Example #1
        private string[] GetKeyAndDescriptionList(StringAsset stringAsset)
            if (stringAsset == null)

            if (cachedPopupList.ContainsKey(stringAsset))
                if (cachedPopupList[stringAsset].Length == stringAsset.database.Count)

            string[] list = new string[stringAsset.database.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                list[i] = stringAsset.database[i].value.Default;

            cachedPopupList.Add(stringAsset, list);

 private int GetCurrentSelectKeyIndex(StringAsset stringAsset, string finderGuid)
     if (stringAsset == null)
     return(stringAsset.database.FindIndex(d => d.guid.CompareTo(finderGuid) == 0));
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create asset
            var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Culture:en:Key:hello", "Hello World!" }
            IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);

            #region Snippet
            // Create cache decorator
            IAssetCache asset_cached = new AssetCache(asset).AddResourceCache().AddStringsCache().AddCulturesCache();
            #endregion Snippet

            // Assign the cached asset
            LineRoot.Global.Asset = asset_cached;
Example #4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create asset
            var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Culture:en:Key:hello", "Hello World!" }
            IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);

            #region Snippet
            // Decorate with cache
            IAssetCache asset_cached = asset.CreateCache();
            #endregion Snippet

            // Assign the asset with cache decoration
            LineRoot.Global.Asset = asset_cached;
Example #5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Snippet_1
            // Create service collection
            IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

            // Configure to use CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture
            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <ICulturePolicy>(new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentThreadUICulture().AsReadonly());

            // Add localization services: ILineRoot, ILine<T>, IAssetBuilder, ICulturePolicy
                addStringLocalizerService: false,
                addCulturePolicyService: false,
                useGlobalInstance: false,
                addCache: false);
            #endregion Snippet_1

            #region Snippet_2
            // Create localization source
            var lines = new List <ILine> {
                LineAppender.Default.Culture("en").Type("ConsoleApp1.MyController").Key("Hello").Format("Hello World!")
            // Create asset source
            IAssetSource assetSource = new StringAsset(lines).ToSource();
            // Add asset source
            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IAssetSource>(assetSource);
            #endregion Snippet_2

            #region Snippet_3
            // Build service provider
            using (var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider())
                // Service can provide the asset
                IAsset asset = serviceProvider.GetService <IAsset>();

                // Service can provide root
                ILineRoot root = serviceProvider.GetService <ILineRoot>();

                // Service can provide type key
                ILine typeKey = serviceProvider.GetService <ILine <ConsoleApp1.MyController> >();

                // Get "Hello World!"
                string str = typeKey.Key("Hello").Culture("en").ToString();
            #endregion Snippet_3
Example #6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Snippet
            // Create individual assets
            IAsset asset_1 = new StringAsset(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Culture:en:Key:hello", "Hello World!" }
            }, LineFormat.Parameters);
            IAsset asset_2 = new ResourceStringDictionary(new Dictionary <string, byte[]> {
                { "Culture:en:Key:Hello.Icon", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 } }
            }, LineFormat.Parameters);

            // Create composition asset
            IAssetComposition asset_composition = new AssetComposition(asset_1, asset_2);

            // Assign the composition to root
            ILineRoot root = new LineRoot(asset_composition, new CulturePolicy());
            #endregion Snippet
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Snippet
            // Create asset
            var source = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Culture:en:Key:hello", "Hello World!" } };
            IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);

            // Cache it
            asset = asset.CreateCache();

            // Issue a request which will be cached.
            ILine key = new LineRoot().Key("hello");
            IString value = asset.GetLine( key.Culture("en") ).GetString();

            // Clear cache
            #endregion Snippet
Example #8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create asset
            Dictionary <string, string> strs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            strs["Culture:fi:Type:TutorialLibrary.MyController3:Key:OK"] = "Toiminto onnistui";
            IAsset asset = new StringAsset()
                           .Add(strs, LineFormat.Parameters)

            // Create asset root
            IStringLocalizerFactory root = new StringLocalizerRoot(asset, new CulturePolicy());

            // Call Controller
            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fi");
            MyController3 controller3 = new MyController3(root);

Example #9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_1
                // Language string source
                Dictionary <string, string> src = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "en:hello", "Hello World!" }
                // Create Asset
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(src, LineParameterPrinter.Default);
                #endregion Snippet_1

                #region Snippet_2
                // Create key
                ILine key = new LineRoot().Key("hello").Culture("en");
                // Resolve string - Call to StringAssetExtensions.GetString()
                IString str = asset.GetLine(key).GetString();
                #endregion Snippet_2
Example #10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Snippet
            // Create service collection
            IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

            // Configure to use CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture
            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <ICulturePolicy>(new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentThreadUICulture().AsReadonly());

            // Add localization services: ILineRoot, ILine<T>, IAssetBuilder,
            //                            IStringLocalizer<T>, IStringLocalizerFactory
                addStringLocalizerService: true,     // <- string localizer
                addCulturePolicyService: false,
                useGlobalInstance: false,
                addCache: false);

            // Create localization source
            var lines = new List <ILine> {
                LineAppender.Default.Culture("en").Type("ConsoleApp1.MyController").Key("Hello").Format("Hello World!")
            // Create asset source
            IAssetSource assetSource = new StringAsset(lines).ToSource();
            // Add asset source
            serviceCollection.AddSingleton <IAssetSource>(assetSource);

            // Build service provider
            using (var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider())
                // Get string localizer for class "ConsoleApp1.MyController".
                IStringLocalizer stringLocalizer
                    = serviceProvider.GetService <IStringLocalizer <ConsoleApp1.MyController> >();

                // Narrow scope down to "en" culture
                IStringLocalizer stringLocalizerScoped = stringLocalizer.WithCulture(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"));

                // Get "Hello World!"
                string str = stringLocalizerScoped.GetString("Hello");
            #endregion Snippet
    /// <summary>
    /// 要素取得.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='key'>
    /// Key.
    /// </param>
    public static string Get( string key )
        // 実体が無ければ新規生成.
        if( instance == null )
            instance = Resources.Load( "StringAsset/StringAsset" ) as StringAsset;
            findDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            for( int i=0,imax=instance.key.Count; i<imax; i++ )
                findDictionary.Add( instance.key[i], instance.asset[i] );

        string result;
        if( !findDictionary.TryGetValue( key, out result ) )
            // 要素がない場合はエラー.
            Debug.LogError( "The specified key did not exist." );

        return result;
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Snippet
            // Create asset
            var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Culture:en:Key:hello", "Hello World!" }
            IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);

            // Create cache
            IAssetCache asset_cached = new AssetCache(asset);
            // Adds feature to cache IResourceAsset specific requests
            asset_cached.Add(new AssetCachePartResources(asset_cached.Source, asset_cached.Options));
            // Adds feature to cache IStringAsset specific requests
            asset_cached.Add(new AssetCachePartStrings(asset_cached.Source, asset_cached.Options));
            // Adds feature to cache IAssetCultureEnumerable specific requests
            asset_cached.Add(new AssetCachePartCultures(asset_cached.Source, asset_cached.Options));

            // Assign the cached asset
            LineRoot.Global.Asset = asset_cached;
            #endregion Snippet
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_0a
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "en/MyController/Hello", "Hello World!" }
                // Create key name policy
                ILineFormat policy =
                    new LineParameterPrinter()
                    .ParameterInfo(ParameterInfos.Default.Comparables(), prefixSeparator: "/") // Sorts parameters
                    .DefaultRule(true, prefixSeparator: "/");                                  // Default separator
                // Create asset
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, policy);
                // Create key
                ILine key = new LineRoot(asset).Section("MyController").Key("Hello");
                // Retrieve string
                string str = key.Culture("en").ResolveString();
                #endregion Snippet_0a

                #region Snippet_0b
                // Test if key converted correctly to expected identity "en/Section/Key"
                string id = policy.Print(key.Culture("en"));
                #endregion Snippet_0b

                #region Snippet_1
                // Let's create an example key
                ILine key = new LineRoot()
                #endregion Snippet_1

                    #region Snippet_2
                    // "en:Patches:MyController:Errors:InvalidState"
                    string str1 = LineParameterPrinter.Default.Print(key);
                    // "en.Patches.MyController.Errors.InvalidState"
                    string str2 = LineParameterPrinter.Dot_Dot_Dot.Print(key);
                    // "Patches:MyController:Errors:InvalidState"
                    string str3 = LineParameterPrinter.None_Colon_Colon.Print(key);
                    // "en:Patches.MyController.Errors.InvalidState"
                    string str4 = LineParameterPrinter.Colon_Dot_Dot.Print(key);
                    #endregion Snippet_2

                    #region Snippet_3
                    // Create a custom policy
                    ILineFormat myPolicy = new LineParameterPrinter()
                                           // Enable non-canonical "Culture" parameter with "/" separator
                                           .Rule("Culture", true, "", "/")
                                           // Disable other non-canonical parts
                                           // Enable canonical all parts with "/" separator
                                           .CanonicalRule(true, "/", "")
                                           // Set "Key" parameter's prefix to "/" and postfix to ".txt".
                                           .Rule("Key", true, "/", ".txt");

                    // "en/Patches/MyController/Errors/InvalidState.txt"
                    string str = myPolicy.Print(key);
                    #endregion Snippet_3

                    #region Snippet_4
                    // Create similiar policy with LinePattern
                    ILineFormat myPolicy = new LinePattern("{culture/}{location/}{type/}{section/}[Key].txt");
                    // "en/Patches/MyController/Errors/InvalidState.txt"
                    string str = myPolicy.Print(key);
                    #endregion Snippet_4

                    #region Snippet_4a
                    // Create name pattern
                    ILineFormat myPolicy = new LinePattern("Patches/{Section}[-key]{-culture}.png");
                    #endregion Snippet_4a
                    // "Patches/icons-ok-de.png"
                    string str = myPolicy.Print(key);
                    #region Snippet_4b
                    // Create name pattern
                    ILineFormat myPolicy = new LinePattern("{location_0/}{location_1/}{location_n/}{Section}{-key}{-culture}.png");
                    // Create key
                    ILine key2 = new LineRoot().Location("Patches").Location("20181130").Section("icons").Key("ok").Culture("de");
                    // Converts to "Patches/20181130/icons-ok-de.png"
                    string str = myPolicy.Print(key2);
                    #endregion Snippet_4b
                    #region Snippet_4c
                    // Create name pattern with regular expression detail
                    ILinePattern myPolicy = new LinePattern("{location<[^/]+>/}{Section}{-key}{-culture}.png");
                    // Use its regular expression
                    Match match = myPolicy.Regex.Match("patches/icons-ok-de.png");
                    #endregion Snippet_4c
Example #14
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_0
                // Create policy
                ICulturePolicyAssignable culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy();
                #endregion Snippet_0

                #region Snippet_1
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "MyController:hello", "Hello World!" },
                    { "en:MyController:hello", "Hello World!" },
                    { "de:MyController:hello", "Hallo Welt!" }
                // Create asset with culture policy
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineParameterPrinter.Default);
                // Create root and assign culturePolicy
                ILineRoot root = new LineRoot(asset, culturePolicy);
                #endregion Snippet_1

                #region Snippet_2a
                // Set active culture and set fallback culture
                ICulturePolicy cultureArray_ =
                    new CulturePolicy().SetCultures(
                #endregion Snippet_2a
                #region Snippet_2b
                // Create policy from array of cultures
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetCultures("en-US", "en", "");
                #endregion Snippet_2b
                #region Snippet_2c
                // Create policy from culture, adds fallback cultures "en" and "".
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetCultureWithFallbackCultures("en-US");
                #endregion Snippet_2c

                #region Snippet_3a
                // Set to use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentCulture();
                // Change current culture
                CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en");
                #endregion Snippet_3a
                #region Snippet_3b
                // Set to use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentUICulture();
                // Change current culture
                CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en");
                #endregion Snippet_3b
                #region Snippet_4a
                // Set to use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentThreadCulture();
                // Change current thread's culture
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en");
                #endregion Snippet_4a
                #region Snippet_4b
                // Set to use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentThreadUICulture();
                // Change current thread's culture
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en");
                #endregion Snippet_4b
                #region Snippet_5
                // Assign delegate
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetFunc(() => CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fi"));
                #endregion Snippet_5
                #region Snippet_6
                // Assign delegate
                ICulturePolicy source        = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentUICulture();
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetSourceFunc(() => source);
                #endregion Snippet_6
                #region Snippet_7
                // Freeze current culture
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy()
                #endregion Snippet_7

                #region Snippet_8a
                // Default CulturePolicy
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Value(DateTime.Now));
                #endregion Snippet_8a
                #region Snippet_8b
                // Format uses explicit CultureInfo "fi"
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Value(DateTime.Now).Culture("fi"));
                // Format uses explicit CultureInfo "sv"
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Value(DateTime.Now).Culture("sv"));
                // Format uses explicit CultureInfo "en"
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Value(DateTime.Now).Culture("en"));
                #endregion Snippet_8b
                #region Snippet_8c
                // C#'s String.Format uses Thread.CurrentCulture
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}", DateTime.Now));
                #endregion Snippet_8c
 public static void RemoveCachedDictionary(StringAsset stringAsset)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_0a
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "en/MyController/Hello", "Hello World!" }
                // Create key name policy
                ILineFormat policy =
                    new LineParameterPrinter()
                    .ParameterInfo(ParameterInfos.Default.Comparables(), prefixSeparator: "/") // Sorts parameters
                    .DefaultRule(true, prefixSeparator: "/");                                  // Default separator
                // Create asset
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, policy);
                // Create key
                ILine key = new LineRoot(asset).Section("MyController").Key("Hello");
                // Retrieve string
                string str = key.Culture("en").ResolveString();
                #endregion Snippet_0a

                #region Snippet_0b
                // Test if key converted correctly to expected identity "en/Section/Key"
                string id = policy.Print(key.Culture("en"));
                #endregion Snippet_0b

                #region Snippet_1
                // Let's create an example key
                ILine key = LineAppender.NonResolving
                #endregion Snippet_1

                    #region Snippet_2
                    // "en:Patches:Controllers:MyController:Errors:InvalidState"
                    string str1 = LineParameterPrinter.Default.Print(key);
                    // "en.Patches.Controllers.MyController.Errors.InvalidState"
                    string str2 = LineParameterPrinter.Dot_Dot_Dot.Print(key);
                    // "Patches:Controllers:MyController:Errors:InvalidState"
                    string str3 = LineParameterPrinter.None_Colon_Colon.Print(key);
                    // "en:Patches.Controllers.MyController.Errors.InvalidState"
                    string str4 = LineParameterPrinter.Colon_Dot_Dot.Print(key);
                    // "en:Patches:Controllers:MyController:Errors.InvalidState"
                    string str5 = LineParameterPrinter.Colon_Colon_Dot.Print(key);
                    #endregion Snippet_2

                    #region Snippet_3
                    // Create a custom policy
                    ILineFormat myPolicy = new LineParameterPrinter()
                                           // Enable non-canonical "Culture" parameter with "/" separator
                                           .Rule("Culture", true, postfixSeparator: "/", order: ParameterInfos.Default.GetValue("Culture").Order)
                                           // Disable other non-canonical parts
                                           // Enable canonical all parts with "/" separator
                                           .CanonicalRule(true, prefixSeparator: "/")
                                           // Set "Key" parameter's prefix to "/"
                                           .Rule("Key", true, prefixSeparator: "/", order: ParameterInfos.Default.GetValue("Key").Order);

                    // "en/Patches/MyController/Errors/InvalidState"
                    string str = myPolicy.Print(key);
                    #endregion Snippet_3
Example #17
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_1a
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Culture:en:Type:MyController:Key:hello", "Hello World!" }
                // Create asset
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);
                // Create culture policy
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy();
                // Create root
                ILineRoot root = new LineRoot(asset, culturePolicy);
                #endregion Snippet_1a

                #region Snippet_1b
                // Construct key
                ILine key = root.Type("MyController").Key("Hello");
                #endregion Snippet_1b

                #region Snippet_1c
                // Set active culture for this root
                (root.FindCulturePolicy() as ICulturePolicyAssignable).SetCultures("en", "");
                // Provide string
                string str = key.ToString();
                #endregion Snippet_1c

                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Culture:en:Section:Section:Key:Key", "Hello World!" }
                // Create asset
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);
                #region Snippet_5x
                // Create reference
                ILine key = LineAppender.NonResolving.Section("Section").Key("Key");
                // Retreieve with reference
                IString str = asset.GetLine(key).GetString();
                #endregion Snippet_5x

                #region Snippet_2a
                // Create key from global root
                ILine key = LineRoot.Global.Type("MyController").Key("Hello");
                #endregion Snippet_2a

                #region Snippet_2b
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Culture:en:Type:MyController:Key:hello", "Hello World!" }
                // Create asset
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source, LineFormat.Parameters);
                // Assets are added to global static builder. It must be (re-)built after adding.
                #endregion Snippet_2b

                #region Snippet_2c
                // If ran in multi-threaded initialization, lock to LineRoot.Builder.
                lock (LineRoot.Builder) LineRoot.Builder.AddAsset(asset).Build();
                #endregion Snippet_2c

                #region Snippet_2d
                // StringLocalizerRoot is root for IStringLocalizer interoperability
                IStringLocalizerFactory stringLocalizerFactory = StringLocalizerRoot.Global;
                #endregion Snippet_2d

                #region Snippet_2e
                // LineRoot and StringLocalizerRoot are interchangeable. They share the same asset(s).
                IStringLocalizer <MyController> stringLocalizer = StringLocalizerRoot.Global.Type <MyController>().AsStringLocalizer <MyController>();
                #endregion Snippet_2e

                #region Snippet_2f
                // Dynamic instance is acquired with LineRoot.GlobalDynamic
                dynamic key_ = LineRoot.GlobalDynamic.Section("Section").Key("Key");
                #endregion Snippet_2f
Example #18
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                List <ILine> lines = new List <ILine>
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("ILineFactory_Examples").Key("Hello").Text("Hello World"),
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(lines);
                #region Snippet_0
                ILine   key = LineAppender.NonResolving.Type("ILineFactory_Examples").Key("Hello");
                IString str = asset.GetLine(key).GetString();
                #endregion Snippet_0
                #region Snippet_1
                ILine localization = LineAppender.Default
                                     .Type <ILineFactory_Examples>();

                List <ILine> lines = new List <ILine>
                    localization.Key("Error").Format("Failed (ErrorCode={0})")

                IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(lines);
                #endregion Snippet_1
                #region Snippet_2
                IStringLocalizer localizer =
                    as IStringLocalizer;
                #endregion Snippet_2
                #region Snippet_3a
                ILine line = LineRoot.Global.AddAppender(new MyAppender()).Key("Ok");
                #endregion Snippet_3a
                #region Snippet_4
                #endregion Snippet_4
                #region Snippet_5
                #endregion Snippet_5
                #region Snippet_6
                #endregion Snippet_6
                #region Snippet_7
                #endregion Snippet_7
                #region Snippet_8
                #endregion Snippet_8
Example #19
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_1a
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "MyController:hello", "Hello World!" },
                    { "en:MyController:hello", "Hello World!" },
                    { "de:MyController:hello", "Hallo Welt!" }
                // Create asset with string source
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(source, "{Culture:}[Type:][Key]").Load();
                #endregion Snippet_1a
                ILine key = new LineRoot(asset).Type("MyController").Key("hello");

                #region Snippet_1b
                // Create localization source
                var source = new List <ILine> {
                    { LineFormat.Parameters.Parse("Type:MyController:Key:hello").Format("Hello World!") },
                    { LineFormat.Parameters.Parse("Culture:en:Type:MyController:Key:hello").Format("Hello World!") },
                    { LineFormat.Parameters.Parse("Culture:de:Type:MyController:Key:hello").Format("Hallo Welt!") }
                // Create asset with string source
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(source).Load();
                #endregion Snippet_1b

                #region Snippet_2b
                ILine key = new LineRoot(asset).Type("MyController").Key("hello");
                #endregion Snippet_2b

                #region Snippet_1c
                // Create localization source
                var source = new Dictionary <ILine, string> {
                    { new LineRoot().Type("MyController").Key("hello"), "Hello World!" },
                    { new LineRoot().Type("MyController").Key("hello").Culture("en"), "Hello World!" },
                    { new LineRoot().Type("MyController").Key("hello").Culture("de"), "Hallo Welt!" }
                // Create asset with string source
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(source).Load();
                #endregion Snippet_1c

                #region Snippet_2c
                ILine key = new LineRoot(asset).Type("MyController").Key("hello");
                #endregion Snippet_2c

                var source = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "MyController:hello", "Hello World!" },
                    { "en:MyController:hello", "Hello World!" },
                    { "de:MyController:hello", "Hallo Welt!" }
                // Create asset with string source
                IAsset asset = new StringAsset().Add(source, "{Culture:}[Type:][Key]").Load();
                #region Snippet_3a
                // Extract all keys
                foreach (var _key in asset.GetStringLines(null))
                #endregion Snippet_3a
                #region Snippet_3b
                var source = new List <ILine> {
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyController").Key("hello").Format("Hello World!"),
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyController").Key("hello").Culture("en").Format("Hello World!"),
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyController").Key("hello").Culture("de").Format("Hallo Welt!")
                // Keys can be filtered
                ILine  filterKey = LineAppender.Default.Culture("de");
                IAsset asset     = new StringAsset().Add(source, "{Culture:}[Type:][Key]").Load();
                foreach (var _key in asset.GetLines(filterKey))
                #endregion Snippet_3b
Example #20
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                #region Snippet_1a
                ILine line = LineRoot.Global.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
                #endregion Snippet_1a
                #region Snippet_1b
                Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));
                #endregion Snippet_1b
                #region Snippet_1c
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Value(DateTime.Now));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}", DateTime.Now));
                #endregion Snippet_1c
                #region Snippet_1c1
                DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Key("Time").Formulate($"It is now {time:d} at {time:t}"));
                #endregion Snippet_1c1
                #region Snippet_1c2
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Culture("sv").Value(DateTime.Now));
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Format("It is now {0:d} at {0:t}").Culture("de").Value(DateTime.Now));
                #endregion Snippet_1c2
                #region Snippet_1d
                LineString resolved_string = line.Value("Corellia Melody").ResolveString();
                #endregion Snippet_1d
                #region Snippet_1e
                Permissions permissions = Permissions.Add | Permissions.Modify | Permissions.Remove;
                Console.WriteLine(LineRoot.Global.Key("Permission").Formulate($"User permissions {permissions}"));
                #endregion Snippet_1e
                #region Snippet_2
                ILine line = LineRoot.Global
                             .Format("Hello, {0}.")
                             .Inline("Culture:fi", "Hei, {0}")
                             .Inline("Culture:de", "Hallo, {0}");
                Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));
                #endregion Snippet_2
                #region Snippet_3
                ILine line = LineRoot.Global.PluralRules("Unicode.CLDR35")
                             .Format("{cardinal:0} cat(s)")
                             .Inline("N:zero", "no cats")
                             .Inline("N:one", "a cat")
                             .Inline("N:other", "{0} cats");
                for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)
                #endregion Snippet_3
                #region Snippet_4
                ILine line = LineRoot.Global.PluralRules("Unicode.CLDR35")
                             .Format("{0} cat(s)")
                             .Inline("Culture:en", "{cardinal:0} cat(s)")
                             .Inline("Culture:en:N:zero", "no cats")
                             .Inline("Culture:en:N:one", "a cat")
                             .Inline("Culture:en:N:other", "{0} cats")
                             .Inline("Culture:fi", "{cardinal:0} kissa(a)")
                             .Inline("Culture:fi:N:zero", "ei kissoja")
                             .Inline("Culture:fi:N:one", "yksi kissa")
                             .Inline("Culture:fi:N:other", "{0} kissaa");

                // Print with plurality and to culture "en"
                for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)
                #endregion Snippet_4
                #region Snippet_5a
                IAsset asset = LineReaderMap.Default.FileAsset("PluralityExample0a.xml");
                ILine line = LineRoot.Global.Key("Cats").Format("{0} cat(s)");
                // Print with plurality
                for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)
                #endregion Snippet_5a
                #region Snippet_5b
                IAsset    asset = LineReaderMap.Default.FileAsset("PluralityExample0a.xml");
                ILineRoot root  = new LineRoot(asset, new CulturePolicy());
                ILine     line  = root.Key("Cats").Format("{0} cat(s)");
                #endregion Snippet_5b
                // Print with plurality
                for (int cats = 0; cats <= 2; cats++)
                #region Snippet_6
                List <ILine> lines = new List <ILine> {
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello").Format("Hello, {0}"),
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello").Culture("fi").Format("Hei, {0}"),
                    LineAppender.Default.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello").Culture("de").Format("Hallo, {0}")
                IAsset    asset = new StringAsset().Add(lines).Load();
                ILineRoot root  = new LineRoot(asset, new CulturePolicy());
                ILine     line  = root.Type("MyClass").Key("Hello");
                Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));
                #endregion Snippet_6
                #region Snippet_7
                ILine root = LineRoot.Global.Logger(Console.Out, LineStatusSeverity.Ok);
                ILine line = root.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
                Console.WriteLine(line.Value("Corellia Melody"));
                #endregion Snippet_7
                #region Snippet_8
                ILine   line1a  = LineRoot.Global.Key("Cats").Format("{0} cat(s)");
                IString string1 = CSharpFormat.Default.Parse("{0} cat(s)");
                ILine   line1b  = LineRoot.Global.Key("Cats").String(string1);

                ILine   line2a  = LineRoot.Global.Key("Ok").Text("{in braces}");
                IString string2 = TextFormat.Default.Parse("{in braces}");
                ILine   line2b  = LineRoot.Global.Key("Ok").String(string2);
                #endregion Snippet_8
                #region Snippet_9
                ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy().SetToCurrentThreadUICulture();
                ILine          root          = new LineRoot(null, culturePolicy: culturePolicy);
                #endregion Snippet_9
                #region Snippet_10
                ILine                   line             = StringLocalizerRoot.Global.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
                IStringLocalizer        localizer        = line.AsStringLocalizer();
                IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory = line.AsStringLocalizerFactory();
                #endregion Snippet_10
                #region Snippet_11
                ILineRoot               root             = new StringLocalizerRoot(null, new CulturePolicy());
                ILine                   line             = root.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
                IStringLocalizer        localizer        = line.AsStringLocalizer();
                IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory = line.AsStringLocalizerFactory();
                #endregion Snippet_11
                #region Snippet_12
                ILine                   line             = LineRoot.Global.Type("MyClass").Key("hello").Format("Hello, {0}.");
                IStringLocalizer        localizer        = line.AsStringLocalizer();
                IStringLocalizerFactory localizerFactory = line.AsStringLocalizerFactory();
                #endregion Snippet_12
                #region Snippet_13
                #endregion Snippet_13
                #region Snippet_14
                #endregion Snippet_14
                #region Snippet_15
                #endregion Snippet_15
Example #21
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Snippet_1
            // Create localization source
            var source = new List <ILine> {
                LineFormat.Parameters.Parse("Culture:en:Type:MyController:Key:hello").Format("Hello World!")
            // Create asset
            IAsset asset = new StringAsset(source);
            // Create culture policy
            ICulturePolicy culturePolicy = new CulturePolicy();
            // Create root
            ILineRoot root = new StringLocalizerRoot(asset, culturePolicy);
            #endregion Snippet_1

                #region Snippet_2
                // Assign as IStringLocalizer, use "MyController" as root.
                IStringLocalizer stringLocalizer = root.Section("MyController").AsStringLocalizer();
                #endregion Snippet_2

                #region Snippet_3
                // Assign as IStringLocalizerFactory
                IStringLocalizerFactory stringLocalizerFactory = root as IStringLocalizerFactory;
                // Adapt to IStringLocalizer
                IStringLocalizer <MyController> stringLocalizer2 =
                    as IStringLocalizer <MyController>;
                #endregion Snippet_3

                #region Snippet_4a
                // Assign to IStringLocalizer for the class MyController
                IStringLocalizer <MyController> stringLocalizer =
                    root.Type(typeof(MyController)).AsStringLocalizer <MyController>();
                #endregion Snippet_4a
                #region Snippet_4b
                // Assign as IStringLocalizerFactory
                IStringLocalizerFactory stringLocalizerFactory = root as IStringLocalizerFactory;
                // Create IStringLocalizer for the class MyController
                IStringLocalizer <MyController> stringLocalizer =
                    stringLocalizerFactory.Create(typeof(MyController)) as IStringLocalizer <MyController>;
                #endregion Snippet_4b

                #region Snippet_5a
                // Create IStringLocalizer and assign culture
                IStringLocalizer stringLocalizer =
                    root.Culture("en").Type <MyController>().AsStringLocalizer();
                #endregion Snippet_5a
                #region Snippet_5b
                // Assign as IStringLocalizerFactory
                IStringLocalizerFactory stringLocalizerFactory = root as IStringLocalizerFactory;
                // Create IStringLocalizer and assign culture
                IStringLocalizer stringLocalizer = stringLocalizerFactory.Create(typeof(MyController))
                #endregion Snippet_5b
                stringLocalizer = (IStringLocalizer)root.Culture("en").Type <MyController>();
                // Change language
                stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer.WithCulture(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fi"));
                // Keep language
                stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer.WithCulture(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fi"));
                // Change language
                stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer.WithCulture(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("sv"));
                // Remove language
                stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer.WithCulture(null);