public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line == null || line.Count < 3) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Bot Id parametr error ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); return; } if (line[1].ToString().ToLower() != TeleSettings.MyName) { return; } int curVersion; if (GetVersionString(line, out curVersion)) { if (!gSheet.Data.VersionIsLiquid(curVersion, gSheet.NewVersion)) { return; } else { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Google Sheet you use last version: {curVersion}", ConsoleColor.Green); } } else { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Google Sheet cannot read cur version from C", ConsoleColor.Red); } }
public MainClass() { _handler += new MainClass.EventHandler(Handler); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (s, e) => { OnProcessExit(s, new EventType { msg = "Quit" }); }; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, true); settings = new SettingsData(); controller = new Controller(settings); Sheet = new GSheet(controller); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tGoogle Sheet\t- {Sheet != null}".AddTimeStamp(), Sheet != null ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); bool initBiosDone = controller.TelegramUser.Any() && controller.ServerList.Any(); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tGoogle Reader\t- {initBiosDone}".AddTimeStamp(), initBiosDone ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); sensors = new SensorService(controller); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tSensors\t\t- {sensors != null}".AddTimeStamp(), sensors != null ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); alarmSensors = new AlarmData(controller); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tAlarmSensors\t- {alarmSensors != null}".AddTimeStamp(), alarmSensors != null ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); tbot = new TelegramBot(controller); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tTelegramBot\t- {tbot != null}".AddTimeStamp(), tbot != null ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); difficulty = new MineDifficulty(controller); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tWhat To Mine\t- {difficulty != null}".AddTimeStamp(), difficulty != null ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); miner = new Miner(controller); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"servise:\tMiner \t- {miner != null}".AddTimeStamp(), miner != null ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Red); }
public void Execute(JsonData jd) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Command change miner {srv.Ctrl.CurMiner} to {jd.Value} ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Yellow); var serv = srv.Ctrl.Miners.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == jd.Value); if (serv != null) { if (srv.Ctrl.CurMiner.Name != serv.Name) { srv.Ctrl.MinerCommand(CurrentMinerCommand.ChangeAndRunMiner, jd); } else if (!srv.Ctrl.MinerStatus) { srv.Ctrl.MinerCommand(CurrentMinerCommand.LounchMiner); } else { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Warning Change miner - Already Running {serv.Name}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); srv.SendMsg($"{serv.Name} : already running"); } } else { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Warning Change miner - canot fount miner {jd.Value}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } }
public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line == null || line.Count < 2) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("CoinName parametr error ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); return; } int id; if (!int.TryParse(line[2].ToString(), out id)) { Console.WriteLine($"line {line[0]} senver name {line[1]} do not have id as int {line[2]} "); } string serverName = line[1].ToString().ToLower(); var newSheed = new ServerInfo(id, serverName, true); if (serverName.Contains(GShSettings.PCname)) { gSheet.MyPage.MyServerSheetId = newSheed; } else if (!gSheet.Data.ServersSheetId.Any(o => o.Name.Contains(serverName))) { gSheet.Data.ServersSheetId.Add(newSheed); } }
private void Start() { try { minerProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); // minerProcess.WaitForExit(); // if (ctrl.MinerStatus) // { // RigEx.WriteLineColors("WaitForExit ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); // } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error lounch {startInfo.FileName}: {e.Message} "); } while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); if (ctrl.MinerStatus && minerProcess.HasExited) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"relaunching miner: {ctrl.CurMiner.Name}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); LaunchMiner(); return; } } }
public void SendPingErrorList(List <IToken> errors) { foreach (IToken token in errors) { InlineKeyboardButton[][] testInlinekeyBoard = new InlineKeyboardButton[1][]; testInlinekeyBoard[0] = new InlineKeyboardButton[1]; testInlinekeyBoard[0][0] = new InlineKeyboardButton { Text = $"stop ping", CallbackData = $"{TCmdType.stopPing}:{token.Name}" }; InlineKeyboardMarkup keyboardInlineMarkUp = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(testInlinekeyBoard); try { foreach (IToken user in Ctrl.TelegramUser) { try { Bot.Client?.SendTextMessageAsync(user.Id, $"Error {token.Name}", replyMarkup: keyboardInlineMarkUp); } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"cannot send ping error {user.Id} message:Error {token.Name} e:{e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Red); } } } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"cannot send ping error message:Error {token.Name} e:{e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } } }
public Dictionary <string, double> GetDifficulty() { using (var client = new WebClient()) { var json = client.DownloadString(JsonUrlWhattomine); blob = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MineBlob>(json); } Dictionary <string, double> difficultyDictionary = new Dictionary <string, double>(); foreach (ICoin coin in ctrl.GetCoins) { if (!blob["coins"].ContainsKey(coin.Name)) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"{coin.Name} not found in", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); continue; } var blockReward = blob["coins"][coin.Name].BlockReward; var blocksPerDay = blob["coins"][coin.Name].BlockTime;// * 24;//block count in day, var netHash = blob["coins"][coin.Name].NetHash; var proff = blob["coins"][coin.Name].Profitability; string result = $"Rew: {blockReward} time: {blocksPerDay} nH: {netHash} = {86400 / blocksPerDay * blockReward / netHash * coin.Hashrate}"; RigEx.WriteLineColors($"{coin.Name}: \trew {blockReward} \tt:{blocksPerDay} \tnh {netHash} \t= {86400 / blocksPerDay * blockReward / netHash * coin.Hashrate} / {proff}", ConsoleColor.Cyan); double reward = 86400 / blocksPerDay * blockReward / netHash * coin.Hashrate; difficultyDictionary.Add(coin.Name, reward); } return(difficultyDictionary); }
public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line[1] == null || line[1].ToString() == string.Empty) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Google Sheet cannot read miner name from B".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Red); } gSheet.Data.MinersList.Add(new MinerInfo(line[1].ToString(), line[2].ToString())); }
public void Execute() { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Command {Name}", ConsoleColor.Yellow); var d = srv.Ctrl.GetDiffucalty(); string diff = d.Aggregate(String.Empty, (current, d1) => current + $"\n{d1.Key}:\t{d1.Value}"); srv.SendMsg(diff); }
private void CheckList() { if (data.MyPage.MyServerSheetId == null) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"ERROR: not found Sheet Id for this PC will write on Default page".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Red); data.MyPage.MyServerSheetId = new ServerInfo(); } }
public async void Execute(JsonData jd) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Command send screen".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Yellow); srv.Ctrl.CreateScreenShot(); foreach (var user in srv.Ctrl.TelegramUser) { await Bot.Client?.SendPhotoAsync(user.Id, System.IO.File.OpenRead(MainClass.ScreenPath)); } }
private void AddNewAlarmSensor(ISensorProperty s) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"sensor detected: {s.Name} => {s.Dictionary.Keys.Last().ToString()}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkGray); var alarmsensor = new AlarmSensor(s, ctrl); alarmsensor.AlarmAction += OnAlarmAction; alarmsensor.StopMiningAction += OnStopMiningAction; ctrl.GetAlarmdata.AddifNew(alarmsensor); }
public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line == null || line.Count < 2) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("CoinName parametr error ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); return; } gSheet.Data.UserToKen.Add(GetUserTokenFromLine(line)); }
public bool VersionIsLiquid(int curVersion, int newversion) { if (newversion > curVersion) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"start Update Version curent: {curVersion} to last version: {newversion}", ConsoleColor.Green); RunLauncher(); return(false); } return(true); }
public Miner(IMiningCtrl minerCtrl) { ctrl = minerCtrl; var minerName = RigEx.Read(RigEx.Lastminer); RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Last miner is: {minerName}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); ChangeAndRunMinerAction(minerName); ctrl.ButtonChangeAndRunMinerAction += ChangeAndRunMinerAction; ctrl.MinerActivityAction += OnMinerActivityAction; }
private IList <IList <object> > GetComandLineFrom(string sheetId) { var comandline = GetRange($"{sheetId}!A2:F2"); if (comandline == null) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"cannot read ComandLine A2:Z2 from{sheetId}", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } return(comandline); }
private static string GetSpreadsheetId() { string path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location, @"..\..\"), "sheetId.txt")); if (!File.Exists(path)) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Cannot faund file {path} ", ConsoleColor.Red); return(String.Empty); } return(File.ReadAllText(path)); }
public async void ChangeAndRunMinerAction(IEventArgs minerName) { if (minerName != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(minerName.Value)) { await ChangeAndRunMinerAction(minerName.Value); } else { RigEx.WriteLineColors("miner ChangeMiner => miner is null ", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } }
private void OnStopMiningAction(IAlarmSensor sensor) { if (ctrl.MinerStatus && sensor.AlarmType == AlarmType.High) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Stop miner {sensor.Sensor.Name}=> {sensor.SensorType} :{sensor.Sensor.Dictionary[sensor.SensorType]} - {sensor.AlarmType}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Magenta); ctrl.SetMinigActivityStatus(false); } else if (!ctrl.MinerStatus && sensor.AlarmType == AlarmType.Low) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Start miner {sensor.Sensor.Name}=> {sensor.SensorType} :{sensor.Sensor.Dictionary[sensor.SensorType]} - {sensor.AlarmType}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Magenta); ctrl.SetMinigActivityStatus(true); } }
public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line == null || line.Count < 3) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Bot Id parametr error ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); return; } if (line[1].ToString().ToLower() != TeleSettings.MyName) { return; } gSheet.Data.BotId = line[2].ToString(); }
public async void SendMsg(string msg) { try { foreach (var token in Ctrl.TelegramUser) { await Bot.Client?.SendTextMessageAsync(token.Id, $"{msg}"); } } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Telegram Send:{msg}\nError: {e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } }
private void LaunchCommandLine(IEventArgs minerName = null) { if (ctrl?.CurMiner == null) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("LaunchMiner : current miner is null".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Red); return; } startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.FileName = ctrl.CurMiner.Path; startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; LaunchMiner(); }
public JsonData(string jsonValue) { string[] data = jsonValue.Split(':'); if (data == null || data.Length < 1) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Cannot convert value {jsonValue}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Red); return; } if (!Enum.TryParse(data[0], out type)) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Cannot convert callback {data[0]}", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } Value = data.Length > 1 ? data[1] : String.Empty; }
private void OnAlarmAction(IAlarmSensor sensor) { var alarm = $"{Icons.ring} Alarm {sensor.SensorType.Icon()}: {sensor.Sensor.Dictionary[sensor.SensorType]} - {sensor.AlarmType.Icon()}"; try { foreach (IToken token in Ctrl.TelegramUser) { Bot.Client?.SendTextMessageAsync(token.Id, alarm, replyMarkup: GetAlarmInlinekeyBoard(sensor.SensorType)); } } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Telegram Error: {e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } }
private void OnMinerActivityAction() { if (ctrl.MinerStatus != IsActive) { if (ctrl.MinerStatus) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Launch miner ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); LaunchCommandLine(); } else { RigEx.WriteLineColors("Stop miner ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); Destroy(); } } }
public void Execute() { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Command {Name}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Cyan); try { foreach (IToken token in srv.Ctrl.TelegramUser) { Bot.Client?.SendTextMessageAsync(token.Id, srv?.CurMiner?.Name, replyMarkup: srv.GetMinersInlinekeyBoard()); } } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Telegram Send message Error: {e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); throw; } }
public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line == null || line.Count < 2) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("CoinName parametr error ".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); return; } int hashRate; int.TryParse(line[2].ToString(), out hashRate); hashRate = hashRate == 0 ? 1 : hashRate; string coinName = line[1].ToString(); var coin = new Coin(coinName, hashRate); gSheet.Data.CoinsList.AddOrReplase(coin); }
public override void Execute(IList <object> line) { if (line.Count < 2) { gSheet.Data.PingDelayMillisec = 240000; // 4 min return; } int minutes = 4; if (!int.TryParse(line[1]?.ToString(), out minutes)) { RigEx.WriteLineColors("ping alarm: can not parse to int from B colum ", ConsoleColor.Red); } minutes = minutes == 0 ? 4 : minutes; gSheet.Data.PingDelayMillisec = minutes * 60000; }
public async Task Destroy() { if (minerThread != null) { try { minerThread.Abort(startInfo); minerThread.DisableComObjectEagerCleanup(); minerThread = null; } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Destroy miner Thread: cannot Abort Thread {e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } } if (minerProcess != null) { try { minerProcess.Kill(); minerThread = null; } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Destroy miner Process: cannot kill process {e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } var processes = Process.GetProcesses().ToList(); var cc = processes.Where(i => i.ProcessName.StartsWith("ccminer") || i.ProcessName.StartsWith("excavator") || i.ProcessName.StartsWith("ethminer") || i.ProcessName.StartsWith("nheqminer") || i.ProcessName.StartsWith("sgminer") || i.ProcessName.StartsWith("xmrig") || i.ProcessName.StartsWith("xmr-stak-cpu")).ToList(); if (cc != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cc.Count(); i++) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"miner: {cc[i].ProcessName}", ConsoleColor.Cyan); cc[i].Kill(); } } } }
protected void SendRequests() { var busr = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest { Requests = request }; try { var t = page.Service.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(busr, page.SpreadsheetId); //t.Execute(); t.ExecuteAsStream(); } catch (Exception e) { RigEx.WriteLineColors($"Exeption to send request{e.Message}".AddTimeStamp(), ConsoleColor.Red); } }