Example #1
        public void ServerDataReceivedCallback(SecureTCPServer server, uint clientIndex, int bytesReceived)
            if (bytesReceived <= 0)
                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("ServerDataReceivedCallback error: server's connection with client " + clientIndex + " has been closed.");
                // A connection has closed, so another client may connect if the server stopped listening
                // due to the maximum number of clients connecting
                if ((server.State & ServerState.SERVER_NOT_LISTENING) > 0)
                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("\n------ incoming message -----------");
                byte[] recvd_bytes = new byte[bytesReceived];

                // Copy the received bytes into a local buffer so that they can be echoed back.
                // Do not pass the reference to the incoming data buffer itself to the SendDataAsync method
                Array.Copy(server.GetIncomingDataBufferForSpecificClient(clientIndex), recvd_bytes, bytesReceived);

                // The server in this example expects ASCII text from the client, but any other encoding is possible
                string recvd_msg = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(recvd_bytes, 0, bytesReceived);
                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Client " + clientIndex + " says: " + recvd_msg + "\r\nEchoing back to client " + clientIndex + "...");

                // echo the received message back to the client who sent it
                server.SendDataAsync(clientIndex, recvd_bytes, recvd_bytes.Length, ServerDataSentCallback);

                // Begin waiting for another message from that same client
                server.ReceiveDataAsync(clientIndex, ServerDataReceivedCallback);

                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("---------- end of message ----------");
        /// <summary>
        /// Start listening on the specified port
        /// </summary>
        public void Listen()
                if (Port < 1 || Port > 65535)
                    Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Server '{0}': Invalid port", Key);
                    ErrorLog.Warn(string.Format("Server '{0}': Invalid port", Key));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedKey) && SharedKeyRequired)
                    Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Server '{0}': No Shared Key set", Key);
                    ErrorLog.Warn(string.Format("Server '{0}': No Shared Key set", Key));

                if (SecureServer == null)
                    SecureServer = new SecureTCPServer(Port, MaxClients);
                    if (HeartbeatRequired)
                        SecureServer.SocketSendOrReceiveTimeOutInMs = (this.HeartbeatRequiredIntervalMs * 5);
                    SecureServer.HandshakeTimeout    = 30;
                    SecureServer.SocketStatusChange += new SecureTCPServerSocketStatusChangeEventHandler(SecureServer_SocketStatusChange);
                    SecureServer.PortNumber = Port;
                ServerStopped = false;

                // Start the listner
                SocketErrorCodes status = SecureServer.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, SecureConnectCallback);
                if (status != SocketErrorCodes.SOCKET_OPERATION_PENDING)
                    Debug.Console(0, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Error starting WaitForConnectionAsync {0}", status);
                    ServerStopped = false;
                Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "Secure Server Status: {0}, Socket Status: {1}", SecureServer.State, SecureServer.ServerSocketStatus);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLog.Error("{1} Error with Dynamic Server: {0}", ex.ToString(), Key);
Example #3
 public ServerBase(List <MqttClient> clients, SessionManager sessionManager, List <ushort> packetIdentifiers, Random rand, int port, int numberOfConnections)
     Clients           = clients;
     SessionManager    = sessionManager;
     PacketIdentifiers = packetIdentifiers;
     Rand      = rand;
     this.Port = port;
     this.NumberOfConnections = numberOfConnections;
     Server = new SecureTCPServer(port, 4096, EthernetAdapterType.EthernetLANAdapter, numberOfConnections);
     Server.SocketStatusChange += OnSocketStatusChange;
     Server.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Parse(""), this.ConnectionCallback);
Example #4
 public void ServerConnectedCallback(SecureTCPServer server, uint clientIndex)
     if (clientIndex != 0)
         CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Server listening on port " + server.PortNumber + " has connected with a client (client #" + clientIndex + ")");
         server.ReceiveDataAsync(clientIndex, ServerDataReceivedCallback);
         if (server.MaxNumberOfClientSupported == server.NumberOfClientsConnected)
             CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Client limit reached.");
             // This call to Stop() causes the server.State flag, SERVER_NOT_LISTENING, to be set
             CrestronConsole.PrintLine("After calling server.Stop(), the server state is: " + server.State);
         // If the client limit is reached, WaitForConnectionAsync will return SOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS_REACHED
         // and the ServerConnectedCallback will not be registered. Otherwise, the call to WaitForConnectionAsync
         // causes the server to keep listening for more clients.
         SocketErrorCodes err = server.WaitForConnectionAsync(ServerConnectedCallback);
         PrintAndLog("WaitForConnectionAsync returned: " + err);
     // A clientIndex of 0 could mean that the server is no longer listening, or that the TLS handshake failed when a client tried to connect.
     // In the case of a TLS handshake failure, wait for another connection so that other clients can still connect
         CrestronConsole.Print("Error in ServerConnectedCallback: ");
         if ((server.State & ServerState.SERVER_NOT_LISTENING) > 0)
             CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Server is no longer listening.");
             CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Unable to make connection with client.");
             // This connection failed, but keep waiting for another
 /// <summary>
 /// Start listening on the specified port
 /// </summary>
 public void Listen()
         if (Port < 1 || Port > 65535)
             Debug.Console(1, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Warning, "GenericSecureTcpClient '{0}': Invalid port", Key);
             ErrorLog.Warn(string.Format("GenericSecureTcpClient '{0}': Invalid port", Key));
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedKey) && SharedKeyRequired)
             Debug.Console(1, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Warning, "GenericSecureTcpClient '{0}': No Shared Key set", Key);
             ErrorLog.Warn(string.Format("GenericSecureTcpClient '{0}': No Shared Key set", Key));
         if (IsListening)
         if (Secure)
             SecureServer = new SecureTCPServer(Port, MaxClients);
             SecureServer.SocketStatusChange += new SecureTCPServerSocketStatusChangeEventHandler(SecureServer_SocketStatusChange);
             ServerStopped = false;
             SecureServer.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, SecureConnectCallback);
             Debug.Console(2, "Secure Server Status: {0}, Socket Status: {1}\r\n", SecureServer.State.ToString(), SecureServer.ServerSocketStatus);
             UnsecureServer = new TCPServer(Port, MaxClients);
             UnsecureServer.SocketStatusChange += new TCPServerSocketStatusChangeEventHandler(UnsecureServer_SocketStatusChange);
             ServerStopped = false;
             UnsecureServer.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, UnsecureConnectCallback);
             Debug.Console(2, "Unsecure Server Status: {0}, Socket Status: {1}\r\n", UnsecureServer.State.ToString(), UnsecureServer.ServerSocketStatus);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ErrorLog.Error("Error with Dynamic Server: {0}", ex.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Secure TCP Client Connected to Secure Server Callback
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mySecureTCPServer"></param>
 /// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
 void SecureConnectCallback(SecureTCPServer mySecureTCPServer, uint clientIndex)
     if (mySecureTCPServer.ClientConnected(clientIndex))
         if (SharedKeyRequired)
             byte[] b = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes(SharedKey + "\n");
             mySecureTCPServer.SendDataAsync(clientIndex, b, b.Length, SecureSendDataAsyncCallback);
             Debug.Console(2, "Sent Shared Key to client at {0}", mySecureTCPServer.GetAddressServerAcceptedConnectionFromForSpecificClient(clientIndex));
         if (HeartbeatRequired)
             CTimer HeartbeatTimer = new CTimer(HeartbeatTimer_CallbackFunction, clientIndex, HeartbeatRequiredIntervalMs);
             HeartbeatTimerDictionary.Add(clientIndex, HeartbeatTimer);
         mySecureTCPServer.ReceiveDataAsync(clientIndex, SecureReceivedDataAsyncCallback);
         if (mySecureTCPServer.State != ServerState.SERVER_LISTENING && MaxClients > 1 && !ServerStopped)
             mySecureTCPServer.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, SecureConnectCallback);
        /// <summary>
        /// Secure TCP Client Connected to Secure Server Callback
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mySecureTCPServer"></param>
        /// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
        void SecureConnectCallback(SecureTCPServer server, uint clientIndex)
                Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "ConnectCallback: IPAddress: {0}. Index: {1}. Status: {2}",
                              clientIndex, server.GetServerSocketStatusForSpecificClient(clientIndex));
                if (clientIndex != 0)
                    if (server.ClientConnected(clientIndex))
                        if (!ConnectedClientsIndexes.Contains(clientIndex))
                        if (SharedKeyRequired)
                            if (!WaitingForSharedKey.Contains(clientIndex))
                            byte[] b = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes("SharedKey:");
                            server.SendDataAsync(clientIndex, b, b.Length, (x, y, z) => { });
                            Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "Sent Shared Key Request to client at {0}", server.GetAddressServerAcceptedConnectionFromForSpecificClient(clientIndex));
                        if (HeartbeatRequired)
                            if (!HeartbeatTimerDictionary.ContainsKey(clientIndex))
                                HeartbeatTimerDictionary.Add(clientIndex, new CTimer(HeartbeatTimer_CallbackFunction, clientIndex, HeartbeatRequiredIntervalMs));

                        server.ReceiveDataAsync(clientIndex, SecureReceivedDataAsyncCallback);
                    Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Client attempt faulty.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Console(2, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Error in Socket Status Connect Callback. Error: {0}", ex);

            // Rearm the listner
            SocketErrorCodes status = server.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, SecureConnectCallback);

            if (status != SocketErrorCodes.SOCKET_OPERATION_PENDING)
                Debug.Console(0, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Socket status connect callback status {0}", status);
                if (status == SocketErrorCodes.SOCKET_CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS)
                    // There is an issue where on a failed negotiation we need to stop and start the server. This should still leave connected clients intact.
Example #8
 override protected void ConnectionCallback(SecureTCPServer server, uint clientIndex)
     server.ReceiveDataAsync(clientIndex, ConnectionDataCallback);
     server.WaitForConnectionAsync("", ConnectionCallback);
Example #9
        // Console command implementations

        public void Listen(string args_str)
            if (server != null)
                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Server is already online. Disconnect it first");

            int bufsize         = 100; // sample size for the server sockets' incoming data buffers
            int max_connections = 3;   // sample size for the maximum number of simultaneous server sockets

            // Parse command-line arguments
            // You can optionally associate the client object with a certifiate and private key, which both must be in DER format, from the file system
            // For this particular example, the filenames must not contains spaces and must be located in the application directory
            string[] args = args_str.Split(' ');
            if (args.Length != 1 && args.Length != 3)
                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("usage: listen [<cert_file> <key_file>] <port>");
            bool   provideCert = false;
            string cert_fn     = null; // certificate filename
            string key_fn      = null; // private key filename
            int    start       = 0;    // starting index of the hostname and port arguments in args

            if (args.Length == 3)      // user provides filenames for the cert/key before the hostname and port arguments.
                provideCert = true;
                cert_fn     = args[0];
                key_fn      = args[1];
                start      += 2;
            int port = 0;

                port = int.Parse(args[start]);
                PrintAndLog("Error: port number passed in is not numeric");

            if (port > 65535 || port < 0)
                CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Port number is out of range");

            ErrorLog.Notice("Instantiating server object...");
                server = new SecureTCPServer(port, bufsize, EthernetAdapterType.EthernetUnknownAdapter, max_connections);
                server.SocketStatusChange += new SecureTCPServerSocketStatusChangeEventHandler(ServerSocketStatusChanged);
            catch (Exception e)
                PrintAndLog("Error encountered while instantiating the server object: " + e.Message);

            if (provideCert)
                X509Certificate cert;
                byte[]          key;

                // Populate cert and key
                loadCertAndKey(cert_fn, key_fn, out cert, out key);

                // Set the server's certificate and private key

                 * The X509Certificate passed to SetServerCertificate should have the following attributes in these extension
                 * fields:
                 * [...]
                 * X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
                 *     CA:FALSE
                 * X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                 *     Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Key Agreement
                 * X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                 *     TLS Web Client Authentication, TLS Web Server Authentication
                 * [...]
                // Only call SetServerCertificate and SetServerPrivateKey if loadCertAndKey succeeded in populating cert and key.
                // Otherwise, the server will be associated with a default key and certificate determined by the control system's SSL settings
                if (cert != null && key != null)
                    PrintAndLog("Associating user-specified certificate and key with server...");

                    // The private key set here must correspond to the public key embedded in the server's certificate
                    PrintAndLog("Associating default certificate and key with server...");
            SocketErrorCodes err;

            ErrorLog.Notice("Begin listening for clients...");

            // ServerConnectedCallback will get invoked once a client either
            // connects successfully or if the connection encounters an error
            err = server.WaitForConnectionAsync(ServerConnectedCallback);
            PrintAndLog("WaitForConnectionAsync returned: " + err);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Secure TCP Client Connected to Secure Server Callback
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mySecureTCPServer"></param>
        /// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
        void SecureConnectCallback(SecureTCPServer server, uint clientIndex)
                Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "ConnectCallback: IPAddress: {0}. Index: {1}. Status: {2}",
                              clientIndex, server.GetServerSocketStatusForSpecificClient(clientIndex));
                if (clientIndex != 0)
                    if (server.ClientConnected(clientIndex))
                        if (!ConnectedClientsIndexes.Contains(clientIndex))
                        if (SharedKeyRequired)
                            if (!WaitingForSharedKey.Contains(clientIndex))
                            byte[] b = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes("SharedKey:");
                            server.SendDataAsync(clientIndex, b, b.Length, (x, y, z) => { });
                            Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "Sent Shared Key Request to client at {0}", server.GetAddressServerAcceptedConnectionFromForSpecificClient(clientIndex));
                        if (HeartbeatRequired)
                            if (!HeartbeatTimerDictionary.ContainsKey(clientIndex))
                                HeartbeatTimerDictionary.Add(clientIndex, new CTimer(HeartbeatTimer_CallbackFunction, clientIndex, HeartbeatRequiredIntervalMs));

                        server.ReceiveDataAsync(clientIndex, SecureReceivedDataAsyncCallback);
                    Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Client attempt faulty.");
                    if (!ServerStopped)
                        server.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, SecureConnectCallback);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Console(2, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Error, "Error in Socket Status Connect Callback. Error: {0}", ex);
            //Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel, "((((((Server State bitfield={0}; maxclient={1}; ServerStopped={2}))))))",
            //    server.State,
            //    MaxClients,
            //    ServerStopped);
            if ((server.State & ServerState.SERVER_LISTENING) != ServerState.SERVER_LISTENING && MaxClients > 1 && !ServerStopped)
                Debug.Console(1, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "Waiting for next connection");
                server.WaitForConnectionAsync(IPAddress.Any, SecureConnectCallback);