public void AddShopItem(int shopId , int idx , ShopItem shopItem){ if(shopInfosDic[shopId].ContainsKey(idx)){ shopInfosDic[shopId][idx] = shopItem; return; } shopInfosDic[shopId].Add(idx , shopItem); }
public void SetShopitem(ShopItem shopItem) { _shopItem = shopItem; if (_shopItem.Item.ChromieType != eChromieType.None) { ChromieDefenition chromieDefenition = ChromezData.Instance.GetChromie(_shopItem.Item.ChromieType); if (chromieDefenition != null) { _itemImage.sprite = chromieDefenition.ChromieSprite; _titleLabel.text = chromieDefenition.ChromieName; _priceLabel.text = shopItem.Price.Amount.ToString(); if (shopItem.IsUnique && InventoryManager.Instance.HasItem(shopItem.Item.ID)) { _purchaseButton.SetActive(false); } else { _purchaseButton.SetActive(true); } return; } } }
public ShopItem(ShopItem item) { FieldInfo[] fields_of_class = this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach(FieldInfo fi in fields_of_class) { fi.SetValue(this,fi.GetValue(item)); } }
private void SelectShopItem(ShopItem shopItem) { _selectedShopitem = shopItem; if (_itemDisplayController != null) { _itemDisplayController.SetShopitem(_selectedShopitem); } }
private void OnCurrencyShopItemCellPurchaceHandler(ShopItem shopitem) { ShopManager.Instance.Purchase(shopitem, (sucsess) => { if (sucsess && _closeOnPurchase) { ClosePopup(); } }); }
public void BindingData(ShopItem data){ if(data == null){ this.shopItem = data; RegistAction(); return; } UnregistAction(); this.shopItem = data; RegistAction(); }
public void BindingData(ShopItem shopItem){ if(this.shopItem == null){ this.shopItem = shopItem; RegistAction(); return; } UnregistAction(); this.shopItem = shopItem; RegistAction(); }
public void SetShopitem(ShopItem shopItem) { _shopItem = shopItem; if (_shopItem.Item.ChromieType != eChromieType.None) { ChromieDefenition chromieDefenition = ChromezData.Instance.GetChromie(_shopItem.Item.ChromieType); if (chromieDefenition != null) { _itemImage.sprite = chromieDefenition.ChromieSprite; } } }
public void FeatureRandomItem() { ShopItem randomItem = null; while (randomItem == null || randomItem == StaticFeaturedItem) { randomItem = _items[Random.Range(0, _items.Length - 1)]; } // Both sub-contexts are assigned here, // but only dynamic one will trigger the UI update. StaticFeaturedItem = randomItem; DynamicFeaturedItem = randomItem; }
public void AddItemToShop() { Item item = new Item("ID0001", "Cestitka 1"); Shop shop = new Shop("trgovina 1"); Price price = new Price(4, 3.2) {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id}; ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id, PriceId = price.Id}; Assert.IsNotNull(shopItem, "Items not added to shop!"); shopItem.SetNumberOfItems(3); Assert.AreEqual(3, shopItem.NumberOfItems, "ShopItem missmatch!"); Overview overview = new Overview(); overview.AddShopItem(shopItem); Overview temp = overview; }
public void SetShopitem(ShopItem shopItem) { _shopItem = shopItem; if (_ItemTitleLabel != null) { _ItemTitleLabel.text = shopItem.Name; } if (_purchaseButtonLabel != null) { _purchaseButtonLabel.text = shopItem.Price.Amount + "$"; } }
public ShopContext() { _items = new [] { new ShopItem { Name = "Boots of Speed", Price = 450 }, new ShopItem { Name = "Power Treads", Price = 1400 }, new ShopItem { Name = "Phase Boots", Price = 1350 }, new ShopItem { Name = "Tranquil Boots", Price = 975 }, new ShopItem { Name = "Boots of Travel", Price = 2450 }, new ShopItem { Name = "Arcane Boots", Price = 1450 }, }; StaticFeaturedItem = _items[0]; DynamicFeaturedItem = _items[0]; }
public void TransitToShopScene(ShopItem[] itemPrefabArray) { var ml = Player.MyCharList; foreach( var obj in ml ) { Debug.Log ( ); } Action endAct = () => { //ShopManager.Activate(Player.MyCharList, itemPrefabArray); gameObject.SetActive(false); }; Action act = () =>{ ShopManager.Activate(Player.MyCharList, itemPrefabArray); StartCoroutine("FadeIn", endAct ); }; base.TransitWithFadeOut(act); // ShopManager.Activate(Player.MyCharList, itemPrefabArray); // gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void DeleteShopItem() { Guid itemId = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid shopId = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid priceId = Guid.NewGuid(); const int numberOfItems = 666; ShopItem newShopItem = new ShopItem { DateTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks), ItemId = itemId, ShopId = shopId, PriceId = priceId, NumberOfItems = numberOfItems, }; Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertShopItem(newShopItem)); DataSet shopItems = dataBase.GetShopItems(); int count = shopItems.Tables[Misc.DataTableNameOfShopItems].Rows.Count; dataBase.DeleteShopItem(newShopItem.Id); shopItems = dataBase.GetShopItems(); Assert.AreEqual(count - 1, shopItems.Tables[Misc.DataTableNameOfShopItems].Rows.Count); }
void Update() { if (Util.hit != null && Util.hit.GetComponent<ShopItem>() != null) { if (currItem == null) { currItem = Util.hit.GetComponent<ShopItem>(); itemDescriptor.showDescription(currItem.getItem()); } else if (currItem != Util.hit.GetComponent<ShopItem>()) { currItem = Util.hit.GetComponent<ShopItem>(); itemDescriptor.showDescription(currItem.getItem()); } else if (!itemDescriptor.isOnScreen()) { currItem = Util.hit.GetComponent<ShopItem>(); itemDescriptor.showDescription(currItem.getItem()); } } else if (currItem != null) { itemDescriptor.hideDescription(); currItem = null; } if (currItem != null && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { currItem.buyItem(); itemDescriptor.hideDescription(); currItem = null; } }
private static void Parse(JSONNode json) { CoinItems = new List<ShopItem>(); var coins = json["coins"]; for (int i = 0; i < coins.AsArray.Count; i++) { var item = new ShopItem(); var pos = new ShopPosition { Index = coins[i]["index"], Count = coins[i]["count"].AsInt, ShopItemType = ShopItemType.Coins }; item.Positions = new List<ShopPosition> {pos}; item.Price = coins[i]["price"].AsFloat; CoinItems.Add(item); } }
void ShopSettings(ConfigManager config) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Game In Apps", EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel); if (GUILayout.Button(!config.showInApps ? "Open InApps" : "Close InApps")) config.showInApps = !config.showInApps; if (!config.showInApps) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Mostra InApps", EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel); } else { ConfigManagerShop.DrawInApps(config); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if(GUILayout.Button("New InApp")) { ShopInApp inapp = new ShopInApp(); config.shopInApps.Add(inapp,ref config.shopInApps); } } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Game Items", EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel); if (GUILayout.Button(!config.showShopItems ? "Open Shop Items" : "Close Shop Items")) config.showShopItems = !config.showShopItems; if (!config.showShopItems) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Mostra Itens comprados com coins", EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel); } else { ConfigManagerShop.DrawShopItems(config); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if(GUILayout.Button("New Shop Item")) { ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem(); config.shopItems.Add(shopItem,ref config.shopItems); } } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Game Features", EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel); if (GUILayout.Button(!config.showShopFeatures ? "Open Shop Features" : "Close Shop Features")) config.showShopFeatures = !config.showShopFeatures; if (!config.showShopFeatures) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Mostra Features", EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel); } else { ConfigManagerShop.DrawFeatures(config); } if(GUILayout.Button("Download Shop Info From Server")) { Debug.Log("oi"); config.GetComponent<ShopManager>().RefreshShop(false); } if(GUILayout.Button("Delete All")) { config.shopInApps = new ShopInApp[]{}; config.shopFeatures = new ShopFeatures(); config.shopItems = new ShopItem[]{}; } }
public void OfferCoinPackAndBuyItem(ShopDelegate callback, ShopItem item) { // nao tem coins int difference = item.coinPrice - Flow.header.coins; ShopInApp coinPackToOffer = new ShopInApp(); ShopInApp biggestPack = new ShopInApp(); foreach(ShopInApp pack in coinPacks) { Debug.Log(pack.coinsCount); if(pack.coinsCount >= difference) { Debug.Log("coinpack selecionado: "+ pack.appleBundle); coinPackToOffer = pack; break; } int mostCoins = 0; if(mostCoins < pack.coinsCount) { mostCoins = pack.coinsCount; biggestPack = pack; } } if( == null) { coinPackToOffer = biggestPack; } #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR string packBundle = coinPackToOffer.androidBundle; #elif UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR string packBundle = coinPackToOffer.appleBundle; Debug.Log("caiu no iOS e o packBundle: "+ coinPackToOffer.appleBundle); #else string packBundle; Flow.game_native.showMessage("Not Enough Coins", "You don't have enough coins to buy this item"); return; #endif //List<string> tList = new List<string>(); Flow.game_native.startLoading(); UIManager.instance.blockInput = true; IAP.purchaseConsumableProduct(packBundle, purchased => { Flow.game_native.stopLoading(); UIManager.instance.blockInput = false; if(purchased) { Flow.header.coins += coinPackToOffer.coinsCount; if(Flow.header.coins >= item.coinPrice) { Flow.header.coins -= item.coinPrice; foreach(ShopItem iw in item.itemsWithin) { //comprou o pack e agora tem coins suficientes pra comprar o item if(Save.HasKey( && iw.type == ShopItemType.Consumable) { int userStock = Save.GetInt(; userStock += iw.count; Save.Set (,userStock); } else if(!Save.HasKey( && iw.type == ShopItemType.NonConsumable) { Save.Set(,1); } else { Save.Set(, iw.count); } } Save.SaveAll(); callback(ShopResultStatus.Success,; if(Save.HasKey(PlayerPrefsKeys.TOKEN)) { // se a compra deu sucesso e o cara esta logado, registrar no server GameJsonAuthConnection conn = new GameJsonAuthConnection(Flow.URL_BASE + "login/shop/buy.php", BuyingConfirmation); WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); for(int i = 0 ; i < item.itemsWithin.Length ; i++) { form.AddField("items["+i+"][id]", item.itemsWithin[i].id); form.AddField("items["+i+"][count]", Save.GetInt(PlayerPrefsKeys.ITEM+item.itemsWithin[i].id)); form.AddField("coins", Flow.header.coins); } conn.connect(form); } } else { // comprou o pack e mesmo assim nao tem coins suficientes pra comprar o item Flow.game_native.showMessage("Not Enough Coins", "You'll need to buy another pack to buy this item!"); callback(ShopResultStatus.Failed,; } //Save.Set(PlayerPrefsKeys.COINS.ToString(),Flow.header.coins); } else { // nao tem coins para comprar o item Flow.game_native.showMessage("Not Enough Coins", "You don't have enough coins to buy this item"); callback(ShopResultStatus.Failed,; } }); }
public Result(BxDictionary serialized) : base(serialized) { shopItem = new ShopItem((BxDictionary)serialized["shopItem"]); id = serialized["id"].ToGuid(); }
private bool Shipyard_Buy(ShopItem item) { var newShip = (ShipModel) item.ItemObject; if (Player.Credits < item.Price) { EventLog.Print("Planet_NoMoneyToBuy"); HighlightArea(); return false; } EventLog.HighlightArea(); var result = false; var toBuy = EventLog.Get_YesNo("Shipyard_Confirmation", Player.Ship.ModelName, newShip.ModelName, true); if (toBuy) { var oldShipName = Player.Ship.ModelName; Player.Ship = newShip; for (var i = 0; i < Enums.All_Merchandise.Count; i++) { var merch = (Merchandise) i; if (IsLegal(merch)) { Player.Credits += (GoodsPrices[merch] + CurrentSystem.PriceChanges[i]) * Player.CurrentCargo[merch]; Player.CurrentCargo[merch] = 0; } } Player.CurrentCargo.Clear(); Player.CurrentHP = Player.MaxHP; Player.CurrentMissiles = Math.Min(Player.CurrentMissiles, Player.MaxMissiles); Player.Credits -= item.Price; PlayerStats.Draw_PlayerStats(); EventLog.Print("Shipyard_Exchanged", oldShipName, newShip.ModelName); result = true; } HighlightArea(); return result; }
public ShopItem GetShopItem(string id) { ShopItem item = new ShopItem(); Debug.Log("nome: "+id); Debug.Log(itemList.Length); for (int i = 0 ; i < itemList.Length ; i++) { Debug.Log(itemList[i].id); if(itemList[i].id == id) { item = new ShopItem(itemList[i]); Debug.Log(item.type); break; } } return item; }
public void DirtGroundOnClick() => SelectedItem = dirtGround;
public SellerResult(Bencodex.Types.Dictionary serialized) : base(serialized) { shopItem = new ShopItem((Bencodex.Types.Dictionary)serialized["shopItem"]); id = serialized["id"].ToGuid(); gold = serialized["gold"].ToFungibleAssetValue(); }
public void ClearItemSelectionAndDestroyObject() { SelectedItem = null; PlayerSpawner.instance.DestroyNotPlacedItem(); PlayerSpawnGroundController.instance.DestroyNotPlacedGround(); }
private void ResetBorder(ShopItem item) => item.itemBorderImage.sprite = defaultBorder;
public void LaserShooterOnClick() => SelectedItem = laserShooter;
public void BombShooterOnClick() => SelectedItem = bombShooter;
public void BulletShooterOnClick() => SelectedItem = bulletShooter;
public void SoldierFactoryOnClick() => SelectedItem = soldierFactory;
public void OrcFactoryOnClick() => SelectedItem = orcFactory;
public void KnightFactoryOnClick() => SelectedItem = knightFactory;
void pnl_HoverEnter(Base sender, EventArgs arguments) { if (InputHandler.MouseFocus != null) { return; } mMouseOver = true; mCanDrag = true; if (Globals.InputManager.MouseButtonDown(GameInput.MouseButtons.Left)) { mCanDrag = false; return; } if (mDescWindow != null) { mDescWindow.Dispose(); mDescWindow = null; } if (Globals.GameShop == null) { if (Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot]?.Base != null) { mDescWindow = new ItemDescWindow( Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].Base, Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].Quantity, mInventoryWindow.X, mInventoryWindow.Y, Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].StatBuffs ); } } else { var invItem = Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot]; ShopItem shopItem = null; for (var i = 0; i < Globals.GameShop.BuyingItems.Count; i++) { var tmpShop = Globals.GameShop.BuyingItems[i]; if (invItem.ItemId == tmpShop.ItemId) { shopItem = tmpShop; break; } } if (Globals.GameShop.BuyingWhitelist && shopItem != null) { var hoveredItem = ItemBase.Get(shopItem.CostItemId); if (hoveredItem != null && Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot]?.Base != null) { mDescWindow = new ItemDescWindow( Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].Base, Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].Quantity, mInventoryWindow.X, mInventoryWindow.Y, Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].StatBuffs, "", Strings.Shop.sellsfor.ToString(shopItem.CostItemQuantity, hoveredItem.Name) ); } } else if (shopItem == null) { var hoveredItem = ItemBase.Get(invItem.ItemId); var costItem = Globals.GameShop.DefaultCurrency; if (hoveredItem != null && costItem != null && Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot]?.Base != null) { mDescWindow = new ItemDescWindow( Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].Base, Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].Quantity, mInventoryWindow.X, mInventoryWindow.Y, Globals.Me.Inventory[mMySlot].StatBuffs, "", Strings.Shop.sellsfor.ToString(hoveredItem.Price, costItem.Name) ); } } else { if (invItem?.Base != null) { mDescWindow = new ItemDescWindow( invItem.Base, invItem.Quantity, mInventoryWindow.X, mInventoryWindow.Y, invItem.StatBuffs, "", Strings.Shop.wontbuy ); } } } }
private void Awake() { entityController = FindObjectOfType <EntityController>(); shopItem = GetComponentInChildren <ShopItem>(); }
private static async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> incomingMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { try { // Don't react to your own reacts! if (reaction.UserId == Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id) { return; } // Only handle reacts to shop embed if (!activeShops.ContainsKey(incomingMessage.Id)) { return; } // Only handle reacts from the original user, remove the reaction if (activeShops[incomingMessage.Id] != reaction.UserId) { IUserMessage message = await incomingMessage.DownloadAsync(); await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value); return; } // Only handle relevant reacts if (!shopEmotes.Contains(reaction.Emote)) { IUserMessage message = await incomingMessage.DownloadAsync(); await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value); return; } if (channel is SocketGuildChannel guildChannel) { IUserMessage message = await incomingMessage.DownloadAsync(); await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value); // Try to get the purchasing item ShopItem itemToBuy = shopItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ReactionEmote.GetString() == reaction.Emote.GetString()); User user = await UserService.GetUser(guildChannel.Guild.Id, reaction.UserId); if (user.TotalKupoNutsCurrent >= itemToBuy.Cost) { // Take payment user.UpdateTotalKupoNuts(-itemToBuy.Cost); // Add to inventory user.UpdateInventory(itemToBuy.Name, 1); // Convert to success embed await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = GetSuccessEmbed()); await Task.Delay(5000); // Delete shop message await message.DeleteAsync(); // Delete calling command if (message.ReferencedMessage != null) { await message.ReferencedMessage.DeleteAsync(); } } else { SocketGuildUser failUser = guildChannel.GetUser(reaction.UserId); // Convert message to failure embed Embed embed = GetFailureEmbed(failUser.GetName(), "a " + itemToBuy.Name); await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed); await Task.Delay(5000); await message.DeleteAsync(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); } }
public void GrassGroundOnClick() => SelectedItem = grassGround;
public BuyerResult(Bencodex.Types.Dictionary serialized) : base(serialized) { shopItem = new ShopItem((Bencodex.Types.Dictionary)serialized["shopItem"]); id = serialized["id"].ToGuid(); }
public void Initialize(ShopUI shopUI, ShopItem entryData) { this.shopUI = shopUI; this.entryData = entryData; UpdateEntry(); }
protected void LinkButtonAddItemToShopClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log.Debug("Add Item To Shop"); DataBase dataBase = new DataBase(); string selectedItem = dropDownListManageShopItemsBodyInputItems.SelectedValue; Item item = dataBase.GetItem(new Guid(selectedItem)); if (item == null) { return; } string selectedShop = dropDownListManageShopItemsBodyInputShops.SelectedValue; Shop shop = dataBase.GetShop(selectedShop); if (shop == null) { return; } string gross = textBoxManageShopItemsBodyInputPriceGross.Text.Trim(); string net = textBoxManageShopItemsBodyInputPriceNet.Text.Trim(); if (gross.Length < 1 || net.Length < 1) { Log.WarnFormat("Price not in correct format! Gross='{0}', Net='{1}'", gross, net); return; } Double priceGross = Double.Parse(gross); Double priceNet = Double.Parse(net); int numberOfItems = Misc.String2Number(textBoxManageShopItemsBodyInputNumberOfItems.Text.Trim()); Price price = new Price(priceGross, priceNet) {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id}; if (!dataBase.InsertPrice(price)) { return; } ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem { ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id, PriceId = price.Id, DateTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks), }.SetNumberOfItems(numberOfItems); dataBase.InsertShopItem(shopItem); Populate(); }
public void AddShopItem(ShopItem shopItem) { _shopItemsContext.ShopItems.Add(shopItem); _shopItemsContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void SetShopItemToUse(ShopItem shopItem) { shopItemToUse = shopItem; PlayerPrefs.SetString(shopItemToUsePlayerPrefString,; }
public void BuyItem(ShopDelegate callback, ShopItem item) { Debug.Log(; foreach(ShopItem itemWithin in item.itemsWithin) { if(Save.HasKey( && itemWithin.type == ShopItemType.NonConsumable) { // ja tem o item Flow.game_native.showMessage("Already has item","You already have this item."); callback(ShopResultStatus.Failed,; return; } //else if(itemWithin.forFree } //Flow.game_native.startLoading(); if(item.coinPrice > Flow.header.coins) { // nao tem coins OfferCoinPackAndBuyItem(callback, item); } else { Debug.Log("tem coins, soma eh: "+item.coinPrice); // tem coins Flow.header.coins -= item.coinPrice; foreach(ShopItem iw in item.itemsWithin) { Debug.Log(; Debug.Log(Save.HasKey(; Debug.Log(iw.type.ToString()); if(Save.HasKey( && iw.type == ShopItemType.Consumable) { int userStock = Save.GetInt(; userStock += iw.count; Save.Set(,userStock); Debug.Log("tem item, eh consumivel"); } else if(!Save.HasKey( && iw.type == ShopItemType.NonConsumable) { Save.Set(,1); Debug.Log("nao tem item, eh nao consumivel"); } else { Save.Set(, iw.count); Debug.Log("nao tem item, eh consumivel"); } } if(item.type == ShopItemType.NonConsumable) Save.Set(,true); //Save.Set(PlayerPrefsKeys.COINS,Flow.header.coins); Save.SaveAll(); callback(ShopResultStatus.Success,; if(Save.HasKey(PlayerPrefsKeys.TOKEN)) { // se a compra deu sucesso e o cara esta logado, registrar no server GameJsonAuthConnection conn = new GameJsonAuthConnection(Flow.URL_BASE + "login/shop/buy.php", BuyingConfirmation); WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); for(int i = 0 ; i < item.itemsWithin.Length ; i++) { form.AddField("items["+i+"][id]", item.itemsWithin[i].id); form.AddField("items["+i+"][count]", Save.GetInt(PlayerPrefsKeys.ITEM+item.itemsWithin[i].id)); form.AddField("coins", Flow.header.coins); } conn.connect(form); } } }
public bool CanPurchase(ShopItem i) { int cost = i.cost; return(CanPurchase(cost)); }
public void OnRefreshShop(string error, IJSonObject data, object state) { bool refreshPrime = (bool) state; if(error != null) Debug.Log(error); else { //Debug.Log(data); IJSonObject inapps = data["inapps"]; IJSonObject items = data["items"]; IJSonObject features = data["features"]; foreach(IJSonObject inapp in inapps.ArrayItems) { ShopInApp tempInApp = new ShopInApp(); tempInApp.androidBundle = inapp["android"].StringValue; tempInApp.appleBundle = inapp["apple"].StringValue; tempInApp.dolarPrice = inapp["price"].ToFloat(); = inapp["name"].StringValue; = inapp["id"].Int32Value; tempInApp.description = inapp["description"].StringValue; tempInApp.isPackOfCoins = inapp["coins"].Int32Value > 0; tempInApp.type = inapp["type"].StringValue == "Consumable"? ShopInAppType.Consumable : ShopInAppType.NonConsumable; tempInApp.goodCount = inapp["goodCount"].Int32Value; tempInApp.coinsCount = inapp["coins"].Int32Value; //Debug.Log(; bool foundInApp = false; for(int i = 0 ; i < Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps.Length ; i++) { if(Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps[i].appleBundle == tempInApp.appleBundle || Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps[i].androidBundle == tempInApp.androidBundle) { tempInApp.image = Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps[i].image; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps[i] = tempInApp; foundInApp = true; break; } } if(!foundInApp) { Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps.Add(tempInApp, ref Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps); } } Array.Sort(Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopInApps, delegate(ShopInApp a, ShopInApp b) { return; }); bool hasToRefreshGoodsScroll = false; foreach(IJSonObject item in items.ArrayItems) { ShopItem tempItem = new ShopItem(); = item["item_id"].StringValue; = item["name"].StringValue; tempItem.coinPrice = item["price"].Int32Value; tempItem.type = item["type"].StringValue == "Item"? ShopItemType.NonConsumable : ShopItemType.Consumable; tempItem.hide = item["hide"].Int32Value == 1; string[] ids = {}; string[] counts = {}; try { ids = item["itemsWithin"].StringValue.Split(','); counts = item["itemsCount"].StringValue.Split(','); } catch { ids = new string[]{ item["itemsWithin"].StringValue }; counts = new string[]{ item["itemsCount"].StringValue }; } if(!item["itemsWithin"].IsNull) { List<ShopItem> tempIWList = new List<ShopItem>(); for(int i = 0 ; i < ids.Length ; i++) { //Debug.Log("iti: "+ids[i]); //Debug.Log("counti: "+counts[i]); ShopItem iw = GetShopItem(ids[i].Trim()); //ShopItem jose = new ShopItem(); iw.count = int.Parse(counts[i]); = ids[i].Trim(); tempIWList.Add(iw); } tempItem.arraySize = tempIWList.Count; tempItem.itemsWithin = tempIWList.ToArray(); } else { tempItem.arraySize = 0; tempItem.itemsWithin = new ShopItem[]{}; } tempItem.description = item["description"].StringValue; //tempItem.hide = item["hide"].Int32Value == 1; //Debug.Log("item: "; bool foundItem = false; for(int i = 0 ; i < Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems.Length ; i++) { if(Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems[i].id == { tempItem.image = Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems[i].image; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems[i] = tempItem; foundItem = true; hasToRefreshGoodsScroll = true; break; } } if(!foundItem) { //Debug.Log("adicionando "; hasToRefreshGoodsScroll = true; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems.Add(tempItem, ref Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems); } } Array.Sort(Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopItems, delegate(ShopItem a, ShopItem b) { return; }); Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsFacebook = features["facebook"].Int32Value; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsInvite = features["invite"].Int32Value; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsLike = features["like"].Int32Value; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsRate = features["rate"].Int32Value; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsShare = features["share"].Int32Value; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsVideo = features["video"].Int32Value; Flow.config.GetComponent<ConfigManager>().shopFeatures.coinsWidget = features["widget"].Int32Value; if(refreshPrime && hasToRefreshGoodsScroll && Application.loadedLevelName == "Mainmenu") UIPanelManager.instance.transform.FindChild("ShopScenePanel").GetComponent<Shop>().RefreshItemsScroll(); } if(refreshPrime) Init(); }
public static string GetDescription(ShopItem item) { // Summarize products of the shop // for example, top three products that the owner selceted as hit items. return(item.ShopInfo.ShopName + " 의 3가지 히트상품(견본)"); }
private void addShopInfo(ShopItem shopItem) { _shop.GetCollection().Add(shopItem.shopInfo); saveShop(); }
public override IAccountStateDelta Execute(IActionContext context) { IActionContext ctx = context; var states = ctx.PreviousStates; if (ctx.Rehearsal) { foreach (var purchaseInfo in purchaseInfos) { Address shardedShopAddress = ShardedShopState.DeriveAddress(purchaseInfo.itemSubType, purchaseInfo.productId); states = states .SetState(shardedShopAddress, MarkChanged) .SetState(purchaseInfo.sellerAvatarAddress, MarkChanged) .MarkBalanceChanged( GoldCurrencyMock, ctx.Signer, purchaseInfo.sellerAgentAddress, GoldCurrencyState.Address); } return(states .SetState(buyerAvatarAddress, MarkChanged) .SetState(ctx.Signer, MarkChanged) .SetState(Addresses.Shop, MarkChanged)); } CheckObsolete(BlockChain.Policy.BlockPolicySource.V100080ObsoleteIndex, context); var addressesHex = GetSignerAndOtherAddressesHex(context, buyerAvatarAddress); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var started = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Buy exec started", addressesHex); if (!states.TryGetAvatarState(ctx.Signer, buyerAvatarAddress, out var buyerAvatarState)) { throw new FailedLoadStateException( $"{addressesHex}Aborted as the avatar state of the buyer was failed to load."); } sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Buy Get Buyer AgentAvatarStates: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); if (!buyerAvatarState.worldInformation.IsStageCleared(GameConfig.RequireClearedStageLevel.ActionsInShop)) { buyerAvatarState.worldInformation.TryGetLastClearedStageId(out var current); throw new NotEnoughClearedStageLevelException(addressesHex, GameConfig.RequireClearedStageLevel.ActionsInShop, current); } List <PurchaseResult> purchaseResults = new List <PurchaseResult>(); List <SellerResult> sellerResults = new List <SellerResult>(); MaterialItemSheet materialSheet = states.GetSheet <MaterialItemSheet>(); buyerMultipleResult = new BuyerMultipleResult(); sellerMultipleResult = new SellerMultipleResult(); foreach (var purchaseInfo in purchaseInfos) { PurchaseResult purchaseResult = new PurchaseResult(purchaseInfo.productId); Address shardedShopAddress = ShardedShopState.DeriveAddress(purchaseInfo.itemSubType, purchaseInfo.productId); Address sellerAgentAddress = purchaseInfo.sellerAgentAddress; Address sellerAvatarAddress = purchaseInfo.sellerAvatarAddress; Guid productId = purchaseInfo.productId; purchaseResults.Add(purchaseResult); if (purchaseInfo.sellerAgentAddress == ctx.Signer) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeInvalidAddress; continue; } if (!states.TryGetState(shardedShopAddress, out Bencodex.Types.Dictionary shopStateDict)) { ShardedShopState shardedShopState = new ShardedShopState(shardedShopAddress); shopStateDict = (Dictionary)shardedShopState.Serialize(); } sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Buy Get ShopState: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); Log.Verbose( "{AddressesHex}Execute Buy; buyer: {Buyer} seller: {Seller}", addressesHex, buyerAvatarAddress, sellerAvatarAddress); // Find product from ShardedShopState. List products = (List)shopStateDict[ProductsKey]; IValue productIdSerialized = productId.Serialize(); IValue sellerAgentSerialized = purchaseInfo.sellerAgentAddress.Serialize(); IValue sellerAvatarSerialized = purchaseInfo.sellerAvatarAddress.Serialize(); Dictionary productSerialized = products .Select(p => (Dictionary)p) .FirstOrDefault(p => p[LegacyProductIdKey].Equals(productIdSerialized) && p[LegacySellerAvatarAddressKey].Equals(sellerAvatarSerialized) && p[LegacySellerAgentAddressKey].Equals(sellerAgentSerialized)); bool fromLegacy = false; if (productSerialized.Equals(Dictionary.Empty)) { if (purchaseInfo.itemSubType == ItemSubType.Hourglass || purchaseInfo.itemSubType == ItemSubType.ApStone) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeItemDoesNotExist; continue; } // Backward compatibility. IValue rawShop = states.GetState(Addresses.Shop); if (!(rawShop is null)) { Dictionary legacyShopDict = (Dictionary)rawShop; Dictionary legacyProducts = (Dictionary)legacyShopDict[LegacyProductsKey]; IKey productKey = (IKey)productId.Serialize(); // SoldOut if (!legacyProducts.ContainsKey(productKey)) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeItemDoesNotExist; continue; } productSerialized = (Dictionary)legacyProducts[productKey]; legacyProducts = (Dictionary)legacyProducts.Remove(productKey); legacyShopDict = legacyShopDict.SetItem(LegacyProductsKey, legacyProducts); states = states.SetState(Addresses.Shop, legacyShopDict); fromLegacy = true; } } ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem(productSerialized); if (!shopItem.SellerAgentAddress.Equals(sellerAgentAddress)) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeItemDoesNotExist; continue; } sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Buy Get Item: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); if (0 < shopItem.ExpiredBlockIndex && shopItem.ExpiredBlockIndex < context.BlockIndex) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeShopItemExpired; continue; } if (!shopItem.Price.Equals(purchaseInfo.price)) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeInvalidPrice; continue; } if (!states.TryGetAvatarState(sellerAgentAddress, sellerAvatarAddress, out var sellerAvatarState)) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeFailedLoadingState; continue; } sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Buy Get Seller AgentAvatarStates: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); // Check Balance. FungibleAssetValue buyerBalance = states.GetBalance(context.Signer, states.GetGoldCurrency()); if (buyerBalance < shopItem.Price) { purchaseResult.errorCode = ErrorCodeInsufficientBalance; continue; } // Check Seller inventory. ITradableItem tradableItem; int count = 1; if (!(shopItem.ItemUsable is null)) { tradableItem = shopItem.ItemUsable; }
public bool PurchaseItem(ShopItem item, int cost) { Debug.Log ("køb ("+item+"), cost: " + cost); if ((score >= cost) && (liv < startLiv)) { Debug.Log ("Ja"); score -= cost; switch (item) { case liv += 5; liv = (liv > startLiv)?startLiv:liv; break; default: Debug.Log ("unknown!"); break; } return true; } else return false; }
public void LavaGroundOnClick() => SelectedItem = lavaGround;
private static void PrintItem(int x, int y, Shop shop, ShopItem item, bool isBBC = false, bool isSelected = false) { if (item.IsNotItem) { ZOutput.PrintBB(x, y, item.Name, item.IsActive ? ItemColor : InactiveItemColor, SelectedItemColor, Color.DarkGray, isSelected ? SelectedItemBackColor : ItemBackColor); return; } if (isBBC) { var advert = (Advert) item.ItemObject; ZOutput.PrintBB(x, y, string.Format(item.Name, Enums.Get_Name(advert.Merchandise), advert.Price).PadRight(shop.Header.Length, ' '), item.IsActive ? ItemColor : InactiveItemColor, SelectedItemColor, Color.DarkGray, isSelected ? SelectedItemBackColor : ItemBackColor); } else { ZOutput.Print(x, y, item.Name.PadRight(shop.Header.Length-4, ' '), isSelected ? SelectedItemColor : item.IsActive ? ItemColor : InactiveItemColor, isSelected ? SelectedItemBackColor : ItemBackColor); if (item.IsActive) ZIOX.Draw_Currency(x + shop.Header.Length-5, y, item.Price, 4, false); else ZOutput.Print(x + shop.Header.Length-2, y, "--", InactiveItemColor); } }
private void AddItemPanel(ShopItem item, bool visible) { var control = new ShopItemPanel(item) { Visible = visible }; control.Action += itemPanel_Action; itemPanels.Add(item.GetHashCode(), control); flowPanel.SuspendLayout(); flowPanel.Controls.Add(control); flowPanel.ResumeLayout(); }
void DisplayShopItem(ShopItem item) { //ConditionsUtils.Conditions(item.Conditions, Data); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Item"); //item.Preffix = (ItemTypeEnum)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(item.Preffix, GUILayout.Width(200)); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" ID: "); item.ID = EditorGUILayout.IntField(item.ID, GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" level: "); item.Level = EditorGUILayout.IntField(item.Level, GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" amount: "); item.StackAmount = EditorGUILayout.IntField(item.StackAmount, GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Item Type"); item.itemType = (ItemType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(item.itemType , GUILayout.Width(100)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private void SetItem(object obj) { shopItemToConfirm = (ShopItem)obj; PopulateView(); }
public void ChangeDescription(ShopItem i, string newDesk) { i.Description = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Utils.UtilsIO.GenerateArray(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newDesk), 1024)); }
public override IAccountStateDelta Execute(IActionContext context) { IActionContext ctx = context; var states = ctx.PreviousStates; if (ctx.Rehearsal) { states = states.SetState(ShopState.Address, MarkChanged); return(states.SetState(sellerAvatarAddress, MarkChanged)); } var addressesHex = GetSignerAndOtherAddressesHex(context, sellerAvatarAddress); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var started = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel exec started", addressesHex); if (!states.TryGetAgentAvatarStates(ctx.Signer, sellerAvatarAddress, out _, out var avatarState)) { return(states); } sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Get AgentAvatarStates: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); if (!avatarState.worldInformation.TryGetUnlockedWorldByStageClearedBlockIndex( out var world)) { return(states); } if (world.StageClearedId < GameConfig.RequireClearedStageLevel.ActionsInShop) { // 스테이지 클리어 부족 에러. return(states); } if (!states.TryGetState(ShopState.Address, out Bencodex.Types.Dictionary shopStateDict)) { return(states); } sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Get ShopState: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); // 상점에서 아이템을 빼온다. Dictionary products = (Dictionary)shopStateDict["products"]; IKey productIdSerialized = (IKey)productId.Serialize(); if (!products.ContainsKey(productIdSerialized)) { return(states); } ShopItem outUnregisteredItem = new ShopItem((Dictionary)products[productIdSerialized]); products = (Dictionary)products.Remove(productIdSerialized); shopStateDict = shopStateDict.SetItem("products", products); sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Get Unregister Item: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); //9c-beta 브랜치에서는 블록 인덱스도 확인 해야함 (이전 블록 유효성 보장) if (outUnregisteredItem.SellerAvatarAddress != sellerAvatarAddress) { Log.Error("{AddressesHex}Invalid Avatar Address", addressesHex); return(states); } // 메일에 아이템을 넣는다. result = new SellCancellation.Result { shopItem = outUnregisteredItem, itemUsable = outUnregisteredItem.ItemUsable }; var mail = new SellCancelMail(result, ctx.BlockIndex, ctx.Random.GenerateRandomGuid(), ctx.BlockIndex); =; avatarState.Update(mail); avatarState.UpdateFromAddItem(result.itemUsable, true); avatarState.updatedAt = ctx.BlockIndex; avatarState.blockIndex = ctx.BlockIndex; sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Update AvatarState: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); states = states.SetState(sellerAvatarAddress, avatarState.Serialize()); sw.Stop(); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Set AvatarState: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); sw.Restart(); states = states.SetState(ShopState.Address, shopStateDict); sw.Stop(); var ended = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Set ShopState: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, sw.Elapsed); Log.Verbose("{AddressesHex}Sell Cancel Total Executed Time: {Elapsed}", addressesHex, ended - started); return(states); }
public void Setup() { dataBase.DeleteAllItems(); dataBase.DeleteAllItemTypes(); dataBase.DeleteAllShops(); itemType = new ItemType {Name = ItemTypeName}; Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertItemType(itemType)); IList<ItemType> itemTypes = dataBase.GetItemTypes(); const string shopName = "trgovina 1"; shop = new Shop(shopName) {Address = "asdasd", City = "assdf fs", IsCompany = true, Owner = "asdfaf safwefase", PostalCode = 1234}; Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertShop(shop)); item = new Item("ID00001", "item 1") { ItemType = itemTypes[0].Id, Notes = "bla bla bal...", }; Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertItem(item)); price = new Price(1.2, 1.1) {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id}; Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertPrice(price)); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks); shopItem = new ShopItem {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id, PriceId = price.Id, DateTime = dateTime}; shopItem.SetNumberOfItems(5); Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertShopItem(shopItem)); tracker = new Tracker(shopItem) {SoldCount = 2, DateTime = dateTime}; Assert.IsTrue(dataBase.InsertTracker(tracker)); }
public void SetGameItem(ShopItem item, UIShopManager manager) { uiShopManager = manager; shopItem = item; goldPrice = shopItem.PriceGold; silverPrice = shopItem.PriceSilver; lblName.text = GameManager.localization.getItem(item.ItemId).Name; _playTween = btnInformation.GetComponent <UIPlayTween>(); _playTween.tweenTarget = uiShopManager.uiItemReview.gameObject; btnInformation.gameObject.SetActive(true); IconOfItem.mainTexture = Helper.LoadTextureForSupportItem(item.ItemId); IconOfItem.SetDimensions(120, 120); if (item.UserLevel > 0) { lblLevel.text = string.Format(GameManager.localization.GetText("Shop_MinLevel"), item.UserLevel, item.UserLevel + 4); } _disable = false; if (manager.activeTab == UIShopManager.ActiveTab.IOSReCharge) { itemPriceRoot.SetActive(false); vaultRoot.SetActive(true); float VNDPrice = 0; if (Global.language == Global.Language.VIETNAM) { VNDPrice = item.PriceVND; } else { VNDPrice = item.PriceUSD; } if (item.PriceGoldSale > 0) { lblVaultGold.text = string.Format(GameManager.localization.GetText("Shop_GoldFormat"), item.PriceGoldSale); } else if (item.PriceSilverSale > 0) { lblVaultGold.text = string.Format(GameManager.localization.GetText("Shop_SilverFormat"), item.PriceSilverSale); } lblVaultVND.text = string.Format(GameManager.localization.GetText("Shop_VNDFormat"), VNDPrice); if (item.Promotion > 0) { bonusRoot.SetActive(true); lblBonus.text = string.Format(GameManager.localization.GetText("Shop_GoldFormat"), item.Promotion); } } else { itemPriceRoot.SetActive(true); vaultRoot.SetActive(false); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // ---------------------------------------------------- // TIMER timer += Time.deltaTime; if ((timer >= waitTime) && !selectorReady) { selectorReady = true; timer = 0f; } else { selectorReady = false; } if (selectorReady) { // ---------------------------------------------------- // SELECT ITEM items = GetComponentsInChildren <ShopItem>(); if (items.Length > 0) { bool upPressed = (Input.GetAxis(PlayerInputs._Key_vertical) < 0f); bool downPressed = (Input.GetAxis(PlayerInputs._Key_vertical) > 0f); if (upPressed) { index = (index >= items.Length) ? 0 : (index + 1); } else if (downPressed) { index = (index <= 0) ? (items.Length - 1) : (index - 1); } if (upPressed || downPressed) { // old item selectorReady = false; if (!!selectedItem) { Image button1 = selectedItem.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>(); if (!!button1) { button1.color = Color.white; } } // new item try { selectedItem = ((index >= 0) && (items.Length > index)) ? items[index] : items[0]; Image button2 = selectedItem.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>(); if (!!button2) { button2.color =; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { print(" SELECTED ITEM OUF OF RANGE : " + index); } } // ---------------------------------------------------- // UDPDATE INFO if (!!selectedItem) { string item_name = selectedItem.item_name; //INFO TEXT Text[] infotexts = GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); foreach (Text t in infotexts) { if ( == Constants.shopitem_infotext) { t.text = Constants.shopItems_InfoText[item_name]; } } // INFO IMAGE Sprite infoSprite = selectedItem.itemInfoImage; if (!!infoSprite) { //GameObject infoimagetGO = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Constants.shopitem_infoimage); Image[] infoimages = GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(); GameObject infoimageGO = null; foreach (Image img in infoimages) { if ( == Constants.shopitem_infoimage) { infoimageGO = img.gameObject; break; } } if (!!infoimageGO) { Image infoImage = infoimageGO.GetComponent <Image>(); if (!!infoImage) { if (Constants.DEBUG_ENABLED) { print("UPDATE INFO IMAGE IN SHOP "); } infoImage.sprite = infoSprite; } } } }// !updateinfo // ---------------------------------------------------- } // ---------------------------------------------------- // BUY if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { GameObject player = GameObject.Find("Player"); if (!!player) { PlayerBehavior pb = player.GetComponent <PlayerBehavior>(); if (!!pb) { int money = pb.getBankAccount(); int price = selectedItem.item_price; if (money >= price) { pb.spendMoney(price); string itemName = selectedItem.item_name; pb.unlock(itemName);; items = GetComponentsInChildren <ShopItem>(); if (items.Length > 0) { index = 0; selectedItem = items[index]; } if (Constants.DEBUG_ENABLED) { bool b = pb.hasUnlock(itemName); print("HAS UNLOCK ITEM ? " + b); } } } } } } //! selectorReady } //!update
public static ShopItemViewModel Map(ShopItem shopItem) { return(AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <ShopItemViewModel>(shopItem)); }
public Classroom(RoomType RoomType, short Number, byte DaysToBuild, short ChairsMax, short DesksMax, short ComputersMax, bool IslandsPossible, Point[] Locations, short[][] TileData) { this.RoomType = RoomType; this.Blackboard = new ShopItem("NoBlackboardName", "NoBlackboardDescription", -1, 0, -10); this.Number = Number; this.DaysToBuild = DaysToBuild; this.ChairsMax = ChairsMax; this.Chairs = 0; this.DesksMax = DesksMax; this.Desks = 0; this.ComputersMax = ComputersMax; this.Computers = 0; this.IslandSize = 4; this.IslandsPossible = IslandsPossible; this.Locations = Locations; this.TileData = TileData; }
// Anything the user sells goes into faction inventory as well. public static bool PostSoldItems(Dictionary <string, ShopDefItem> soldItems, FactionValue faction) { List <ShopItem> items = new List <ShopItem>(); foreach (ShopDefItem soldItem in soldItems.Values.ToList <ShopDefItem>()) { SalvageDef salvage = new SalvageDef(); soldItem.ToSalvageDef(ref salvage); if (salvage != null) { ShopItem item = new ShopItem(); item.ID = salvage.Description.Id; item.UiName = salvage.Description.UIName; switch (salvage.ComponentType) { case ComponentType.AmmunitionBox: { item.Type = ShopItemType.AmmunitionBox; break; } case ComponentType.HeatSink: { item.Type = ShopItemType.HeatSink; break; } case ComponentType.JumpJet: { item.Type = ShopItemType.JumpJet; break; } case ComponentType.MechPart: { item.Type = ShopItemType.MechPart; break; } case ComponentType.Upgrade: { item.Type = ShopItemType.Upgrade; break; } case ComponentType.Weapon: { item.Type = ShopItemType.Weapon; break; } } item.Count = 1; items.Add(item); } } string testjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(items); HttpWebRequest request = new RequestBuilder(WarService.PostSoldItems).Faction(faction).PostData(testjson).Build(); HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream); string mapstring = reader.ReadToEnd(); return(true); } }