Example #1
        public void SimpleTest()
            var sdf = new SimpleDf("sdf");

            sdf.preferedType["id"]       = SdfColType.dfint;
            sdf.preferedType["dt"]       = SdfColType.dfdatetime;
            sdf.preferedFormat["dt"]     = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            sdf.preferedSubstitute["dt"] = ("+00", "");
            Assert.True(sdf.Nrow() == 3);
            Assert.True(sdf.Ncol() == 5);
            Assert.True(sdf.InfoClassStr() == "Classes:id:dfint,x:dfdouble,y:dfdouble,dt:dfdatetime,n:dfstring");
            Assert.True(sdf.GetIntCol("id").Sum() == 6);
            Assert.True(sdf.GetDoubleCol("x").Sum() == 6);
            Assert.True(sdf.GetDoubleCol("y").Sum() == 9);
            Assert.True(sdf.DataErrors() == 0);
            // Use the Assert class to test conditions
Example #2
    public IEnumerator PlotStaticTrack()
        var sw = new StopWatch();

        Debug.Log("Plot  " + vehicleTrackName);
        //if (dozgo != null)
        //    DeleteTrack();
        vehgo = new GameObject(vehicleTrackName + "_tracks");
        vehgo.transform.parent = trackParent.transform;
        var lngcol  = sdf.GetDoubleCol("x");
        var latcol  = sdf.GetDoubleCol("y");
        var skalink = vtm.trackScale * 0.5f;  // meters
        var skawid  = vtm.trackWidthScale;
        var skanode = vtm.trackScale * 0.57f; // meters

        nnodes = 0;
        nlinks = 0;
        var nrow = sdf.Nrow();

        if (nrow == 0)
            Debug.LogError("Plot Static Track - no rows in track df " + fullcsvname);
            yield break;
        Debug.Log("Plotting " + vehicleTrackName + " consolidationDistance:" + vtm.consolidationDistance + "  trackscale:" + vtm.trackScale);
        var ll0 = new LatLng(latcol[0], lngcol[0]);

        (var pos0, _, _) = qmesh.GetWcMeshPosFromLatLng(ll0);
        var dolinks = vtm.vehicleTrackForm == VehicleTrackForm.Links || vtm.vehicleTrackForm == VehicleTrackForm.NodesAndLinks;
        var donodes = vtm.vehicleTrackForm == VehicleTrackForm.Nodes || vtm.vehicleTrackForm == VehicleTrackForm.NodesAndLinks;

        for (var i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            var ptname = "pt" + i;
            var ppname = "pp" + i;
            if (ptname == "pt21632")
                Debug.Log("pt:" + ptname);
            var ll = new LatLng(latcol[i], lngcol[i]);
            (var pos, _, _) = qmesh.GetWcMeshPosFromLatLng(ll);
            if (Vector3.Distance(pos0, pos) > vtm.consolidationDistance)
                if (donodes)
                    SphInfo.DoInfoSphereSlim(vehgo, ptname, pos, skanode, clr, ll);
                if (dolinks)
                    var cclr = qut.GetColorByName(clr);
                    var frac = i * 1.0f / nrow;
                    var nclr = Color.Lerp(cclr, Color.white, frac);
                    //var pipe = qut.CreatePipe(ppname, pos0, pos, nclr, skalink);
                    //var pipe = GpuInst.CreateCylinderGpu(ppname, pos0, pos, skalink, clr);
                    var pipe = vtm.qmm.qtt.AddFragLine(ppname, pos0, pos, skalink, lclr: clr, widratio: skawid);
                    pipe.transform.parent = vehgo.transform;
                pos0 = pos;
            if (sw.ElapfOverYieldTime())
                Debug.Log($"Plot Static Track yielding on {i} of {nrow} after {sw.ElapSecs()} secs");
                yield return(null);
        Debug.Log($"Plot static track plotted {nnodes} nodes and {nlinks} links in {sw.ElapSecs()} secs");
        yield return(null);