Example #1
 public static void GenRestore(Token errorAt, ScriptMyILGen ilGen)
     ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Call, listRestoreMethod);
Example #2
 // generate CIL code to pop the value ie store in value
 //  input:
 //   'this' pointer already pushed on CIL stack
 //   new value
 //  output:
 public static void GenPop(Token errorAt, ScriptMyILGen ilGen)
     ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Call, listSaveMethod);
Example #3
 // generate CIL code to push the value on the CIL stack
 //  input:
 //   'this' pointer already pushed on CIL stack
 //  output:
 //   'this' pointer popped from stack
 //   value pushed on CIL stack replacing 'this' pointer
 //   returns typeof value pushed on stack
 public static Type GenPush(Token errorAt, ScriptMyILGen ilGen)
     ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldfld, listValueField);
Example #4
 // generate CIL code to push the value on the CIL stack
 //  input:
 //   'this' pointer already pushed on CIL stack
 //  output:
 //   'this' pointer popped from stack
 //   value pushed on CIL stack replacing 'this' pointer
 //   returns typeof value pushed on stack
 public static Type GenPush(Token errorAt, ScriptMyILGen ilGen)
     ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldfld, stringValueField);
Example #5
 public static void GenFree(Token errorAt, ScriptMyILGen ilGen)
     ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Call, stringFreeMethod);