/// <summary>
		/// Performs get as a post action.
		/// </summary>
		/// <exception cref="RallyUnavailableException">Rally returned an HTML page. This usually occurs when Rally is off-line. Please check the ErrorMessage property for more information.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="RallyFailedToDeserializeJson">The JSON returned by Rally was not able to be deserialized. Please check the JsonData property for what was returned by Rally.</exception>
		private DynamicJsonObject DoGetAsPost(Request request, bool retry = true, int retryCounter = 1)
			int retrySleepTime = 1000;
				ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls11
																							 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
				ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
				Dictionary<string, string> data = request.GetDataToSend();
				Uri uri = GetFullyQualifiedUri(request.ShortRequestUrl);
				Dictionary<string, string> processedHeaders = GetProcessedHeaders();
				DynamicJsonObject response = serializer.Deserialize(httpService.GetAsPost(GetSecuredUri(uri), data, processedHeaders));

				if (retry && response[response.Fields.First()].Errors.Count > 0 && retryCounter < 10)
					ConnectionInfo.SecurityToken = GetSecurityToken();
					httpService = new HttpService(authManger, ConnectionInfo);
					Thread.Sleep(retrySleepTime * retryCounter);
					return DoGetAsPost(request, true, retryCounter++);

				return response;
			catch (Exception)
				if (retryCounter < 10)
					Thread.Sleep(retrySleepTime * retryCounter);
					return DoGetAsPost(request, true, retryCounter++);
		/// <summary>
		/// Performs get as a post action.
		/// </summary>
		/// <exception cref="RallyUnavailableException">Rally returned an HTML page. This usually occurs when Rally is off-line. Please check the ErrorMessage property for more information.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="RallyFailedToDeserializeJson">The JSON returned by Rally was not able to be deserialized. Please check the JsonData property for what was returned by Rally.</exception>
		private DynamicJsonObject DoGetAsPost(Request request)
			Dictionary<string, string> data = request.GetDataToSend();

			Uri uri = GetFullyQualifiedUri(request.ShortRequestUrl);
			string response = httpService.GetAsPost(GetSecuredUri(uri), data, GetProcessedHeaders());
			return serializer.Deserialize(response);