void OnGUI() { #if !UNITY_WSA string str; // print ("confidence 0 in op mon : " + Pupil.values.Confidences [0]); Operator.properties.Properties [0].confidence = PupilTools.Confidence(PupilData.leftEyeID); Operator.properties.Properties [1].confidence = PupilTools.Confidence(PupilData.rightEyeID); // print (Pupil.values.Confidences [0]); GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, .5f); float imageHeight = (Screen.width / 2) / 1.333f; //for 4:3 ratio float imageVerticalPosition = (Screen.height - imageHeight) / 2; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, imageVerticalPosition, Screen.width / 2, imageHeight), pupilSettings.framePublishing.eye0Image); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, imageVerticalPosition, Screen.width / 2, imageHeight), pupilSettings.framePublishing.eye1Image); Operator.properties.Properties [0].OperatorCamera.Render(); //Construct the Text box string for data display on the Operator Monitor view str = "Gaze Point : " + " ( X: " + PupilData._3D.GazePosition.x + " Y: " + PupilData._3D.GazePosition.y + " Z: " + PupilData._3D.GazePosition.z + " ) "; str += "\nEyeball 0 Center : " + " ( X: " + PupilData._3D.RightEyeCenter.x + " Y: " + PupilData._3D.RightEyeCenter.y + " Z: " + PupilData._3D.RightEyeCenter.z + " ) "; str += "\nEyeball 1 Center : " + " ( X: " + PupilData._3D.LeftEyeCenter.x + " Y: " + PupilData._3D.LeftEyeCenter.y + " Z: " + PupilData._3D.LeftEyeCenter.z + " ) "; str += "\nPupil Diameter : " + PupilData.Diameter(); //Use the predefined style for the TextArea GUIStyle _s = pupilTracker.Styles.Find(x => x.name == "OpMon_textArea"); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, 200), str, _s); //This is the call to draw both Confidence Graphs for each eyes DrawGraph(Operator.properties.Properties[0]); DrawGraph(Operator.properties.Properties[1]); #endif }