Example #1
	public static string GetForestSpriteNameForTile(int x, int y, string[,] nsewMap, int[,] map, PseudoRandom prnd)
		string spriteName = "";

		if (map [y, x] == 1) 
			if (nsewMap [y, x].Contains("_")) 
				string num = prnd.Next (1,2).ToString();
				spriteName = "Forest_TreeTopSide" + nsewMap [y, x] + "_" + num; 
				string num = prnd.Next (1,4).ToString();
				spriteName = "Forest_TreeTop" + "_" + num; 
			if(y+1 < map.GetLength (0) && map [y+1, x] == 1)
				string num = prnd.Next (1,6).ToString();
				spriteName = "Forest_TreeTrunk_" + num;
				string num = prnd.Next (1,3).ToString();
				spriteName = "Forest_Floor_" + num;

		return spriteName; 
Example #2
	// CreateNSEWMap
	// Creates a maze in the form of a 2D string array that is populated 
	// with directions e.g. "NSEW". If a direction is in the string then 
	// there is as wall on that side of the point. For example if the 
	// point (3,4) is "SE" then there is a wall on the south and east 
	// side of the point (3,4).
	public string[,] CreateNSEWMap(int width, int length, int divRate, int[] startPoint) {
        int maximumX = width;
        int maximumY = length;
        bool mirrorEdges = false; 
        PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); 

		string[,] cellMap = CreateMapShape(maximumX, maximumY, rnd);  
        int[,]    cellMapNo = new int[maximumY, maximumX];  

        List<Point> cellList = new List<Point>(); 
		int[] start = startPoint; 
        cellList.Add(new Point(start[0], start[1])); 

        cellMap[cellList[0].Y, cellList[0].X] += "X"; 
        cellMapNo[cellList[0].Y, cellList[0].X] = 0;  
        while(cellList.Count != 0) {
            int cellNo = cellList.Count-1;; 
            if(rnd.Next(0,99) < divRate) {
                cellNo = cellList.Count-1;
            else {
                cellNo = rnd.Next(0, cellList.Count-1); 

            Point cell = cellList[cellNo]; 

            List<int> list = CreateRandomOrderDirectionList(rnd);

            bool visitedAllNeighours = true; 
            for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
                int dir = list[c]; 
                int newX = NewXFromDir(dir, cell.X, cell.Y,maximumX, cellMap, mirrorEdges); 
                int newY = NewYFromDir(dir, cell.Y, cell.X,maximumY, cellMap, mirrorEdges); 
                if(cellMap[newY,newX] == "NSEW") {
                    visitedAllNeighours = false;
                    char carve = CharToIntConversion(dir); 
                    cellMap[cell.Y, cell.X] = cellMap[cell.Y, cell.X].Replace(carve, ' '); 
                    cellMap[newY,newX] = cellMap[newY,newX].Replace(GetOppositeDirection(carve), ' ');

                    cellMapNo[newY, newX] = cellMapNo[cell.Y, cell.X] + 1; 
                    cellList.Add(new Point(newX,newY)); 

            if(visitedAllNeighours) {

        cellMap = FindEndPoint(cellMapNo, cellMap, maximumX, maximumY); 

        return cellMap; 
        public unsafe void TestMinimumIntensityProjection()
            const int pixels     = 512 * 512;
            const int subsamples = 11;

            var rng      = new PseudoRandom(0x2DB8498F);
            var slabData = new ushort[pixels * subsamples];

            for (var n = 0; n < slabData.Length; ++n)
                slabData[n] = (ushort)rng.Next(ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue);

            var expectedResults = new ushort[pixels];

            for (var p = 0; p < pixels; ++p)
                expectedResults[p] = Enumerable.Range(0, subsamples).Select(s => slabData[s * pixels + p]).Min();

            var actualResults = new ushort[pixels];
            var projectedData = new byte[pixels * sizeof(ushort)];

            fixed(ushort *pSlabData = slabData)
                SlabProjection.AggregateSlabMinimumIntensity((IntPtr)pSlabData, projectedData, subsamples, pixels, 2, false);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(projectedData, 0, actualResults, 0, projectedData.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResults, actualResults);
        /// <summary>
        /// Immediately generates one or more particles, particle is created in the
        /// concrete emitter class by the method GenerateParticle()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="count">How many particles to generate at once</param>
        /// <returns>List of particles generated, these will be added to the ParticleSys</returns>
        public void Generate(int count)
            Debug.Assert(textures.Count > 0, "No textures have been added to the emitter");
            Debug.Assert(hostEffect != null, "This emitter is not added to any ParticleEffect");
            ParticlePool pool = hostEffect.ParticleSystem.Pool;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Flags.HasFlag(EmitterModes.UseBudgetOnly))
                    if (budget < 0)

                Particle p = null;
                if (pool != null)
                    p         = pool.Get();
                    p.Texture = textures[random.Next(textures.Count)];
                    p = new Particle(textures[random.Next(textures.Count)]);

                Debug.Assert(p != null, "Particle was not instantiated or fetched from cache!");

                // Apply all generators to this particle
                foreach (PropertyGenerator g in generators)
                // Call the concrete emitter for last modifications
Example #5
        static void ModulateQPSK()
            // Manual adjust values
            int    sampleRate  = 8000;
            int    symbolCount = 1000;
            float  symbolRate  = 250; // Symbols per second
            int    carrierHz   = 1000;
            string outputPath  = Path.Combine(LocalPath, "qpsk_output.8k.3ch.pcm32f");

            // Fixed values
            float        symbolPeriod        = 1f / symbolRate;
            int          symbolLengthSamples = sampleRate / (int)symbolRate;
            Vco          vco    = new Vco(sampleRate, carrierHz);
            PseudoRandom random = new PseudoRandom(23);

            using (Stream output = File.Create(outputPath))
                for (int i = 0; i < symbolCount; i++)
                    // Generate 2 data bits
                    int bits = (int)random.Next(0, 4);

                    // Generate symbol samples
                    for (int p = 0; p < symbolLengthSamples; p++)
                        // Generate symbol sample
                        float sampleI = (float)vco.Cos() * ((bits >> 1) * 2 - 1);
                        float sampleQ = (float)vco.Sin() * ((bits & 1) * 2 - 1);


                        // Reduce amplitude so the sum equals 1.0
                        sampleI *= 0.707f;
                        sampleQ *= 0.707f;

                        // Combine I and Q samples
                        float sampleOutput = sampleI + sampleQ;

                        // Output sample to file
                        output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sampleOutput), 0, 4);
                        output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(((bits >> 1) * 2f - 1)), 0, 4);
                        output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(((bits & 1) * 2f - 1)), 0, 4);
Example #6
	public static int[,] CreateAgentBasedMap(int _mapSize, int seedX, int seedY, int seedZ)
		int mapSize = _mapSize;  
		PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); 
        int[,] map = InitialiseMap(mapSize);

        int[] startPoint = ChooseRandomPoint( (int)Math.Round(mapSize/3f), (int)Math.Round(2f*mapSize/3f), rnd);
        AgentBased agent = new AgentBased(0.05, 0.05, startPoint, rnd.Next(0,4));

		while(agent.CanContinue(map, rnd) && (!CheckFilled(map, 0.5f)) )
            map = agent.PlaceRoom(map, rnd);
            map = agent.MoveInDirection(map, rnd);

        return map;
Example #7
        protected void GenerateFoesForRegion(int regionID)
            var tRand = new PseudoRandom((uint)core.RandomInt(1024));

            var myAngleFromCenter = Geometry.FixAngle(Math.Atan2(gs.currentPlayer.posY, gs.currentPlayer.posX));
            //Sector angles should be smaller for farther-out regions
            //This formula results in generating 100% of region 0, 67% of region 1, 50% of region 2, 40% of region 3, 6.25% of region 30...
            var sectorCount     = regionID + 2;
            var sectorAngle     = Math.PI * 2 / sectorCount;
            var regionBaseAngle = regionID * 0.1; //Needed so that all the spawn points to the east aren't lined up
            //Round myAngleFromCenter by sectorAngle (always a whole number of sectorAngles per circle)
            var sectorID = (int)((myAngleFromCenter + regionBaseAngle) / sectorAngle) % sectorCount;

            if (regionID == gs.regionID)
                gs.sectorID = sectorID;

            for (int sector = sectorID - 1; sector <= sectorID + 1; sector++)
                var idx = (sector + sectorCount) % sectorCount;
                if (!gs.regionSpawnRecord[regionID][idx])
                    gs.regionSpawnRecord[regionID][idx] = true;

                    var ringInner      = gs.ringThickness * regionID; //Distance from the innermost part of this ring to the origin
                    var angle          = idx * sectorAngle - regionBaseAngle;
                    var spawnCount     = regionID + 5;                //Number of chances to spawn an enemy in this sector
                    var subsectorAngle = sectorAngle / spawnCount;    //Angles at which to potentially spawn enemies

                    //Randomly do or don't generate random enemies at each subsectorAngle within (minArc, maxArc)
                    for (int spawnIdx = 0; spawnIdx < spawnCount; spawnIdx++)
                        //Locate a random distance from the origin at this angle, but within the region
                        var subPos = tRand.RandomDouble() * gs.ringThickness;
                        var x      = Math.Cos(angle) * (ringInner + subPos);
                        var y      = Math.Sin(angle) * (ringInner + subPos);
                        gs.generateEnemy(tRand, regionID, x, y, onEnemyFireBasic, onEnemyDamagedBasic, onEnemyDeathBasic);
                        angle += subsectorAngle;
Example #8
        public void TestVolumeS16()
            const short expectedMinimum = -100;
            const short expectedMaximum = 200;

            var rng  = new PseudoRandom(0x48E4B0B4);
            var data = new short[1000];

            for (var n = 1; n < data.Length - 1; ++n)
                data[n] = (short)rng.Next(expectedMinimum + 1, expectedMaximum - 1);
            data[0]   = expectedMaximum;
            data[999] = expectedMinimum;

            var volume = new S16Volume(data, new Size3D(5, 10, 20), new Vector3D(2, 1, 0.5f), new Vector3D(5, 0, -5),
                                       new Matrix3D(new float[, ] {
                { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0 }
            }), new DicomAttributeCollection(), 123);

            Assert.AreSame(data, volume.Array, "Array");
            Assert.AreSame(data, volume.ArrayData, "ArrayData");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Size3D(5, 10, 20), volume.ArrayDimensions, "ArrayDimensions");
            Assert.AreEqual(1000, volume.ArrayLength, "ArrayLength");

            Assert.AreEqual(16, volume.BitsPerVoxel, "BitsPerVoxel");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, volume.Signed, "Signed");

            Assert.AreEqual(123, volume.PaddingValue, "PaddingValue");

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(10, 10, 10), volume.VolumeSize, "VolumeSize");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle3D(0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10), volume.VolumeBounds, "VolumeBounds");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(5, 5, 5), volume.VolumeCenter, "VolumeCenter");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(10, 5, 0), volume.VolumeCenterPatient, "VolumeCenterPatient");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), volume.VolumeOrientationPatientX, "VolumeOrientationPatientX");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), volume.VolumeOrientationPatientY, "VolumeOrientationPatientY");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), volume.VolumeOrientationPatientZ, "VolumeOrientationPatientZ");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(5, 0, -5), volume.VolumePositionPatient, "VolumePositionPatient");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinimum, volume.MinimumVolumeValue, "MinimumVolumeValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMaximum, volume.MaximumVolumeValue, "MaximumVolumeValue");
Example #9
	int[,] PlaceRoom(int[,] map, PseudoRandom rnd)
        if(rnd.Next(0,99) < roomChance*100)
            bool canPlace = CanPlaceRoom(map, rnd);
            Console.Write("Place Room: " + canPlace + "\n");
                int[] firstStep  = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], currentDirection);
                int[] roomCenter = MoveDirection(firstStep[0], firstStep[1], currentDirection);
                int[] newPosition = MoveDirection(roomCenter[0], roomCenter[1], currentDirection);
                for(int y = roomCenter[1]-1; y <= roomCenter[1]+1; y++)
                    for(int x = roomCenter[0]-1; x <= roomCenter[0]+1; x++)
                        map = ChangeToRoom(x, y, map);
                currentPosition[0] = newPosition[0];
                currentPosition[1] = newPosition[1];

                for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    int[] newStart = MoveDirection(roomCenter[0], roomCenter[1], i);

                roomChance = 0.05; 
                roomChance += roomRate; 
        roomChance += roomRate; 
        return map; 
Example #10
        static void ModulateOffsetQPSK()
            // Manual adjust values
            int    sampleRate  = 8000;
            int    symbolCount = 1000;
            float  symbolRate  = 250; // Symbols per second
            int    carrierHz   = 1000;
            string outputPath  = Path.Combine(LocalPath, "oqpsk_output.8k.3ch.pcm32f");

            // Fixed values
            float        symbolPeriod        = 1f / symbolRate;
            int          symbolLengthSamples = sampleRate / (int)symbolRate;
            Vco          vco    = new Vco(sampleRate, carrierHz);
            PseudoRandom random = new PseudoRandom(23);

            BiQuadraticFilter iFilter = new BiQuadraticFilter(BiQuadraticFilter.Type.LOWPASS, symbolRate, sampleRate, 0.707);
            BiQuadraticFilter qFilter = new BiQuadraticFilter(BiQuadraticFilter.Type.LOWPASS, symbolRate, sampleRate, 0.707);

            using (Stream output = File.Create(outputPath))
                int bits     = 0;
                int nextBits = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < symbolCount * 2; i++)
                    bool even = i % 2 == 0;

                    // On each half-symbol period, shift in one data bit for transmission
                    //   while keeping the previous other arm's bit transmitting
                    if (even)
                        nextBits = (int)random.Next(0, 4);
                        bits     = (bits & 0x01) | (nextBits & 0x02);
                        bits = (bits & 0x02) | (nextBits & 0x01);

                    // Generate symbol samples
                    for (int p = 0; p < symbolLengthSamples / 2; p++)
                        // Generate symbol sample
                        // Also filter symbols with a low pass filter for basic pulse shaping
                        float sampleI = (float)vco.Cos() * (float)iFilter.filter((bits >> 1) * 2 - 1);
                        float sampleQ = (float)vco.Sin() * (float)qFilter.filter((bits & 1) * 2 - 1);


                        // Reduce amplitude so the sum equals 1.0
                        sampleI *= 0.707f;
                        sampleQ *= 0.707f;

                        // Combine I and Q samples
                        float sampleOutput = sampleI + sampleQ;

                        // Output sample to file
                        output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sampleOutput), 0, sizeof(float));
                        output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(((bits >> 1) * 2f - 1)), 0, sizeof(float));
                        output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(((bits & 1) * 2f - 1)), 0, sizeof(float));
Example #11
	public int[] FindRandomPoint(PseudoRandom rnd)
		int[] coords = new int[2];
		coords[0] = rnd.Next(0,width);
		coords[1] = rnd.Next(0,height);
		bool valid = false; 

		while (!valid)
			if (IsOpen (coords [0], coords [1])) {
				valid = true; 
			} else {
				coords[0] = rnd.Next(0,width);
				coords[1] = rnd.Next(0,height);

		return coords; 
Example #12
	int NewDirection(int dir, PseudoRandom rnd)
        int newDir = dir; 
        if(rnd.Next(0,2) == 0)
            newDir = (dir + 1)%4;
            newDir = (dir - 1)%4; 

        if(newDir < 0)
            newDir = 4 + newDir; 
        return newDir; 
Example #13
	static int[] ChooseRandomPoint(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit, PseudoRandom rnd)
        int[] coords = new int[2];
        coords[0] = rnd.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
        coords[1] = rnd.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit);

        return coords;
Example #14
	static int[,] CreateLeftSide(int[,] newMap, MapInfo mapInfo)
		PseudoRandom leftPRnd = new PseudoRandom (mapInfo.seedX-1, mapInfo.seedY, mapInfo.seedZ);
		int[] leftDirection = new int[2]{1,0}; 		

		int numOfEntries = 0; 
		for (int i = 0; i < mapInfo.maxNumOfEntries; i++) 
			int startPoint = leftPRnd.Next(1, newMap.GetLength(0)-1-mapInfo.maxEntrySize); 
			int entrySize  = leftPRnd.Next(2, mapInfo.maxEntrySize+1);

			int[] startCoord = new int[2]{0, startPoint}; 
			int[] connect = PathGenerator.FindEndPoint (startCoord, entrySize, leftDirection, newMap);

			//Debug.Log ("Connection: " + i + " (" + connect[0] + "," + connect[1] + ")"); 
			newMap = PathGenerator.CreateHorizontalPath(startCoord, connect, entrySize, newMap);
			/*for (int y = startPoint; y <= (startPoint + entrySize); y++) 
				for (int x = 0; x <= connect [0]; x++) {
					newMap [y, x] = 0; 

		return newMap; 
Example #15
	bool CanContinue(int[,] map, PseudoRandom rnd)
        bool returnable = false; 
        int[] newPoint = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], currentDirection );
        if(IsValidRoute(newPoint, map))
            returnable = true; 
            int startDir = rnd.Next(0,4);
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                newPoint = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], (startDir+i)%4 );
                if(IsValidRoute(newPoint, map))
                    returnable = true; 
                    Console.Write("CC Direction Change From: " + currentDirection + "\n");
                    currentDirection = NewDirection(currentDirection, rnd);
                    Console.Write("CC Direction Change To: " + currentDirection + "\n");
                    directionChance = 0.05;  

        if(returnable == false && positions.Count > 0)
            currentPosition[0] = positions[0];
            currentPosition[1] = positions[1];
            returnable = true; 
        return returnable;
Example #16
 public override float Generate()
Example #17
	public int[,] InitialiseMap(double r, int mapSize, PseudoRandom rnd)
        int[,] map = new int[mapSize, mapSize];

        for(int y = 0; y < mapSize; y++)
            for(int x = 0; x < mapSize; x++)
                double number = Math.Round(rnd.Next(), 3); 
                if(number < r)
                    map[y,x] = stateRock;
                    map[y,x] = stateEmpty;
        return map;
		public int PickRandomY(PseudoRandom rnd)
            return rnd.Next(Y, Y+height);
Example #19
        public void DrawGame()
            g.TranslateTransform((float)-gs.currentPlayer.posX + gameWidth / 2, (float)-gs.currentPlayer.posY + gameHeight / 2);
            var oldTransform = g.GetMatrix();

            //Draw a starry background using a predictable pseudorandom number sequence
            var starSeed = new PseudoRandom(backgroundSeed);

            for (double x = gs.currentPlayer.posX - (gameWidth / 2); x < gs.currentPlayer.posX + (gameWidth / 2) + 256; x += 256)
                int squareX = (int)Math.Floor(x / 256);
                for (double y = gs.currentPlayer.posY - (gameHeight / 2); y < gs.currentPlayer.posY + (gameHeight / 2) + 256; y += 256)
                    int squareY = (int)Math.Floor(y / 256);
                    starSeed.lastValue = (uint)(((long)squareX * 13 + squareY * 58) & uint.MaxValue);
                    int numberOfStars = Math.Min(8 + ((int)(starSeed.Next() & 0xF00) >> 8), 25); //10 to 25 stars

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStars; i++)
                        var xc = (float)squareX * 256 + (starSeed.Next() & 255);
                        var yc = (float)squareY * 256 + (starSeed.Next() & 255);
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.White, xc, yc, xc, yc + 1);

            g.DrawString(String.Format("Sector Area: {0:0.00}", gs.regionSectorArea), new Font(MenuFont.FontFamily, 12), Brushes.Azure, 10, gameHeight - 40);

            //Draw projectiles
            foreach (var projectile in gs.playerProjectiles.Union(gs.enemyProjectiles))
                g.TranslateTransform((float)projectile.posX, (float)projectile.posY);
                g.DrawLines(projectile.uGraphics.color, projectile.uGraphics.points.ToArray());

                foreach (var circle in projectile.collider.dCircles)
                    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Aqua, (float)(-circle.Radius + circle.X), (float)(-circle.Radius + circle.Y),
                                  (float)circle.Radius * 2, (float)circle.Radius * 2);

            //Draw ships (and in debug mode, draw their colliders)
            foreach (var ship in gs.playerShips.Union(gs.enemyShips).Where(p => p.isAlive))
                g.TranslateTransform((float)ship.posX, (float)ship.posY);
                g.RotateTransform((float)(ship.facing / Math.PI * 180));

                if (ship.lastDamagedFrame <= frameCounter - 8)
                    g.DrawLines(ship.uGraphics.color, ship.uGraphics.points.ToArray());
                else //Invert ship color when recently damaged
                    var tempColor = ship.uGraphics.color.Color.ToArgb();
                    var tempPen   = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(tempColor ^ 0x00FFFFFF));
                    g.DrawLines(tempPen, ship.uGraphics.points.ToArray());

                foreach (var circle in ship.collider.dCircles)
                    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Aqua, (float)(-circle.Radius + circle.X), (float)(-circle.Radius + circle.Y),
                                  (float)circle.Radius * 2, (float)circle.Radius * 2);

            if (input.GetState(input.shiftKey) == InputState.Held)
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 39, 45)), (float)(gameWidth / 2 - gs.currentPlayer.posX), (float)(gameHeight / 2 - gs.currentPlayer.posY),
                           gameWidth / 2, gameHeight / 2);
Example #20
	public static void CreateForestMeshFromMap(Layout layout, Grid grid, int seedX, int seedY, int seedZ)
		Texture2D tex = CreateForestTextureFromMap (layout.layout, grid, seedX, seedY, seedZ);
		Rect rec = new Rect (0, 0, grid.width*16, grid.height*16);
		//Hardcoded Paths
		GameObject blankObj = Resources.Load ("Prefabs/BlankSprite") as GameObject;
		GameObject blockObj = Resources.Load ("Prefabs/BlankInter") as GameObject;

		Vector3 vec = new Vector3 ( ((float)(grid.width))/2, ((float)(grid.height))/2, 1);

		GameObject obj = (GameObject) Instantiate (blankObj, vec, Quaternion.identity);

		Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, rec, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 16);

		PseudoRandom prnd = new PseudoRandom (seedX, seedY, seedZ);

		obj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = sprite;
		SceneObjects.AddObjectToScene (obj);

		for (int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++) {
				// Create Invisible wall rigidbodys
				if (layout.CheckIfOnEdge(x,y)){
					//GameObject objr = (GameObject)Instantiate (blockObj, new Vector3 (grid.GetCoords (x, y).x, grid.GetCoords (x, y).y, 0), Quaternion.identity);
					//SceneObjects.AddObjectToScene (objr);
				else if (layout.CheckIfNextToEdge(x,y))// Create wall leaves. 
					int num = prnd.Next (1, 3);
					string nsewData = NSEWMap.GetNSEWString(layout.layout, x, y, 0);
					if (nsewData.Length > 3) {
						num = 1; 
					string spriteName = "Forest_Leaf" + nsewData + "_" + num.ToString (); 

					if (CheckSpriteExists (spriteName)) {
						GameObject objr = (GameObject)Instantiate (blankObj, new Vector3 (grid.GetCoords (x, y).x, grid.GetCoords (x, y).y, 0), Quaternion.identity);
						objr.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = GetSprite (spriteName);
						objr.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sortingOrder = 100;
						SceneObjects.AddObjectToScene (objr);

				if (layout.IsOpen (x, y)) 
					double chance = prnd.Next (); 
					if (chance < 0.01) {
						int num = prnd.Next (1, 4);
						string spriteName = "Forest_Mush_" + num.ToString();
						GameObject objr = (GameObject)Instantiate (blankObj, new Vector3 (grid.GetCoords (x, y).x, grid.GetCoords (x, y).y, 0), Quaternion.identity);
						objr.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = GetSprite (spriteName);
						SceneObjects.AddObjectToScene (objr);
					else if(chance >= 0.01 && chance < 0.02) 
						int num = prnd.Next (1, 5);
						string spriteName = "Forest_Rock_" + num.ToString();
						GameObject objr = (GameObject)Instantiate (blankObj, new Vector3 (grid.GetCoords (x, y).x, grid.GetCoords (x, y).y, 0), Quaternion.identity);
						objr.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = GetSprite (spriteName);
						SceneObjects.AddObjectToScene (objr);
Example #21
	// CreateRandomPoint
	// Selects a random point on the map between (0,0) and (mapWidth,MapHeight)
	public int[] CreateRandomPoint(PseudoRandom rnd, int mapWidth, int mapHieght)
        int[] point = new int[2];
        point[0] = rnd.Next(0, mapWidth );
        point[1] = rnd.Next(0, mapHieght);

        return point;
Example #22
	// RandomiseListOrder
	// Randomises the order of the list by swaping the contents of the 
	// list. 
	List<int> RandomiseListOrder(List<int> initialList, PseudoRandom rnd) {

		for(int i = 0; i < initialList.Count; i++) {
			int swapWith = rnd.Next(0, initialList.Count); 
			int holder = initialList[swapWith];
			initialList[swapWith] = initialList[i];
			initialList[i] = holder;  
		return initialList; 
	static List<Quadrant> SpacialPartition(int mapSize, double splitChance, double roomChance, PseudoRandom rnd)
        Quadrant first = new Quadrant(0,0, mapSize, mapSize, 0, 0);
        List<Quadrant> next = first.QuarterQuadrant(rnd, roomChance); 
        List<Quadrant> final = new List<Quadrant>();

        while(next.Count != 0)
            int index = 0;

			double split = Math.Round(rnd.Next(), 2);
            if(split < splitChance)
                List<Quadrant> subs = next[index].QuarterQuadrant(rnd, roomChance);
                if(subs.Count == 0) 

        return final; 
Example #24
	void ChangeDirection(PseudoRandom rnd)
        if(rnd.Next(0,99) < directionChance*100)
            Console.Write("Direction Change From: " + currentDirection + "\n");
            currentDirection = NewDirection(currentDirection, rnd);

            Console.Write("Direction Change To: " + currentDirection + "\n");
            directionChance = 0.05; 
        directionChance += directionRate; 
		public int PickRandomX(PseudoRandom rnd)
            return rnd.Next(X, X+width);
Example #26
	static int[,] CreateDownSide(int[,] newMap, MapInfo mapInfo)
		PseudoRandom downPRnd = new PseudoRandom (mapInfo.seedX, mapInfo.seedY-1, mapInfo.seedZ);//mapInfo.GetSeededPsuedoRnd ();
		int[] downDirection = new int[2]{0,1}; 		

		int numOfEntries = 0; 
		for (int i = 0; i < mapInfo.maxNumOfEntries; i++) 
			int startPoint = downPRnd.Next(1, newMap.GetLength(1)-1-mapInfo.maxEntrySize); 
			int entrySize  = downPRnd.Next(2, mapInfo.maxEntrySize+1);

			int[] startCoord = new int[2]{startPoint, 0}; 
			int[] connect = PathGenerator.FindEndPoint (startCoord, entrySize, downDirection, newMap);

			//Debug.Log ("Connection: " + i + " (" + connect[0] + "," + connect[1] + ")"); 
			newMap = PathGenerator.CreateVerticalPath(startCoord, connect, entrySize, newMap, mapInfo);
			/*for (int x = startPoint; x <= (startPoint + entrySize); x++) 
				for (int y = 0; y <= connect[1]; y++) {
					newMap [y, x] = 0; 

		return newMap; 
		int SelectRoom(PseudoRandom rnd, double roomChance)
            double room = Math.Round(rnd.Next(), 2);
            //Console.Write("Chance: " + roomChance + " - " + room + "\n");
            int num = 0;
            if(room < roomChance)
                num = stateRoom; 
            return num;
Example #28
	public static List<string> GetMineSpriteNameForTile(int x, int y, string[,] nsewMap, Layout layout, Grid grid, PseudoRandom prnd)
		List<string> nameList = new List<string> ();
		string nsewData = nsewMap [y, x];

		if (!layout.IsOpen(x,y)) 
			string spriteName = "Mine_Edge" + nsewData;

			if (CheckSpriteExists (spriteName)) {
				nameList.Add("Mine_Edge" + nsewData);
			} else {
				char[] data = nsewData.ToCharArray ();
				for(int i = 1; i < data.Length; i++){
					string newSpriteName = "Mine_Edge" + "_" + data[i].ToString(); 
					Debug.Log (nsewData);
					if (CheckSpriteExists (newSpriteName)) {
						nameList.Add ("Mine_Edge" + "_" + data[i].ToString());

			if (layout.CheckIfOnEdge (x, y)) 
				if (x + 1 < grid.width && y + 1 < grid.height && !layout.IsOpen(x+1,y) && !layout.IsOpen(x,y+1) && layout.IsOpen(x+1,y+1)) 
					nameList.Add ("Mine_Edge_Corner" + "_NE");

				if (x - 1 >= 0 && y + 1 < grid.height && !layout.IsOpen(x-1,y) && !layout.IsOpen(x,y+1) && layout.IsOpen(x-1,y+1)) 
					nameList.Add ("Mine_Edge_Corner" + "_NW");

				if (x + 1 < grid.width && y - 1 >= 0 && !layout.IsOpen(x+1,y) && !layout.IsOpen(x,y-1) && layout.IsOpen(x+1,y-1)) 
					nameList.Add ("Mine_Edge_Corner" + "_SE");

				if (x - 1 >= 0 && y - 1 >= 0 && !layout.IsOpen(x-1,y) && !layout.IsOpen(x,y-1) && layout.IsOpen(x-1,y-1)) 
					nameList.Add ("Mine_Edge_Corner" + "_SW");
			string num = prnd.Next (1, 4).ToString ();
			nameList.Add("Mine_Floor_" + num);

			if (prnd.Next () < 0.1) {
				string decalNum = prnd.Next (1, 10).ToString ();
				nameList.Add("Mine_Floor_Decal_" + decalNum);

			string insideNsewData = NSEWMap.GetNSEWString(layout.layout, x, y, 0);
			if (insideNsewData.Contains ("N")) {
				string shadowTile = "Mine_Floor_Shadow_";
				if (insideNsewData.Contains ("E") && nsewData.Contains ("W")) {
					nameList.Add (shadowTile + "NE");
					nameList.Add (shadowTile + "NW");
				} else if (insideNsewData.Contains ("E")) {
					nameList.Add (shadowTile + "NE");
				} else if (insideNsewData.Contains ("W")) {
					nameList.Add (shadowTile + "NW");
				} else {
					nameList.Add (shadowTile + "N");

		return nameList; 