Example #1
        public override Action Start()
            IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;

            KeyboardDevice = new SharpDX.DirectInput.Keyboard(DirectInputInstance);
            if (KeyboardDevice == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create keyboard device");

            KeyboardDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive);

            KeyboardDevice.GetCurrentState(ref KeyState);

            mouseDevice = new SharpDX.DirectInput.Mouse(DirectInputInstance);
            if (mouseDevice == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create mouse device");

            mouseDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive);
            mouseDevice.Properties.AxisMode = DeviceAxisMode.Relative;   // Get delta values

            getPressedStrategy = new GetPressedStrategy <int>(IsDown);
            setPressedStrategy = new SetPressedStrategy <int>(KeyOrButtonDown, KeyOrButtonUp);

            OnStarted(this, new EventArgs());
Example #2
            public Device(PPJoyPlugin plugin, VirtualJoystick joystick)
                LowerRange = -1000;
                UpperRange = 1000;

                this.plugin        = plugin;
                Joystick           = joystick;
                setPressedStrategy = new SetPressedStrategy(OnPress, OnRelease);
Example #3
        public override Action Start()
            setPressedStrategy = new SetPressedStrategy <int>(KeyOrButtonDown, KeyOrButtonUp);
            getPressedStrategy = new GetPressedStrategy <int>(IsDown);
            KeysPressed        = new List <int>();
            ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, "ewhFreePIE");

            memory   = MemoryMappedFile.CreateOrOpen("hookFreePIE", 68, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite);
            accessor = memory.CreateViewAccessor();
            for (byte i = 0; i < 68; i++)
                accessor.Write(i, 0);
            if (!Debug)
                Process.Start("FreePIE.HookInput.exe", hookstatus.ToString());
Example #4
        public override System.Action Start()
            IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;

            MouseDevice = new Mouse(DirectInputInstance);
            if (MouseDevice == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create mouse device");

            MouseDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive);
            MouseDevice.Properties.AxisMode = DeviceAxisMode.Relative;   // Get delta values

            getButtonPressedStrategy = new GetPressedStrategy(IsButtonDown);
            setButtonPressedStrategy = new SetPressedStrategy(SetButtonDown, SetButtonUp);

            OnStarted(this, new EventArgs());
        public override System.Action Start()
            IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;

            KeyboardDevice = new Keyboard(DirectInputInstance);
            if (KeyboardDevice == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create keyboard device");

            KeyboardDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive);

            KeyboardDevice.GetCurrentState(ref KeyState);

            setKeyPressedStrategy = new SetPressedStrategy(KeyDown, KeyUp);
            getKeyPressedStrategy = new GetPressedStrategy <int>(IsKeyDown);

            OnStarted(this, new EventArgs());
Example #6
        public VJoyGlobalHolder(uint index)
            Index              = index;
            Global             = new VJoyGlobal(this);
            setPressedStrategy = new SetPressedStrategy(b => SetButton(b, true), b => SetButton(b, false));

            joystick = new vJoy();
            if (index < 1 || index > 16)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Illegal joystick device id: {0}", index));

            if (!joystick.vJoyEnabled())
                throw new Exception("vJoy driver not enabled: Failed Getting vJoy attributes");

            uint apiVersion    = 0;
            uint driverVersion = 0;
            bool match         = joystick.DriverMatch(ref apiVersion, ref driverVersion);

            if (!match)
                Console.WriteLine("vJoy version of Driver ({0:X}) does NOT match DLL Version ({1:X})", driverVersion, apiVersion);

            Version = new VjoyVersionGlobal(apiVersion, driverVersion);

            var status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(index);

            string error = null;

            switch (status)
            case VjdStat.VJD_STAT_BUSY:
                error = "vJoy Device {0} is already owned by another feeder";

            case VjdStat.VJD_STAT_MISS:
                error = "vJoy Device {0} is not installed or disabled";

            case VjdStat.VJD_STAT_UNKN:
                error = ("vJoy Device {0} general error");

            if (error == null && !joystick.AcquireVJD(index))
                error = "Failed to acquire vJoy device number {0}";

            if (error != null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(error, index));

            long max = 0;

            joystick.GetVJDAxisMax(index, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X, ref max);
            AxisMax = (int)max / 2 - 1;

            enabledAxis = new Dictionary <HID_USAGES, bool>();
            foreach (HID_USAGES axis in Enum.GetValues(typeof(HID_USAGES)))
                enabledAxis[axis] = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(index, axis);

            maxButtons       = joystick.GetVJDButtonNumber(index);
            maxDirPov        = joystick.GetVJDDiscPovNumber(index);
            maxContinuousPov = joystick.GetVJDContPovNumber(index);

            currentAxisValue = new Dictionary <HID_USAGES, int>();
