Example #1
        public Location[] Find(byte[,] map, Location start, Location finish)
            if (start == finish)
                throw new ArgumentException("Start and finish can't be the same");

            if (start.X < 0 || start.X >= map.GetLength(0) ||
                start.Y < 0 || start.Y >= map.GetLength(1))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(start));

            if (finish.X < 0 || finish.X >= map.GetLength(0) ||
                finish.Y < 0 || finish.Y >= map.GetLength(1))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(finish));

            var costMap = new ushort[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];

            costMap[start.X, start.Y] = MaxPossibilitiesValue;

            bool isFinish = false;

            var frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue();

            frontier.Insert(start, 0);

            var comeFrom = new Dictionary <(int x, int y), Location>();

            var cheapestPath = int.MaxValue;

            var iterationsCount = 0;

            while (!isFinish)
                var currentCell = frontier.Get();

                var pathCost = costMap[currentCell.Cell.X, currentCell.Cell.Y];

                // if cheapest path from frontier cost more,
                // than already finded cheapest way to finish -
                // no more reason to continue calculating.
                if (pathCost > cheapestPath)
                    isFinish = true;

                var neighbors = NeighborsFinder.Find(map, currentCell.Cell.X, currentCell.Cell.Y);

                foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
                    var passability = map[neighbor.X, neighbor.Y];
                    if (passability == 0)

                    var neighborCost           = MaxPossibilitiesValue - passability;
                    var cheapestCostOnNeighbor = costMap[neighbor.X, neighbor.Y];

                    var currentPathCost = (ushort)(pathCost + neighborCost);

                    if (cheapestCostOnNeighbor == 0 || currentPathCost < cheapestCostOnNeighbor)
                        costMap[neighbor.X, neighbor.Y]    = currentPathCost;
                        comeFrom[(neighbor.X, neighbor.Y)] = currentCell.Cell;