Example #1
        private void UpdateChunkQueues()
            for (int x = -LoadDistance; x <= LoadDistance; x++)
                for (int z = -LoadDistance; z <= LoadDistance; z++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                        ChunkLocation l = new ChunkLocation(centerX + x, y, centerZ + z);
                        if (GetDistanceSquared(l) <= LoadDistance * LoadDistance && !currentlyLoading.Contains(l) && !chunkMap.ContainsKey(l))
                            if (chunkLoadQueue.Contains(l))
                                chunkLoadQueue.TryUpdatePriority(l, GetDistanceSquared(l, true));
                                chunkLoadQueue.Enqueue(l, GetDistanceSquared(l, true));

            foreach (Chunk chunk in chunkMap.Values.Where(c => GetDistanceSquared(c.Location) > UnloadDistance * UnloadDistance))
Example #2
        public TNode Evaluate <TNode, TKey>(TNode start, TKey key) where TNode : Node <TNode, TKey>
            TNode bestComplete = null;
            var   bestNodes    = new Dictionary <TKey, TNode>();
            var   toEvaluate   = new SimplePriorityQueue <TKey, decimal>();
            var   evaluated    = new HashSet <TKey>();

            bestNodes[start.Key] = start;
            toEvaluate.Enqueue(start.Key, start.EstimatedCost);

            while (true)
                if (toEvaluate.Count == 0)
                    //var x = bestNodes.Select(n => new { node = n.Value, next = n.Value.GetAdjacent().ToArray() })
                    //    .ToArray();
                    var bestLeft = bestNodes.Values.OrderBy(i => i.CurrentCost).First();
                    Console.WriteLine("Best of the rest....");
                var workKey = toEvaluate.Dequeue();
                var work    = bestNodes[workKey];
                if (bestComplete != null && bestComplete.CurrentCost <= work.EstimatedCost)
                foreach (var next in work.GetAdjacent())
                    if (!next.IsValid)
                    if (next.IsComplete)
                        if (null == bestComplete || next.CurrentCost < bestComplete.CurrentCost)
                            // new best - remember it
                            bestComplete = next;
                        // no need to continue to evaluate complete nodes
                    if (bestNodes.TryGetValue(next.Key, out var existing))
                        // we've already seen this node - update the cost if better, but no need to process further
                        if (next.CurrentCost < existing.CurrentCost)
                            bestNodes[next.Key] = next;
                            toEvaluate.TryUpdatePriority(next.Key, next.EstimatedCost);
                    // never seen this node before - track it and queue it up
                    bestNodes.Add(next.Key, next);
                    toEvaluate.Enqueue(next.Key, next.EstimatedCost);
Example #3
        public virtual void Search(ref HashSet <SpaceTimeNode> reservationTable)
            var startNode = new SpaceTimeNode(Start.X, Start.Y, 0);

            _gScore[startNode] = 0;
            _open.Enqueue(startNode, Heuristic(Start));

            SpaceTimeNode current;

            while (_open.Count > 0)
                current = _open.Dequeue();

                // current tile is reserved, we can't be here
                if (!current.Equals(Start) && (reservationTable.Contains(current) ||

                if (current.Equals(Target))

                    for (var t = 0; t < Path.Count; t++)
                        reservationTable.Add(new SpaceTimeNode(Path[t].X, Path[t].Y, t));


                foreach (var neighbor in _graph.GetNeighbours(current))
                    if (_closed.Contains(neighbor) ||
                        reservationTable.Contains(neighbor) ||

                    var tentative_gScore = _gScore.GetValueOrDefault(current, double.PositiveInfinity) + Cost(current, neighbor);
                    if (tentative_gScore < _gScore.GetValueOrDefault(neighbor, double.PositiveInfinity))
                        _cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
                        _gScore[neighbor]   = tentative_gScore;

                        var fScore = tentative_gScore + Heuristic(_graph.GetTile(neighbor));
                        if (!_open.TryUpdatePriority(neighbor, fScore))
                            _open.Enqueue(neighbor, fScore);
Example #4
        private Stacja2[] Dijkstra(int miastopocz, int miastokon)
            SimplePriorityQueue <int> kolejka = new SimplePriorityQueue <int>();

            bool[] odwiedzone = new bool[ilosc_miast];
            bool   check      = false;

            Stacja2[] tablica_odl = new Stacja2[ilosc_miast];

            for (int i = 0; i < ilosc_miast; i++)
                if (lista_incydencji[i].Count != 0)
                    odwiedzone[i] = true;
                    check         = true;
                tablica_odl[i]      = new Stacja2();
                tablica_odl[i].czas = int.MaxValue;
            if (check == false)
            tablica_odl[miastopocz].czas = -5;
            kolejka.Enqueue(miastopocz, -5);

            odwiedzone[miastopocz] = false;
            while (kolejka.Count != 0)
                int aktualne = kolejka.First;
                foreach (Stacja s in lista_incydencji[aktualne])
                    if (tablica_odl[aktualne].czas + s.czas + 5
                        < tablica_odl[s.nr_miasta].czas)
                        tablica_odl[s.nr_miasta].czas       = tablica_odl[aktualne].czas + s.czas + 5;
                        tablica_odl[s.nr_miasta].poprzednik = aktualne;

                        if (odwiedzone[s.nr_miasta] == true)
                            odwiedzone[s.nr_miasta] = false;
                            kolejka.Enqueue(s.nr_miasta, tablica_odl[s.nr_miasta].czas);
                            kolejka.TryUpdatePriority(s.nr_miasta, tablica_odl[s.nr_miasta].czas);

        public void ChangePriority(Guid taskId, HttpRequestPriority newPriority)
            _taskIdToTaskMap.TryGetValue(taskId, out var task);

            if (task == null || task.Priority == newPriority)

            _tasksQueue.TryUpdatePriority(task, GetPriorityForNewItem(newPriority));
Example #6
        public List <NetworkLane> CalculateRoute(string startID, string endID)
            var q         = new SimplePriorityQueue <NetworkLaneConnection> ();
            var distances = new Dictionary <string, double> ();
            var previous  = new Dictionary <string, NetworkLaneConnection> ();

            NetworkLaneConnection start;

            if (!connectivityGraph.TryGetValue(startID, out start))
                Debug.Log("Start node was not found!");

            distances [startID] = 0;
            q.Enqueue(start, distances [startID]);

            while (q.Count > 0)
                var current = q.Dequeue();
                if (current.id == endID)
                    return(BacktrackRoute(current, previous));

                foreach (string id in current.adjacentLanes)
                    double newDist = distances [current.id] + current.Weight(id);

                    if (!distances.ContainsKey(id) || newDist < distances [id])
                        previous [id] = current;
                        if (!distances.ContainsKey(id))
                            q.Enqueue(connectivityGraph [id], newDist);
                            q.TryUpdatePriority(connectivityGraph [id], newDist);
                        distances [id] = newDist;

        public void Search(IGraph graph)
            Path.RemoveRange(_posIndex, Path.Count - _posIndex);

            var cameFrom = new Dictionary <AbstractTile, AbstractTile>();
            var gScore   = new Dictionary <AbstractTile, double>();
            var closed   = new HashSet <AbstractTile>();
            var open     = new SimplePriorityQueue <AbstractTile, double>();

            gScore[Position] = 0;
            open.Enqueue(Position, Helpers.Metrics.Octile(Position, Target)); // TODO add agitation noise (see Silver)

            AbstractTile current;

            while (open.Count > 0)
                current = open.Dequeue();

                if (current == Target)
                    Path.AddRange(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, current));

                foreach (var neighbor in graph.AdjacentVertices(current))
                    if (closed.Contains(neighbor))

                    var tentative_gScore = gScore.GetValueOrDefault(current, double.PositiveInfinity) + Helpers.Metrics.Octile(current, neighbor); // TODO add agitation noise (see Silver)
                    if (tentative_gScore < gScore.GetValueOrDefault(neighbor, double.PositiveInfinity))
                        cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
                        gScore[neighbor]   = tentative_gScore;

                        var fScore = tentative_gScore + Helpers.Metrics.Octile(neighbor, Target);
                        if (!open.TryUpdatePriority(neighbor, fScore))
                            open.Enqueue(neighbor, fScore);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Responsible for actually persisting the word counts in memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="word">The <see cref="string"/> word to persist.</param>
        private void PersistWord(string word)
            if (!wordDict.ContainsKey(word))
                wordDict[word] = 0;

            wordDict[word] += 1;
            var priority = wordDict[word];

            if (priorityQueue.Contains(word))
                if (!priorityQueue.TryUpdatePriority(word, priority))
                    throw new Exception($"Could not update priority for item: {word}.");
                if (priorityQueue.TryFirst(out var first))
                    if (priority >= wordDict[first])
                        priorityQueue.Enqueue(word, priority);
                    priorityQueue.Enqueue(word, priority);

                if (priorityQueue.Count > wordLimit)
                    if (priorityQueue.TryDequeue(out var head))
                        Log.Logger.Debug($"Successfully removed item {head} with priority {wordDict[head]} from pirority queue.");
                        Log.Logger.Debug($"Cannot remove head from empty priority queue.");
        void UCSearch(City root, City destiny, List <City> cities)
            SimplePriorityQueue <City> Frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue <City>();

            root.PathCost = 0;
            Frontier.Enqueue(root, 0);
            float sum;

            while (Frontier.Count != 0)
                sum = Frontier.GetPriority(Frontier.First);
                City parent = (City)Frontier.Dequeue();
                tbResult.Text += ("\n Expando el nodo de: " + parent.CityName + " Llevando un costo actual de: " + sum);
                tbOrder.Text  += ("\n" + parent.CityName + " Costo: " + sum + "\n ↓");
                if (parent == destiny)
                    tbResult.Text += ("\n Llegue al destino con un costo total de: " + sum);
                foreach (var tempRute in parent.Rutes)
                    if (!cities.Contains(tempRute.DestinationCity))
                        if (!Frontier.Contains(tempRute.DestinationCity))
                            Frontier.Enqueue(tempRute.DestinationCity, sum + tempRute.Cost);
                            if (Frontier.GetPriority(tempRute.DestinationCity) > sum + tempRute.Cost)
                                Frontier.TryUpdatePriority(tempRute.DestinationCity, sum + tempRute.Cost);
        private void Search(ref HashSet <SpaceTimeNode> reservationTable)
            _cameFrom = new Dictionary <SpaceTimeNode, SpaceTimeNode>();
            _closed   = new HashSet <SpaceTimeNode>();
            _gScore   = new Dictionary <SpaceTimeNode, double>();
            _open     = new SimplePriorityQueue <SpaceTimeNode, double>();

            var pos = new SpaceTimeNode(Position.X, Position.Y, 0);

            _gScore[pos] = 0;
            _open.Enqueue(pos, _rra.AbstractDist(Position));

            SpaceTimeNode current;

            while (_open.Count > 0)
                current = _open.Dequeue();

                // current tile is reserved, we can't be here
                if (!current.Equals(Position) && (reservationTable.Contains(new SpaceTimeNode(current.X, current.Y, current.T + _pathIndex)) ||
                                                  reservationTable.Contains(new SpaceTimeNode(current.X, current.Y, current.T + _pathIndex + 1))))

                if (current.T == _w || current.Equals(Target))

                    for (var t = _pathIndex; t < Path.Count; t++)
                        reservationTable.Add(new SpaceTimeNode(Path[t].X, Path[t].Y, t));


                foreach (var neighbor in _graph.GetNeighbours(current))
                    if (_closed.Contains(neighbor) ||
                        reservationTable.Contains(new SpaceTimeNode(neighbor.X, neighbor.Y, neighbor.T + _pathIndex)) ||
                        reservationTable.Contains(new SpaceTimeNode(neighbor.X, neighbor.Y, neighbor.T + _pathIndex + 1)))

                    var tentative_gScore = _gScore.GetValueOrDefault(current, double.PositiveInfinity) + Cost(current, neighbor);
                    if (tentative_gScore < _gScore.GetValueOrDefault(neighbor, double.PositiveInfinity))
                        _cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
                        _gScore[neighbor]   = tentative_gScore;

                        var fScore = tentative_gScore + _rra.AbstractDist(_graph.GetTile(neighbor));
                        if (!_open.TryUpdatePriority(neighbor, fScore))
                            _open.Enqueue(neighbor, fScore);
Example #11
        //There is no need to aggressively early exit for now, we are in no need for such optimization
        public static bool TryFindPath(Coordinate start,
                                       Coordinate goal,
                                       Map map,
                                       out IList <Coordinate> path,
                                       int maxCost = int.MaxValue,
                                       bool includeStartingTile = false)
            var tileToDiscover = new SimplePriorityQueue <Coordinate, float>();
            var cameFrom       = new Dictionary <Coordinate, Coordinate>();
            var distanceToTile = new Dictionary <Coordinate, float> {
                [start] = 0f

            tileToDiscover.Enqueue(start, Heuristic(start, goal));
            path = null;

            while (tileToDiscover.Any())
                var current = tileToDiscover.Dequeue();
                if (current == goal)
                    path = new List <Coordinate>();
                    while (current != start)
                        current = cameFrom[current];

                    //we ignore the starting tile when calculating the cost
                    var pathCost = path.Select(map.Get <Tile>).Sum(t => t.Data.Weight);
                    if (includeStartingTile)

                    path = path.Reverse().ToList();

                    return(pathCost <= maxCost);

                foreach (var neighbour in map.GetNeighbours <Tile>(current).Values)
                    if (neighbour == null)
                        //ignore tiles that does not exist(e.g. when current is at the top/bottom edge of the map)

                    var currentDistanceToNeighbour = distanceToTile[current] + neighbour.Data.Weight;
                    var neighbourCoordinate        = neighbour.Coordinate;
                    if (!distanceToTile.TryGetValue(neighbourCoordinate, out var previousDistanceToNeighbour))
                        previousDistanceToNeighbour = float.PositiveInfinity;

                    if (currentDistanceToNeighbour > previousDistanceToNeighbour)

                    var newScoreForNeighbour = currentDistanceToNeighbour + Heuristic(neighbourCoordinate, goal);
                    cameFrom[neighbourCoordinate]       = current;
                    distanceToTile[neighbourCoordinate] = currentDistanceToNeighbour;
                    if (!tileToDiscover.TryUpdatePriority(neighbourCoordinate, newScoreForNeighbour))
                        tileToDiscover.Enqueue(neighbourCoordinate, newScoreForNeighbour);

Example #12
        public Tuple <List <PointF>, float, float> CalculatePathBetweenVertices(GraphVertex vertex1, GraphVertex vertex2, RouteCalculationMode mode)
            //Реализация алгоритма Дейкстры на основе очереди с приоритетом (Heap)
            int n = vertices.Count;

            float[] d = new float[n];
            int[]   p = new int[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                d[i] = float.MaxValue;
                p[i] = -1;

            d[vertex1.Id] = 0;

            var queue = new SimplePriorityQueue <int, float>();

            queue.Enqueue(vertex1.Id, 0);

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                int v = queue.Dequeue();

                for (int i = 0; i < vertices[v].Edges.Count; i++)
                    int to = vertices[v].Edges[i].Vert2.Id;
                    //если нужен самый короткий путь - минимизируем длину пути.
                    //если нужен самый быстрый - минимизируем время (длина/скорость).
                    float len = (mode == RouteCalculationMode.ShortRoute) ? (vertices[v].Edges[i].Length) : (vertices[v].Edges[i].Time);
                    if (d[v] + len < d[to])
                        d[to] = d[v] + len;
                        p[to] = v;
                        if (!queue.TryUpdatePriority(to, d[to]))
                            queue.Enqueue(to, d[to]);

            if (p[vertex2.Id] == -1)
                //не нашли путь
                throw new Exception();

            // восстанавливаем путь
            int currentPoint = vertex2.Id;

            var vertPath = new List <int>();

            while (currentPoint != -1)
                currentPoint = p[currentPoint];


            var edgePath = new List <GraphEdge>();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertPath.Count - 1; i++)
                var vert1 = vertices[vertPath[i]];
                var vert2 = vertices[vertPath[i + 1]];
                var edge  = vert1.Edges.First(e => e.Vert2.Id == vert2.Id);

            List <PointF> wktPath = edgePath.SelectMany(e => e.Shape).ToList();
            float         length  = edgePath.Sum(edge => edge.Length);
            float         time    = edgePath.Sum(edge => edge.Time);

            return(new Tuple <List <PointF>, float, float>(wktPath, length, time));
Example #13
        public TNode Evaluate <TNode, TKey, TCost>(TNode[] startNodes, Func <TNode, TNode, bool> isBetter = null, Action <TNode> evaluateNode = null, Action <TNode> queuedNode = null, Action <Dictionary <TKey, TNode>, SimplePriorityQueue <TKey, TCost>, HashSet <TKey> > whenDone = null) where TNode : Node <TNode, TKey, TCost> where TCost : IComparable <TCost>
            if (null == isBetter)
                isBetter = (i1, i2) => false;
            if (null == evaluateNode)
                evaluateNode = i => { };
            if (null == queuedNode)
                queuedNode = i => { };
            if (null == whenDone)
                whenDone = (a, b, c) => { };

            TNode bestComplete = null;
            var   bestNodes    = new Dictionary <TKey, TNode>();
            var   toEvaluate   = new SimplePriorityQueue <TKey, TCost>();
            var   evaluated    = new HashSet <TKey>();

            foreach (var start in startNodes)
                bestNodes[start.Key] = start;
                toEvaluate.Enqueue(start.Key, start.EstimatedCost);

            var bestEstimatedCost = bestNodes[toEvaluate.First].EstimatedCost;

            while (true)
                if (toEvaluate.Count == 0)
                    //var x = bestNodes.Select(n => new { node = n.Value, next = n.Value.GetAdjacent().ToArray() })
                    //    .ToArray();
                    whenDone(bestNodes, toEvaluate, evaluated);
                    //if (null != bestComplete)
                    //    return bestComplete;
                    //var bestLeft = bestNodes.Values.OrderBy(i => i.CurrentCost).First();
                    //Console.WriteLine("Best of the rest....");
                    //return bestLeft;

                var workKey = toEvaluate.Dequeue();
                var work    = bestNodes[workKey];

                if (work.EstimatedCost.CompareTo(bestEstimatedCost) < 0)
                    bestEstimatedCost = work.EstimatedCost;
                    Console.WriteLine($"New best estimated cost: {bestEstimatedCost} - {work.Description}");

                if (work.IsComplete)
                    if (null == bestComplete || work.CurrentCost.CompareTo(bestComplete.CurrentCost) < 0 || (work.CurrentCost.CompareTo(bestComplete.CurrentCost) == 0 && isBetter(work, bestComplete)))
                        // new best - remember it
                        bestComplete = work;
                    // no need to continue to evaluate complete nodes
                if (bestComplete != null && bestComplete.CurrentCost.CompareTo(work.EstimatedCost) < 0)
                    whenDone(bestNodes, toEvaluate, evaluated);
                foreach (var next in work.GetAdjacent())
                    if (!next.IsValid)

                    if (bestNodes.TryGetValue(next.Key, out var existing))
                        // we've already seen this node - update the cost if better, but no need to process further
                        var compare = next.CurrentCost.CompareTo(existing.CurrentCost);
                        if (compare < 0 || (compare == 0 && isBetter(next, existing)))
                            bestNodes[next.Key] = next;
                            toEvaluate.TryUpdatePriority(next.Key, next.EstimatedCost);
                        //Console.WriteLine($"Already seen node with {next.CurrentCost} - {next.EstimatedCost}\n{existing.Description}\n{next.Description}\n");
                    // never seen this node before - track it and queue it up
                    bestNodes.Add(next.Key, next);
                    toEvaluate.Enqueue(next.Key, next.EstimatedCost);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Queued node with EC {next.EstimatedCost}");