public override void OnCollisionEnter(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver, Collider2D col) { if (col.gameObject.tag == "Ball") { Transform ballGo = col.gameObject.transform.parent; //check the height of the ball //Debug.Log("Ball height: " + "<color=orange><b> " + ballGo.transform.position.z + "</b></color>"); bool canCatchBall = ballGo.transform.position.z <= GameManager.Instance.catchableHeight; if (canCatchBall) { //catch ball col.gameObject.tag = "BallCaught"; //ballGo.parent.GetComponent<Ball_Controller>().enabled = false; ballGo.parent = receiver.transform; ballGo.transform.position = receiver.transform.position; Rigidbody ballRb = ballGo.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); ballRb.isKinematic = true; //set the game to be reset GameManager.Instance.ballCaught = true; } } }
public override void OnCollisionEnter(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver, Collider2D col) { //catch ball if (col.gameObject.tag == "Ball") { col.gameObject.tag = "BallCaught"; Transform ballGo = col.gameObject.transform.parent; //ballGo.parent.GetComponent<Ball_Controller>().enabled = false; ballGo.parent = receiver.transform; ballGo.transform.position = receiver.transform.position; } }
void OnSceneGUI() { EditorTarget_Route routeTarget = (EditorTarget_Route)target; Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver_controller = routeTarget.receiver_controller; if (receiver_controller.currentRoute != null) { int numOfRoutePoints = receiver_controller.currentRoute.routePoints.Length; //the lineSegments need a start and end point for EACH line, thus the *2 Vector3[] lineSegments = new Vector3[numOfRoutePoints * 2]; //Vector3 prevPoint = new Vector3(-2, -2, 0); Vector3 prevPoint = receiver_controller.startPos; int pointIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfRoutePoints; i++) { //get the currentPoint Vector3 currPoint = receiver_controller.currentRoute.routePoints[i]; currPoint = prevPoint + currPoint; //store the starting point of the line segment lineSegments[pointIndex] = prevPoint; pointIndex++; //store the endpoint of the line segment lineSegments[pointIndex] = currPoint; pointIndex++; prevPoint = currPoint; } /* * //Handles.DrawLine((Vector2)routeTarget.transform.position, (Vector2)routeTarget.receiver_controller.currentTarget); * Vector3[] lineSegments = new Vector3[4]; * lineSegments[0] = new Vector3(-2, 2, 0); * //lineSegments[1] = lineSegments[0] + (Vector3)receiver_controller.currentRoute.routePoints[0]; * //lineSegments[2] = lineSegments[1] + (Vector3)receiver_controller.currentRoute.routePoints[1]; * lineSegments[1] = lineSegments[0] + new Vector3(1, 0, 0); * lineSegments[2] = lineSegments[1]; * lineSegments[3] = lineSegments[2] + new Vector3(1, 1, 0); */ Handles.DrawLines(lineSegments); } }
public override void EnterState(QB_Controller_FSM qb) { targetReceiver = qb.Receiver_current.GetComponent <Receiver_Controller_FSM>(); ball_Controller = qb.GetComponent <Ball_Controller>(); //this is so that we throw imedialty when we enter the state if (targetIndicator == null) { targetIndicator = qb.InstantiateTargetIndicator(CalcTarget(qb)); } else { targetIndicator.gameObject.SetActive(true); targetIndicator.position = CalcTarget(qb); } = targetIndicator; ball_Controller.Launch(); GameManager.Instance.ballLaunched = true; }
public override void Update(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver) { Vector2 localForward = receiver.transform.rotation * Vector2.right; receiver.myRb.AddForce(localForward * receiver.speed * Time.deltaTime); float angle = Vector2.SignedAngle(receiver.currentTarget - (Vector2)receiver.transform.position, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f)); receiver.myRb.MoveRotation(Mathf.LerpAngle(receiver.myRb.rotation, -angle, receiver.rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime)); if (receiver.TargetReached()) { Vector2 temp = receiver.currentRoute.GetNextRoutePoint(); if (temp == { //this should happen if the last routePoint is reached receiver.TransitionToState(receiver.runFinished_State); } else { receiver.currentTarget = receiver.currentTarget + temp; } } }
public override void CleanUp(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver) { }
public override void EnterState(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver) { }
public abstract void OnCollisionEnter(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver, Collider2D col);
public abstract void CleanUp(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver);
public abstract void Update(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver);
public abstract void EnterState(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver);
public override void EnterState(QB_Controller_FSM qb) { targetReceiver = qb.Receiver_current.GetComponent <Receiver_Controller_FSM>(); ball_Controller = qb.GetComponent <Ball_Controller>(); }
public override void Update(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver) { }
public override void OnCollisionEnter(Receiver_Controller_FSM receiver, Collider2D col) { }