Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the client is logged out
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if we are verifiably logged out</returns>
        public bool IsLoggedOut(bool readWindow = false)
            if (readWindow && !ReadWindow())
                RunParams.LoggedIn = false;

            Color color;
            Point loginOffset = LoginScreenOffset();
            int   height      = Height;
            int   top         = loginOffset.Y;
            int   centerX     = Center.X + loginOffset.X;
            int   checkRow    = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, height - 1), loginOffset.Y + ScreenScraper.LOGIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT + 1); //1 pixel below where the bottom of the login window should be
            int   xOffset     = (ScreenScraper.LOGIN_WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) + 2;
            int   blackPixels = 0;
            int   totalPixels = 0;

            for (int x = centerX - xOffset; x < centerX + xOffset; x++)
                //check bottom of login box
                color        = Value[x, checkRow];
                blackPixels += ImageProcessing.ColorsAreEqual(color, Color.Black) ? 1 : 0;
            for (int y = top; y < checkRow; y++)  //check sides
                //check left of login box
                color        = Value[centerX - xOffset, y];
                blackPixels += ImageProcessing.ColorsAreEqual(color, Color.Black) ? 1 : 0;

                //check right of login box
                color        = Value[centerX + xOffset, y];
                blackPixels += ImageProcessing.ColorsAreEqual(color, Color.Black) ? 1 : 0;
            //assume we are logged out if a majority off the border pixels are perfectly black
            if ((blackPixels / ((double)totalPixels)) < 0.25)

            //Check for "Welcome to RuneScape" yellow text. We are probably logged out at this point.
            int topWelcome    = top + 241;
            int bottomWelcome = topWelcome + 13;
            int leftWelcome   = Center.X - 75;
            int rightWelcome  = leftWelcome + 146;

            bool[,] welcomeText = ImageProcessing.ColorFilterPiece(Value, RGBHSBRangeFactory.Yellow(), leftWelcome, rightWelcome, topWelcome, bottomWelcome);
            double welcomeMatch = ImageProcessing.FractionalMatch(welcomeText);

            if (!Numerical.WithinRange(welcomeMatch, 0.23275, 0.01)) //ex 0.23275
                //Check for the "Enter your username/email & password." text.
                leftWelcome   = Center.X - 140;
                rightWelcome  = leftWelcome + 280;
                topWelcome    = top + 206;
                bottomWelcome = topWelcome + 10;
                welcomeText   = ImageProcessing.ColorFilterPiece(Value, RGBHSBRangeFactory.Yellow(), leftWelcome, rightWelcome, topWelcome, bottomWelcome);
                welcomeMatch  = ImageProcessing.FractionalMatch(welcomeText);

                if (!Numerical.WithinRange(welcomeMatch, 0.25234, 0.01)) //ex. 0.2523
                    return(false);                                       //Could not find the welcome text or the enter text.

            RunParams.LoggedIn = false;