/// <summary>
    /// This menu is shown if the player has joined a channel.
    /// </summary>

    void DrawExampleMenu()
        Rect rect = new Rect(0f, Screen.height - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

        if (GUI.Button(rect, "Main Menu", button))
            // Leaving the channel will cause the "OnNetworkLeaveChannel" to be sent out.
    void PeriodicCheck()
        Vector3       myPos           = transform.position;
        ExampleRegion closestRegion   = null;
        float         closestDistance = float.MaxValue;

        // First find the closest region -- this is the region the player avatar should belong to
        for (int i = 0; i < ExampleRegion.list.size; ++i)
            ExampleRegion region   = ExampleRegion.list[i];
            float         distance = Vector3.Distance(region.transform.position, myPos);

            if (distance < closestDistance)
                closestDistance = distance;
                closestRegion   = region;

        // Now ensure we've joined all the nearby regions in addition to the closest region
        for (int i = 0; i < ExampleRegion.list.size; ++i)
            ExampleRegion region   = ExampleRegion.list[i];
            float         distance = Vector3.Distance(region.transform.position, myPos);

            if (distance < joinDistance || region == closestRegion)
                // We're close -- join the region's channel
                if (!TNManager.IsInChannel(region.channelID))
                    TNManager.JoinChannel(region.channelID, true);
            else if (distance > leaveDistance && tno.channelID != region.channelID)
                // We're far away -- leave the region's channel
                if (TNManager.IsInChannel(region.channelID))

        // Transfer the car to the closest region's channel
        if (closestRegion != null && tno.channelID != closestRegion.channelID)
Example #3
 public void LeaveChannel()