private async void ExecuteStatisticsQuery(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is at least one statistic definition
            if (!_statisticDefinitions.Any())
                // Warn the user to define a statistic to query
                ShowMessage("Please define at least one statistic for the query.", "Statistical Query");

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of statistic definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(_statisticDefinitions);

            // Specify the selected group fields (if any)
            if (_groupByFields != null)
                // Find fields in the dictionary with a 'true' value and add them to the group by field names
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> groupField in _groupByFields.Where(field => field.Value))

            // Specify the fields to order by (if any)
            if (_orderByFields != null)
                foreach (OrderFieldOption orderBy in _orderByFields)

            // Ignore counties with missing data
            statQueryParams.WhereClause = "\"State\" IS NOT NULL";

                // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
                StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _usStatesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

                // Get results formatted as a dictionary (group names and their associated dictionary of results)
                Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> > resultsLookup = statQueryResult.ToDictionary(r => string.Join(", ", r.Group.Values), r => r.Statistics);

                // Create an instance of a custom list adapter that has logic to show results as expandable groups
                ExpandableResultsListAdapter expandableListAdapter = new ExpandableResultsListAdapter(this, resultsLookup);

                // Create an expandable list view and assign the expandable adapter
                ExpandableListView expandableResultsListView = new ExpandableListView(this);

                // Show the expandable list view in a dialog
                AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            catch (Exception ex)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(ex.ToString()).SetTitle("Error").Show();
        // Execute a statistical query using the parameters defined by the user and display the results
        private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is at least one statistic definition
            if (_statDefinitions.Count == 0)
                ShowMessage("Please define at least one statistic for the query.", "Statistical Query");

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of statistic definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(_statDefinitions);

            // Specify the group fields (if any)
            foreach (string groupField in _groupByFields)

            // Specify the fields to order by (if any)
            foreach (OrderFieldOption orderBy in _orderByFields)

            // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
            StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _usStatesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

            // Format the output for display of grouped results in the list view
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> > > groupedResults = statQueryResult.GroupBy(r => string.Join(", ", r.Group.Values), r => r.Statistics);

            // Apply the results to the list view data source
            GroupedResultData.Source = groupedResults;
        // Execute a statistical query using the parameters defined by the user and display the results
        private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is at least one statistic definition
            if (!_statDefinitions.Any())
                await((Page)Parent).DisplayAlert("Please define at least one statistic for the query.", "Statistical Query", "OK");

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of statistic definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(_statDefinitions);

            // Specify the group fields (if any)
            foreach (string groupField in _groupByFields)

            // Specify the fields to order by (if any)
            foreach (OrderFieldOption orderBy in _orderByFields)

            // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
            StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _usStatesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

            // Get results formatted as a lookup (list of group names and their associated dictionary of results)
            ILookup <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> > resultsLookup = statQueryResult.ToLookup(result => string.Join(", ", result.Group.Values), result => result.Statistics);

            // Loop through the formatted results and build a list of classes to display as grouped results in the list view
            ObservableCollection <ResultGroup> resultsGroupCollection = new ObservableCollection <ResultGroup>();

            foreach (IGrouping <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> > group in resultsLookup)
                // Create a new group
                ResultGroup resultGroup = new ResultGroup()
                    GroupName = group.Key

                // Loop through all the results for this group and add them to the collection
                foreach (IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> resultSet in group)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> result in resultSet)
                        resultGroup.Add(new StatisticResult {
                            FieldName = result.Key, StatValue = result.Value

                // Add the group of results to the collection

            // Apply the results to the list view data source and show the results grid
            StatResultsList.ItemsSource = resultsGroupCollection;
            ResultsGrid.IsVisible       = true;
        private async void ExecuteStatisticsQuery(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Remove the placeholder "Add statistic" row (if it exists)
            StatisticDefinition placeholderRow = _statisticDefinitions.LastOrDefault();

            if (placeholderRow != null && placeholderRow.OutputAlias == "")

            // Verify that there is at least one statistic definition
            if (_statisticDefinitions.Count() == 0)
                ShowAlert("Statistical Query", "Please define at least one statistic for the query.");

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of statistic definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(_statisticDefinitions);

            // Specify the selected group fields (if any)
            if (_groupByFields != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> groupField in _groupByFields.Where(field => field.Value == true))

            // Specify the fields to order by (if any)
            if (_orderByFields != null)
                foreach (OrderFieldOption orderBy in _orderByFields)

            // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
            StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _usStatesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

            // Get results formatted as a dictionary (group names and their associated dictionary of results)
            Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> > resultsLookup = statQueryResult.ToDictionary(result => string.Join(", ", result.Group.Values), result => result.Statistics);

            // Create an instance of a custom data source to display the results
            StatisticQueryResultsDataSource statResultsDataSource = new StatisticQueryResultsDataSource(resultsLookup);

            // Create a new table with a grouped style for displaying rows
            UITableViewController statResultsTable = new UITableViewController(UITableViewStyle.Grouped);

            // Set the table view data source
            statResultsTable.TableView.Source = statResultsDataSource;

            // Show the table view
            this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statResultsTable, true);
        private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create definitions for each statistic to calculate
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionAvgPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Average, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMinPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Minimum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMaxPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Maximum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionSumPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Sum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionStdDevPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.StandardDeviation, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionVarPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Variance, "");

            // Create a definition for count that includes an alias for the output
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionCount = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Count, "CityCount");

            // Add the statistics definitions to a list
            List <StatisticDefinition> statDefinitions = new List <StatisticDefinition>

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(statDefinitions);

            // If only using features in the current extent, set up the spatial filter for the statistics query parameters
            if (_onlyInExtentSwitch.Checked)
                // Get the current extent (envelope) from the map view
                Envelope currentExtent = _myMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry as Envelope;

                // Set the statistics query parameters geometry with the envelope
                statQueryParams.Geometry = currentExtent;

                // Set the spatial relationship to Intersects (which is the default)
                statQueryParams.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects;

            // If only evaluating the largest cities (over 5 million in population), set up an attribute filter
            if (_onlyBigCitiesSwitch.Checked)
                // Set a where clause to get the largest cities (could also use "POP_CLASS = '5,000,000 and greater'")
                statQueryParams.WhereClause = "POP_RANK = 1";

            // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
            StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _worldCitiesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

            // Display results in a list in a dialog
            List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > statsList = statQueryResult.First().Statistics.ToList();

        // Execute a statistical query using the parameters defined by the user and display the results
        private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is at least one statistic definition
            if (_statDefinitions.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please define at least one statistic for the query.", "Statistical Query");

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of statistic definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(_statDefinitions);

            // Specify the group fields (if any)
            foreach (string groupField in _groupByFields)

            // Specify the fields to order by (if any)
            foreach (OrderBy orderBy in _orderByFields)

            // Ignore counties with missing data
            statQueryParams.WhereClause = "\"State\" IS NOT NULL";

                // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
                StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _usStatesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

                // Format the output, and display results in the tree view
                ILookup <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> > groupedResults = statQueryResult.ToLookup(r => string.Join(", ", r.Group.Values), r => r.Statistics);
                ResultsTreeView.ItemsSource = groupedResults;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Invalid statistics definitions");
Example #7
        private async void QueryStatistics(bool onlyInExtent, bool onlyLargePop)
            // Create definitions for each statistic to calculate.
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionAvgPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Average, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMinPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Minimum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMaxPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Maximum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionSumPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Sum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionStdDevPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.StandardDeviation, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionVarPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Variance, "");

            // Create a definition for count that includes an alias for the output.
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionCount = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Count, "CityCount");

            // Add the statistics definitions to a list.
            List <StatisticDefinition> statDefinitions = new List <StatisticDefinition>

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of definitions.
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(statDefinitions);

            // If only using features in the current extent, set up the spatial filter for the statistics query parameters.
            if (onlyInExtent)
                // Get the current extent (envelope) from the map view.
                Envelope currentExtent = _myMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry as Envelope;

                // Set the statistics query parameters geometry with the current extent.
                statQueryParams.Geometry = currentExtent;

                // Set the spatial relationship to Intersects (which is the default).
                statQueryParams.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects;

            // If only evaluating the largest cities (over 5 million in population), set up an attribute filter.
            if (onlyLargePop)
                // Set a where clause to get the largest cities (could also use "POP_CLASS = '5,000,000 and greater'").
                statQueryParams.WhereClause = "POP_RANK = 1";

                // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results.
                StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _worldCitiesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

                // Get the first (only) StatisticRecord in the results.
                StatisticRecord record = statQueryResult.FirstOrDefault();

                // Make sure a record was returned.
                if (record == null || record.Statistics.Count == 0)
                    ShowMessage("No result", "No results were returned.");

                // Display results.
            catch (ArcGISWebException exception)
                ShowMessage("There was a problem running the query.", exception.ToString());
Example #8
        private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create definitions for each statistic to calculate
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionAvgPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Average, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMinPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Minimum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMaxPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Maximum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionSumPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Sum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionStdDevPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.StandardDeviation, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionVarPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Variance, "");

            // Create a definition for count that includes an alias for the output
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionCount = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Count, "CityCount");

            // Add the statistics definitions to a list
            List <StatisticDefinition> statDefinitions = new List <StatisticDefinition>

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(statDefinitions);

            // If only using features in the current extent, set up the spatial filter for the statistics query parameters
            if (OnlyInExtentSwitch.IsToggled)
                // Get the current extent (envelope) from the map view
                Envelope currentExtent = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry as Envelope;

                // Set the statistics query parameters geometry with the envelope
                statQueryParams.Geometry = currentExtent;

                // Set the spatial relationship to Intersects (which is the default)
                statQueryParams.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects;

            // If only evaluating the largest cities (over 5 million in population), set up an attribute filter
            if (OnlyBigCitiesSwitch.IsToggled)
                // Set a where clause to get the largest cities (could also use "POP_CLASS = '5,000,000 and greater'")
                statQueryParams.WhereClause = "POP_RANK = 1";

                // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
                StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _worldCitiesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

                // Display results in the list box
                StatResultsList.ItemsSource = statQueryResult.First().Statistics.Select(m => $"{m.Key}:{m.Value}").ToList();
                ResultsGrid.IsVisible       = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "OK");
        private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create definitions for each statistic to calculate
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionAvgPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Average, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMinPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Minimum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMaxPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Maximum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionSumPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Sum, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionStdDevPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.StandardDeviation, "");
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionVarPop    = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Variance, "");

            // Create a definition for count that includes an alias for the output
            StatisticDefinition statDefinitionCount = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Count, "CityCount");

            // Add the statistics definitions to a list
            List <StatisticDefinition> statDefinitions = new List <StatisticDefinition>

            // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of definitions
            StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(statDefinitions);

            // If only using features in the current extent, set up the spatial filter for the statistics query parameters
            if (_onlyInExtentSwitch.On)
                // Get the current extent (envelope) from the map view
                Envelope currentExtent = _myMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry as Envelope;

                // Set the statistics query parameters geometry with the envelope
                statQueryParams.Geometry = currentExtent;

                // Set the spatial relationship to Intersects (which is the default)
                statQueryParams.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects;

            // If only evaluating the largest cities (over 5 million in population), set up an attribute filter
            if (_onlyBigCitiesSwitch.On)
                // Set a where clause to get the largest cities (could also use "POP_CLASS = '5,000,000 and greater'")
                statQueryParams.WhereClause = "POP_RANK = 1";

            // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results
            StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _worldCitiesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams);

            // Get the first (only) StatisticRecord in the results
            StatisticRecord record = statQueryResult.FirstOrDefault();

            // Make sure a record was returned
            if (record == null || record.Statistics.Count == 0)
                // Notify the user that no results were returned
                UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView();
                alert.Message = "No results were returned";
                alert.Title   = "Statistical Query";

            // Display results
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> statistics = record.Statistics;
