Example #1
        //sorts a list of points form a polyline
        public static List <Point2d> SortPoints(List <Point2d> pointList)
            if (!ValidateObject.CheckPointList(pointList))
            Point2d       cen     = PolygonUtility.CentroidOfPoly(Polygon2d.ByPoints(pointList));
            Vector2d      vecX    = new Vector2d(0, 100);
            List <double> angList = new List <double>();

            int[] indList = new int[pointList.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++)
                Vector2d CenterToPt = new Vector2d(cen, pointList[i]);
                double   dotValue   = vecX.Dot(CenterToPt);
                double   angValue   = Math.Atan2(CenterToPt.Y - vecX.Y, CenterToPt.X - vecX.X);
                indList[i] = i;
            List <int> newIndexList = new List <int>();

            newIndexList = BasicUtility.SortIndex(angList);
            List <Point2d> sortedPointList = new List <Point2d>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++)
Example #2
        //make the given poly all points orthonogonal to each other
        internal static Polygon2d MakePolyPointsOrtho(Polygon2d poly)
            Polygon2d      polyReg        = new Polygon2d(poly.Points);
            List <Point2d> ptForOrthoPoly = new List <Point2d>();

            for (int i = 0; i < polyReg.Points.Count; i++)
                Point2d pt = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[i].X, polyReg.Points[i].Y);

            for (int i = 0; i < polyReg.Points.Count; i++)
                int    a = i, b = i + 1;
                double eps = 50;
                if (i == polyReg.Points.Count - 1)
                    b = 0;
                Line2d line = new Line2d(polyReg.Points[a], polyReg.Points[b]);
                if (ValidateObject.CheckLineOrient(line) == -1)
                    //double diffX = Math.Abs(line.StartPoint.X - line.EndPoint.X);
                    //double diffY = Math.Abs(line.StartPoint.Y - line.EndPoint.Y);
                    Point2d cenPoly  = PolygonUtility.CentroidOfPoly(polyReg);
                    Point2d ptEndA   = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[a].X + eps, polyReg.Points[a].Y);
                    Line2d  refLineA = Line2d.ByStartPointEndPoint(polyReg.Points[a], ptEndA);

                    Point2d ptEndB   = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[b].X + eps, polyReg.Points[b].Y);
                    Line2d  refLineB = Line2d.ByStartPointEndPoint(polyReg.Points[b], ptEndB);

                    Point2d projectedPtA = GraphicsUtility.ProjectedPointOnLine(refLineB, polyReg.Points[a]);
                    Point2d projectedPtB = GraphicsUtility.ProjectedPointOnLine(refLineA, polyReg.Points[b]);

                    Vector2d vecA       = new Vector2d(projectedPtA, cenPoly);
                    Vector2d vecB       = new Vector2d(projectedPtB, cenPoly);
                    double   vecALength = vecA.Length;
                    double   vecBLength = vecB.Length;
                    if (vecALength > vecBLength)
                        //ptForOrthoPoly[i] = projectedPtA;
                        ptForOrthoPoly.Insert(b, projectedPtB);
                        //ptForOrthoPoly[i] = projectedPtB;
                        ptForOrthoPoly.Insert(b, projectedPtA);

                     * if (diffX > diffY)
                     * {
                     *  Point2d ptEndA = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[a].X, polyReg.Points[a].Y + eps);
                     *  Line2d refLineA = Line2d.ByStartPointEndPoint(polyReg.Points[a], ptEndA);
                     *  refLineA = LineUtility.extend(refLineA);
                     *  Point2d ptEndB = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[b].X, polyReg.Points[b].Y + eps);
                     *  Line2d refLineB = Line2d.ByStartPointEndPoint(polyReg.Points[b], ptEndB);
                     *  refLineB = LineUtility.extend(refLineB);
                     *  Point2d projectedPtA = GraphicsUtility.ProjectedPointOnLine(refLineB, polyReg.Points[a]);
                     *  Point2d projectedPtB = GraphicsUtility.ProjectedPointOnLine(refLineA, polyReg.Points[b]);
                     *  Vector2d vecA = new Vector2d(projectedPtA, cenPoly);
                     *  Vector2d vecB = new Vector2d(projectedPtB, cenPoly);
                     *  double vecALength = vecA.Length;
                     *  double vecBLength = vecB.Length;
                     *  if(vecALength < vecBLength)
                     *  {
                     *      //ptForOrthoPoly[i] = projectedPtA;
                     *      ptForOrthoPoly.Insert(b, projectedPtB);
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      //ptForOrthoPoly[i] = projectedPtB;
                     *      ptForOrthoPoly.Insert(b, projectedPtA);
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  Point2d ptEndA = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[a].X + eps, polyReg.Points[a].Y);
                     *  Line2d refLineA = Line2d.ByStartPointEndPoint(polyReg.Points[a], ptEndA);
                     *  refLineA = LineUtility.extend(refLineA);
                     *  Point2d ptEndB = Point2d.ByCoordinates(polyReg.Points[b].X + eps, polyReg.Points[b].Y);
                     *  Line2d refLineB = Line2d.ByStartPointEndPoint(polyReg.Points[b], ptEndB);
                     *  refLineB = LineUtility.extend(refLineB);
                     *  Point2d projectedPtA = GraphicsUtility.ProjectedPointOnLine(refLineB, polyReg.Points[a]);
                     *  Point2d projectedPtB = GraphicsUtility.ProjectedPointOnLine(refLineA, polyReg.Points[b]);
                     *  Vector2d vecA = new Vector2d(projectedPtA, cenPoly);
                     *  Vector2d vecB = new Vector2d(projectedPtB, cenPoly);
                     *  double vecALength = vecA.Length;
                     *  double vecBLength = vecB.Length;
                     *  if (vecALength < vecBLength)
                     *  {
                     *      //ptForOrthoPoly[i] = projectedPtA;
                     *      ptForOrthoPoly.Insert(b, projectedPtB);
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      //ptForOrthoPoly[i] = projectedPtB;
                     *      ptForOrthoPoly.Insert(b, projectedPtB);
                     *  }
                     * }
            return(new Polygon2d(ptForOrthoPoly));
        public static Dictionary <string, object> SplitByRatio(Polygon2d polyOutline, double ratio = 0.5, int dir = 0)
            if (polyOutline == null)
            if (polyOutline != null && polyOutline.Points == null)

            double         extents = 5000;
            double         minimumLength = 2, minWidth = 10, aspectRatio = 0, eps = 0.1;
            List <Point2d> polyOrig = polyOutline.Points;
            List <Point2d> poly = PolygonUtility.SmoothPolygon(polyOrig, BuildLayout.SPACING);
            List <double>  spans = PolygonUtility.GetSpansXYFromPolygon2d(poly);
            double         horizontalSpan = spans[0], verticalSpan = spans[1];
            Point2d        polyCenter = PolygonUtility.CentroidOfPoly(Polygon2d.ByPoints(poly));

            if (horizontalSpan < minimumLength || verticalSpan < minimumLength)

            if (horizontalSpan > verticalSpan)
                dir = 1; aspectRatio = horizontalSpan / verticalSpan;
                dir = 0; aspectRatio = verticalSpan / horizontalSpan;

            // adjust ratio
            if (ratio < 0.15)
                ratio = ratio + eps;
            if (ratio > 0.85)
                ratio = ratio - eps;

            if (horizontalSpan < minWidth || verticalSpan < minWidth)
                ratio = 0.5;
            Line2d splitLine = new Line2d(polyCenter, extents, dir);
            double shift     = ratio - 0.5;

            if (dir == 0)
                splitLine = LineUtility.Move(splitLine, 0, shift * verticalSpan);
                splitLine = LineUtility.Move(splitLine, shift * horizontalSpan, 0);

            Dictionary <string, object> intersectionReturn = MakeIntersections(poly, splitLine, BuildLayout.SPACING);
            List <Point2d>   intersectedPoints             = (List <Point2d>)intersectionReturn["IntersectedPoints"];
            List <Polygon2d> splittedPoly = (List <Polygon2d>)intersectionReturn["PolyAfterSplit"];

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "PolyAfterSplit", (splittedPoly) },
                { "SplitLine", (splitLine) },
                { "IntersectedPoints", (intersectedPoints) }