Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects queued impressions.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CollectQueuedImpressions()
            Presentation           p                = null;
            IMessageQueue          queue            = null;
            GenericMessageBody     body             = null;
            IEnumerable <Message>  messages         = null;
            IDictionary <int, int> addedImpressions = null;
            List <Tuple <GenericMessageBody, Message> > dispatchedMessages = null;

            if (!_isCollecting)
                _isCollecting = true;

                queue              = MessageQueueManager.Current.GetQueue(MessageQueueType.Impressions);
                messages           = queue.GetMessages().ToList();
                dispatchedMessages = new List <Tuple <GenericMessageBody, Message> >();

                if (messages != null && messages.Any())
                        using (var repository = new Storage.Repositories.NHibernateRepository <Impression>())
                            foreach (var m in messages)
                                    body = GenericMessageBody.FromString(m.Body);

                                    if (body != null)
                                        repository.Update(new Impression()
                                            PresentationId     = body.GetParameter <int>("PresentationId"),
                                            PresentationUserId = body.GetParameter <int>("PresentationUserId"),
                                            Timestamp          = m.Created

                                        dispatchedMessages.Add(new Tuple <GenericMessageBody, Message>(body, m));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    _log.Error(string.Format("Failed to collect message with Id '{0}'", m.Id), ex);

                        queue.RemoveMessages(dispatchedMessages.Select(m => m.Item2));
                        addedImpressions = dispatchedMessages.GroupBy(t => t.Item1.GetParameter <int>("PresentationId")).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());

                        using (var repository = new Storage.Repositories.RavenRepository <Presentation>())
                            foreach (var imp in addedImpressions)
                                    p = repository.Select(imp.Key);

                                    if (p != null && p.TotalImpressions < 10000)
                                        p.TotalImpressions += imp.Value;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    _log.Error(string.Format("Failed to update total impressions for infographic with Id '{0}'", imp.Key), ex);

                        if (addedImpressions != null && addedImpressions.Any())
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _log.Error(string.Format("Failed to collect {0} impression(s).", messages.Count()), ex);

                _isCollecting = false;
        public IEnumerable <ImpressionSummary> GetImpressions(int id)
            int                      order = 0;
            Presentation             p = null;
            List <int>               days = new List <int>();
            string                   presentationUrl = string.Empty;
            ImpressionSummary        normalSummary = null;
            List <ImpressionSummary> ret = new List <ImpressionSummary>();
            DateTime                 dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow, dtSevenDaysAgo = dtNow.AddDays(-7), dtCurrent = dtSevenDaysAgo;

            if (id > 0)
                p = base.Service.Read(id);

                if (p != null && Ifly.ApplicationContext.Current.User != null && p.UserId == Ifly.ApplicationContext.Current.User.Id)
                    presentationUrl = PublishConfiguration.GetAbsoluteUri(Request.RequestUri, id);

                    using (var repository = new Storage.Repositories.NHibernateRepository <Impression>())
                        // Selecting all non-empty impressions (the ones that have timestamp and presentation Id set) with point in time as day of the month.
                        var inner = from i in repository.Query()
                                    where i.Timestamp != null && i.PresentationId != null
                                    select new
                            Timestamp      = i.Timestamp.Value,
                            PresentationId = i.PresentationId.Value,
                            PointInTime    = i.Timestamp.Value.Day

                        // Selecting all impressions for the last seven days groupped by point in time (day of the month).
                        var outer = from i in inner
                                    where i.PresentationId == id && i.Timestamp >= dtSevenDaysAgo && i.Timestamp <= dtNow
                                    group i by i.PointInTime;

                        // Selecting summary projections.
                        var query = from i in outer
                                    select new
                            PointInTime      = i.Key,
                            TotalImpressions = i.Count()

                        // Materializing.
                        var results = query.ToList();

                        // Determining month days in a sequence (e.g. 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 3, 4).
                            dtCurrent = dtCurrent.AddDays(1);
                        }while (dtCurrent < dtNow);

                        foreach (int day in days)
                            normalSummary = new ImpressionSummary()
                                Order            = order++,
                                PointInTime      = day,
                                TotalImpressions = 0

                            // Trying to find data for the given point in time.
                            var r = results.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.PointInTime == day);

                            if (r != null)
                                normalSummary.TotalImpressions = r.TotalImpressions;


                    // Adding social summaries.
                    using (var repository = new Storage.Repositories.NHibernateRepository <SocialImpact>())
                                     .Where(x => x.PresentationId == id && x.Value != null)
                                     .Select(x => new ImpressionSummary()
                            TotalImpressions = x.Value.Value

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects social impacts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ids">Collection of presentation ids.</param>
        private static void CollectSocialImpacts(IEnumerable <int> presentationIds)
            var allEstimators = new Dictionary <SocialImpactChannel, PopularityEstimator>()
                { SocialImpactChannel.Facebook, new FacebookPopularityEstimator() },
                { SocialImpactChannel.GooglePlus, new GooglePlusPopularityEstimator() },
                { SocialImpactChannel.Twitter, new TwitterPopularityEstimator() },
                { SocialImpactChannel.LinkedIn, new LinkedInPopularityEstimator() }

            DateTime     currentTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            SocialImpact impact           = null;
            Dictionary <SocialImpactChannel, PopularityEstimator> estimators = null;

                using (var repository = new Storage.Repositories.NHibernateRepository <SocialImpact>())
                    foreach (var presentationId in presentationIds)
                        estimators = new Dictionary <SocialImpactChannel, PopularityEstimator>(allEstimators);

                            var impacts = repository.Query()
                                          .Where(x => x.PresentationId == presentationId)
                                          .ToDictionary(k => k.Channel);

                            foreach (var i in impacts.Values)
                                if ((i.Timestamp - currentTimestamp).TotalMinutes < 30)

                            foreach (var estimator in estimators)
                                impact = null;

                                if (impacts.ContainsKey(estimator.Key))
                                    impact = impacts[estimator.Key];

                                if (impact == null)
                                    impact = new SocialImpact()
                                        Channel        = estimator.Key,
                                        PresentationId = presentationId

                                impact.Timestamp = currentTimestamp;
                                impact.Value     = (int)estimator.Value.Score(PublishConfiguration.GetAbsoluteUri(new Uri("https://spritesapp.com", UriKind.Absolute), presentationId));

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _log.Error(string.Format("Failed to update social impacts for infographic with Id '{0}'", presentationId), ex);
                            estimators = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error(string.Format("Failed to collect {0} social impact(s).", presentationIds.Count()), ex);