Example #1
         * Generates new valid rest positions for the entire rope.
        public override void RegenerateRestPositions()
            ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch distanceBatch = StretchShearConstraints.GetFirstBatch();

            // Iterate trough all distance constraints in order:
            int   particle            = -1;
            int   lastParticle        = -1;
            float accumulatedDistance = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < distanceBatch.ConstraintCount; ++i)
                if (i == 0)
                    lastParticle            = particle = distanceBatch.springIndices[i * 2];
                    restPositions[particle] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);

                accumulatedDistance += Mathf.Min(interParticleDistance, principalRadii[particle][0], principalRadii[lastParticle][0]);

                particle = distanceBatch.springIndices[i * 2 + 1];
                restPositions[particle]    = Vector3.right * accumulatedDistance;
                restPositions[particle][3] = 1;                 // activate rest position

Example #2
         * Returns the rest length of a structural constraint
        public override float GetStructuralConstraintRestLength(int constraintIndex)
            ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch distanceBatch = StretchShearConstraints.GetFirstBatch();

            if (distanceBatch != null && constraintIndex >= 0 && constraintIndex < distanceBatch.ConstraintCount)
Example #3
         * Returns the index of the structural constraint at a given normalized rope coordinate.
        public override int GetConstraintIndexAtNormalizedCoordinate(float coord)
            ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch distanceBatch = StretchShearConstraints.GetFirstBatch();

            if (distanceBatch != null)
                float mu = coord * distanceBatch.ConstraintCount;
                return(Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(mu), 0, distanceBatch.ConstraintCount - 1));
Example #4
         * Returns the particle indices affected by a structural constraint
        public override bool GetStructuralConstraintParticles(int constraintIndex, ref int particleIndex1, ref int particleIndex2)
            ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch distanceBatch = StretchShearConstraints.GetFirstBatch();

            if (distanceBatch != null && constraintIndex >= 0 && constraintIndex < distanceBatch.ConstraintCount)
                particleIndex1 = distanceBatch.springIndices[constraintIndex * 2];
                particleIndex2 = distanceBatch.springIndices[constraintIndex * 2 + 1];
Example #5
         * Generates the particle based physical representation of the rope. This is the initialization method for the rope object
         * and should not be called directly once the object has been created.
        protected override IEnumerator Initialize()
            initialized           = false;
            initializing          = true;
            interParticleDistance = -1;


            if (ropePath == null)
                Debug.LogError("Cannot initialize rope. There's no ropePath present. Please provide a spline to define the shape of the rope");
                yield break;

            ropePath.RecalculateSplineLenght(0.00001f, 7);
            closed     = ropePath.closed;
            restLength = ropePath.Length;

            usedParticles  = Mathf.CeilToInt(restLength / thickness * resolution) + (closed ? 0:1);
            totalParticles = usedParticles;

            active              = new bool[totalParticles];
            positions           = new Vector3[totalParticles];
            orientations        = new Quaternion[totalParticles];
            velocities          = new Vector3[totalParticles];
            angularVelocities   = new Vector3[totalParticles];
            invMasses           = new float[totalParticles];
            invRotationalMasses = new float[totalParticles];
            principalRadii      = new Vector3[totalParticles];
            phases              = new int[totalParticles];
            restPositions       = new Vector4[totalParticles];
            restOrientations    = new Quaternion[totalParticles];
            colors              = new Color[totalParticles];

            int numSegments = usedParticles - (closed ? 0:1);

            if (numSegments > 0)
                interParticleDistance = restLength / (float)numSegments;
                interParticleDistance = 0;

            float radius = interParticleDistance * resolution;

            for (int i = 0; i < usedParticles; i++)
                active[i]              = true;
                invMasses[i]           = 1.0f / DEFAULT_PARTICLE_MASS;
                invRotationalMasses[i] = 1.0f / DEFAULT_PARTICLE_ROTATIONAL_MASS;
                float mu = ropePath.GetMuAtLenght(interParticleDistance * i);
                positions[i]      = transform.InverseTransformPoint(ropePath.transform.TransformPoint(ropePath.GetPositionAt(mu)));
                principalRadii[i] = Vector3.one * radius;
                phases[i]         = Oni.MakePhase(1, selfCollisions?Oni.ParticlePhase.SelfCollide:0);
                colors[i]         = Color.white;

                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    yield return(new CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo("ObiRod: generating particles...", i / (float)usedParticles));

            ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch stretchBatch = new ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch(false, false, MIN_YOUNG_MODULUS, MAX_YOUNG_MODULUS);


            // rotation minimizing frame:
            ObiCurveFrame frame = new ObiCurveFrame();


            for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
                int next = (i + 1) % (ropePath.closed ? usedParticles:usedParticles + 1);

                float   mu     = ropePath.GetMuAtLenght(interParticleDistance * i);
                Vector3 normal = transform.InverseTransformVector(ropePath.transform.TransformVector(ropePath.GetNormalAt(mu)));

                frame.Transport(positions[i], (positions[next] - positions[i]).normalized, 0);

                orientations[i]     = Quaternion.LookRotation(frame.tangent, normal);
                restOrientations[i] = orientations[i];

                // Also set the orientation of the next particle. If it is not the last one, we will overwrite it.
                // This makes sure that open rods provide an orientation for their last particle (or rather, a phantom segment past the last particle).

                orientations[next]     = orientations[i];
                restOrientations[next] = orientations[i];

                stretchBatch.AddConstraint(i, next, interParticleDistance, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

                if (i % 500 == 0)
                    yield return(new CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo("ObiRod: generating structural constraints...", i / (float)numSegments));

            ObiBendTwistConstraintBatch twistBatch = new ObiBendTwistConstraintBatch(false, false, MIN_YOUNG_MODULUS, MAX_YOUNG_MODULUS);


            // the last bend constraint couples the last segment and a phantom segment past the last particle.
            for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
                int next = (i + 1) % (ropePath.closed ? usedParticles:usedParticles + 1);

                Quaternion darboux = keepInitialShape ? ObiUtils.RestDarboux(orientations[i], orientations[next]) : Quaternion.identity;
                twistBatch.AddConstraint(i, next, darboux, Vector3.one);

                if (i % 500 == 0)
                    yield return(new CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo("ObiRod: generating structural constraints...", i / (float)numSegments));

            ObiChainConstraintBatch chainBatch = new ObiChainConstraintBatch(false, false, MIN_YOUNG_MODULUS, MAX_YOUNG_MODULUS);


            int[] indices = new int[usedParticles + (closed ? 1:0)];

            for (int i = 0; i < usedParticles; ++i)
                indices[i] = i;

            // Add the first particle as the last index of the chain, if closed.
            if (closed)
                indices[usedParticles] = 0;

            chainBatch.AddConstraint(indices, interParticleDistance, 1, 1);

            // Initialize tether constraints:

            // Initialize pin constraints:
            ObiPinConstraintBatch pinBatch = new ObiPinConstraintBatch(false, false, MIN_YOUNG_MODULUS, MAX_YOUNG_MODULUS);


            initializing = false;
            initialized  = true;

Example #6
         * Returns the amount of structural constraints in the rope.
        public override int GetStructuralConstraintCount()
            ObiStretchShearConstraintBatch distanceBatch = StretchShearConstraints.GetFirstBatch();

            return(distanceBatch != null ? distanceBatch.ConstraintCount:0);