Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates and solves the constraints.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solver">The solver to generate into and solve.  May be null, in which case one
        ///                     is created by the method.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to OverlapRemoval and ProjectionSolver.Solver.Solve().</param>
        /// <param name="doGenerate">Generate constraints before solving; if false, solver is assumed to
        ///                     have already been populated by this.Generate().</param>
        /// <returns>The set of OverlapRemoval.Constraints that were unsatisfiable, or NULL.</returns>
        public ProjectionSolver.Solution Solve(ProjectionSolver.Solver solver,
                                               OverlapRemovalParameters parameters, bool doGenerate)
            if (null == solver)
                solver = new ProjectionSolver.Solver();

            if (null == parameters)
                parameters = new OverlapRemovalParameters();

            if (doGenerate)
                Generate(solver, parameters);

            ProjectionSolver.Solution solverSolution = solver.Solve(parameters.SolverParameters);
            foreach (OverlapRemovalCluster cluster in this.clusterHierarchies)
                cluster.UpdateFromVariable();  // "recursively" processes all child clusters
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the necessary constraints to ensure there is no overlap (unless we're doing
        /// a horizontal pass and deferring some movement, which would be smaller, to the vertical pass).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solver">The solver to generate into.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to OverlapRemoval and ProjectionSolver.Solver.Solve().</param>
        public void Generate(ProjectionSolver.Solver solver, OverlapRemovalParameters parameters)
            ValidateArg.IsNotNull(solver, "solver");
            if (null == parameters)
                parameters = new OverlapRemovalParameters();
            foreach (OverlapRemovalCluster cluster in this.clusterHierarchies)
                cluster.Generate(solver, parameters, this.IsHorizontal);

            // For Clusters we reposition their "fake border" variables between the constraint-generation
            // and solving phases, so we need to tell the solver to do this.
            solver.UpdateVariables();   // @@PERF: Not needed if no clusters were created.
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the backing Variable for this Node in the solver.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="solver"></param>
 public void CreateVariable(ProjectionSolver.Solver solver)
     ValidateArg.IsNotNull(solver, "solver");
     // Due to multiple hierarchies, we must check to see if the variable has been created yet;
     // we share one Node (and its single Variable) across all clusters it's a member of.
     if (null == this.Variable)
         this.Variable = solver.AddVariable(this /* userData */, this.Position, this.Weight);
         // Make sure the position is updated as the caller may have called this before and then we recalculated
         // the position at some point (e.g. for Cluster boundary nodes).
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates and solves the constraints.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="solver">The solver to generate into and solve.  May be null, in which case one
 ///                     is created by the method.</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to OverlapRemoval and ProjectionSolver.Solver.Solve().</param>
 /// <param name="doGenerate">Generate constraints before solving; if false, solver is assumed to
 ///                     have already been populated by this.Generate().</param>
 /// <returns>The set of OverlapRemoval.Constraints that were unsatisfiable, or NULL.</returns>
 public ProjectionSolver.Solution Solve(ProjectionSolver.Solver solver,
                             OverlapRemovalParameters parameters, bool doGenerate)
     if (null == solver)
         solver = new ProjectionSolver.Solver();
     if (null == parameters)
         parameters = new OverlapRemovalParameters();
     if (doGenerate)
         Generate(solver, parameters);
     ProjectionSolver.Solution solverSolution = solver.Solve(parameters.SolverParameters);
     foreach (OverlapRemovalCluster cluster in this.clusterHierarchies)
         cluster.UpdateFromVariable();   // "recursively" processes all child clusters
     return solverSolution;