public IEnumerator Blink(Color32 color, StartUnit unit, float time_until) { //Debug.Log("Blinking?"); Anima2D.SpriteMeshInstance[] Unit_Meshes = unit.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Anima2D.SpriteMeshInstance>(); Color32 prev_color = Unit_Meshes[0].color; while (time_until >= Time.time) { for (int i = 0; i < Unit_Meshes.Length; i++) { Unit_Meshes[i].color = color; //Debug.Log("Color_Changed"); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); for (int i = 0; i < Unit_Meshes.Length; i++) { Unit_Meshes[i].color = prev_color; //Debug.Log("Color_Changed"); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); } for (int i = 0; i < Unit_Meshes.Length; i++) { Unit_Meshes[i].color = color_should_be; //Debug.Log("Color_Changed"); } }
public virtual void TakeDamage(StartUnit attacked_unit, float damage) { attacked_unit.current_health -= damage; attacked_unit.health_bar.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = attacked_unit.current_health /; //Debug.Log("Made it"); float healthpercent = attacked_unit.current_health /; // 120/180 = .667 float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent; // 1 - .667 = .333 float reduction = attack_deduction / 2; float new_attack = attacked_unit.attack * reduction; // 72 * .333 = 23.76 attacked_unit.current_attack = attacked_unit.attack - new_attack; // 72 - 23.76 = 48 if (attacked_unit.current_health <= ( * 0.4f)) { attacked_unit.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Injured", true); attacked_unit.Injured = true; StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Injured_Blinking()); } //float attack_deduction = attacked_unit.current_attack * (current_attack - attacked_unit.current_health /; //if (attack_deduction > attacked_unit.basedmg) // attacked_unit.current_attack = attack_deduction; //else //{ // if (attack_deduction <= basedmg) // { // attacked_unit.current_attack = basedmg; // } //} }
public override void Debuf(StartUnit unit) { //Debug.Log(unit.unit_name + " lost its buff of +15 defense"); unit.defense -= 15; unit.fortress_def_buff = false; unit.Shield_Bubble.SetActive(false); //deactivate buff ui element here unit.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Buff_UI_Manager>().update_current_buffs(unit); }
private void Hide_Prev_UI() { if (_Grid.Get_Cell_Index(prev_coords).unitOnTile != null) { StartUnit _tileUnit = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(prev_coords).unitOnTile; BattleUI _tileUnit_UI = _tileUnit.Unit_Stats_Panel.GetComponent <BattleUI>(); _tileUnit_UI.Hide(); } }
public override void Buff(StartUnit unit) { //Debug.Log(unit.unit_name + " was buffed with +15 defense"); unit.defense += 15; unit.fortress_def_buff = true; unit.Shield_Bubble.SetActive(true); //activate buff ui element here unit.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Buff_UI_Manager>().update_current_buffs(unit); }
public override void TakeDamage(StartUnit attacked_unit, float damage) { attacked_unit.current_health -= damage; attacked_unit.health_bar.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = attacked_unit.current_health /; // fix? float attack_deduction = attacked_unit.current_attack * (current_attack - attacked_unit.current_health /; float attack_increase = current_attack - attack_deduction; current_attack += attack_increase; }
public virtual void Buff(StartUnit unit) { //if (unit.current_attack != unit.attack) //{ // unit.current_attack += 1; //} //else //{ // unit.attack += 1; // unit.current_attack += 1; //} unit.current_attack += 1; }
public void populate_current_buffs(StartUnit Unit_To_Buff) { ListItems = new ArrayList(); //is unit currently selected if (Unit_To_Buff.fortress_def_buff) { ListItems.Add(new Buff_UI_Item(IconImages[0], "Fortress Buff")); } if (Unit_To_Buff.attack_buff) { ListItems.Add(new Buff_UI_Item(IconImages[1], "Attack Buff")); } if (Unit_To_Buff.health_buff) { ListItems.Add(new Buff_UI_Item(IconImages[2], "Health Buff")); } if (Unit_To_Buff.crit_buff) { ListItems.Add(new Buff_UI_Item(IconImages[3], "Crit Buff")); } if (Unit_To_Buff.move_buff) { ListItems.Add(new Buff_UI_Item(IconImages[4], "Move Buff")); } float num_of_items = ListItems.Count; float curr_num_counter = 0; float desired_width_ratio = 0.2f; foreach (Buff_UI_Item buff_item in ListItems) { GameObject newBuffItem = Instantiate(BuffItemPrefab) as GameObject; Buff_UI_Obj controller = newBuffItem.GetComponent <Buff_UI_Obj>(); controller.Icon_Obj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = buff_item.Icon; controller.Buff_ID = buff_item.Buff_ID; newBuffItem.transform.SetParent(UI_ListPanel.transform); newBuffItem.transform.localScale =; float max_x_anchor = 0 + ((curr_num_counter + 1) * desired_width_ratio); float min_x_anchor = 0 + (curr_num_counter * desired_width_ratio); newBuffItem.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(max_x_anchor, 1); newBuffItem.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(min_x_anchor, 0); newBuffItem.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = UI_ListPanel.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.size; newBuffItem.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 0); newBuffItem.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0); curr_num_counter += 1; } }
public void Assign_Position(Vector3 _new_position, HexagonCoord _new_coord) { gameObject.transform.position = _new_position; prev_coords = coords; coords = _new_coord; Hide_Prev_UI(); if (editor.allow_cursor_control == true) { StartUnit _tileUnit = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).unitOnTile; BattleUI _tileUnit_UI = _tileUnit.Unit_Stats_Panel.GetComponent <BattleUI>(); editor.Assign_Stats_Var(_tileUnit_UI, _tileUnit); _tileUnit_UI.Show(); } else { Hide_Prev_UI(); } Order_Cursor(_Grid.GetCell(transform.position).coords, _Grid.sprites_per_tile); }
public IEnumerator Retaliate_Anim(StartUnit retaliated_upon_unit) { if (Attacking_Lines_List.Length > 0) { int Chosen_Voice_Line_Index = Random.Range(0, Attacking_Lines_List.Length); Attacking_Lines_List[Chosen_Voice_Line_Index].Play(); } anim.SetBool("Attacking", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); //attackSound.Play(); //Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent<CameraBounder>().Shake_Camera(2f, 20f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.8f)); anim.SetBool("Attacking", false); //yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <CameraBounder>().Lerp_Reset_Zoom(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); retaliated_upon_unit.currently_attacking = false; }
void ResetStats() { if (PrevUnit != null) { if (grassDebuff) { if (!this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().occupied) { if (PrevUnit.current_mobility + 1 >= mobility) { PrevUnit.current_mobility = mobility; } else { PrevUnit.current_mobility = PrevUnit.current_mobility + 1; } PrevUnit = null; } } if (waterDebuff) { if (!this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().occupied) { if (PrevUnit.current_mobility + 2 >= mobility) { PrevUnit.current_mobility = mobility; } else { PrevUnit.current_mobility = PrevUnit.current_mobility + 2; } PrevUnit = null; } } } }
public override void TakeDamage(StartUnit attacked_unit, float damage) { attacked_unit.current_health -= damage - defense; attacked_unit.health_bar.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = attacked_unit.current_health /; // fix? float healthpercent = attacked_unit.current_health /; // 120/180 = .667 float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent; // 1 - .667 = .333 float new_attack = attacked_unit.attack * attack_deduction; // 72 * .333 = 23.76 attacked_unit.current_attack = attacked_unit.attack - new_attack; // 72 - 23.76 = 48 if (!attacked_unit.slowed) { if (attacked_unit.current_mobility - 1 <= 0) { attacked_unit.current_mobility = 1; } else { attacked_unit.current_mobility -= 1; } attacked_unit.slowed = true; attacked_unit.slowing_counter = 2; } }
public IEnumerator WeatherBasicAttack(Grid hexGrid, HexagonCell unitCell) { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; attacked_unit_has_died = false; string name = unitCell.unitOnTile.unit_name; //add a call to a retaliate function on the other unit List <HexagonCell> targetable = new List <HexagonCell>(); //Debug.Log(unitCell.unitOnTile.unit_name + " atttacking: "); foreach (HexagonCell cell in hexGrid.cells) { if (unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(cell.coords) <= attackRange && unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(cell.coords) > 0 && cell.occupied && !cell.unitOnTile.dead && tag != cell.unitOnTile.tag) { targetable.Add(cell); } } if (targetable.Count >= 1) { editor.cursor.Assign_Position(this.transform.position, hexGrid.GetCell(this.transform.position).coords); Vector3 _new_Camera_Pos = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, editor.Main_Cam.transform.position.z); editor.Main_Cam.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(editor.Main_Cam.transform.position, _new_Camera_Pos, 1f); //StartCoroutine(this.Blink(, this, Time.time + 0.8f)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); int selectedTarget = ChosenEnemy(targetable); //int rand_index = Random.Range(0, targetable.Count); float crit_chance = Random.value; float miss_chance = Random.value; float damage = current_attack - targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.defense; Debug.Log("Damage: " + damage); int dmg_txt = (int)damage; bool crit_happened = false; editor.printState(); if (targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.FloatingTextPrefab) { //Debug.Log("fadef"); if (miss_chance <= miss) { damage = 0; } else { if (crit_chance <= crit && miss_chance > miss) { int rand = Random.Range(0, 2); if (rand == 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().critSounds); } damage = current_attack * crit_multiplier; crit_happened = true; } } dmg_txt = (int)damage; } StartUnit attacked_unit = targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile; Unit_Getting_Attacked = targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.gameObject; //Weather_Effect_Object.gameObject.SetActive(true); //Weather_Effect_Object.GetComponent<WeatherMan_Effects>().move_target_to(attacked_unit.gameObject); //Weather_Effect_Object.GetComponent<WeatherMan_Effects>().play_effect(); //Debug.Log("----- Weather Effect Called"); HexagonCell attacked_cell = targetable[selectedTarget]; HexagonCoord current = unitCell.coords; if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //unit is to the right { if (!direction) //facing left, so needs to face right { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //unit is to the left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } if (attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform); if (damage == 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "MISS"; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.white; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.06f; } if (damage != 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = dmg_txt.ToString(); if (crit_happened) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color =; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)dmg_txt / 75f)); } else { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)dmg_txt / 75f)); } } if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } Debug.Log(name + " attacked " + attacked_unit.unit_name + " for " + damage); TakeDamage(attacked_unit, damage); if (specialAttackCounter <= 0) { WeatherVane(editor.hexGrid.GetCell(attacked_unit.transform.position)); } //Debug.Log("he dead"); if (targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.current_health <= 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().killSounds); if (targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.tag == "TeamBuff") // was a buffmonster { GameObject buffItem = Instantiate(FloatingBuffPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); int randBuff = Random.Range(0, 4); //give correct buff accordingly Debug.Log("acquiring buff"); if (randBuff == 0) // movement buff { buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = mobilityBuff; Debug.Log(name + " got a movement buff"); current_mobility += 1; move_buff = true; if (current_health != health) { current_health += 10; } } else if (randBuff == 1) // crit buff { buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = critBuff; Debug.Log(name + " got a crit buff"); crit += 0.20f; crit_buff = true; if (current_health != health) { current_health += 10; } } else if (randBuff == 2) // attack buff { Debug.Log(name + " got an attack buff"); buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = attackBuff; attack += 25; current_attack += 25; attack_buff = true; if (current_health != health) { current_health += 10; } } else // health buff { Debug.Log(name + " got a health buff"); buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = healthBuff; health += 100; current_health += 100; health_buff = true; } if (current_health > (health * 0.4f)) { this.anim.SetBool("Injured", false); this.Injured = false; } gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Buff_UI_Manager>().update_current_buffs(this); float healthpercent = current_health / health; // 120/180 = .667 float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent; // 1 - .667 = .333 float reduction = attack_deduction / 2; float new_attack = attacked_unit.attack * reduction; // 72 * .333 = 23.76 current_attack = attack + new_attack; // 72 - 23.76 = 48 } end_attack_without_retaliate = true; attacked_unit_has_died = true; StartCoroutine(Attack(hexGrid, unitCell, attacked_cell)); //int index = targetable[rand_index].coords.X_coord + targetable[rand_index].coords.Z_coord * hexGrid.width + targetable[rand_index].coords.Z_coord / 2; //editor.RemoveUnitInfo(targetable[rand_index], index); editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(attacked_cell); attacked_unit.dead = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); StartCoroutine(targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); //attacked_unit.Fade_Out_Body(); //Should start some sort of DEATH ANIMATION COROUTINE HERE } else { if (unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(attacked_cell.coords) <= attacked_cell.unitOnTile.attackRange) { end_attack_without_retaliate = false; } else { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; } if (current_health - 20 <= 0 && attacked_unit.gameObject.GetComponent <FortressHero>() != null) { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; } StartCoroutine(Attack(hexGrid, unitCell, attacked_cell)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); //SHOULD THORNMAIL BE ACTIVATED ON SPECIAL ATTACKS? if (attacked_unit.gameObject.GetComponent <FortressHero>() != null && damage != 0) // handling of if attacking fortress hero { Debug.Log("Hurt by fortress hero's armor"); if (FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(FloatingTextPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = 20.ToString(); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * (20f / 75f)); if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } TakeDamage(this, 20f); StartCoroutine(AttackToHit()); StartCoroutine(Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, this, Time.time + 1f)); if (current_health <= 0) // pretty sure there's more code needed here but i'll ask christophe later { editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(unitCell); dead = true; } } StartCoroutine(targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); } } else { specialAttackCounter = 0; currently_attacking = false; } }
public override IEnumerator Effect(HexagonMapEditor editor, Grid hexGrid, int x, int z, int size) { //Debug.Log("poison gas hurting people"); List <HexagonCell> frontier = new List <HexagonCell>(); // list of nodes that the hazard has effect over HexagonCell curr = hexGrid.Get_Cell_Index(new HexagonCoord(x, z)); //Debug.Log(type_name + " hazard epicenter at: " + curr.coords.x + "," + curr.coords.Y_coord + "," + curr.coords.z); for (int i = 0; i < hexGrid.cells.Length; i++) { int distance = curr.coords.FindDistanceTo(hexGrid.cells[i].coords); if (distance <= size) { frontier.Add(hexGrid.cells[i]); } } for (int j = 0; j < frontier.Count; j++) { if (frontier[j].occupied && frontier[j].unitOnTile.gameObject.tag != gameObject.tag) { //frontier[j].unitOnTile.current_health -= damageDealt; StartUnit attacked_unit = frontier[j].unitOnTile; GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)10 / 75f)); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = damageDealt.ToString(); if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } attacked_unit.TakeDamage(attacked_unit, damageDealt); // true damage so no need to incorporate attacked_unit.PlayHit(); attacked_unit.PlayBlink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f); if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0) { attacked_unit.dead = true; editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(frontier[j]); PoisonHero pHero; if (gameObject.tag == "Player 1") { pHero = editor.P1Team[0].GetComponent <PoisonHero>(); } else { pHero = editor.P2Team[0].GetComponent <PoisonHero>(); } if (attacked_unit.tag == "TeamBuff") // was a buffmonster { GameObject buffItem = Instantiate(pHero.FloatingBuffPrefab, pHero.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, pHero.transform); int randBuff = Random.Range(0, 4); //give correct buff accordingly Debug.Log("acquiring buff"); if (randBuff == 0) // movement buff { buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.mobilityBuff; Debug.Log(name + " got a movement buff"); pHero.current_mobility += 1; pHero.move_buff = true; if (pHero.current_health != { pHero.current_health += 10; } } else if (randBuff == 1) // crit buff { buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.critBuff; Debug.Log(name + " got a crit buff"); pHero.crit += 0.20f; pHero.crit_buff = true; if (pHero.current_health != { pHero.current_health += 10; } } else if (randBuff == 2) // attack buff { Debug.Log(name + " got an attack buff"); buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.attackBuff; pHero.attack += 25; pHero.current_attack += 25; pHero.attack_buff = true; if (pHero.current_health != { pHero.current_health += 10; } } else // health buff { Debug.Log(name + " got a health buff"); buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pHero.healthBuff; += 100; pHero.current_health += 100; pHero.health_buff = true; } if (pHero.current_health > ( * 0.4f)) { pHero.anim.SetBool("Injured", false); pHero.Injured = false; } float healthpercent = pHero.current_health /; // 120/180 = .667 float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent; // 1 - .667 = .333 float reduction = attack_deduction / 2; float new_attack = pHero.attack * reduction; // 72 * .333 = 23.76 pHero.current_attack = pHero.attack + new_attack; // 72 - 23.76 = 48 gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Buff_UI_Manager>().update_current_buffs(pHero); } } } } GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().fizzleSound.Play(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(anim_time)); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().fizzleSound.Stop(); Debug.Log("effect finishing"); }
public void Change_Health(int change_by, StartUnit target) { target.current_health = target.current_health + change_by; target.health_bar.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = target.current_health /; }
void Debuff() { if (this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().occupied) //if someones on this tile { mobility = this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility; PrevUnit = this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile; if (this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility == mobility)//if our mobility equals our og mobility then debuff { if (grassDebuff) { if (this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility - 1 <= 0) { this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility = 1; //discovered = false; } else { this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility = this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility - 1; //discovered = false; } } if (waterDebuff) { if (this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility - 2 <= 0) { this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility = 1; // discovered = false; } else { this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility = this.GetComponent <HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.current_mobility - 2; // discovered = false; } } } } //if (discovered && this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile != null) //{ // if (grassDebuff) // { // if (this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().occupied) // { // PrevUnit = this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile; // if (this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility - 1 == 0) // { // this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility = 1; // discovered = false; // } // else // { // this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility = this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility - 1; // discovered = false; // } // } // } // if (waterDebuff) // { // if (this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().occupied) // { // PrevUnit = this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile; // if (this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility - 2 == 0) // { // this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility = 1; // discovered = false; // } // else // { // this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility = this.GetComponent<HexagonCell>().unitOnTile.mobility - 2; // discovered = false; // } // } // } //} }
public void PlayBlink(Color32 color, StartUnit unit, float time_until) // similar to PlayHit() to pass initiative to the object so it can actually perform the coroutine { StartCoroutine(Blink(color, unit, time_until)); }
public virtual IEnumerator Retaliate(Grid hexGrid, HexagonCell unitCell_to_attack, HexagonCell unitCell_is_attacking) // return bool yes if dead false if no { //for effects that trigger on a unit getting attacked Unit_Getting_Attacked = unitCell_to_attack.unitOnTile.gameObject; //Debug.Log("Called_Retaliate"); attacked_unit_has_died = false; string attacker = unitCell_is_attacking.unitOnTile.unit_name; string receiver = unitCell_to_attack.unitOnTile.unit_name; editor.cursor.Assign_Position(this.transform.position, hexGrid.GetCell(this.transform.position).coords); editor.Main_Cam.transform.position = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, editor.Main_Cam.transform.position.z); //StartCoroutine(this.Blink(, this, Time.time + 0.8f)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); StartUnit attacked_unit = unitCell_to_attack.unitOnTile; HexagonCell attacked_cell = unitCell_to_attack; HexagonCoord current = unitCell_is_attacking.coords; float crit_chance = Random.value; float miss_chance = Random.value; float damage = current_attack - attacked_unit.defense; int dmg_txt = (int)damage; bool crit_happened = false; //deals with missing or critting if (miss_chance <= miss || damage <= 0) { damage = 0; } else if (crit_chance <= crit) { damage = current_attack * crit_multiplier; dmg_txt = (int)damage; int rand = Random.Range(0, 2); if (rand == 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().critSounds); } crit_happened = true; } //Half Damage On Retaliate??? if (!unitCell_is_attacking.unitOnTile.gameObject.CompareTag("TeamBuff")) { damage = damage * 0.5f; dmg_txt = (int)damage; } else { Debug.Log("Buff Mob Retaliated ------->"); } //Deals with facing the individual that is getting attacked if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //going right { if (!direction) //facing left { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //going left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } //Deals with Creating the correct Damage Text if (attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform); if (damage == 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "MISS"; int rand = Random.Range(0, 2); if (rand == 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().missSounds); } damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.white; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.06f; } if (damage != 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = dmg_txt.ToString(); if (crit_happened) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color =; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)dmg_txt / 75f)); } else { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)dmg_txt / 75f)); } } if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } //Deal with change in health on attacked unit int to_deal = (int)(damage * -1); Change_Health(to_deal, attacked_unit); //Deals with damage health scaling... prolly shouldn't be done like this TBH //if (attacked_unit.current_attack > 10) //{ // float percenthealth = attacked_unit.current_health /; // attacked_unit.current_attack *= percenthealth; //} Debug.Log("Retaliation: " + attacker + "hit " + receiver + "for " + damage); TakeDamage(attacked_unit, damage); if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0) { attacked_unit_has_died = true; } StartCoroutine(Retaliate_Anim(attacked_unit)); //Debug.Log("he dead"); if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().killSounds); //int index = attacked_cell.coords.X_coord + attacked_cell.coords.Z_coord * hexGrid.width + attacked_cell.coords.Z_coord / 2; //editor.RemoveUnitInfo(attacked_cell, index); //Debug.Log("adding unit to delete list in relatiation"); attacked_unit.dead = true; editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(attacked_cell); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); //Some Kinda Death Animation Coroutine Here } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); if (attacked_unit.gameObject.GetComponent <FortressHero>() != null && damage != 0) // handling of if attacking fortress hero { Debug.Log("Hurt by fortress hero's armor in retaliation"); if (FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(FloatingTextPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = 20.ToString(); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * (20f / 75f)); if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } TakeDamage(this, 20f); StartCoroutine(AttackToHit()); StartCoroutine(Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, this, Time.time + 1f)); if (current_health <= 0) // pretty sure there's more code needed here but i'll ask christophe later { editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(unitCell_is_attacking); dead = true; } } StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); } }
private void _Move(string dir, int sign) { //Deal with indexing errors by checking len of cell array. //When going up or down on the stick just go in the y then z. prev_coords = coords; int prev_coord_x = coords.X_coord; int prev_coord_z = coords.Z_coord; if (dir.Equals("z")) { coords.z += sign; } if (dir.Equals("x")) { coords.x += sign; } if (dir.Equals("y")) { coords.x -= sign; coords.z += sign; } HexagonCoord next_cell; HexagonCell next_hex_cell; try { next_cell = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).coords; next_hex_cell = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords); if (coords.X_coord == next_cell.X_coord && coords.Z_coord == next_cell.Z_coord) { //It found a real tile. if (editor.isUnitSelected) { if (next_hex_cell.distance <= editor.SelectedUnit.current_mobility) { gameObject.transform.position = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).gameObject.transform.position; Move_Sound.Play(); } else { coords.x = prev_coord_x; coords.z = prev_coord_z; } } else { gameObject.transform.position = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).gameObject.transform.position; Move_Sound.Play(); } } else { //It found a not-real tile. Revert Change. coords.x = prev_coord_x; coords.z = prev_coord_z; } } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e) { coords.x = prev_coord_x; coords.z = prev_coord_z; Debug.Log(e.Message); } if (editor.isUnitSelected) { editor.Show_Units_In_Range(); //add to if statement if you dont want the same unit to pop up in both //&& editor.SelectedUnit != _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).unitOnTile if (_Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).unitOnTile != null) { //if(editor.allow_cursor_control) StartUnit _tileUnit = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).unitOnTile; BattleUI _tileUnit_UI = _tileUnit.Unit_Stats_Panel.GetComponent <BattleUI>(); editor.Assign_Stats_Var(_tileUnit_UI, _tileUnit); _tileUnit_UI.Show(); } } else { if (_Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).unitOnTile != null) { StartUnit _tileUnit = _Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).unitOnTile; BattleUI _tileUnit_UI = _tileUnit.Unit_Stats_Panel.GetComponent <BattleUI>(); editor.Assign_Stats_Var(_tileUnit_UI, _tileUnit); _tileUnit_UI.Show(); } } Hide_Prev_UI(); Order_Cursor(_Grid.GetCell(transform.position).coords, _Grid.sprites_per_tile); //deal with UI_List_Manager On Move UI_List_Manager.update_current_controls(); //Debug.Log("Current X " + coords.X_coord); //Debug.Log("Current Y " + coords.Y_coord); //Debug.Log("Current Z " + coords.Z_coord); //Debug.Log(_Grid.Get_Cell_Index(coords).gameObject.transform.position); }
public void update_current_buffs(StartUnit Unit_To_Buffdate) { remove_current_buffs(); populate_current_buffs(Unit_To_Buffdate); }
public HexagonCell[] ChangeHexInfo(HexagonCell[] cells_, List <int> hexlist_, List <int> powercells_, List <int> hazards_, List <int> sky, List <int> water_) { if (hexlist_.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hexlist_.Count; i++) { cells_[hexlist_[i]].gameObject.tag = "Wall"; cells_[hexlist_[i]].traversable = false; cells_[hexlist_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().enabled = false; cells_[hexlist_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Wall; // cells_[hexlist_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.gray; } } if (powercells_.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < powercells_.Count; i++) { GameObject GO = Instantiate(buffPrefab); GO.transform.position = cells[powercells_[i]].transform.position; cells[powercells_[i]].occupied = true; StartUnit startUnit = GO.GetComponent <StartUnit>(); Anima2D.SpriteMeshInstance[] Unit_Meshes = GO.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Anima2D.SpriteMeshInstance>(); for (int k = 0; k < Unit_Meshes.Length; k++) { //puts each unit in a section of the sorting layer according to the tile they are on. Unit_Meshes[k].sortingOrder = Unit_Meshes[k].GetComponent <Mesh_Layer>()._ordered_layer + ((cells[powercells_[i]].coords.X_coord + cells[powercells_[i]].coords.Y_coord) * sprites_per_tile); //Debug.Log("Color_Changed"); } cells[powercells_[i]].unitOnTile = startUnit; startUnit.Unit_Stats_Panel.GetComponent <BattleUI>().Hide(); //Anima2D.SpriteMeshInstance[] Unit_Meshes = startUnit.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Anima2D.SpriteMeshInstance>(); } } if (hazards_.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hazards_.Count; i++) { cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.tag = "SlowingTile"; cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.AddComponent <TeamPowerupTiles>(); cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = SlowingTile; //cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent<TeamPowerupTiles>().discovered = true; cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <TeamPowerupTiles>().grassDebuff = true; // cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color =; } } if (sky.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < sky.Count; i++) { cells_[sky[i]].gameObject.tag = "Wall"; cells_[sky[i]].traversable = false; cells_[sky[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().enabled = false; cells_[sky[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Sky; } } if (water_.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < water_.Count; i++) { cells_[water_[i]].gameObject.tag = "Water"; cells_[water_[i]].gameObject.AddComponent <TeamPowerupTiles>(); cells_[water_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Water; // cells_[hazards_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent<TeamPowerupTiles>().discovered = true; cells_[water_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent <TeamPowerupTiles>().waterDebuff = true; // cells_[water_[i]].gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color =; } } for (int i = 0; i < cells_.Length; i++) { Add_Clutter(cells_[i]); Order_Cell(cells_[i], sprites_per_tile); } return(cells_); }
public override IEnumerator Effect(HexagonMapEditor editor, Grid hexGrid, int x, int z, int size) { List <HexagonCell> frontier = new List <HexagonCell>(); // list of nodes that the hazard has effect over HexagonCell curr = hexGrid.Get_Cell_Index(new HexagonCoord(x, z)); Debug.Log(type_name + " hazard epicenter at: " + curr.coords.x + "," + curr.coords.Y_coord + "," + curr.coords.z); curr.CreateMissile(); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().launchSound.Play(); // play launch sound instead for (int i = 0; i < hexGrid.cells.Length; i++) { int distance = curr.coords.FindDistanceTo(hexGrid.cells[i].coords); if (distance <= size) { frontier.Add(hexGrid.cells[i]); hexGrid.cells[i].Create_Caution_Sign(); } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(anim_time - 1)); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().explosionSound.Play(); // play explosion sound instead for (int j = 0; j < frontier.Count; j++) { Destroy(frontier[j].Caution_Sign_Obj); if (frontier[j].occupied) { //frontier[j].unitOnTile.current_health -= damage - frontier[j].unitOnTile.defense; // this should be changeed when we are trying to implement the fortress hero's defense StartUnit attacked_unit = frontier[j].unitOnTile; GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)10 / 75f)); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = (damage - frontier[j].unitOnTile.defense).ToString(); if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } attacked_unit.TakeDamage(attacked_unit, (damage - frontier[j].unitOnTile.defense)); attacked_unit.PlayHit(); attacked_unit.PlayBlink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f); if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0) { attacked_unit.dead = true; editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(frontier[j]); } } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); Debug.Log("effect finishing"); Destroy(curr.Missile_Obj); }
public IEnumerator Kidnap(Grid hexGrid, HexagonCell unitCell) // kidnap a random dumbass { Debug.Log("kidnap the unit"); end_attack_without_retaliate = true; attacked_unit_has_died = false; string name = unitCell.unitOnTile.unit_name; attackRange = specialRange; //add a call to a retaliate function on the other unit List <HexagonCell> targetable = new List <HexagonCell>(); //Debug.Log(unitCell.unitOnTile.unit_name + " atttacking: "); foreach (HexagonCell cell in hexGrid.cells) { if (unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(cell.coords) <= attackRange && unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(cell.coords) > 0 && cell.occupied && !cell.unitOnTile.dead && tag != cell.unitOnTile.tag) { targetable.Add(cell); } } if (targetable.Count >= 1) { editor.cursor.Assign_Position(this.transform.position, hexGrid.GetCell(this.transform.position).coords); Vector3 _new_Camera_Pos = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, editor.Main_Cam.transform.position.z); editor.Main_Cam.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(editor.Main_Cam.transform.position, _new_Camera_Pos, 1f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); int selectedTarget = ChosenEnemy(targetable); float crit_chance = Random.value; float miss_chance = Random.value; float damage; if (targetable[selectedTarget].GetComponent <HeroUnit>() != null) { damage = (current_attack * 1.5f) - targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.defense; } else { damage = current_attack - targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.defense; } Debug.Log("Damage: " + damage); int dmg_txt = (int)damage; bool crit_happened = false; editor.printState(); if (targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.FloatingTextPrefab) { //Debug.Log("fadef"); if (miss_chance <= miss) { damage = 0; } else { if (crit_chance <= crit && miss_chance > miss) { int rand = Random.Range(0, 2); if (rand == 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().critSounds); } damage = current_attack * crit_multiplier; crit_happened = true; } } dmg_txt = (int)damage; } //for (HexagonDirection d = HexagonDirection.NE; d <= HexagonDirection.NW; d++) //{ // HexagonCell neighbor = unitCell.GetNeighbor(d); // if (!neighbor.occupied && neighbor.tag != "Wall" && targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.GetComponent<HeroUnit>() == null) // if a neighbor to the hero is not occupied or wall unit not hero // { // targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.transform.position = neighbor.transform.position; // move the bitch // neighbor.occupied = true; // neighbor.unitOnTile = targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile; // temp_attacked_unit = neighbor.unitOnTile; // temp_attacked_cell = neighbor; // targetable[selectedTarget].occupied = false; // targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile = null; // //correctly sort kidnapped unit's meshes // editor.re_sort_unit_position(temp_attacked_unit, temp_attacked_cell); // break; // } //} StartUnit attacked_unit; HexagonCell attacked_cell; if (temp_attacked_unit != null) { attacked_unit = temp_attacked_unit; attacked_cell = temp_attacked_cell; } else { attacked_unit = targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile; attacked_cell = targetable[selectedTarget]; } HexagonCoord current = unitCell.coords; if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //unit is to the right { if (!direction) //facing left, so needs to face right { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //unit is to the left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } //-------------------------- Testing Kidnapp Stuff ---------------------- StartCoroutine(move_to_kidnap(attacked_unit.gameObject, attacked_unit, attacked_cell, targetable[selectedTarget])); if (targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.GetComponent <HeroUnit>() == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.40f)); //---- for sync with kidnap to } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.10f)); //---- for sync with kidnap to } for (HexagonDirection d = HexagonDirection.NE; d <= HexagonDirection.NW; d++) { HexagonCell neighbor = unitCell.GetNeighbor(d); if (!neighbor.occupied && neighbor.tag != "Wall" && targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.GetComponent <HeroUnit>() == null) // if a neighbor to the hero is not occupied or wall unit not hero { targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile.transform.position = neighbor.transform.position; // move the bitch neighbor.occupied = true; neighbor.unitOnTile = targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile; temp_attacked_unit = neighbor.unitOnTile; temp_attacked_cell = neighbor; targetable[selectedTarget].occupied = false; targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile = null; //correctly sort kidnapped unit's meshes editor.re_sort_unit_position(temp_attacked_unit, temp_attacked_cell); break; } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.26f)); //---- for sync with kidnap to if (temp_attacked_unit != null) { attacked_unit = temp_attacked_unit; attacked_cell = temp_attacked_cell; } else { attacked_unit = targetable[selectedTarget].unitOnTile; attacked_cell = targetable[selectedTarget]; } if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //unit is to the right { if (!direction) //facing left, so needs to face right { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //unit is to the left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } //-------------------------- Testing Kidnapp Stuff ---------------------- ^^^^ if (attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform); if (damage == 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "MISS"; int rand = Random.Range(0, 2); if (rand == 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().missSounds); } damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.white; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.06f; } if (damage != 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = dmg_txt.ToString(); if (crit_happened) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color =; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)dmg_txt / 75f)); } else { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * ((float)dmg_txt / 75f)); } } if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } Debug.Log(name + " attacked " + attacked_unit.unit_name + " for " + damage); TakeDamage(attacked_unit, damage); //Debug.Log("he dead"); if (attacked_unit.current_health <= 0) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().PlayOneFromList(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundManager").GetComponent <SoundManager>().killSounds); if (attacked_unit.tag == "TeamBuff") // was a buffmonster { GameObject buffItem = Instantiate(FloatingBuffPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); int randBuff = Random.Range(0, 4); //give correct buff accordingly Debug.Log("acquiring buff"); if (randBuff == 0) // movement buff { buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = mobilityBuff; Debug.Log(name + " got a movement buff"); current_mobility += 1; move_buff = true; if (current_health != health) { current_health += 10; } } else if (randBuff == 1) // crit buff { buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = critBuff; Debug.Log(name + " got a crit buff"); crit += 0.20f; crit_buff = true; if (current_health != health) { current_health += 10; } } else if (randBuff == 2) // attack buff { Debug.Log(name + " got an attack buff"); buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = attackBuff; attack += 25; current_attack += 25; attack_buff = true; if (current_health != health) { current_health += 10; } } else // health buff { Debug.Log(name + " got a health buff"); buffItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = healthBuff; health += 100; current_health += 100; health_buff = true; } if (current_health > (health * 0.4f)) { this.anim.SetBool("Injured", false); this.Injured = false; } gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Buff_UI_Manager>().update_current_buffs(this); float healthpercent = current_health / health; // 120/180 = .667 float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent; // 1 - .667 = .333 float reduction = attack_deduction / 2; float new_attack = attacked_unit.attack * reduction; // 72 * .333 = 23.76 current_attack = attack + new_attack; // 72 - 23.76 = 48 } end_attack_without_retaliate = true; attacked_unit_has_died = true; StartCoroutine(Attack(hexGrid, unitCell, attacked_cell)); //int index = targetable[rand_index].coords.X_coord + targetable[rand_index].coords.Z_coord * hexGrid.width + targetable[rand_index].coords.Z_coord / 2; //editor.RemoveUnitInfo(targetable[rand_index], index); editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(attacked_cell); attacked_unit.dead = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); //attacked_unit.Fade_Out_Body(); //Should start some sort of DEATH ANIMATION COROUTINE HERE specialAttackCounter = 3; attackRange = 1; temp_attacked_cell = null; temp_attacked_unit = null; } else { if (unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(attacked_cell.coords) <= attacked_cell.unitOnTile.attackRange) { end_attack_without_retaliate = false; } else { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; } if (current_health - 20 <= 0 && attacked_unit.gameObject.GetComponent <FortressHero>() != null) { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; } StartCoroutine(Attack(hexGrid, unitCell, attacked_cell)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); //if (attacked_unit.gameObject.GetComponent<FortressHero>() != null && damage != 0) // handling of if attacking fortress hero //{ // Debug.Log("Hurt by fortress hero's armor"); // if (FloatingTextPrefab) // { // GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(FloatingTextPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); // damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = 20.ToString(); // damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; // damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * (20f / 75f)); // if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) // { // damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, // damagetext.transform.localScale.z); // //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; // //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); // } // else // { // if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) // { // damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, // damagetext.transform.localScale.z); // } // } // } // TakeDamage(this, 20f); // StartCoroutine(AttackToHit()); // StartCoroutine(Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, this, Time.time + 1f)); // if (current_health <= 0) // pretty sure there's more code needed here but i'll ask christophe later // { // editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(unitCell); // dead = true; // } //} StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); } specialAttackCounter = 3; attackRange = 1; temp_attacked_cell = null; temp_attacked_unit = null; } else { specialAttackCounter = 0; attackRange = 1; currently_attacking = false; } }
public IEnumerator move_to_kidnap(GameObject Attacked_Unit, StartUnit attacked_unit, HexagonCell attacked_cell, HexagonCell cell_in_q) { if (cell_in_q.unitOnTile.GetComponent <HeroUnit>() == null) { this.anim.SetBool("Flash_Stepping", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.37f)); Vector3 Origin_Pos = this.gameObject.transform.position; Vector3 Attacked_Pos = Attacked_Unit.transform.position; if (direction) { //facing right this.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Attacked_Pos.x - 10, Attacked_Pos.y, Attacked_Pos.z); } else { //facing left this.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Attacked_Pos.x + 10, Attacked_Pos.y, Attacked_Pos.z); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.03f)); this.gameObject.transform.position = Origin_Pos; //---------------------- face unit as comes back if (temp_attacked_unit != null) { attacked_unit = temp_attacked_unit; attacked_cell = temp_attacked_cell; } else { attacked_unit = cell_in_q.unitOnTile; attacked_cell = cell_in_q; } if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //unit is to the right { if (!direction) //facing left, so needs to face right { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //unit is to the left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } //--------------- face unit as comes back yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.26f)); this.anim.SetBool("Flash_Stepping", false); } else { this.anim.SetBool("Flash_Stepping_Hero", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.37f)); Vector3 Origin_Pos = this.gameObject.transform.position; Vector3 Attacked_Pos = Attacked_Unit.transform.position; if (direction) { //facing right this.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Attacked_Pos.x - 13, Attacked_Pos.y, Attacked_Pos.z); } else { //facing left this.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Attacked_Pos.x + 13, Attacked_Pos.y, Attacked_Pos.z); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.73f)); this.gameObject.transform.position = Origin_Pos; //---------------------- face unit as comes back if (temp_attacked_unit != null) { attacked_unit = temp_attacked_unit; attacked_cell = temp_attacked_cell; } else { attacked_unit = cell_in_q.unitOnTile; attacked_cell = cell_in_q; } if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //unit is to the right { if (!direction) //facing left, so needs to face right { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //unit is to the left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } //--------------- face unit as comes back yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.26f)); this.anim.SetBool("Flash_Stepping_Hero", false); } }
public virtual void Debuf(StartUnit unit) { unit.current_attack -= 1; }
public override IEnumerator BasicAttack(Grid hexGrid, HexagonCell unitCell) { base.end_attack_without_retaliate = true; //add a call to a retaliate function on the other unit List <HexagonCell> targetable = new List <HexagonCell>(); foreach (HexagonCell cell in hexGrid.cells) { if (unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(cell.coords) <= attackRange && unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(cell.coords) > 0 && cell.occupied && !cell.unitOnTile.dead && tag == cell.unitOnTile.tag && cell.unitOnTile.current_health != { targetable.Add(cell); } } if (targetable.Count >= 1) { editor.cursor.Assign_Position(this.transform.position, hexGrid.GetCell(this.transform.position).coords); editor.Main_Cam.transform.position = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, editor.Main_Cam.transform.position.z); //StartCoroutine(this.Blink(, this, Time.time + 0.8f)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); int rand_index = Random.Range(0, targetable.Count); float crit_chance = Random.value; float miss_chance = Random.value; float damage = current_attack; int dmg_txt = (int)damage; bool crit_happened = false; if (miss_chance <= miss) { damage = 0; } if (crit_chance <= crit && miss_chance > miss) { damage = current_attack * crit_multiplier; dmg_txt = (int)damage; } if (targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.FloatingTextPrefab) { if (crit_chance < crit) { damage = current_attack * crit_multiplier; crit_happened = true; } dmg_txt = (int)damage; } StartUnit attacked_unit = targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile; HexagonCell attacked_cell = targetable[rand_index]; HexagonCoord current = unitCell.coords; if (attacked_cell.gameObject.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //unit is to the right { if (!direction) //facing left, so needs to face right { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = true; } } else //unit is to the left { if (direction) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); direction = false; } } if (attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(attacked_unit.FloatingTextPrefab, attacked_unit.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, attacked_unit.transform); if (damage == 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "MISS"; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.white; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.06f; } if (damage != 0) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = dmg_txt.ToString(); if (crit_happened) { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color =; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.1f; } else { damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color =; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.06f; } } if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); //damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color =; //Debug.Log("BackWards Text"); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health += damage; if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <StartUnit>().current_health - 40 >= 40) { TakeDamage(this, 40f); if (FloatingTextPrefab) { GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(FloatingTextPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = 40.ToString(); damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; damagetext.GetComponent <TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * (40f / 75f)); if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } else { if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) { damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, damagetext.transform.localScale.z); } } } } //this.GetComponent<StartUnit>().current_health -= 40; if (targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health > (targetable[rand_index] * 0.4f)) { targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.anim.SetBool("Injured", false); targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.Injured = false; } if (targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health > targetable[rand_index] { targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health = targetable[rand_index]; } float healthpercent = targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health / targetable[rand_index]; // 120/180 = .667 Debug.Log(healthpercent); float attack_deduction = 1 - healthpercent; // 1 - .667 = .333 float reduction = attack_deduction / 2; float new_attack = targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.attack * reduction; // 72 * .333 = 23.76 targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_attack = targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.attack + new_attack; // 72 - 23.76 = 48 if (targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_attack >= targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.attack) { targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_attack = targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.attack; } attacked_unit.health_bar.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = attacked_unit.current_health /; // fix? //if (targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_attack > 10) //{ // float percenthealth = targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health / targetable[rand_index]; // targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_attack *= percenthealth; //} //Debug.Log("he dead"); if (targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health > targetable[rand_index] { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; StartCoroutine(Attack(hexGrid, unitCell, attacked_cell)); //int index = targetable[rand_index].coords.X_coord + targetable[rand_index].coords.Z_coord * hexGrid.width + targetable[rand_index].coords.Z_coord / 2; //editor.RemoveUnitInfo(targetable[rand_index], index); targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.current_health = targetable[rand_index]; } else { if (unitCell.coords.FindDistanceTo(attacked_cell.coords) <= attacked_cell.unitOnTile.attackRange) { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; } else { end_attack_without_retaliate = true; } StartCoroutine(Attack(hexGrid, unitCell, attacked_cell)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); //if (FloatingTextPrefab) //{ // GameObject damagetext = Instantiate(FloatingTextPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); // damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = 20.ToString(); // damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().color = Color.yellow; // damagetext.GetComponent<TextMesh>().characterSize = 0.03f + (0.06f * (20f / 75f)); // if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == -1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == 1) // { // damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, // damagetext.transform.localScale.z); // } // else // { // if (Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.parent.localScale.x) == 1 && Mathf.Sign(damagetext.transform.localScale.x) == -1) // { // damagetext.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(damagetext.transform.localScale.x * -1, damagetext.transform.localScale.y, // damagetext.transform.localScale.z); // } // } //} //TakeDamage(this, 20f); //StartCoroutine(AttackToHit()); //StartCoroutine(Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, this, Time.time + 1f)); //if (current_health <= 0)// pretty sure there's more code needed here but i'll ask christophe later //{ // editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(unitCell); // dead = true; //} StartCoroutine(targetable[rand_index].unitOnTile.Hit()); StartCoroutine(attacked_unit.Blink(editor.Unit_Hurt_Color, attacked_unit, Time.time + 1f)); } } else { currently_attacking = false; } if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <StartUnit>().current_health <= 0) { editor.Units_To_Delete.Add(unitCell); this.dead = true; } }