Example #1
    private readonly int orientation_;  // Hilbert curve orientation of this cell (see s2coords.h)

    #region Constructors

    // Construct an S2PaddedCell for the given cell id and padding.
    public S2PaddedCell(S2CellId id, double padding)
        ij_lo_  = new int[2];
        Id      = id;
        Padding = padding;
        if (Id.IsFace())
            // Fast path for constructing a top-level face (the most common case).
            double limit = 1 + padding;
            Bound = new R2Rect(new R1Interval(-limit, limit),
                               new R1Interval(-limit, limit));
            middle_ = new R2Rect(new R1Interval(-padding, padding),
                                 new R1Interval(-padding, padding));
            ij_lo_[0]    = ij_lo_[1] = 0;
            orientation_ = (int)(Id.Face() & 1);
            Level        = 0;
            var ij = new int[2];
            id.ToFaceIJOrientation(out ij[0], out ij[1], out orientation_, true);
            Level = id.Level();
            Bound = S2CellId.IJLevelToBoundUV(ij, Level).Expanded(padding);
            int ij_size = S2CellId.SizeIJ(Level);
            ij_lo_[0] = ij[0] & -ij_size;
            ij_lo_[1] = ij[1] & -ij_size;