internal static void Display(Vector2 displayViewerPosition) { // Reset Tooltip active flag... ToolTipActive = false; _canShowToolTips = WindowSettings.ShowToolTips && ShowToolTips; Position = WindowSettings.Position; int scrollX = 20; GUI.enabled = true; if (!SMSettings.LockSettings) { // "Realism Settings / Options" GUILayout.Label(SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_001"], SMStyle.LabelTabHeader); } else { // "Realism Settings / Options (Locked. To unlock, edit SMSettings.dat file)" GUILayout.Label( new GUIContent(SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_002"], SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_001"]), SMStyle.LabelTabHeader); } GUILayout.Label("____________________________________________________________________________________________", SMStyle.LabelStyleHardRule, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(guiRuleWidth)); bool isEnabled = !SMSettings.LockSettings; //RealismMode Buttons. DisplayRealismButtons(); GUILayout.Label("____________________________________________________________________________________________", SMStyle.LabelStyleHardRule, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(guiRuleWidth)); // RealXfers Mode GUI.enabled = isEnabled; //_label = "Realistic Transfers"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Realistic Resource Transfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Resource fills, Dumps, Crew and Science transfers will behave realistically"; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Allows Fills, Dumps, Repeating Science,"; //_toolTip += "\r\ninstantaneous Xfers, Crew Xfers anywwhere, etc."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_008"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_007"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.RealXfers = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.RealXfers, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } // RealControl Mode GUI.enabled = isEnabled; //_label = "Realistic Control"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Realistic Shipboard Control."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, you must have crew aboard, or a valid comm link to a control station or satellite"; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, you have full control of the vessel at any time (subject to the availability of resources)."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_009"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_008"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.RealControl = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.RealControl, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } // EnableCrew Modifications GUI.enabled = isEnabled; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //_label = "Enable Roster Modifications"; //_toolTip = "Enables/Disable Crew Modifications in the Roster Window."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, You cannot Edit, Create, or Respawn Crew members."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, You can Edit, Create, or Respawn Crew members."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_010"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_009"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableCrewModify = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableCrewModify, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //_label = "Enable Kerbal Renaming"; //_toolTip = "Allows renaming a Kerbal."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_011"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_010"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableKerbalRename = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableKerbalRename, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //_label = "Enable Profession management"; //_toolTip = "When On, SM allows you to change a Kerbal's profession."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_012"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_011"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableChangeProfession = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableChangeProfession, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUI.enabled = true; // Enable stock Crew Xfers GUI.enabled = SMSettings.EnableCrew && isEnabled; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //_label = "Enable Stock Crew Xfers"; //_toolTip = "Turns On/Off the stock Crew Transfer mechanism."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON stock crew transfers will be Allowed."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen OFF Stock Crew transfers are disabled."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_013"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_012"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableStockCrewXfer = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableStockCrewXfer, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // EnableCrew Xfer Mode GUI.enabled = isEnabled; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //_label = "Enable SM Crew Xfers"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Crew transfers using SM."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, The Crew option will appear in your resource list."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Crew transfers are not possible using SM."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_014"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_013"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableCrew = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableCrew, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!SMSettings.EnableCrew && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { if (SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Contains(SMConditions.ResourceType.Crew.ToString())) { // Clear Resource selection. SMHighlighter.ClearResourceHighlighting(SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResourcesParts); SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Clear(); WindowTransfer.ShowWindow = false; } } // Set Gui.enabled for child settings to resources... GUI.enabled = SMSettings.EnableCrew && isEnabled; // EnablePFResources Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); //_label = "Enable Crew Fill and Empty Ops in Pre-Flight"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Fill and Empty Crew when in preflight."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Fill & Empty Crew vessel wide are possible (shows in the Resource list)."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Fill and Empty Crew vessel wide will not appear in the resource list."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_015"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_014"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnablePfCrews = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnablePfCrews, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Enable stock Crew Xfer Override GUI.enabled = SMSettings.EnableCrew && isEnabled && SMSettings.EnableStockCrewXfer; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //_label = "Override Stock Crew Xfers"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Overriding the stock Crew Transfer mechanism with the SM style."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON stock crew transfers will behave like SM style transfers.\n(requires both Stock Crew Transfers & SM Crew Transfers ON)"; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off Stock Crew transfers behave normally if enabled."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_016"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_015"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Space(20); SMSettings.OverrideStockCrewXfer = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.OverrideStockCrewXfer, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(300)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // EnableCLS Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); if (!SMSettings.EnableCrew || !SMSettings.ClsInstalled) { GUI.enabled = false; } else { GUI.enabled = isEnabled; } //_label = "Enable CLS (Connected Living Spaces)"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Connected Living space support."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Crew can only be xfered to a part in the same 'Living Space'."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Crew transfers are possible to any part that can hold a kerbal."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_017"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_016"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableCls = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableCls, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (SMSettings.EnableCls != SMSettings.PrevEnableCls && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { if (!SMSettings.EnableCls) { SMHighlighter.HighlightClsVessel(false, true); } else if (SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Contains(SMConditions.ResourceType.Crew.ToString())) { // Update spaces and reassign the resource to observe new settings. SMAddon.UpdateClsSpaces(); SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Clear(); SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Add(SMConditions.ResourceType.Crew.ToString()); } } // Enable stock Crew Xfer Override if (!SMSettings.EnableCrew || !SMSettings.ClsInstalled) { GUI.enabled = false; } else { GUI.enabled = isEnabled; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //_label = "Enable CLS' Allow Unrestricted Crew Xfers switch"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Enabling the CLS Switch allowing unrestricted crew transfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON (requires Realism Mode On), SM Manages Stock and CLS aware Crew Transfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off (or Realism is off), the setting in CLS is not touched."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_018"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_017"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Space(20); SMSettings.EnableClsAllowTransfer = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableClsAllowTransfer, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // EnableScience Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = isEnabled; //_label = "Enable Science Xfers"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Science Xfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Science transfers are possible and show up in the Resource list."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Science transfers will not appear in the resource list."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_019"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_018"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableScience = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableScience, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!SMSettings.EnableScience && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { // Clear Resource selection. if (SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Contains(SMConditions.ResourceType.Science.ToString())) { SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Clear(); } } // EnableResources Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = isEnabled; //_label = "Enable Resource Xfers"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Resource Xfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Resource transfers are possible and display in Manifest Window."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Resources will not appear in the resource list."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_020"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_019"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableResources = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableResources, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!SMSettings.EnableResources && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { // Clear Resource selection. if (SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Count > 0 && !SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Contains(SMConditions.ResourceType.Crew.ToString()) && !SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Contains(SMConditions.ResourceType.Science.ToString())) { SMAddon.SmVessel.SelectedResources.Clear(); } } // Set Gui.enabled for child settings to resources... GUI.enabled = SMSettings.EnableResources && isEnabled; // EnablePFResources Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); //_label = "Enable Resources in Pre-Flight"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off Fill and Empty Resources when in preflight."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Fill & Dump resources vessel wide are possible (shows in the Resource list)."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Fill and Dump Resources vessel wide will not appear in the resource list."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_021"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_020"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnablePfResources = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnablePfResources, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // EnableXferCost Mode GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); //_label = "Resource Xfers Consume Power"; //_toolTip = "Turns on/off ElectricCharge cost forResource Xfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen ON, Resource transfers will consume ElectricCharge."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWhen Off, Resources Xfers consume no ElectricCharge."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_022"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_021"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.EnableXferCost = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.EnableXferCost, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Resource Xfer EC cost GUI.enabled = !SMSettings.LockSettings && SMSettings.EnableResources && SMSettings.EnableXferCost; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(35); //_label = "Xfer Power Cost:"; //_toolTip = "Sets the Electrical cost of resource Xfers."; //_toolTip += "\r\nThe higher the number the more ElectricCharge used."; _label = $"{SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_023"]}:"; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_022"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(125), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } // Lets parse the string to allow decimal points. StrFlowCost = SMSettings.FlowCost.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // add the decimal point if it was typed. StrFlowCost = SmUtils.GetStringDecimal(StrFlowCost); // add the zero if it was typed. StrFlowCost = SmUtils.GetStringZero(StrFlowCost); StrFlowCost = GUILayout.TextField(StrFlowCost, 20, GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(80)); //_label = "EC/Unit"; //_toolTip = "Sets the Electrical cost of resource Xfers when Realism Mode is on."; //_toolTip += "\r\nThe higher the number the more ElectricCharge used."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_024"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_022"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // update decimal bool SmUtils.SetStringDecimal(StrFlowCost); //update zero bool SmUtils.SetStringZero(StrFlowCost); if (float.TryParse(StrFlowCost, out float newCost)) { SMSettings.FlowCost = newCost; } // create xfer Flow Rate slider; // Lets parse the string to allow decimal points. string strFlowRate = SMSettings.FlowRate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string strMinFlowRate = SMSettings.MinFlowRate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string strMaxFlowRate = SMSettings.MaxFlowRate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string strMaxFlowTime = SMSettings.MaxFlowTimeSec.ToString(); // Resource Flow Rate GUI.enabled = !SMSettings.LockSettings && SMSettings.EnableResources && SMSettings.RealXfers; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(25); //_label = "Resource Flow Rate:"; //_toolTip = "Sets the rate that resources Xfer when Realistic Transfers is on."; //_toolTip += "\r\nThe higher the number the faster resources move."; //_toolTip += "\r\nYou can also use the slider below to change this value."; _label = $"{SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_025"]}:"; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_023"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(135), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } strFlowRate = GUILayout.TextField(strFlowRate, 20, GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(80)); //_label = "Units/Sec"; //_toolTip = "Sets the rate that resources Xfer when Realism Mode is on."; //_toolTip += "\r\nThe higher the number the faster resources move."; //_toolTip += "\r\nYou can also use the slider below to change this value."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_026"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_023"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (float.TryParse(strFlowRate, out float newRate)) { SMSettings.FlowRate = (int)newRate; } // Resource Flow rate Slider GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(30); GUILayout.Label(SMSettings.MinFlowRate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), GUILayout.Width(10), GUILayout.Height(20)); SMSettings.FlowRate = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider((float)SMSettings.FlowRate, (float)SMSettings.MinFlowRate, (float)SMSettings.MaxFlowRate, GUILayout.Width(240), GUILayout.Height(20)); _label = SMSettings.MaxFlowRate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //_toolTip = "Slide control to change the Resource Flow Rate shown above."; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_024"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(40), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Min Flow Rate for Slider GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(30); //_label = " - Min Flow Rate:"; //_toolTip = "Sets the lower limit (left side) of the Flow rate Slider range."; _label = $" - {SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_027"]}:"; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_025"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } strMinFlowRate = GUILayout.TextField(strMinFlowRate, 20, GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(80)); //_label = "Units/Sec"; //_toolTip = "Sets the lower limit (left side) of the Flow rate Slider range."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_026"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_025"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (float.TryParse(strMinFlowRate, out newRate)) { SMSettings.MinFlowRate = (int)newRate; } // Max Flow Rate for Slider GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(30); //_label = " - Max Flow Rate:"; //_toolTip = "Sets the upper limit (right side) of the Flow rate Slider range."; _label = $" - {SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_028"]}:"; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_026"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } strMaxFlowRate = GUILayout.TextField(strMaxFlowRate, 20, GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(80)); //_label = "Units/Sec"; //_toolTip = "Sets the upper limit (right side) of the Flow rate Slider range."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_026"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_026"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (float.TryParse(strMaxFlowRate, out newRate)) { SMSettings.MaxFlowRate = (int)newRate; } // Max Flow Time GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(30); //_label = " - Max Flow Time:"; //_toolTip = "Sets the maximum duration (in sec) of a resource transfer."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWorks in conjunction with the Flow rate. if time it would take"; //_toolTip += "\r\n to move a resource exceeds this number, this number will be used"; //_toolTip += "\r\n to calculate an adjusted flow rate."; //_toolTip += "\r\n(protects you from long Xfers)"; _label = $" - {SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_029"]}:"; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_027"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } strMaxFlowTime = GUILayout.TextField(strMaxFlowTime, 20, GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(80)); //_label = "Sec"; //_toolTip = "Sets the maximum duration (in sec) of a resource transfer."; //_toolTip += "\r\nWorks in conjunction with the Flow rate. if time it would take"; //_toolTip += "\r\n to move a resource exceeds this number, this number will be used"; //_toolTip += "\r\n to calculate an adjusted flow rate."; //_toolTip += "\r\n(protects you from long Xfers)"; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_030"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_027"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); GUILayout.Label(_guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (float.TryParse(strMaxFlowTime, out newRate)) { SMSettings.MaxFlowTimeSec = (int)newRate; } // reset gui.enabled to default GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Label("____________________________________________________________________________________________", SMStyle.LabelStyleHardRule, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(guiRuleWidth)); // LockSettings Mode GUI.enabled = isEnabled; //_label = "Lock Realism Settings (If set ON, disable in config file)"; //_toolTip = "Locks the settings in this section so they cannot be altered in game."; //_toolTip += "\r\nTo turn off Locking you MUST edit the SMSettings.dat file."; _label = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_031"]; _toolTip = SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_settings_realism_tt_028"]; _guiLabel = new GUIContent(_label, _toolTip); SMSettings.LockSettings = GUILayout.Toggle(SMSettings.LockSettings, _guiLabel, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth)); _rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && _canShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(_rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, scrollX); } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Label("____________________________________________________________________________________________", SMStyle.LabelStyleHardRule, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(guiRuleWidth)); }