private static void RandomizeAudio(IMEPackage package, int topLevelUIndex, bool female)
            var audioToChange = package.Exports.Where(x => x.idxLink == topLevelUIndex && x.ClassName == "WwiseStream").ToList();
            var audioSources  = MERFileSystem.LoadedFiles.Keys.Where(x => x.Contains("_LOC_INT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.Contains("Bio")).ToList();

            foreach (var aExp in audioToChange)
                bool installed = false;
                while (!installed)
                    var rAudioSourceF = audioSources.RandomElement();
                    var rAudioSourceP = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile(rAudioSourceF));
                    var audioOptions  = rAudioSourceP.Exports.Where(x => x.ClassName == "WwiseStream").ToList();
                    if (!audioOptions.Any())

                    var audioChoice = audioOptions.RandomElement();

                    // Repoint the TLK to match what's going to be said
                    var nTlk = WwiseTools.ExtractTLKIdFromExportName(audioChoice);
                    var oTlk = WwiseTools.ExtractTLKIdFromExportName(aExp);
                    if (nTlk != -1 && oTlk != -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TLKHandler.TLKLookupByLang(nTlk, "INT")))
                        TLKHandler.ReplaceString(oTlk, TLKHandler.TLKLookupByLang(nTlk, "INT"));

                        WwiseTools.RepointWwiseStream(audioChoice, aExp);
                        installed = true;
        public static bool UwuifyText(RandomizationOption option)
            bool keepCasing   = option.HasSubOptionSelected(RTexts.SUBOPTIONKEY_UWU_KEEPCASING);
            bool addReactions = option.HasSubOptionSelected(RTexts.SUBOPTIONKEY_REACTIONS_ENABLED);

            var existingTLK = TLKHandler.GetBuildingTLK();
            var skipIDs     = existingTLK.StringRefs.Select(x => x.StringID).ToList();
            var MERTlks     = TLKHandler.GetMERTLKs();

            var nonMerTLKs = TLKHandler.GetAllTLKs().Where(x => !MERTlks.Contains(x));

            option.ProgressValue         = 0;
            option.ProgressMax           = nonMerTLKs.Where(x =>"INT.tlk")).Sum(x => x.StringRefs.Count(y => y.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.Data)));
            option.ProgressMax          += MERTlks.Where(x =>"INT.tlk")).Sum(x => x.StringRefs.Count(y => y.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.Data)));
            option.ProgressIndeterminate = false;

            // UwUify MER TLK first
            foreach (TalkFile tf in MERTlks)
                UwuifyTalkFile(tf, keepCasing, addReactions, skipIDs, true, option);

            // UwUify non MER TLK
            foreach (TalkFile tf in nonMerTLKs)
                UwuifyTalkFile(tf, keepCasing, addReactions, skipIDs, false, option);
            public Talent(ExportEntry powerClass, bool isEvolution = false)
                PowerExport = powerClass;
                IsEvolution = isEvolution;
                var baseClass    = powerClass;
                var baseClassObj = baseClass.GetDefaults().GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("EvolvedPowerClass1");

                while (baseClassObj == null || baseClassObj.Value == 0)
                    baseClass    = (ExportEntry)baseClass.SuperClass;
                    baseClassObj = baseClass.GetDefaults().GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("EvolvedPowerClass1");

                BasePower = baseClass;

                if (BasePower.ObjectName.Name.Contains("Passive"))
                    IsPassive = true;
                    var baseName = baseClass.GetDefaults().GetProperty <NameProperty>("BaseName");
                    while (baseName == null)
                        baseClass = (ExportEntry)baseClass.SuperClass;
                        baseName  = baseClass.GetDefaults().GetProperty <NameProperty>("BaseName");

                    BaseName = baseName.Value.Name;

                // Setup name
                var superDefaults    = PowerExport.GetDefaults();
                var displayNameProps = superDefaults.GetProperties();
                var superProps       = displayNameProps;
                var displayName      = superProps.GetProp <StringRefProperty>("DisplayName");

                while (displayName == null)
                    superDefaults = ((superDefaults.Class as ExportEntry).SuperClass as ExportEntry).GetDefaults();
                    superProps    = superDefaults.GetProperties();
                    superProps.GetProp <StringRefProperty>("DisplayName");
                    displayName = superProps.GetProp <StringRefProperty>("DisplayName");
                PowerName = TLKHandler.TLKLookupByLang(displayName.Value, "INT");

                if (IsEvolution)
                    // Setup the blurb
                    var blurbDesc = TLKHandler.TLKLookupByLang(displayNameProps.GetProp <StringRefProperty>("TalentDescription").Value, "INT").Split('\n')[0];
                    EvolvedBlurb = $"{PowerName}: {blurbDesc}";

                IsAmmoPower   = PowerName.Contains("Ammo");
                IsCombatPower = !IsAmmoPower && !IsPassive;
        public static bool RandomizeGameOverText(RandomizationOption arg)
            string   fileContents  = MERUtilities.GetEmbeddedStaticFilesTextFile("gameovertexts.xml");
            XElement rootElement   = XElement.Parse(fileContents);
            var      gameoverTexts = rootElement.Elements("gameovertext").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
            var      gameOverText  = gameoverTexts[ThreadSafeRandom.Next(gameoverTexts.Count)];

            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(157152, gameOverText);
        private static void RandomizeVowelsInternal(TalkFile tf, List <int> skipIDs, Dictionary <char, char> translationMap, bool isMERTlk, RandomizationOption option)
            var tfName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tf.path);
            var langCode = tfName.Substring(tfName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + 1);

            foreach (var sref in tf.StringRefs.Where(x => x.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Data)).ToList())

                if (sref.Data.Contains("DLC_"))
                    continue;                             // Don't modify
                if (!isMERTlk && skipIDs.Contains(sref.StringID))
                    continue; // Do not randomize this version of the string as it's in the DLC version specifically
                // See if strref has CUSTOMTOKEN or a control symbol
                List <int> skipRanges = new List <int>();
                FindSkipRanges(sref, skipRanges);

                var newStr = sref.Data.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < sref.Data.Length; i++) // For every letter
                    // Skip any items we should not skip.
                    if (skipRanges.Any() && skipRanges[0] == i)
                        i = skipRanges[1] - 1;  // We subtract one as the next iteration of the loop will +1 it again, which then will make it read the 'next' character
                        skipRanges.RemoveAt(0); // remove first 2
                        skipRanges.RemoveAt(0); // remove first 2

                        if (i >= sref.Data.Length - 1)

                    if (translationMap.ContainsKey(newStr[i]))
                        // Remap the letter
                        newStr[i] = translationMap[newStr[i]];
                        // Do not change the letter. It might be something like <.

                    TLKHandler.ReplaceString(sref.StringID, new string(newStr), langCode);
        public static bool RandomizeIntroText(RandomizationOption arg)
            string   fileContents  = MERUtilities.GetEmbeddedStaticFilesTextFile("openingcrawls.xml");
            XElement rootElement   = XElement.Parse(fileContents);
            var      gameoverTexts = rootElement.Elements("CrawlText").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();

            // The trim calls here will remove first and last lines that are blank. The TrimForIntro() will remove whitespace per line.
            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(331765, TrimForIntro(gameoverTexts.RandomElement().Trim()));
            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(263408, TrimForIntro(gameoverTexts.RandomElement().Trim()));
            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(348756, TrimForIntro(gameoverTexts.RandomElement().Trim()));
            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(391285, TrimForIntro(gameoverTexts.RandomElement().Trim())); // Genesis DLC uses this extra string for some reason
Example #7
        private static void RandomizeFlyerSpawnPawns()
            string[] files =

            // Install names
            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(7892160, "Indoctrinated Krogan"); //Garm update
            TLKHandler.ReplaceString(7892161, "Enthralled Batarian");  //Batarian Commando update
            //TLKHandler.ReplaceString(7892162, "Collected Human"); //Batarian Commando update
        private static int InstallName(int stringId = 0)
            if (PawnNameListInstanced.Any())
                var newPawnName = PawnNameListInstanced.PullFirstItem();
                if (stringId == 0)
                    stringId = TLKHandler.GetNewTLKID();
                TLKHandler.ReplaceString(stringId, newPawnName);

            return(0); // Not changed
        public static bool RandomizePsychProfiles(RandomizationOption option)
            //Psych Profiles
            string fileContents = MERUtilities.GetEmbeddedStaticFilesTextFile("psychprofiles.xml");

            XElement rootElement = XElement.Parse(fileContents);
            var      childhoods  = rootElement.Descendants("childhood").Where(x => x.Value != "").Select(x => (x.Attribute("name").Value, string.Join("\n", x.Value.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim())))).ToList();
            var      reputations = rootElement.Descendants("reputation").Where(x => x.Value != "").Select(x => (x.Attribute("name").Value, string.Join("\n", x.Value.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim())))).ToList();


            var backgroundTlkPairs = new List <(int nameId, int descriptionId)>();

            backgroundTlkPairs.Add((45477, 34931)); //Spacer
            backgroundTlkPairs.Add((45508, 34940)); //Earthborn
            backgroundTlkPairs.Add((45478, 34971)); //Colonist
            foreach (var pair in backgroundTlkPairs)
                var childHood = childhoods.PullFirstItem();
                TLKHandler.ReplaceString(pair.nameId, childHood.Value);
                TLKHandler.ReplaceString(pair.descriptionId, childHood.Item2.Trim());

            backgroundTlkPairs.Add((45482, 34934)); //Sole Survivor
            backgroundTlkPairs.Add((45483, 34936)); //War Hero
            backgroundTlkPairs.Add((45484, 34938)); //Ruthless
            foreach (var pair in backgroundTlkPairs)
                var reputation = reputations.PullFirstItem();
                TLKHandler.ReplaceString(pair.nameId, reputation.Value);
                TLKHandler.ReplaceString(pair.descriptionId, reputation.Item2.Trim());
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Swap the vowels around. Optional hard mode allows swapping 2 consonants to make it extra difficult to read
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Tlks"></param>
        public static bool RandomizeVowels(RandomizationOption option)
            // Map of what letter maps to what other letter
            MERLog.Information("Randomizing vowels in words");
            var hardMode = option.HasSubOptionSelected(RTexts.SUBOPTIONKEY_VOWELS_HARDMODE);

            var existingTLK = TLKHandler.GetBuildingTLK();
            var skipIDs     = existingTLK.StringRefs.Select(x => x.StringID).ToList();
            var MERTLKs     = TLKHandler.GetMERTLKs();
            Dictionary <char, char> vowels      = null;
            List <char>             vowelValues = null;

            bool retryMapping = true;

            while (retryMapping)
                bool failed = false;
                vowels      = GetVowelMap();
                vowelValues = vowels.Values.ToList();

                int numAttemptsRemaining = 10;

                foreach (var sourceVowel in vowels.Keys)
                    var value = vowelValues.RandomElement();
                    while (hardMode && value == sourceVowel && numAttemptsRemaining > 0)
                        value = vowelValues.RandomElement();

                    if (numAttemptsRemaining == 0 && hardMode && value == sourceVowel)
                        // This attempt has failed
                        MERLog.Warning(@"Hard mode vowel randomization failed, retrying");
                        failed = true;

                    vowelValues.Remove(value); // Do not allow reassignment of same vowel
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Vowel Randomizer: {sourceVowel} -> {value}");
                    vowels[sourceVowel] = value;

                if (!failed)
                    retryMapping = false;

            var consonants = GetConsonantMap();

            if (hardMode)
                // Swap some consontants around
                var numConsonantsToRandomize = 2;
                var consonantValues          = consonants.Values.ToList();
                while (numConsonantsToRandomize > 0)
                    var sourceValue = consonantValues.RandomElement();
                    var value       = consonantValues.RandomElement();
                    while (sourceValue == value)
                        value = consonantValues.RandomElement();
                    consonantValues.Remove(value);       // Do not allow reassignment of same vowel
                    consonantValues.Remove(sourceValue); // Do not allow reassignment of same vowel

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Vowel Randomizer Hard Mode: {sourceValue} -> {value}");

                    consonants[sourceValue] = value;
                    consonants[value]       = sourceValue;

            // Build full translation map (uppercase)
            var translationMapUC = new[] { vowels, consonants }.SelectMany(dict => dict)
            .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            // Add lowercase translation
            var lowerCaseMap = translationMapUC.ToDictionary(x => char.ToLowerInvariant(x.Key), x => char.ToLowerInvariant(x.Value));

            // Build a full translation
            var translationMap = new[] { translationMapUC, lowerCaseMap }.SelectMany(dict => dict)
            .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            var nonMERTLKs = TLKHandler.GetAllTLKs().Where(x => !MERTLKs.Contains(x)).ToList();

            // MER

            option.ProgressValue         = 0;
            option.ProgressMax           = nonMERTLKs.Sum(x => x.StringRefs.Count(y => y.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.Data)));
            option.ProgressMax          += MERTLKs.Sum(x => x.StringRefs.Count(y => y.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.Data)));
            option.ProgressIndeterminate = false;

            foreach (var merTLK in MERTLKs)
                RandomizeVowelsInternal(merTLK, skipIDs, translationMap, true, option);

            // Non MER
            Parallel.ForEach(nonMERTLKs, tf =>
                RandomizeVowelsInternal(tf, skipIDs, translationMap, false, option);
Example #11
        private static void UwuifyTalkFile(TalkFile tf, bool keepCasing, bool addReactions, List <int> skipIDs, bool isMERTlk, RandomizationOption option)
            var tfName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tf.path);
            var langCode = tfName.Substring(tfName.LastIndexOf("_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + 1);

            if (langCode != "INT")
            foreach (var sref in tf.StringRefs.Where(x => x.StringID > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Data)))

                var strData = sref.Data;

                //strData = "New Game";
                if (strData.Contains("DLC_"))
                    continue;                           // Don't modify
                if (!isMERTlk && skipIDs.Contains(sref.StringID))
                    continue; // Do not randomize this version of the string as it's in the DLC version specifically

                //if (sref.StringID != 325648)
                //    continue;
                // See if strref has CUSTOMTOKEN or a control symbol
                List <int> skipRanges = new List <int>();
                FindSkipRanges(sref, skipRanges);
                // uwuify it
                StringBuilder sb           = new StringBuilder();
                char          previousChar = (char)0x00;
                char          currentChar;
                for (int i = 0; i < strData.Length; i++)
                    if (skipRanges.Any() && skipRanges[0] == i)
                        sb.Append(strData.Substring(skipRanges[0], skipRanges[1] - skipRanges[0]));
                        previousChar = (char)0x00;
                        i            = skipRanges[1] - 1; // We subtract one as the next iteration of the loop will +1 it again, which then will make it read the 'next' character
                        skipRanges.RemoveAt(0);           // remove first 2
                        skipRanges.RemoveAt(0);           // remove first 2

                        if (i >= strData.Length - 1)

                    currentChar = strData[i];
                    if (currentChar == 'L' || currentChar == 'R')
                        sb.Append(keepCasing ? 'W' : 'w');
                    else if (currentChar == 'l' || currentChar == 'r')
                        if (ThreadSafeRandom.Next(5) == 0)
                            sb.Append('w'); // append another w 20% of the time
                            if (ThreadSafeRandom.Next(8) == 0)
                                sb.Append('w'); // append another w 20% of the time
                    else if (currentChar == 'N' && (previousChar == 0x00 || previousChar == ' '))
                        sb.Append(keepCasing ? "Nyaa" : "nyaa");
                    else if (currentChar == 'O' || currentChar == 'o')
                        if (previousChar == 'N' || previousChar == 'n' ||
                            previousChar == 'M' || previousChar == 'm')
                            sb.Append(keepCasing ? strData[i] : char.ToLower(strData[i]));
                    else if (currentChar == '!' && !addReactions)
                        if (ThreadSafeRandom.Next(2) == 0)
                            sb.Append(currentChar); // append another ! 50% of the time
                        sb.Append(keepCasing ? strData[i] : char.ToLower(strData[i]));

                    previousChar = currentChar;

                var str = sb.ToString();

                if (addReactions)
                    str = AddReactionToLine(strData, str, keepCasing);
                    str = str.Replace("f**k", keepCasing ? "UwU" : "uwu", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                TLKHandler.ReplaceString(sref.StringID, str, langCode);