Speculative Contacts!
            // if the penetration is negative (which means the bodies are not already in contact, but they will
            // be in the future) we store the current bounce bias in the variable 'lostSpeculativeBounce'
            // and apply it the next frame, when the speculative contact was already solved.
            if (penetration < -settings.allowedPenetration)
                speculativeVelocity = penetration / timestep;

                lostSpeculativeBounce = restitutionBias;
                restitutionBias       = FP.Zero;
                lostSpeculativeBounce = FP.Zero;

            impulse.x = normal.x * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.x * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            impulse.y = normal.y * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.y * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            impulse.z = normal.z * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.z * accumulatedTangentImpulse;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                body1.linearVelocity.x -= (impulse.x * body1.inverseMass);
                body1.linearVelocity.y -= (impulse.y * body1.inverseMass);
                body1.linearVelocity.z -= (impulse.z * body1.inverseMass);

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    FP num0, num1, num2;
                    num0 = relativePos1.y * impulse.z - relativePos1.z * impulse.y;
                    num1 = relativePos1.z * impulse.x - relativePos1.x * impulse.z;
                    num2 = relativePos1.x * impulse.y - relativePos1.y * impulse.x;

                    FP num3 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31));
                    FP num4 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32));
                    FP num5 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33));

                    body1.angularVelocity.x -= num3;
                    body1.angularVelocity.y -= num4;
                    body1.angularVelocity.z -= num5;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                body2.linearVelocity.x += (impulse.x * body2.inverseMass);
                body2.linearVelocity.y += (impulse.y * body2.inverseMass);
                body2.linearVelocity.z += (impulse.z * body2.inverseMass);

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    FP num0, num1, num2;
                    num0 = relativePos2.y * impulse.z - relativePos2.z * impulse.y;
                    num1 = relativePos2.z * impulse.x - relativePos2.x * impulse.z;
                    num2 = relativePos2.x * impulse.y - relativePos2.y * impulse.x;

                    FP num3 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31));
                    FP num4 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32));
                    FP num5 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33));

                    body2.angularVelocity.x += num3;
                    body2.angularVelocity.y += num4;
                    body2.angularVelocity.z += num5;

            lastTimeStep = timestep;

            newContact = false;
Example #22
        public bool RayCast(ref RayCastOutput output, ref RayCastInput input)
            FP tmin = FP.MinValue;
            FP tmax = FP.MaxValue;

            TSVector2 p    = input.p1;
            TSVector2 d    = input.p2 - input.p1;
            TSVector2 absD = d;

            absD.x = TSMath.Abs(absD.x);
            absD.y = TSMath.Abs(absD.y);

            TSVector2 normal = TSVector2.zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                FP pi = CustomMath.Get(p, i);
                FP li = CustomMath.Get(lowerBound, i);
                FP ui = CustomMath.Get(upperBound, i);
                FP di = CustomMath.Get(d, i);
                if (CustomMath.Get(absD, i) < CustomMath.EPSILON)
                    // Parallel.
                    if (pi < li || ui < pi)
                    FP inv_d = 1 / di;
                    FP t1    = (li - pi) * inv_d;
                    FP t2    = (ui - pi) * inv_d;

                    // Sign of the normal vector.
                    FP s = -1;

                    if (t1 > t2)
                        CustomMath.Swap <FP>(ref t1, ref t2);
                        s = 1;

                    // Push the min up
                    if (t1 > tmin)
                        normal = TSVector2.zero;
                        CustomMath.Set(ref normal, i, s);
                        tmin = t1;

                    // Pull the max down
                    tmax = TSMath.Min(tmax, t2);

                    if (tmin > tmax)

            // Does the ray start inside the box?
            // Does the ray intersect beyond the max fraction?
            if (tmin < 0 || input.maxFraction < tmin)

            // Intersection.
            output.fraction = tmin;
            output.normal   = normal;