private Task <int> CheckForAndInstallModUpdates(IProgress <ProgressReport> progress = null) { return(Task.Run(async() => { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport($"Checking for mod updates...", 0f)); List <KeyValuePair <InstalledMod, Mod> > outDatedMods = beatSaber.EnumerateOutdatedMods().ToList(); int updatedCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < outDatedMods.Count; i++) { InstalledMod oldVersion = outDatedMods[i].Key; Mod newVersion = outDatedMods[i].Value; if (null != await beatSaber.UpdateMod(oldVersion, newVersion, ProgressReport.Partial(progress, (float)i / outDatedMods.Count * (1f / outDatedMods.Count), 1f / outDatedMods.Count))) { updatedCount++; } } if (updatedCount > 0) { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport($"{ updatedCount } mods were updated succesfully!", 1f)); } else if (outDatedMods.Count == 0) { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport($"All mods are up-to-date!", 1f)); } else { progress?.Report(new ProgressReport($"There was a problem updating mods.", 1f)); } return updatedCount; })); }
private void FormMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { linkLabelAbout.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0); linkLabelAbout.Links.Add(16, 8, @""); linkLabelAbout.Links.Add(39, 13, @""); labelVersion.Text = $"Version: { StringUtil.GetCurrentVersion(3) }"; checkBoxAllowNonApproved.Enabled = Properties.Settings.Default.AllowUnApproved; ProgressChange("Loading files...", 0.1f); LoadConfig(); config.allowNonApproved &= Properties.Settings.Default.AllowUnApproved; checkBoxConsole.Checked = config.showConsole; checkBoxAllowNonApproved.Checked = config.allowNonApproved; checkBoxAutoUpdate.Checked = config.autoUpdate; checkBoxKeepModDownloads.Checked = config.keepModArchives; if (!config.firstTime) { Size = config.windowSize; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.beatSaberLocation) || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(config.beatSaberLocation, "Beat Saber.exe"))) { string[] searchLocationPaths = Properties.Resources.locations.Split('\n'); List <string> searchLocations = new List <string>(); foreach (DriveInfo d in DriveInfo.GetDrives()) { foreach (string s in searchLocationPaths) { searchLocations.Add(d.Name + s.Trim()); } } FormFindFile fff = new FormFindFile(@"Beat Saber.exe", searchLocations, "Please select the location of " + "Beat Saber you would like to mod. If the right Beat Saber installation is not listed, please use " + "the 'Browse' button to locate it yourself."); if (fff.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { SelfDestruct(); } config.beatSaberLocation = fff.SelectedDirectory; SaveConfig(); } Task.Run(async() => { bool updateAvailable = await updateCheck.CheckForUpdate(StringUtil.GetCurrentVersion(3)); if (updateAvailable) { if (MessageBox.Show("There is an update available for Beat Modder, please download the newest version " + "to ensure that everything can work correctly. Go to the download page right now?", "An update!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(@""); SelfDestruct(); } } }); Task.Run(new Action(async() => { ProgressChange("Checking for Beat Saber process...", 0.15f); if (BeatSaberInstallation.IsBeatSaberRunning) { if (MessageBox.Show("It looks like Beat Saber is still running, to install or uninstall " + "mods, Beat Saber must be closed.\nDo you want to close Beat Saber right now?\n" + "You can press the play button in the bottom right corner to restart Beat Saber.", "Beat Saber is running", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No) { SelfDestruct(); } BeatSaberInstallation.KillBeatSaberProcess(); } ProgressChange("Communicating with beatmods...", 0.2f); beatMods = await BeatMods.CreateSession(true); ProgressChange("Gathering game information...", 0.3f); beatSaber = new BeatSaberInstallation(config.beatSaberLocation, beatMods) { RemoveModArchivesAfterInstall = !config.keepModArchives }; ProgressChange("Checking for manual installs/uninstalls...", 0.35f); beatSaber.DetectManualModInstallOrUninstall(out List <Mod> wasManuallyInstalled, out List <InstalledMod> wasManuallyUninstalled); await beatSaber.InstallMultipleMods(wasManuallyInstalled, ProgressReport.Partial(progress, 0.35f, 0.1f)); await beatSaber.UninstallMultipleMods(wasManuallyUninstalled, true, ProgressReport.Partial(progress, 0.45f, 0.1f)); currentListVersion = beatSaber.BeatSaberVersion; UpdateModList(); ProgressChange("List of mods has been refreshed.", 0.55f); if (beatSaber.DidBeatSaberUpdate) { MessageBox.Show($"Good news!" + $"\nThere was a Beat Saber update: { beatSaber.BeatSaberVersionString }\n" + $"This means that some of the mods have to get updated too.\n" + $"If the update was released recently, be aware that some mods could be broken.\n\n" + $"At any moment you can open this program to automatically repatch, check for and install mod updates!", "Oh snap!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ProgressChange("Patching Beat Saber...", 0.55f); await beatSaber.RunIPA(revert: false, wait: config.showConsole, shown: config.showConsole); // API moves old plugins to a folder, we don't do that here. string movedDirectory = Path.Combine(beatSaber.BeatSaberDirectory, $"Old { beatSaber.PreviousBeatSaberVersionString } Plugins"); if (Directory.Exists(movedDirectory)) { MessageBox.Show("Files where moved by API"); } ProgressChange("Patched Beat Saber!", 0.6f); } if (config.autoUpdate) { await CheckForAndInstallModUpdates(ProgressReport.Partial(progress, 0.6f, 0.4f)); } else { ProgressChange($"Mod updates on startup are disabled in settings.", 1f); } UpdateModList(); BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { labelBeatSaberType.Text = "Beat Saber type: " + beatSaber.BeatSaberType; textBoxBeatSaberLocation.Text = config.beatSaberLocation; labelBeatSaberVersion.ForeColor = Color.Green; labelBeatSaberVersion.Text = $"Beat Saber version: { beatSaber.BeatSaberVersionString }"; foreach (string version in beatMods.AllGameVersions) { var tti = buttonSwitchListVersion.DropDownItems.Add(version); tti.Click += (sender2, e2) => { currentListVersion = SemVersion.Parse(tti.Text.FixOddVersion()); UpdateModList(); }; } })); config.firstTime = false; SaveConfig(); /*while (beatMods.IsOffline) * { * await Task.Delay(3000); * * Console.WriteLine("Checking if BeatMods is reachable..."); * if (BeatModsUrlBuilder.IsReachable) * { * Console.WriteLine("BeatMods is available, creating new session..."); * * await Task.Delay(1000); * * beatMods.Dispose(); * beatMods = await BeatMods.CreateSession(true); * * UpdateModList(); * ProgressChange("BeatMods went available, list was refreshed.", 1f); * } * }*/ } )); }