public bool Init(DeviceDescriptor deviceDescriptor,DeviceDescription description) { base.Init(deviceDescriptor); StillImageDevice imageDevice = StillImageDevice as StillImageDevice; if (imageDevice != null) imageDevice.DeviceEvent += StillImageDevice_DeviceEvent; foreach (var property in description.Properties) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Name)) { try { MTPDataResponse result = StillImageDevice.ExecuteReadData(CONST_CMD_GetDevicePropDesc, property.Code); ErrorCodes.GetException(result.ErrorCode); uint dataType = BitConverter.ToUInt16(result.Data, 2); int dataLength = StaticHelper.GetDataLength(dataType); var value = new PropertyValue<long> { Code = property.Code, Name = property.Name }; foreach (var propertyValue in property.Values) { value.AddValues(propertyValue.Name, propertyValue.Value); } value.ValueChanged += value_ValueChanged; AdvancedProperties.Add(value); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error ger property ", ex); } } } return true; }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter ownerActivityConverter = new ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter(); ModelItem activityItem = ownerActivityConverter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), false, null) as ModelItem; EditingContext context = activityItem.GetEditingContext(); ModelItem parentModelItem = ownerActivityConverter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), true, null) as ModelItem; ModelItemDictionary arguments = parentModelItem.Properties[propertyValue.ParentProperty.PropertyName].Dictionary; DynamicArgumentDesignerOptions options = new DynamicArgumentDesignerOptions { Title = propertyValue.ParentProperty.DisplayName }; using (ModelEditingScope change = arguments.BeginEdit("PowerShellParameterEditing")) { if (DynamicArgumentDialog.ShowDialog(activityItem, arguments, context, activityItem.View, options)) { change.Complete(); } else { change.Revert(); } } }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter propertyEntryConverter = new ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter(); ModelItem activityModelItem = (ModelItem)propertyEntryConverter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), false, null); ModelItem parentModelItem = (ModelItem)propertyEntryConverter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), true, null); EditingContext context = ((IModelTreeItem)activityModelItem).ModelTreeManager.Context; var inputData = parentModelItem.Properties[propertyValue.ParentProperty.PropertyName].Collection; DynamicArgumentDesignerOptions options = new DynamicArgumentDesignerOptions { Title = propertyValue.ParentProperty.DisplayName, }; using (EditingScope scope = context.Services.GetRequiredService<ModelTreeManager>().CreateEditingScope(StringResourceDictionary.Instance.GetString("InvokeMethodParameterEditing"), true)) { if (DynamicArgumentDialog.ShowDialog(activityModelItem, inputData, context, activityModelItem.View, options)) { scope.Complete(); } } }
public FakeCameraDevice() { HaveLiveView = false; IsBusy = false; DeviceName = "Fake camera"; SerialNumber = "00000000"; IsConnected = true; HaveLiveView = false; ExposureStatus = 1; ExposureCompensation = new PropertyValue<int>() {IsEnabled = false}; Mode = new PropertyValue<uint> {IsEnabled = false}; FNumber = new PropertyValue<int> {IsEnabled = false}; ShutterSpeed = new PropertyValue<long> {IsEnabled = false}; WhiteBalance = new PropertyValue<long> {IsEnabled = false}; FocusMode = new PropertyValue<long> {IsEnabled = false}; CompressionSetting = new PropertyValue<int> {IsEnabled = false}; IsoNumber = new PropertyValue<int> {IsEnabled = false}; ExposureMeteringMode = new PropertyValue<int> {IsEnabled = false}; Battery = 100; Capabilities.Add(CapabilityEnum.CaptureNoAf); Capabilities.Add(CapabilityEnum.LiveView); LiveViewImageZoomRatio=new PropertyValue<int>(); LiveViewImageZoomRatio.AddValues("All",0); LiveViewImageZoomRatio.Value = "All"; }
public static ExtendedProperty CreateProperty(string defName, string value, BXC_MasterControlEntities entity, int userId) { var prop = new ExtendedProperty {User_Id = userId}; var name = (from n in entity.PropertyNames where n.Name == defName select n).FirstOrDefault(); if (name != null) { prop.PropertyNames_Id = name.Id; } else { var n = new PropertyName {Name = defName}; entity.AddObject("PropertyNames", n); entity.SaveChanges(); prop.PropertyNames_Id = n.Id; } var propValue = (from v in entity.PropertyValues where v.Value == value select v).FirstOrDefault(); if (propValue != null) { prop.PropertyValues_Id = propValue.Id; } else { var v = new PropertyValue {Value = value}; entity.AddObject("Propertyvalues", v); entity.SaveChanges(); prop.PropertyValues_Id = v.Id; } return prop; }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); var filename = FileName; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { dlg.FileName = filename; } var dialogtitle = DialogTitle; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dialogtitle)) { dlg.Title = dialogtitle; } var filter = Filter; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter)) { dlg.Filter = filter; } dlg.FilterIndex = 0; dlg.Multiselect = false; dlg.FileOk += this.BeforeFileOk; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { this.OnFileOk(dlg.FileName, propertyValue, commandSource); } }
private IEnumerable<object> GetArgs( ConstructorInfo constructor, PropertyValue propertyValue) { foreach (var parameter in constructor.GetParameters()) { yield return GetArg(parameter.ParameterType, propertyValue); } }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog ofd = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true) { propertyValue.Value = ofd.FileName.Substring(ofd.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\')+1); } }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter propertyEntryConverter = new ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter(); ModelItem modelItem = (ModelItem)propertyEntryConverter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), false, null); EditingContext context = modelItem.GetEditingContext(); this.ShowDialog(modelItem, context); }
public void to_string_with_name_but_no_accessor() { var value = new PropertyValue(){ Name = "Key1", Value = "Value1" }; value.ToString().ShouldEqual("Key1=Value1"); }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { var userDataDialog = new UserDataDialog(); userDataDialog.Set(propertyValue.Value.ToString()); userDataDialog.ShowDialog(); if (userDataDialog.DialogResult == true) { propertyValue.Value = userDataDialog.Get(); } }
private BaseFilter CreateInstance( Type filterType, PropertyValue propertyValue) { var constructor = filterType.GetConstructors().Single(); var args = GetArgs(constructor, propertyValue); return (BaseFilter)constructor.Invoke(args.ToArray()); }
protected override PropertyValue<long> InitExposureDelay() { PropertyValue<long> res = new PropertyValue<long>() { Name = "Exposure delay mode", IsEnabled = true, Code = 0xD06A }; res.AddValues("3 sec", 0); res.AddValues("2 sec", 1); res.AddValues("One sec", 1); res.AddValues("OFF", 1); res.ValueChanged += (sender, key, val) => SetProperty(CONST_CMD_SetDevicePropValue, new[] { (byte)val }, res.Code, -1); return res; }
/// <summary> /// Create property meta information from property value /// </summary> /// <param name="propValue"></param> /// <param name="catalogId"></param> /// <param name="categoryId"></param> /// <param name="propertyType"></param> public Property(PropertyValue propValue, string catalogId, string categoryId, coreModel.PropertyType propertyType) { Id = propValue.Id; CatalogId = catalogId; IsManageable = false; Name = propValue.PropertyName; Type = propertyType; ValueType = propValue.ValueType; Values = new List<PropertyValue>(); }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { if ( != null) { foreach (var property in { property.typeInfo.WriteData(collector, property.getter(value)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Helper method for registering property box to Ice Object Adapter /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Name of box</param> /// <param name="defaultValue">Default value of box</param> /// <param name="valFromPrx">Method which converts property value proxy to property value object</param> public void registerPropertyBox(string type, PropertyValue defaultValue, PropertyBoxModuleFactoryCreatorI.ValueFromPrx valFromPrx, string settingModuleIdentifier) { PropertyBoxModuleFactoryCreatorI newCreator = new PropertyBoxModuleFactoryCreatorI("::Ferda::Modules::" + type, defaultValue.ice_ids(), type, defaultValue, valFromPrx, propertyReaper, _adapter, settingModuleIdentifier); }
public XComponent LoadTemplate(string filePath) { var loadProps = new PropertyValue[2]; loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue { Name = "AsTemplate", Value = new Any(true) }; loadProps[1] = new PropertyValue { Name = "MacroExecutionMode", Value = new Any(MacroExecMode.ALWAYS_EXECUTE_NO_WARN) }; return desktop.loadComponentFromURL( ConvertToURL(filePath), "_blank", 0, loadProps); }
///<summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="factory">A BoxModuleFactoryPrx</param> /// <param name="propertyClassIceId">A string</param> /// <param name="propertyFunctionsIceIds">A string[]</param> /// <param name="identifier">A string</param> public PropertyBoxModuleI(BoxModuleFactoryPrx factory, string propertyClassIceId, string[] propertyFunctionsIceIds, Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter, Ice.Identity myIdentity, Modules.PropertyBoxModuleFactoryCreatorI.ValueFromPrx valueFromPrx, PropertyValue defaultValue) { this.factory = factory; this.propertyClassIceId = propertyClassIceId; this.propertyFunctionsIceIds = propertyFunctionsIceIds; this.myProxy = BoxModulePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.add(this,myIdentity)); this.adapter = adapter; this.valueFromPrx = valueFromPrx; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.setProperty("value",defaultValue); }
public void TestPublicProperty() { a obj = new a(); obj.PropertyA = "a"; PropertyValue pt = new PropertyValue(obj, "PropertyA"); Assert.AreEqual("PropertyA", pt.Name); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), pt.Type); Assert.AreEqual("a", pt.Value); pt.Value = "b"; Assert.AreEqual("b", pt.Value); }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { //get the property entry to model item converter IValueConverter converter = (ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter)EditorResources.GetResources()["ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter"]; ModelItem item = (ModelItem)converter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), false, null); //we need editing context EditingContext ctx = ((IModelTreeItem)item).ModelTreeManager.Context; //get the default dialog owner DependencyObject owner = ctx.Services.GetService<DesignerView>(); //create and show dialog with owner, edited expression and context (new EditorDialog(owner, propertyValue, ctx, this.DialogTemplate, this.DialogTitle)).ShowOkCancel(); }
public void TestPublicField() { a obja = new a(); b obj = new b(); obj.PropertyA = "a"; obj.publicField = obja; PropertyValue pt = new PropertyValue(obj, "publicField"); Assert.AreEqual("publicField", pt.Name); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ia), pt.Type); Assert.AreEqual(obja, pt.Value); pt.Value = new a(); Assert.AreNotEqual(obja, pt.Value); }
public void write_with_name_but_no_accessor() { var value = new PropertyValue() { Name = "Key1", Value = "Value1" }; var writer = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFlatFileWriter>(); value.Write(writer); writer.AssertWasCalled(x => x.WriteProperty("Key1", "Value1")); }
public override string getPropertyAbout(PropertyValue value, Ice.Current __current) { string[] stringSeq = ((StringSeqT)value).stringSeqValue; if(stringSeq.Length > 0) { string result = stringSeq[0]; for(int i = 1;i<stringSeq.Length;i++) { result += "," + stringSeq[i]; } return result; } else return ""; }
protected override PropertyValue<long> CaptureAreaCrop() { PropertyValue<long> res = new PropertyValue<long>() { Name = "Capture area crop", IsEnabled = true, Code = 0xD030, SubType = typeof(sbyte) }; res.AddValues("DX", 0); res.AddValues("1.3x", 1); res.ValueChanged += (sender, key, val) => SetProperty(CONST_CMD_SetDevicePropValue, BitConverter.GetBytes(val), res.Code); return res; }
private void LoadProperties() { try { IsoNumber = new PropertyValue<int> {Available = false}; FNumber = new PropertyValue<int> {Available = false}; ExposureCompensation = new PropertyValue<int> {Available = false}; FocusMode = new PropertyValue<long> {Available = false}; ShutterSpeed = new PropertyValue<long> {Available = false}; WhiteBalance = new PropertyValue<long> {Available = false}; Properties.Add(AddNames("photo_size", "Photo size")); Properties.Add(AddNames("precise_selftime", "Capture delay")); Properties.Add(AddNames("burst_capture_number", "Burst capture number")); Properties.Add(AddNames("auto_low_light", "Auto low light")); AdvancedProperties.Add(AddNames("video_resolution", "Video resolution")); AdvancedProperties.Add(AddNames("led_mode", "Led mode")); AdvancedProperties.Add(AddNames("auto_power_off", "Auto power off")); AdvancedProperties.Add(AddNames("loop_record", "Loop record")); AdvancedProperties.Add(AddNames("warp_enable", "Lens correction")); AdvancedProperties.Add(AddNames("buzzer_ring", "Find device")); CompressionSetting.ValueChanged += (sender, key, val) => { Protocol.SendValue(CompressionSetting.Tag, key); }; SendCommand(9, CompressionSetting.Tag); Mode.ValueChanged += Mode_ValueChanged; SendCommand(9, Mode.Tag); ExposureMeteringMode.ValueChanged += (sender, key, val) => { Protocol.SendValue(ExposureMeteringMode.Tag, key); }; SendCommand(9, ExposureMeteringMode.Tag); foreach (var property in Properties) { SendCommand(9, property.Tag); } foreach (var property in AdvancedProperties) { SendCommand(9, property.Tag); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Unable to load data", ex); } }
public EntityRecord GetEntityRecord(Entity entity, params string[] key) { var keys = new object[key.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++) { keys[i] = new PropertyValue(entity.Keys[i]).ToObject(key[i]); } var item = GetRecord(entity, keys); if (item == null) { _notificator.Error(IlaroAdminResources.EntityNotExist); return null; } return entity.CreateRecord(item); }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { var bookmark = collector.BeginBufferedArray(); var count = 0; IEnumerable enumerable = (IEnumerable)value.ReferenceValue; if (enumerable != null) { foreach (var element in enumerable) { this.elementInfo.WriteData(collector, elementInfo.PropertyValueFactory(element)); count++; } } collector.EndBufferedArray(bookmark, count); }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { var bookmark = collector.BeginBufferedArray(); var count = 0; Array array = (Array)value.ReferenceValue; if (array != null) { count = array.Length; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { this.elementInfo.WriteData(collector, elementInfo.PropertyValueFactory(array.GetValue(i))); } } collector.EndBufferedArray(bookmark, count); }
public override PropertyValue run(PropertyValue valueBefore, BoxModulePrx boxModuleParam, String[] localePrefs, ManagersEnginePrx manager, out String about, Ice.Current __current) { Ferda.FrontEnd.StringSeqForm f = new Ferda.FrontEnd.StringSeqForm(); f.Items = ((StringSeqTI)valueBefore).stringSeqValue; f.ShowInTaskbar = false; System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = this.ownerOfAddIn.ShowDialog(f); if(result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { PropertyValue resultValue = new StringSeqTI(f.Items); about = this.getPropertyAbout(resultValue); return resultValue; } else { about = this.getPropertyAbout(valueBefore); return valueBefore; } }
public PropertyBoxModuleFactoryI(string propertyClassIceId, string[] propertyFunctionsIceIds, BoxModuleFactoryCreatorPrx myFactoryCreatorProxy, string[] localePrefs, PropertyValue defaultValue, PropertyBoxModuleFactoryCreatorI.ValueFromPrx valueFromPrx, Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter, string settingModuleIdentifier) { this.propertyClassIceId = propertyClassIceId; this.propertyFunctionsIceIds = propertyFunctionsIceIds; //this.localePrefs = localePrefs; this.myFactoryCreatorProxy = myFactoryCreatorProxy; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.valueFromPrx = valueFromPrx; this.myProxy = BoxModuleFactoryPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(this)); this.settingModuleIdentifier = settingModuleIdentifier; }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if property with the specified name is found in the ETAPU11Data class. /// </summary> /// <param name="property">The property name.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if property is found.</returns> public static bool IsProperty(string property) => PropertyValue.GetPropertyInfo(typeof(EM300LRData), property) != null;
/// <summary> /// Returns the value for the property with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="property">The property name.</param> /// <returns>The property value.</returns> public object GetPropertyValue(string property) => PropertyValue.GetPropertyValue(this, property);
public void Render(Graphics g, PlotCollectionSet dataset, int nLookahead) { List <int> rgX = m_gx.TickPositions; int nStartIdx = m_gx.StartPosition; int nMinLevelVisible = 0; if (m_config.Properties != null) { PropertyValue prop = m_config.Properties.Find("MinLevelVisible"); if (prop != null) { nMinLevelVisible = (int)prop.Value; } } for (int i = nMinLevelVisible; i < 3; i++) { int nIdx = i * 2; if (nIdx + 1 >= dataset.Count) { break; } PlotCollection plotsLow = dataset[nIdx + 0]; PlotCollection plotsHigh = dataset[nIdx + 1]; if (plotsLow == null || plotsHigh == null) { continue; } Pen pHigh = (i < 2) ? Pens.DarkGreen : Pens.DarkBlue; Pen pLow = (i < 2) ? Pens.DarkRed : Pens.Purple; Brush brHigh = (i < 1) ? Brushes.Lime : (i < 2) ? Brushes.Green : Brushes.Blue; Brush brLow = (i < 1) ? Brushes.Red : (i < 2) ? Brushes.LightSalmon : Brushes.Fuchsia; for (int j = 0; j < rgX.Count; j++) { int nIdx1 = nStartIdx + j; if (nIdx1 < plotsLow.Count && nIdx1 < plotsHigh.Count) { Plot plotHigh = plotsHigh[nIdx1]; if (plotHigh.Active) { float fX = rgX[j]; float fY = m_gy.ScaleValue(plotHigh.Y, true); drawPlot(TYPE.HIGH, i, g, fX, fY, pHigh, brHigh); } Plot plotLow = plotsLow[nIdx1]; if (plotLow.Active) { float fX = rgX[j]; float fY = m_gy.ScaleValue(plotLow.Y, true); drawPlot(TYPE.LOW, i, g, fX, fY, pLow, brLow); } } } } }
public DashedLineStyle(Color32 color, float width, float dashLength, float spaceLength) : base(color, width) { DashLength = GetDashLengthProperty(dashLength); SpaceLength = GetSpaceLengthProperty(spaceLength); }
public Line3DStyle(float width, float elevation) : base(default, width) { Elevation = GetElevationProperty(elevation); }
public override void ShowDialog(PropertyValue propertyValue, IInputElement commandSource) { ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter ownerActivityConverter = new ModelPropertyEntryToOwnerActivityConverter(); ModelItem activityItem = ownerActivityConverter.Convert(propertyValue.ParentProperty, typeof(ModelItem), false, null) as ModelItem; var av = activityItem.GetCurrentValue() as SendBusinessObjectsReportToEmail; var currReportUn = string.Empty; if (av != null && av.Report_id != null) { var literal = av.Report_id.Expression as Literal <string>; if (literal == null) { return; } currReportUn = literal.Value; } var dialog = new ReportBusinessObjectsIdDialog(activityItem); var lv = dialog.lvReports; lv.ItemsSource = null; List <Info_Report_Stimul> reports = null; try { reports = ServiceFactory.ArmServiceInvokeSync <List <Info_Report_Stimul> >("REP_GetStimulReports"); } catch (Exception ex) { Manager.UI.ShowMessage(ex.Message); return; } if (reports == null) { return; } lv.ItemsSource = reports; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currReportUn)) { var selectedReport = reports.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Report_UN == currReportUn); if (selectedReport != null) { lv.SelectedItem = selectedReport; } } if (dialog.ShowOkCancel()) { var selectedReport = lv.SelectedItem as Info_Report_Stimul; if (selectedReport == null) { return; } if (Equals(selectedReport.Report_UN, currReportUn)) { return; } propertyValue.Value = new InArgument <string>(selectedReport.Report_UN); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currReportUn) && av != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(av.Args)) { Manager.UI.ShowMessage("Изменилась бизнес модель. Объекты для построения отчета необходимо выбрать заново!"); av.Args = string.Empty; } } }
public PropertyValue(PropertyValue v) { val = v.val; used = v.used; }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { collector.AddScalar(value); }
public PropertyReferenceProperty(ObjectSetBase objectSet, PropertyReference propertyReference, AttributeCollection attributes, PropertyValue parentValue, Type proxyType) : base(parentValue) { if (attributes == null) { DependencyPropertyReferenceStep propertyReferenceStep = propertyReference.LastStep as DependencyPropertyReferenceStep; if (propertyReferenceStep != null) { attributes = propertyReferenceStep.Attributes; } } this.proxyType = proxyType; this.attributes = attributes; this.objectSet = objectSet; this.propertyReference = propertyReference; if (propertyReference.LastStep.IsAttachable) { this.SetName(propertyReference.LastStep.DeclaringType.Name + "." + propertyReference.LastStep.Name); } else { this.SetName(propertyReference.LastStep.Name); } this.InitializeConverter(this.PropertyName); this.InitializeValueEditorParameters(); if (!JoltHelper.TypeHasEnumValues(this.PropertyTypeId)) { return; } this.objectSet.DesignerContext.ProjectManager.ProjectOpened += new EventHandler <ProjectEventArgs>(this.ProjectManager_ProjectOpened); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to find a property on an objec using reflection attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <param name="property"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static PropertyValue FindProperty(object value, string property) { PropertyValue actualProperty = null; object currentValue = value; MemberInfo currentProperty = null; int lastIndex = 0; if (value != null) { PropertyPart[] parts = SplitPropertyName(property); int position = 0; while ((position < parts.Length) && (currentValue != null)) { actualProperty = null; if (currentProperty != null) { currentValue = GetValue(currentProperty, currentValue); currentProperty = null; } var curValue = currentValue as IEnumerable; if (curValue != null) { currentValue = FindTypedValue(curValue, parts[position].Name); } else { currentProperty = FindActualProperty(currentValue, parts[position].Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[position].KeyName)) { IEnumerable values = GetValue(currentProperty, currentValue) as IEnumerable; currentValue = FindKeyedValue(values, parts[position].KeyName, parts[position].KeyValue); currentProperty = null; } else if (parts[position].Index >= 0) { // If the current item is expecting an indexed value then treat the source as an array Array values = GetValue(currentProperty, currentValue) as Array; if (values != null) { lastIndex = parts[position].Index; if (lastIndex < values.GetLength(0)) { // Generate the property here, it will get wiped later if there are further parts actualProperty = new PropertyValue(currentValue, currentProperty, lastIndex); currentValue = values.GetValue(lastIndex); currentProperty = null; } } currentProperty = null; } } position++; } if (currentProperty != null) { actualProperty = new PropertyValue(currentValue, currentProperty, lastIndex); } } return(actualProperty); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "PropertyValueDescriptor" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name = "propertyValue">The property value.</param> public PropertyValueDescriptor(PropertyValue propertyValue) : base(propertyValue.Name, new Attribute[0]) { CustomField = propertyValue; _componentType = typeof(PublishableDomainObject); }
/// <summary> /// Refer to TraceLoggingTypeInfo.WriteObjectData for information about this /// method. /// </summary> /// <param name="collector"> /// Refer to TraceLoggingTypeInfo.WriteObjectData for information about this /// method. /// </param> /// <param name="value"> /// Refer to TraceLoggingTypeInfo.WriteObjectData for information about this /// method. /// </param> public abstract void WriteData( TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value);
public SimpleSearchCondition(PropertyValue propertyValueDelegate, AutomationElementProperty automationElementProperty) { this.propertyValueDelegate = propertyValueDelegate; this.automationElementProperty = automationElementProperty; }
private void EndGroup() { RtfDestination destination = this.state.Destination; switch (destination) { case RtfDestination.Field: if (this.state.ParentDestination != RtfDestination.Field) { this.skipFieldResult = false; if (this.includePictureField) { PropertyValue propertyValue = new PropertyValue(LengthUnits.Twips, this.pictureHeight); PropertyValue propertyValue2 = new PropertyValue(LengthUnits.Twips, this.pictureWidth); this.output.OutputImage(this.imageUrl, this.imageAltText, propertyValue2.PixelsInteger, propertyValue.PixelsInteger); this.includePictureField = false; this.imageUrl = null; this.imageAltText = null; return; } if (this.hyperLinkActive) { if (!this.urlCompareSink.IsMatch) { this.output.CloseAnchor(); } else { this.output.CancelAnchor(); } this.hyperLinkActive = false; } } break; case RtfDestination.FieldResult: break; case RtfDestination.FieldInstruction: if (this.state.ParentDestination == RtfDestination.Field) { bool flag; BufferString bufferString; TextMapping textMapping; char ucs32Literal; short num; if (RtfSupport.IsHyperlinkField(ref this.scratch, out flag, out bufferString)) { if (!flag) { if (this.hyperLinkActive) { if (!this.urlCompareSink.IsMatch) { this.output.CloseAnchor(); } else { this.output.CancelAnchor(); } this.hyperLinkActive = false; this.urlCompareSink.Reset(); } bufferString.TrimWhitespace(); if (bufferString.Length != 0) { string text = bufferString.ToString(); this.output.OpenAnchor(text); this.hyperLinkActive = true; if (this.urlCompareSink == null) { this.urlCompareSink = new UrlCompareSink(); } this.urlCompareSink.Initialize(text); } } } else if (RtfSupport.IsIncludePictureField(ref this.scratch, out bufferString)) { bufferString.TrimWhitespace(); if (bufferString.Length != 0) { this.includePictureField = true; bufferString.TrimWhitespace(); if (bufferString.Length != 0) { this.imageUrl = bufferString.ToString(); } this.pictureWidth = 0; this.pictureHeight = 0; } } else if (RtfSupport.IsSymbolField(ref this.scratch, out textMapping, out ucs32Literal, out num)) { if (this.output.LineEmpty && this.lineIndent >= 120 && this.lineIndent < 7200) { this.output.OutputSpace(this.lineIndent / 120); } this.output.OutputNonspace((int)ucs32Literal, textMapping); this.skipFieldResult = true; } this.scratch.Reset(); return; } break; default: switch (destination) { case RtfDestination.Picture: if (this.state.ParentDestination != RtfDestination.Picture && !this.includePictureField) { PropertyValue propertyValue3 = new PropertyValue(LengthUnits.Twips, this.pictureHeight); PropertyValue propertyValue4 = new PropertyValue(LengthUnits.Twips, this.pictureWidth); this.output.OutputImage(null, null, propertyValue4.PixelsInteger, propertyValue3.PixelsInteger); return; } break; case RtfDestination.PictureProperties: break; case RtfDestination.ShapeName: if (this.state.ParentDestination != RtfDestination.ShapeName) { BufferString bufferString2 = this.scratch.BufferString; bufferString2.TrimWhitespace(); this.descriptionProperty = bufferString2.EqualsToLowerCaseStringIgnoreCase("wzdescription"); this.scratch.Reset(); return; } break; case RtfDestination.ShapeValue: if (this.state.ParentDestination != RtfDestination.ShapeValue && this.descriptionProperty) { BufferString bufferString3 = this.scratch.BufferString; bufferString3.TrimWhitespace(); if (bufferString3.Length != 0) { this.imageAltText = bufferString3.ToString(); } this.scratch.Reset(); return; } break; default: return; } break; } }
public override void WriteData(PropertyValue value) { }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { collector.AddScalar((double)value.ScalarValue.AsDecimal); }
public void setProperty(string key, string val) { // // Trim whitespace // if (key != null) { key = key.Trim(); } if (key == null || key.Length == 0) { throw new Ice.InitializationException("Attempt to set property with empty key"); } // // Check if the property is legal. // Logger logger = Ice.Util.getProcessLogger(); int dotPos = key.IndexOf('.'); if (dotPos != -1) { string prefix = key.Substring(0, dotPos); for (int i = 0; IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i] != null; ++i) { string pattern = IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][0].pattern(); dotPos = pattern.IndexOf('.'); Debug.Assert(dotPos != -1); string propPrefix = pattern.Substring(1, dotPos - 2); bool mismatchCase = false; string otherKey = ""; if (!propPrefix.ToUpper().Equals(prefix.ToUpper())) { continue; } bool found = false; for (int j = 0; IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j] != null && !found; ++j) { Regex r = new Regex(IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j].pattern()); Match m = r.Match(key); found = m.Success; if (found && IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j].deprecated()) { logger.warning("deprecated property: " + key); if (IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j].deprecatedBy() != null) { key = IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j].deprecatedBy(); } } if (!found) { r = new Regex(IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j].pattern().ToUpper()); m = r.Match(key.ToUpper()); if (m.Success) { found = true; mismatchCase = true; otherKey = IceInternal.PropertyNames.validProps[i][j].pattern().Replace("\\", ""). Replace("^", ""). Replace("$", ""); break; } } } if (!found) { logger.warning("unknown property: " + key); } else if (mismatchCase) { logger.warning("unknown property: `" + key + "'; did you mean `" + otherKey + "'"); } } } lock (this) { // // // Set or clear the property. // if (val != null && val.Length > 0) { PropertyValue pv; if (_properties.TryGetValue(key, out pv)) { pv.val = val; } else { pv = new PropertyValue(val, false); } _properties[key] = pv; } else { _properties.Remove(key); } } }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { return; }
public static void SetProperty(global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef handle, int index, PropertyValue propertyValue) { if (handle.Handle == System.IntPtr.Zero) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Error! NUI's native dali object is already disposed. OR the native dali object handle of NUI becomes null!"); } Interop.Handle.Handle_SetProperty(handle, index, PropertyValue.getCPtr(propertyValue)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { collector.AddScalar(value.ScalarValue.AsTimeSpan.Ticks); }
/// <summary> /// Compose the out visual map. /// </summary> /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen> protected override void ComposingPropertyMap() { if (((_startPosition != null && _endPosition != null) || (_center != null && _radius != null)) && _stopColor != null) { _outputVisualMap = new PropertyMap(); PropertyValue temp = new PropertyValue((int)Visual.Type.Gradient); _outputVisualMap.Add(Visual.Property.Type, temp); temp.Dispose(); temp = new PropertyValue(_stopColor); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.StopColor, temp); temp.Dispose(); if (_startPosition != null) { temp = new PropertyValue(_startPosition); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.StartPosition, temp); temp.Dispose(); } if (_endPosition != null) { temp = new PropertyValue(_endPosition); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.EndPosition, temp); temp.Dispose(); } if (_center != null) { temp = new PropertyValue(_center); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.Center, temp); temp.Dispose(); } if (_radius != null) { temp = new PropertyValue((float)_radius); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.Radius, temp); temp.Dispose(); } if (_stopOffset != null) { temp = new PropertyValue(_stopOffset); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.StopOffset, temp); temp.Dispose(); } if (_units != null) { temp = new PropertyValue((int)_units); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.Units, temp); temp.Dispose(); } if (_spreadMethod != null) { temp = new PropertyValue((int)_spreadMethod); _outputVisualMap.Add(GradientVisualProperty.SpreadMethod, temp); temp.Dispose(); } base.ComposingPropertyMap(); } }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { collector.AddNullTerminatedString((string?)value.ReferenceValue); }
protected override SqlCommand[] BuildCreateTableCommands(ISyntaxProvider syntax, EntityMetadata metadata) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("create table {0}\n(\n", metadata.TableName); //获取实体类型中所有可持久化的属性,不包含引用类型的属性 var properties = PropertyUnity.GetPersistentProperties(metadata.EntityType).ToArray(); var primaryPeoperties = PropertyUnity.GetPrimaryProperties(metadata.EntityType).ToArray(); var count = properties.Length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var property = properties[i]; sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", property.Info.FieldName); //数据类型及长度精度等 sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", syntax.Column((DbType)property.Info.DataType, property.Info.Length, property.Info.Precision, property.Info.Scale)); //自增 if (property.Info.GenerateType == IdentityGenerateType.AutoIncrement && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(syntax.IdentityColumn)) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", syntax.IdentityColumn); } //不可空 if (!property.Info.IsNullable) { sb.AppendFormat(" not null"); } //默认值 if (!PropertyValue.IsEmpty(property.Info.DefaultValue)) { if (property.Type == typeof(string)) { sb.AppendFormat(" default '{0}'", property.Info.DefaultValue); } else if (property.Type.IsEnum) { sb.AppendFormat(" default {0}", (int)property.Info.DefaultValue); } else if (property.Type == typeof(bool) || property.Type == typeof(bool?)) { sb.AppendFormat(" default {0}", (bool)property.Info.DefaultValue ? 1 : 0); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" default {0}", property.Info.DefaultValue); } } if (i != count - 1) { sb.Append(","); } sb.AppendLine(); } //主键 if (primaryPeoperties.Length > 0) { sb.Append(","); sb.AppendFormat("constraint PK_{0} primary key (", metadata.TableName); for (var i = 0; i < primaryPeoperties.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.Append(","); } sb.Append(primaryPeoperties[i].Info.FieldName); } sb.Append(")"); } sb.Append(");\n"); return(new SqlCommand[] { sb.ToString() }); }
public override void WriteData(TraceLoggingDataCollector collector, PropertyValue value) { collector.AddArray(value, elementSize); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value for the property with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="property">The property name.</param> /// <param name="value">The property value.</param> public void SetPropertyValue(string property, object value) => PropertyValue.SetPropertyValue(this, property, value);
private ComponentProperty ReadPropertyNode(XElement propertyElement, LoadContext lc) { IXmlLineInfo elementLine = propertyElement as IXmlLineInfo; string propertyName = propertyElement.Attribute("name").Value; string type = propertyElement.Attribute("type").Value; string defaultValue = propertyElement.Attribute("default").Value; string serializeAs = propertyElement.Attribute("serialize").Value; string display = propertyElement.Attribute("display").Value; PropertyType propertyType; switch (type.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "double": propertyType = PropertyType.Decimal; if (lc.FormatVersion >= new Version(1, 2)) { lc.Errors.Add(new LoadError(lc.FileName, elementLine.LineNumber, elementLine.LinePosition, LoadErrorCategory.Warning, "Property type 'double' is deprecated, use 'decimal' instead")); } break; case "decimal": propertyType = PropertyType.Decimal; break; case "int": propertyType = PropertyType.Integer; break; case "bool": propertyType = PropertyType.Boolean; break; default: propertyType = PropertyType.String; break; } var propertyDefaultValue = PropertyValue.Parse(defaultValue, propertyType.ToPropertyType()); List <string> propertyOptions = null; if (type == "enum") { propertyOptions = new List <string>(); var optionNodes = propertyElement.Elements(ComponentNamespace + "option"); foreach (var optionNode in optionNodes) { propertyOptions.Add(optionNode.Value); } } List <ComponentPropertyFormat> formatRules = new List <ComponentPropertyFormat>(); if (propertyElement.Attribute("format") != null) { formatRules.Add(new ComponentPropertyFormat(propertyElement.Attribute("format").Value, ConditionTree.Empty)); } else { var formatRuleNodes = propertyElement.Elements(ComponentNamespace + "formatting") .SelectMany(x => x.Elements(ComponentNamespace + "format")); foreach (var formatNode in formatRuleNodes) { IXmlLineInfo line = formatNode as IXmlLineInfo; IConditionTreeItem conditionCollection = ConditionTree.Empty; if (formatNode.Attribute("conditions") != null) { try { conditionCollection = lc.ConditionParser.Parse(formatNode.Attribute("conditions").Value, lc.ParseContext); } catch (ConditionFormatException ex) { lc.Errors.Add(new LoadError(lc.FileName, line.LineNumber, line.LinePosition + formatNode.Name.LocalName.Length + 2 + ex.PositionStart, LoadErrorCategory.Error, ex.Message)); return(null); } } formatRules.Add(new ComponentPropertyFormat(formatNode.Attribute("value").Value, conditionCollection)); } } Dictionary <PropertyOtherConditionType, IConditionTreeItem> otherConditions = new Dictionary <PropertyOtherConditionType, IConditionTreeItem>(); var otherConditionsNodes = propertyElement.Elements(ComponentNamespace + "other") .SelectMany(x => x.Elements(ComponentNamespace + "conditions")); foreach (var otherConditionNode in otherConditionsNodes) { if (otherConditionNode != null && otherConditionNode.Attribute("for") != null && otherConditionNode.Attribute("value") != null) { IXmlLineInfo line = otherConditionNode as IXmlLineInfo; string conditionsFor = otherConditionNode.Attribute("for").Value; string conditionsString = otherConditionNode.Attribute("value").Value; IConditionTreeItem conditionCollection; try { conditionCollection = lc.ConditionParser.Parse(conditionsString, lc.ParseContext); } catch (ConditionFormatException ex) { lc.Errors.Add(new LoadError(lc.FileName, line.LineNumber, line.LinePosition + otherConditionNode.Name.LocalName.Length + 2 + ex.PositionStart, LoadErrorCategory.Error, ex.Message)); return(null); } if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(PropertyOtherConditionType), conditionsFor)) { otherConditions.Add((PropertyOtherConditionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PropertyOtherConditionType), conditionsFor, true), conditionCollection); } } } ComponentProperty property = new ComponentProperty(propertyName, serializeAs, display, propertyType, propertyDefaultValue, formatRules.ToArray(), otherConditions, (propertyOptions == null ? null : propertyOptions.ToArray())); return(property); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> data for the property with the specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="property">The property name.</param> /// <returns>The property info.</returns> public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(string property) => PropertyValue.GetPropertyInfo(typeof(EM300LRData), property);
private string GetSecureNotice(EventHandlerEnvironment env) { ReportInput input = new ReportInput(); Writelog(env.Input + "GetSecureNotice :"); try { input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReportInput>(env.Input); } catch (Exception ex) { Writelog(env.Input + "GetSecureNotice error:" + ex.Message); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject("-1", Formatting.None)); } #region search issuenotice var conditions = new SearchConditions(); { var condition = new SearchCondition(); condition.ConditionType = MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeEqual; condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = (int)MFBuiltInPropertyDef.MFBuiltInPropertyDefClass; condition.TypedValue.SetValueToLookup(new Lookup { Item = ClassSecureNotice.ID }); conditions.Add(-1, condition); } { var condition = new SearchCondition(); condition.ConditionType = MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeGreaterThanOrEqual; condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = PropCheckDate.ID; condition.TypedValue.SetValue(MFDataType.MFDatatypeDate, input.startDate); conditions.Add(-1, condition); } { var condition = new SearchCondition(); condition.ConditionType = MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeLessThanOrEqual; condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = PropCheckDate.ID; condition.TypedValue.SetValue(MFDataType.MFDatatypeDate, input.endDate); conditions.Add(-1, condition); } if (input.principal != 0) { var condition = new SearchCondition(); condition.ConditionType = MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeEqual; condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = PropPrincipal.ID; condition.TypedValue.SetValueToLookup(new Lookup { Item = input.principal }); conditions.Add(-1, condition); } if (input.receiver != 0) { var condition = new SearchCondition(); condition.ConditionType = MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeEqual; condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = PropSecureReceiver.ID; condition.TypedValue.SetValueToLookup(new Lookup { Item = input.receiver }); conditions.Add(-1, condition); } var allwork = env.Vault.ObjectSearchOperations.SearchForObjectsByConditionsEx(conditions, MFSearchFlags.MFSearchFlagNone, false, 0, 0).GetAsObjectVersions(); #endregion search issuenotice var templatefile = GetTemplateFile(env); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templatefile)) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject("-2", Formatting.None)); } try { var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application(); var unknow = Type.Missing; // var msocoding = MsoEncoding.msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseGB18030; var doc = app.Documents.Open(templatefile, ref unknow, false, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, // ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, msocoding, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow, ref unknow); //var num = 0; //foreach (Table table in doc.Tables) //{ // Writelog(string.Format("table[{0}],Columns[{1}],,Rows[{2}]", num, table.Columns.Count, table.Rows.Count)); // for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) // { // for (int j = 0; j < table.Rows.Count; j++) // { // try // { // var text = table.Cell(j, i).Range.Text; // Writelog(string.Format("table[{0}],Columns[{1}],Rows[{2}],text[{3}]", num, i, j, text)); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // Writelog(string.Format("table[{0}],Columns[{1}],Rows[{2}],message[{3}]", num, i, j, ex.Message)); // } // } // } // num++; //} //Writelog("num=" + num); var page = 0; var tableindex = 0; var temppath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); doc.Tables[1].Range.Copy(); var issuename = string.Empty; var secureissuename = string.Empty; foreach (ObjectVersion objectVersion in allwork) { if (page > 0) { doc.Content.InsertParagraphAfter(); doc.Content.InsertAfter(" "); object WdLine = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdUnits.wdLine; //换一行; var movedown = app.Selection.MoveDown(ref WdLine, 21); //移动焦点 Writelog(string.Format(" before paste table num=[{0}],count=[{1}],down==[{2}]", doc.Tables.Count.ToString(), movedown)); app.Selection.Paste(); } var onepvs = env.Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.GetProperties(objectVersion.ObjVer); page++; tableindex++; issuename = onepvs.SearchForProperty(0).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(4, 2).Range.Text = issuename; doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(4, 4).Range.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(4, 6).Range.Text = page.ToString(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 1).Range.Text = "整改期限:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropZhengGaiQiXin.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 2).Range.Text = "接收人:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropSecureReceiver.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 3).Range.Text = "检查负责人:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropPrincipal.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 4).Range.Text = "复查人:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropFuChaRen.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); var serial = 1; var lus = onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropSecureIssues.ID).Value.GetValueAsLookups(); foreach (Lookup lookup in lus) { var rowindex = 6 + serial; var objid = new ObjID(); objid.SetIDs(OtSecureIssue.ID, lookup.Item); var issuepvs = env.Vault.ObjectOperations.GetLatestObjectVersionAndProperties(objid, true).Properties; secureissuename = issuepvs.SearchForProperty(0).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(rowindex, 1).Range.Text = serial.ToString(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(rowindex, 2).Range.Text = secureissuename; doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(rowindex, 3).Range.Text = issuepvs.SearchForProperty(PropAdjustMeasure.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(rowindex, 4).Range.Text = issuepvs.SearchForProperty(PropAdjustMan.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(rowindex, 5).Range.Text = issuepvs.SearchForProperty(PropSecureAdjustDate.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); var beforepictures = issuepvs.SearchForProperty(PropBeforePictures.ID).Value.GetValueAsLookups(); foreach (Lookup beforepicture in beforepictures) { var objver = env.Vault.ObjectOperations.GetLatestObjVer( new ObjID { ID = beforepicture.Item, Type = beforepicture.ObjectType }, true); var files = env.Vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(objver); foreach (ObjectFile objectFile in files) { var apicture = temppath + objectFile.GetNameForFileSystem(); env.Vault.ObjectFileOperations.DownloadFile(objectFile.ID, objectFile.Version, apicture); object unite = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdUnits.wdStory; object nothing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; // doc.Content.InsertParagraphAfter(); doc.Content.InsertAfter(string.Format("{3}安全隐患整改名称:{0},{3}安全问题名称:{1},{3}整改前照片名称:{2}{3}", issuename, secureissuename, beforepicture.DisplayValue, Environment.NewLine)); app.Selection.EndKey(ref unite, ref nothing);//将光标移至文末 object LinkToFile = false; object SaveWithDocument = true; object Anchor = app.Selection.Range; doc.InlineShapes.AddPicture(apicture, ref LinkToFile, ref SaveWithDocument, ref Anchor); } } var afterpictures = issuepvs.SearchForProperty(PropAfterPictures.ID).Value.GetValueAsLookups(); foreach (Lookup after in afterpictures) { var objver = env.Vault.ObjectOperations.GetLatestObjVer( new ObjID { ID = after.Item, Type = after.ObjectType }, true); var files = env.Vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(objver); foreach (ObjectFile objectFile in files) { var apicture = temppath + objectFile.GetNameForFileSystem(); env.Vault.ObjectFileOperations.DownloadFile(objectFile.ID, objectFile.Version, apicture); object unite = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdUnits.wdStory; object nothing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; // doc.Content.InsertParagraphAfter(); doc.Content.InsertAfter(string.Format("{3}安全隐患整改名称:{0},{3}安全问题名称:{1},{3}复查现场照片名称:{2}{3}", issuename, secureissuename, after.DisplayValue, Environment.NewLine)); app.Selection.EndKey(ref unite, ref nothing);//将光标移至文末 object LinkToFile = false; object SaveWithDocument = true; object Anchor = app.Selection.Range; doc.InlineShapes.AddPicture(apicture, ref LinkToFile, ref SaveWithDocument, ref Anchor); } } serial++; if (serial > 12) { doc.Content.InsertParagraphAfter(); doc.Content.InsertAfter(" "); object WdLine = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdUnits.wdLine; //换一行; var movedown = app.Selection.MoveDown(ref WdLine, 21); //移动焦点 Writelog(string.Format(" before paste table num=[{0}],count=[{1}],down==[{2}]", doc.Tables.Count.ToString(), movedown)); app.Selection.Paste(); page++; tableindex++; doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(4, 2).Range.Text = "project name"; doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(4, 4).Range.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(4, 6).Range.Text = page.ToString(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 1).Range.Text = "整改期限:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropZhengGaiQiXin.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 2).Range.Text = "接收人:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropSecureReceiver.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 3).Range.Text = "检查负责人:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropPrincipal.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); doc.Tables[tableindex].Cell(0, 4).Range.Text = "复查人:" + onepvs.SearchForProperty(PropFuChaRen.ID).GetValueAsLocalizedText(); } } } doc.Close(); app.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Writelog(ex.Message); } var pvs = new PropertyValues(); var pv = new PropertyValue(); pv.PropertyDef = 0; pv.Value.SetValue(MFDataType.MFDatatypeText, "securenoticereport"); pvs.Add(-1, pv); pv.PropertyDef = 100; pv.Value.SetValueToLookup(new Lookup { Item = ClassSecureReport }); pvs.Add(-1, pv); var file = new SourceObjectFile(); file.Title = "report"; file.SourceFilePath = templatefile; file.Extension = "docx"; var t = env.Vault.ObjectOperations.CreateNewSFDObject(0, pvs, file, true); var f = env.Vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(t.ObjVer); var rpd = new ReportPrintData(); rpd.objid = t.ObjVer.ID; rpd.objtype = t.ObjVer.Type; rpd.objversion = t.ObjVer.Version; rpd.fileid = f[1].FileVer.ID; rpd.fileversion = f[1].FileVer.Version; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rpd, Formatting.None)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a group visual animation (transition) map with the input parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="target">The visual map to animation.</param> /// <param name="property">The property of visual to animation.</param> /// <param name="destinationValue">The destination value of property after animation.</param> /// <param name="startTime">The start time of visual animation.</param> /// <param name="endTime">The end time of visual animation.</param> /// <param name="alphaFunction">The alpha function of visual animation.</param> /// <param name="initialValue">The initial property value of visual animation.</param> /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen> public void AnimateVisualAdd(VisualMap target, string property, object destinationValue, int startTime, int endTime, AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions?alphaFunction = null, object initialValue = null) { string _alphaFunction = null; if (alphaFunction != null) { switch (alphaFunction) { case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Linear: { _alphaFunction = "LINEAR"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Reverse: { _alphaFunction = "REVERSE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseInSquare: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_IN_SQUARE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOutSquare: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_OUT_SQUARE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseIn: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_IN"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOut: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_OUT"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseInOut: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_IN_OUT"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseInSine: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_IN_SINE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOutSine: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_OUT_SINE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseInOutSine: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_IN_OUT_SINE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Bounce: { _alphaFunction = "BOUNCE"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Sin: { _alphaFunction = "SIN"; break; } case Tizen.NUI.AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOutBack: { _alphaFunction = "EASE_OUT_BACK"; break; } default: { _alphaFunction = "DEFAULT"; break; } } } foreach (var item in _visualDictionary.ToList()) { if (item.Value.Name == target.Name) { PropertyMap _animator = new PropertyMap(); if (_alphaFunction != null) { _animator.Add("alphaFunction", new PropertyValue(_alphaFunction)); } PropertyMap _timePeriod = new PropertyMap(); _timePeriod.Add("duration", new PropertyValue((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0f)); _timePeriod.Add("delay", new PropertyValue(startTime / 1000.0f)); _animator.Add("timePeriod", new PropertyValue(_timePeriod)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(property); sb[0] = (char)(sb[0] | 0x20); string _str = sb.ToString(); if (_str == "position") { _str = "offset"; } PropertyValue destVal = PropertyValue.CreateFromObject(destinationValue); PropertyMap _transition = new PropertyMap(); _transition.Add("target", new PropertyValue(target.Name)); _transition.Add("property", new PropertyValue(_str)); if (initialValue != null) { PropertyValue initVal = PropertyValue.CreateFromObject(initialValue); _transition.Add("initialValue", new PropertyValue(initVal)); } _transition.Add("targetValue", destVal); _transition.Add("animator", new PropertyValue(_animator)); _animateArray.Add(new PropertyValue(_transition)); } } }
public override string ToString() { PropertyValue pageDescription = this._page.Properties[Properties.Page.PAGE_NOMINATIOMN]; return(string.Format("{0} <{1}>", this._page.Name, pageDescription.IsEmpty ? "..." : pageDescription.ToLocaleText())); }