Example #1
    public override IEnumerator Effect(HexagonMapEditor editor, Grid hexGrid, int x, int z, int size)
        //Debug.Log("poison gas hurting people");
        List <HexagonCell> frontier = new List <HexagonCell>(); // list of nodes that the hazard has effect over
        HexagonCell        curr     = hexGrid.Get_Cell_Index(new HexagonCoord(x, z));

        //Debug.Log(type_name + " hazard epicenter at: " + curr.coords.x + "," + curr.coords.Y_coord + "," + curr.coords.z);
        for (int i = 0; i < hexGrid.cells.Length; i++)
            int distance = curr.coords.FindDistanceTo(hexGrid.cells[i].coords);
            if (distance <= size)
        for (int j = 0; j < frontier.Count; j++)
            if (frontier[j].occupied && frontier[j].unitOnTile.gameObject.tag != gameObject.tag)
                //frontier[j].unitOnTile.current_health -= damageDealt;

                StartUnit  attacked_unit = frontier[j].unitOnTile;
                GameObject damagetext    = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform);
                damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color         = Color.yellow;
                damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)10 / 75f));
                damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text          = damageDealt.ToString();

                if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1)
                    damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y,

                    //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color = Color.green;
                    //Debug.Log("BackWards Text");
                    if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1)
                        damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y,
                attacked_unit.TakeDamage(attacked_unit, damageDealt); // true damage so no need to incorporate
                attacked_unit.PlayBlink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f);

                if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0)
                    attacked_unit.dead = true;
                    PoisonHero pHero;
                    if (gameObject.tag == "Player 1")
                        pHero = editor.P1Team[0].GetComponent <PoisonHero>();
                        pHero = editor.P2Team[0].GetComponent <PoisonHero>();
                    if (attacked_unit.tag == "TeamBuff") // was a buffmonster
                        GameObject buffItem = Instantiate(pHero.FloatingBuffPrefab, pHero.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, pHero.transform);
                        int        randBuff = Random.Range(0, 4);
                        //give correct buff accordingly
                        Debug.Log("acquiring buff");
                        if (randBuff == 0) // movement buff
                            buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.mobilityBuff;
                            Debug.Log(name + " got a movement buff");
                            pHero.current_mobility += 1;
                            pHero.move_buff         = true;
                            if (pHero.current_health != pHero.health)
                                pHero.current_health += 10;
                        else if (randBuff == 1) // crit buff
                            buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.critBuff;
                            Debug.Log(name + " got a crit buff");
                            pHero.crit     += 0.20f;
                            pHero.crit_buff = true;
                            if (pHero.current_health != pHero.health)
                                pHero.current_health += 10;
                        else if (randBuff == 2) // attack buff
                            Debug.Log(name + " got an attack buff");
                            buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.attackBuff;
                            pHero.attack         += 25;
                            pHero.current_attack += 25;
                            pHero.attack_buff     = true;
                            if (pHero.current_health != pHero.health)
                                pHero.current_health += 10;
                        else // health buff
                            Debug.Log(name + " got a health buff");
                            buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.healthBuff;
                            pHero.health         += 100;
                            pHero.current_health += 100;

                            pHero.health_buff = true;
                        if (pHero.current_health > (pHero.health * 0.4f))
                            pHero.anim.SetBool("Injured", false);
                            pHero.Injured = false;
                        float healthpercent = pHero.current_health / pHero.health; //    120/180 = .667

                        float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent;                //   1 - .667 = .333
                        float reduction        = attack_deduction / 2;
                        float new_attack       = pHero.attack * reduction;         //   72 * .333 = 23.76
                        pHero.current_attack = pHero.attack + new_attack;          // 72 - 23.76 = 48

                        gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Buff_UI_Manager>().update_current_buffs(pHero);
        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().fizzleSound.Play();
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(anim_time));

        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().fizzleSound.Stop();
        Debug.Log("effect finishing");
Example #2
    public override IEnumerator Effect(HexagonMapEditor editor, Grid hexGrid, int x, int z, int size)
        List <HexagonCell> frontier = new List <HexagonCell>(); // list of nodes that the hazard has effect over
        HexagonCell        curr     = hexGrid.Get_Cell_Index(new HexagonCoord(x, z));

        Debug.Log(type_name + " hazard epicenter at: " + curr.coords.x + "," + curr.coords.Y_coord + "," + curr.coords.z);
        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().launchSound.Play(); // play launch sound instead
        for (int i = 0; i < hexGrid.cells.Length; i++)
            int distance = curr.coords.FindDistanceTo(hexGrid.cells[i].coords);
            if (distance <= size)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(anim_time - 1));

        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().explosionSound.Play(); // play explosion sound instead

        for (int j = 0; j < frontier.Count; j++)

            if (frontier[j].occupied)
                //frontier[j].unitOnTile.current_health -= damage - frontier[j].unitOnTile.defense; // this should be changeed when we are trying to implement the fortress hero's defense

                StartUnit  attacked_unit = frontier[j].unitOnTile;
                GameObject damagetext    = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform);
                damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color         = Color.yellow;
                damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)10 / 75f));
                damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text          = (damage - frontier[j].unitOnTile.defense).ToString();

                if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1)
                    damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y,

                    //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color = Color.green;
                    //Debug.Log("BackWards Text");
                    if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1)
                        damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y,

                attacked_unit.TakeDamage(attacked_unit, (damage - frontier[j].unitOnTile.defense));
                attacked_unit.PlayBlink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f);

                if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0)
                    attacked_unit.dead = true;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

        Debug.Log("effect finishing");