private async Task GenerateProgressReport() { if (GeneratingProgressReport) { return; } GeneratingProgressReport = true; await Task.Run(() => { // scrape API documentation var apiGroup = ProgressReport.GetApiMethods(); if (apiGroup == null) { return; } // reflect on assembly to find all implemented commands var allImplemented = Reflektor.GetImplementedCommands().Select(Reflektor.CreateCommand).Select(c => c.Method).ToList(); // generate the markdown _reportPath = Path.GetFullPath(SolutionDir + ReportFilename); ProgressReport.WriteReport(apiGroup, allImplemented, _reportPath); // ui, duplicating code but w/e ApiProgress = (int)ProgressReport.GetPercentage(apiGroup, allImplemented); var notimp = new List <string>(); foreach (var group in apiGroup) { var implemented = allImplemented.Where(m => m.StartsWith(group.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), StringComparison.Ordinal)).ToList(); var notImplemented = group.Value.Except(implemented).ToList(); notimp.AddRange(notImplemented); } RemainingCommands = notimp; }); GeneratingProgressReport = false; }