public static void FitMnist() { var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Conv2D(32, kernelSize: new int[] { 3, 3 }, inputShape: new int[] { 28, 28, 1 }, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Conv2D(64, kernelSize: new int[] { 3, 3 }, activation: "relu")); // model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(poolSize: 2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(poolSize: new int[] { 2, 2 })); model.Add(new Dropout(0.25)); model.Add(new Flatten()); model.Add(new Dense(128, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.5)); model.Add(new Dense(10, activation: "softmax")); var optimizer = new SGD(lr: 0.01); model.Compile("categorical_crossentropy", optimizer, new string[] { "accuracy" }); var xtrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_xtrain.nda"), FileMode.Open)); var ytrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_ytrain.nda"), FileMode.Open)); xtrain = xtrain.Cast(DType.Float32); xtrain = Ops.Div(null, xtrain, 255f); ytrain = ytrain.Cast(DType.Float32); model.Fit(xtrain, ytrain, batchSize: 128, epochs: 12); var stream = new FileStream("c:/ttt/mnist.model", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); stream.SetLength(0); model.Save(stream); }
public static void Train() { var model = new Sequential(); // embedding layer model.Add(new Embedding(output, 100, input_length: 32)); model.Add(new Conv1D(64, 3, padding: "causal", activation: "tanh")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(2)); model.Add(new Conv1D(128, 3, activation: "relu", dilation_rate: 2, padding: "causal")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(2)); model.Add(new Conv1D(256, 3, activation: "relu", dilation_rate: 4, padding: "causal")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(2)); //model.Add(new Conv1D(256, 5, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new GlobalMaxPooling1D()); model.Add(new Dense(256, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dense(output, activation: "softmax")); model.Compile(loss: "sparse_categorical_crossentropy", optimizer: new Adam()); model.Summary(); var mc = new ModelCheckpoint("best_model.h5", monitor: "val_loss", mode: "min", save_best_only: true, verbose: 1); var history = model.Fit(train_x, train_y, batch_size: 32, epochs: 100, validation_split: 0.25f, verbose: 1, callbacks: new Callback[] { mc }); model.Save("last_epoch.h5"); }
public static void FitMnistSimple() { var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Dense(512, activation: "relu", inputShape: new int[] { 784 })); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new Dense(512, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new Dense(10, activation: "softmax")); var optimizer = new SGD(lr: 0.01); model.Compile("categorical_crossentropy", optimizer, new string[] { "accuracy" }); var xtrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_xtrain.nda"), FileMode.Open)); var ytrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_ytrain.nda"), FileMode.Open)); xtrain = xtrain.Cast(DType.Float32); xtrain = Ops.Div(null, xtrain, 255f); ytrain = ytrain.Cast(DType.Float32); model.Fit(xtrain, ytrain, batchSize: 128, epochs: 20); var stream = new FileStream("c:/ttt/mnist-simple.model", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); stream.SetLength(0); model.Save(stream); }
private void PatchInstructorsNotes(EdxCourse edxCourse, Course ulearnCourse, string olxPath) { var ulearnUnits = ulearnCourse.Units; foreach (var chapter in edxCourse.CourseWithChapters.Chapters) { var chapterUnit = ulearnCourse.Units.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Title == chapter.DisplayName); var chapterNote = chapterUnit?.InstructorNote; if (chapterUnit == null || chapterNote == null) { continue; } var unitIndex = ulearnUnits.IndexOf(chapterUnit); var displayName = "Заметки преподавателю"; var sequentialId = $"{ulearnCourse.Id}-{unitIndex}-note-seq"; var verticalId = $"{ulearnCourse.Id}-{unitIndex}-note-vert"; var mdBlockId = $"{ulearnCourse.Id}-{unitIndex}-note-md"; var sequentialNote = new Sequential(sequentialId, displayName, new[] { new Vertical(verticalId, displayName, new[] { new MdBlock(chapterNote.Markdown).ToEdxComponent(mdBlockId, displayName, chapterUnit.Directory.FullName) }) }) { VisibleToStaffOnly = true }; if (!File.Exists($"{olxPath}/sequential/{sequentialNote.UrlName}.xml")) { var sequentials = chapter.Sequentials.ToList(); sequentials.Add(sequentialNote); new Chapter(chapter.UrlName, chapter.DisplayName, chapter.Start, sequentials.ToArray()).Save(olxPath); } sequentialNote.Save(olxPath); } }
public static void Run() { //var ((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = IMDB.LoadData(num_words: top_words); var((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = LoadDataRussianLanguageToxicComments( trainCount: train_count, testCount: test_count, numWords: top_words, maxWords: max_words); //Не нужно массивы дополнять до 500 элементов, т.к. они уже размером в 500 элементов //x_train = SequenceUtil.PadSequences(x_train, maxlen: max_words); //x_test = SequenceUtil.PadSequences(x_test, maxlen: max_words); //Create model Sequential model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Embedding(top_words, 32, input_length: max_words)); model.Add(new Conv1D(filters: 32, kernel_size: 3, padding: "same", activation: "relu")); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(pool_size: 2)); model.Add(new Flatten()); model.Add(new Dense(250, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dense(1, activation: "sigmoid")); model.Compile(loss: "binary_crossentropy", optimizer: "adam", metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); model.Summary(); // Fit the model model.Fit(x_train, y_train, validation_data: new NDarray[] { x_test, y_test }, epochs: 2 /*10*/, batch_size: 128, verbose: 2); // Final evaluation of the model var scores = model.Evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose: 0); Console.WriteLine("Accuracy: " + (scores[1] * 100)); model.Save("model.h5"); File.WriteAllText("model.json", model.ToJson()); //save model //model.SaveTensorflowJSFormat("./"); //error - Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference }
private void PatchInstructorsNotes(EdxCourse edxCourse, Course ulearnCourse, string olxPath) { var ulearnUnits = ulearnCourse.GetUnits().ToList(); foreach (var chapter in edxCourse.CourseWithChapters.Chapters) { var chapterNote = ulearnCourse.InstructorNotes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UnitName == chapter.DisplayName); if (chapterNote == null) { continue; } var unitIndex = ulearnUnits.IndexOf(chapterNote.UnitName); var displayName = "Заметки преподавателю"; var sequentialId = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", ulearnCourse.Id, unitIndex, "note-seq"); var verticalId = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", ulearnCourse.Id, unitIndex, "note-vert"); var mdBlockId = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", ulearnCourse.Id, unitIndex, "note-md"); var sequentialNote = new Sequential(sequentialId, displayName, new[] { new Vertical(verticalId, displayName, new[] { new MdBlock(chapterNote.Markdown).ToEdxComponent(mdBlockId, displayName, ulearnCourse.GetDirectoryByUnitName(chapterNote.UnitName)) }) }) { VisibleToStaffOnly = true }; if (!File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/sequential/{1}.xml", olxPath, sequentialNote.UrlName))) { var sequentials = chapter.Sequentials.ToList(); sequentials.Add(sequentialNote); new Chapter(chapter.UrlName, chapter.DisplayName, chapter.Start, sequentials.ToArray()).Save(olxPath); } sequentialNote.Save(olxPath); } }
public static void Run() { //Load IMDb dataset var((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = IMDB.LoadData(); var X = np.concatenate(new NDarray[] { x_train, x_test }, axis: 0); var Y = np.concatenate(new NDarray[] { y_train, y_test }, axis: 0); Console.WriteLine("Shape of X: " + X.shape); Console.WriteLine("Shape of Y: " + Y.shape); //We can get an idea of the total number of unique words in the dataset. Console.WriteLine("Number of words: "); var hstack = np.hstack(new NDarray[] { X }); //var unique = hstack.unique(); //Console.WriteLine(np.unique(np.hstack(new NDarray[] { X })).Item1); // Load the dataset but only keep the top n words, zero the rest int top_words = 1000;// 5000; ((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = IMDB.LoadData(num_words: top_words); int max_words = 500; x_train = SequenceUtil.PadSequences(x_train, maxlen: max_words); x_test = SequenceUtil.PadSequences(x_test, maxlen: max_words); //Create model Sequential model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Embedding(top_words, 32, input_length: max_words)); model.Add(new Conv1D(filters: 32, kernel_size: 3, padding: "same", activation: "relu")); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(pool_size: 2)); model.Add(new Flatten()); model.Add(new Dense(250, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dense(1, activation: "sigmoid")); model.Compile(loss: "binary_crossentropy", optimizer: "adam", metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); model.Summary(); // Fit the model model.Fit(x_train, y_train, validation_data: new NDarray[] { x_test, y_test }, epochs: 1 /*10*/, batch_size: 128, verbose: 2); // Final evaluation of the model var scores = model.Evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose: 0); Console.WriteLine("Accuracy: " + (scores[1] * 100)); model.Save("model.h5"); File.WriteAllText("model.json", model.ToJson()); //save model //model.SaveTensorflowJSFormat("./"); //error - Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference }
static void SummarizePerformance(int epoch, Sequential generator, Sequential discriminator, NDarray dataset, int latentDim, int sampleCount = 50) { var real = GenerateRealSamples(dataset, sampleCount); var realAcc = discriminator.Evaluate(real.Item1, real.Item2, verbose: 0); var fake = GenerateFakeGeneratorSamples(generator, latentDim, sampleCount); var fakeAcc = discriminator.Evaluate(fake.Item1, fake.Item2, verbose: 0); Console.WriteLine("Accuracy real: \t " + realAcc.Last() * 100 + "% \t fake:" + fakeAcc.Last() * 100 + "%"); var fakes = fake.Item1; fakes = (fakes + 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { SaveArrayAsImage(fakes[i], "output/gantest_" + epoch + "_" + i + ".png"); } generator.Save("output/generator" + epoch + ".h5"); }
public static void BuildAndTrain() { //Model to hold the neural network architecture which in this case is WaveNet var model = new Sequential(); // Starts with embedding layer model.Add(new Embedding(output, 100, input_length: 32)); model.Add(new Conv1D(64, 3, padding: "causal", activation: "tanh")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(2)); model.Add(new Conv1D(128, 3, activation: "relu", dilation_rate: 2, padding: "causal")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(2)); model.Add(new Conv1D(256, 3, activation: "relu", dilation_rate: 4, padding: "causal")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.2)); model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(2)); //model.Add(new Conv1D(256, 5, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new GlobalMaxPooling1D()); model.Add(new Dense(256, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dense(output, activation: "softmax")); // Compile with Adam optimizer model.Compile(loss: "sparse_categorical_crossentropy", optimizer: new Adam()); model.Summary(); // Callback to store the best trained model var mc = new ModelCheckpoint("best_model.h5", monitor: "val_loss", mode: "min", save_best_only: true, verbose: 1); //Method to actually train the model for 100 iteration var history = model.Fit(train_x, train_y, batch_size: 32, epochs: 100, validation_split: 0.25f, verbose: 1, callbacks: new Callback[] { mc }); // Save the final trained model which we are going to use for prediction model.Save("last_epoch.h5"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Mock data fix the file address NDarray dataset = "C:\\Natan\\csharp\\trial11\\pima-indians-diabetes.csv", delimiter: ","); var X = dataset[":,0: 8"]; var Y = dataset[":, 8"]; var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Dense(12, input_dim: 8, kernel_initializer: "uniform", activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dense(8, kernel_initializer: "uniform", activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dense(1, activation: "sigmoid")); model.Compile(optimizer: "adam", loss: "binary_crossentropy", metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); model.Fit(X, Y, batch_size: 10, epochs: 150, verbose: 1); model.Save("modelAA.h5"); double[] scores = model.Evaluate(X, Y); foreach (double sc in scores) { Console.WriteLine(sc); //Console.WriteLine(scmodel..metrics_names[1], scores[1] * 100)) } Console.WriteLine("Hello World! we learned"); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int batch_size = 128; //Training batch size int num_classes = 10; //No. of classes int epochs = 12; //No. of epoches we will train // input image dimensions int img_rows = 28, img_cols = 28; // Declare the input shape for the network Shape input_shape = null; // Load the MNIST dataset into Numpy array var((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = MNIST.LoadData(); //Check if its channel fist or last and rearrange the dataset accordingly if (K.ImageDataFormat() == "channels_first") { x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], 1, img_rows, img_cols); x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], 1, img_rows, img_cols); input_shape = (1, img_rows, img_cols); } else { x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1); x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1); input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, 1); } //Normalize the input data x_train = x_train.astype(np.float32); x_test = x_test.astype(np.float32); x_train /= 255; x_test /= 255; Console.WriteLine("x_train shape: " + x_train.shape); Console.WriteLine(x_train.shape[0] + " train samples"); Console.WriteLine(x_test.shape[0] + " test samples"); // Convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = Util.ToCategorical(y_train, num_classes); y_test = Util.ToCategorical(y_test, num_classes); // Build CNN model var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Conv2D(32, kernel_size: (3, 3).ToTuple(), activation: "relu", input_shape: input_shape)); model.Add(new Conv2D(64, (3, 3).ToTuple(), activation: "relu")); model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(pool_size: (2, 2).ToTuple())); model.Add(new Dropout(0.25)); model.Add(new Flatten()); model.Add(new Dense(128, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.5)); model.Add(new Dense(num_classes, activation: "softmax")); //Compile with loss, metrics and optimizer model.Compile(loss: "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer: new Adadelta(), metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); //Train the model model.Fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size: batch_size, epochs: epochs, verbose: 1, validation_data: new NDarray[] { x_test, y_test }); //Score the model for performance var score = model.Evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose: 0); Console.WriteLine("Test loss:" + score[0]); Console.WriteLine("Test accuracy:" + score[1]); // Save the model to HDF5 format which can be loaded later or ported to other application model.Save("model.h5"); // Save it to Tensorflow JS format and we will test it in browser. var v = K.Instance; //model.SaveTensorflowJSFormat(@"C:\_temp\"); //model.SaveOnnx(@"C:\_temp\"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Run() { //Console.WriteLine(modelPath); //Console.WriteLine(h5Path); int batch_size = 200; int num_classes = 10; int epochs = 10; // input image dimensions int img_rows = 28, img_cols = 28; Shape input_shape = null; // the data, split between train and test sets var((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = MNIST.LoadData(); if (K.ImageDataFormat() == "channels_first") { x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], 1, img_rows, img_cols); x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], 1, img_rows, img_cols); input_shape = (1, img_rows, img_cols); } else { x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1); x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1); input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, 1); } x_train = x_train.astype(np.float32); x_test = x_test.astype(np.float32); x_train /= 255; x_test /= 255; Console.WriteLine("x_train shape: " + x_train.shape); Console.WriteLine(x_train.shape[0] + " train samples"); Console.WriteLine(x_test.shape[0] + " test samples"); // convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = Util.ToCategorical(y_train, num_classes); y_test = Util.ToCategorical(y_test, num_classes); // Build CNN model var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Conv2D(32, kernel_size: (3, 3).ToTuple(), activation: "relu", input_shape: input_shape)); model.Add(new Conv2D(64, (3, 3).ToTuple(), activation: "relu")); model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(pool_size: (2, 2).ToTuple())); model.Add(new Dropout(0.25)); model.Add(new Flatten()); model.Add(new Dense(128, activation: "relu")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.5)); model.Add(new Dense(num_classes, activation: "softmax")); model.Compile(loss: "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer: new Adadelta(), metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); model.Fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size: batch_size, epochs: epochs, verbose: 1, validation_data: new NDarray[] { x_test, y_test }); model.Save(h5Path); model.SaveTensorflowJSFormat(modelPath); //model.SaveOnnx("model.onnx"); var score = model.Evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose: 0); Console.WriteLine("Test loss:" + score[0]); Console.WriteLine("Test accuracy:" + score[1]); }
public static void Run() { int batch_size = 128; int num_classes = 10; int epochs = 100; // the data, split between train and test sets var((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = Cifar10.LoadData(); Console.WriteLine("x_train shape: " + x_train.shape); Console.WriteLine(x_train.shape[0] + " train samples"); Console.WriteLine(x_test.shape[0] + " test samples"); // convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = Util.ToCategorical(y_train, num_classes); y_test = Util.ToCategorical(y_test, num_classes); // Build CNN model var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Conv2D(32, kernel_size: (3, 3).ToTuple(), padding: "same", input_shape: new Shape(32, 32, 3))); model.Add(new Activation("relu")); model.Add(new Conv2D(32, (3, 3).ToTuple())); model.Add(new Activation("relu")); model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(pool_size: (2, 2).ToTuple())); model.Add(new Dropout(0.25)); model.Add(new Conv2D(64, kernel_size: (3, 3).ToTuple(), padding: "same")); model.Add(new Activation("relu")); model.Add(new Conv2D(64, (3, 3).ToTuple())); model.Add(new Activation("relu")); model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(pool_size: (2, 2).ToTuple())); model.Add(new Dropout(0.25)); model.Add(new Flatten()); model.Add(new Dense(512)); model.Add(new Activation("relu")); model.Add(new Dropout(0.5)); model.Add(new Dense(num_classes)); model.Add(new Activation("softmax")); model.Compile(loss: "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer: new RMSprop(lr: 0.0001f, decay: 1e-6f), metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); x_train = x_train.astype(np.float32); x_test = x_test.astype(np.float32); x_train /= 255; x_test /= 255; model.Fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size: batch_size, epochs: epochs, verbose: 1, validation_data: new NDarray[] { x_test, y_test }, shuffle: true); //Save model and weights //string model_path = "./model.json"; //string weight_path = "./weights.h5"; //string json = model.ToJson(); //File.WriteAllText(model_path, json); //model.SaveWeight(weight_path); model.Save("model.h5"); model.SaveTensorflowJSFormat("./"); //Score trained model. var score = model.Evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose: 0); Console.WriteLine("Test loss:" + score[0]); Console.WriteLine("Test accuracy:" + score[1]); }