Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize to implement per main type.
        /// </summary>
        override public void Initialize()
            // create the scene
            GameScene scene = new GameScene();

            // create camera object
            camera = new GameObject();
            Camera cameraComponent = new Camera();

            cameraComponent.CameraType = CameraType.Orthographic;
            Point screenSize = Managers.GraphicsManager.ViewportSize;
            float ratio      = (float)screenSize.X / (float)screenSize.Y;

            cameraComponent.ForceScreenSize = new Point((int)(50f * ratio), (int)(25f * ratio));
            camera.SceneNode.Position  = new Vector3(50, 100, 150);
            camera.SceneNode.RotationX = -(float)System.Math.PI * 0.25f;
            camera.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create a tilemap fsor the floor
            TileMap tilemap = scene.Root.AddComponent(new TileMap(Vector2.One * 10f, 10)) as TileMap;

            // create floor material
            BasicMaterial tilesMaterial = new BasicMaterial();

            tilesMaterial.Texture        = Resources.GetTexture("game/floor");
            tilesMaterial.TextureEnabled = true;
            tilesMaterial.SpecularColor  = Color.Black;

            // create some floor tiles
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
                    GameObject    tile      = tilemap.GetTile(new Point(i, j));
                    ShapeRenderer tileModel = tile.AddComponent(new ShapeRenderer(ShapeMeshes.Plane)) as ShapeRenderer;
                    tile.SceneNode.Scale     = Vector3.One * 5f;
                    tile.SceneNode.RotationX = (float)System.Math.PI * -0.5f;

            // create random grass sprites
            System.Random rand = new System.Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                GameObject grassObj = new GameObject("grass");
                grassObj.SceneNode.Scale    = Vector3.One * 5;
                grassObj.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 90f, 2.5f, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 90f);
                grassObj.AddComponent(new BillboardRenderer("game/grass", faceCamera: false));
                grassObj.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create a tree
            GameObject treeObj = new GameObject("tree");

            treeObj.SceneNode.Scale    = Vector3.One * 30;
            treeObj.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(50, 15f, 25);
            treeObj.AddComponent(new BillboardRenderer("game/tree", faceCamera: false));
            treeObj.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create a spritesheet with animations (8 steps on X axis, 4 directions on Y axis)
            SpriteSheet sp = new SpriteSheet(new Point(8, 4));

            // add character sprite
            GameObject spriteObj = new GameObject("player");

            spriteObj.SceneNode.Scale    = Vector3.One * 10;
            spriteObj.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(50, 5, 50);
            spriteObj.AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(sp, "game/rpg_sprite_walk", faceCamera: false));
            spriteObj.Parent = scene.Root;

            // define walking animation and play on character
            SpriteAnimationClip animationClip = new SpriteAnimationClip(startStep: 0, endStep: 7, speed: 10f, loop: true);

            spriteObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().PlayAnimation(animationClip);

            // set scene
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize to implement per main type.
        /// </summary>
        override public void Initialize()
            // create the scene
            GameScene scene = new GameScene();

            // create skybox
            Managers.GraphicsManager.CreateSkybox(null, scene.Root);
            Managers.Diagnostic.DebugRenderPhysics = false;

            // create camera object
            GameObject camera          = new GameObject();
            Camera     cameraComponent = new Camera();

            cameraComponent.LookAt    = new Vector3(100, 2, 100);
            camera.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 0);
            camera.AddComponent(new CameraEditorController());
            camera.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create a tilemap for the floor
            TileMap tilemap = scene.Root.AddComponent(new TileMap(Vector2.One * 10f, 10)) as TileMap;

            // create floor material
            LitMaterial tilesMaterial = new LitMaterial();

            tilesMaterial.Texture        = Resources.GetTexture("game/floor");
            tilesMaterial.TextureEnabled = true;
            tilesMaterial.SpecularColor  = Color.Black;

            // set ambient light
            scene.Lights.AmbientLight = new Color(20, 20, 20, 255);

            // add robot model
            GameObject robot         = new GameObject();
            var        robotRenderer = robot.AddComponent(new ModelRenderer("Game/robot")) as ModelRenderer;
            var        robotMat      = new LitMaterial();

            robotMat.Texture        = Resources.GetTexture("Game/robottexture_0");
            robotMat.TextureEnabled = true;
            robotMat.DiffuseColor   = Color.White;
            robot.SceneNode.Scale    = Vector3.One * tileSize * 0.75f;
            robot.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(tilemapSize * tileSize * 0.5f, 10f, tilemapSize * tileSize * 0.5f);
            robot.Parent             = scene.Root;

            // attach light to camera
                var lightComponent = camera.AddComponent(new Light()) as Light;
                lightComponent.Intensity = 2f;
                lightComponent.Range     = tileSize * 15f;
                lightComponent.Color     = Color.Green;

            // add directional light
                var lightComponent = scene.Root.AddComponent(new Light()) as Light;
                lightComponent.Intensity = 0.25f;
                lightComponent.Range     = 0f;
                lightComponent.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(0.2f, 1f, 0.1f));
                lightComponent.Color     = Color.White;

            // attach lights
            lightsCenter      = new GameObject();
            lightsCenter.Name = "LightsCenter";
            lightsCenter.SceneNode.Position = robot.SceneNode.Position;
            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2)
                GameObject lightGo = new GameObject();
                lightGo.Name = "Light" + i.ToString();
                lightGo.SceneNode.PositionX = i * tileSize * 3f;
                var lightComponent = lightGo.AddComponent(new Light()) as Light;
                lightComponent.Intensity = 3;
                lightComponent.Range     = tileSize * 15.5f;
                lightComponent.Color     = i == -1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue;
                lightGo.Parent           = lightsCenter;
            lightsCenter.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create some floor tiles
            for (int i = 0; i < tilemapSize; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < tilemapSize; ++j)
                    GameObject    tile      = tilemap.GetTile(new Point(i, j));
                    ShapeRenderer tileModel = tile.AddComponent(new ShapeRenderer(ShapeMeshes.Plane)) as ShapeRenderer;
                    tile.SceneNode.Scale     = Vector3.One * tileSize * 0.5f;
                    tile.SceneNode.RotationX = (float)System.Math.PI * -0.5f;

            // add floor physical body
            GameObject floorPhysics   = new GameObject();
            float      wholePlaneSize = tilemapSize * tileSize;
            StaticBody floorBody      = floorPhysics.AddComponent(new StaticBody(new CollisionBox(wholePlaneSize, 5f, wholePlaneSize))) as StaticBody;

            floorBody.Restitution           = 0.75f;
            floorPhysics.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3((wholePlaneSize - tileSize) * 0.5f, -2.5f, (wholePlaneSize - tileSize) * 0.5f);
            floorPhysics.Parent             = scene.Root;

            // add diagnostic data paragraph to scene
            var diagnosticData = new GeonBit.UI.Entities.Paragraph("", GeonBit.UI.Entities.Anchor.BottomLeft, offset: Vector2.One * 10f, scale: 0.7f);

            diagnosticData.BeforeDraw = (GeonBit.UI.Entities.Entity entity) =>
                diagnosticData.Text = Managers.Diagnostic.GetReportString();

            // set scene
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize to implement per main type.
        /// </summary>
        override public void Initialize()
            // set scene size
            int sceneSize = 10000;

            // create the scene
            GameScene scene = new GameScene();

            GameObject.OctreeSceneBoundaries = new BoundingBox(Vector3.One * -sceneSize, Vector3.One * sceneSize);
            GameObject.OctreeMaxDivisions    = 7;
            GameObject octree = new GameObject("octree", SceneNodeType.OctreeCulling);

            octree.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create skybox
            Managers.GraphicsManager.CreateSkybox(null, scene.Root);

            // default no culling node types
            GameObject.DefaultSceneNodeType = SceneNodeType.Simple;

            // create camera
            GameObject camera          = new GameObject();
            Camera     cameraComponent = new Camera();

            cameraComponent.LookAt    = new Vector3(100, 2, 100);
            camera.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
            camera.AddComponent(new CameraEditorController());
            cameraComponent.FarPlane = 5000;
            camera.Parent            = scene.Root;

            // create floor material
            GeonBit.Core.Graphics.Materials.BasicMaterial tilesMaterial = new GeonBit.Core.Graphics.Materials.BasicMaterial();
            tilesMaterial.Texture        = Resources.GetTexture("test/floor");
            tilesMaterial.TextureEnabled = true;
            tilesMaterial.SpecularColor  = Color.Black;

            // for random positions
            System.Random rand = new System.Random();

            // create some starting tiles
            for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 80; ++j)
                    GameObject    obj       = new GameObject();
                    ShapeRenderer tileModel = obj.AddComponent(new ShapeRenderer(ShapeMeshes.Cube)) as ShapeRenderer;
                    obj.SceneNode.Scale    = Vector3.One * 10;
                    obj.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(
                        rand.Next(-sceneSize, sceneSize),
                        rand.Next(-sceneSize, sceneSize),
                        rand.Next(-sceneSize, sceneSize));
                    obj.Parent = octree;

            // add diagnostic data paragraph to scene
            var diagnosticData = new GeonBit.UI.Entities.Paragraph("", GeonBit.UI.Entities.Anchor.BottomLeft, offset: Vector2.One * 10f, scale: 0.7f);

            diagnosticData.BeforeDraw = (GeonBit.UI.Entities.Entity entity) =>
                diagnosticData.Text = Managers.Diagnostic.GetReportString();

            // set scene
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize to implement per main type.
        /// </summary>
        override public void Initialize()
            // create the scene
            GameScene scene = new GameScene();

            // create skybox
            Managers.GraphicsManager.CreateSkybox(null, scene.Root);
            Managers.Diagnostic.DebugRenderPhysics = false;

            // create camera object
            GameObject camera          = new GameObject();
            Camera     cameraComponent = new Camera();

            cameraComponent.LookAt    = new Vector3(100, 2, 100);
            camera.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 0);
            camera.AddComponent(new CameraEditorController());
            camera.Parent = scene.Root;

            // create a tilemap for the floor
            TileMap tilemap = scene.Root.AddComponent(new TileMap(Vector2.One * 10f, 10)) as TileMap;

            // create floor material
            BasicMaterial tilesMaterial = new BasicMaterial();

            tilesMaterial.Texture        = Resources.GetTexture("game/floor");
            tilesMaterial.TextureEnabled = true;
            tilesMaterial.SpecularColor  = Color.Black;

            // create some floor tiles
            for (int i = 0; i < tilemapSize; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < tilemapSize; ++j)
                    GameObject    tile      = tilemap.GetTile(new Point(i, j));
                    ShapeRenderer tileModel = tile.AddComponent(new ShapeRenderer(ShapeMeshes.Plane)) as ShapeRenderer;
                    tile.SceneNode.Scale     = Vector3.One * tileSize * 0.5f;
                    tile.SceneNode.RotationX = (float)System.Math.PI * -0.5f;

            // add floor physical body
            GameObject floorPhysics   = new GameObject();
            float      wholePlaneSize = tilemapSize * tileSize;
            StaticBody floorBody      = floorPhysics.AddComponent(new StaticBody(new CollisionBox(wholePlaneSize, 5f, wholePlaneSize))) as StaticBody;

            floorBody.Restitution           = 0.75f;
            floorPhysics.SceneNode.Position = new Vector3((wholePlaneSize - tileSize) * 0.5f, -2.5f, (wholePlaneSize - tileSize) * 0.5f);
            floorPhysics.Parent             = scene.Root;

            // create some random physical objects
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                GameObject obj = CreateRandomShape();
                obj.Parent = scene.Root;

            // add diagnostic data paragraph to scene
            var diagnosticData = new GeonBit.UI.Entities.Paragraph("", GeonBit.UI.Entities.Anchor.BottomLeft, offset: Vector2.One * 10f, scale: 0.7f);

            diagnosticData.BeforeDraw = (GeonBit.UI.Entities.Entity entity) =>
                diagnosticData.Text = Managers.Diagnostic.GetReportString();

            // set scene