Example #1
    public double GetAngleToPoint(Point p, Pod myLastPod)
        //var lineOfSightUnitVector = new Unit() { X = Math.Sin(Angle), Y = Math.Cos(Angle) };
        //var originVector = new Unit() { X = p.X - this.X, Y = p.Y - this.Y };
        //var originVector = this.Normalize(p);
        //var normalVector = this.Normalize(myLastPod);
        var angleToCheckPoint = this.GetAngle(p);
        var relativeAngle     = myLastPod.GetAngle(p);

        //var relativeAngle = this.GetAngle(myLastPod);

        Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("HP: angleToCheckPoint: {0}, lastAngleToCheckPoint: {1}.", angleToCheckPoint, relativeAngle));

        //return (Math.Atan2(normalVector.Y, normalVector.X) - Math.Atan2(originVector.Y, originVector.X));
        return(Math.Floor(angleToCheckPoint - relativeAngle));
        //return this.GetVectorAngle(originVector);
Example #2
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] inputs;
        bool     thrustUsed = false;

        var checkPoints     = new List <CheckPoint>();
        var laps            = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        var checkPointCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        for (var i = 0; i < checkPointCount; i++)
            inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            checkPoints.Add(new CheckPoint()
                Id = i, X = int.Parse(inputs[0]), Y = int.Parse(inputs[1])

        CheckPoint nextCheckPoint     = null;
        CheckPoint nextNextCheckPoint = null;
        var        turn      = 0;
        var        gameBoard = new Point()
            X = 16000, Y = 9000
        var topLeft = new Point()
            X = 0, Y = 0

        double xToGo = 0;
        double yToGo = 0;

        var checkPointRadius = 600;
        var MaxTimeout       = 100;
        var MaxThrust        = 100;

        var timeout = MaxTimeout;

        Pod myLastPod = null;

        var isStillOrienting = false;

        var stillOrientingThrust = 60;                                                                       //70;                                          //10
        var currentCheckPointLargeAngleThrust      = Math.Floor((double)(MaxThrust / 1.5));                  //20
        var podDriftingFromCurrentCheckPointThrust = 80;                                                     //30
        var nextCheckPointLargeAngleAsApproachCurrentCheckPointThrust = Math.Floor((double)(MaxThrust / 3)); //60
        var approachingCurrentCheckPointThrust = 85;                                                         //70
        var maxProportionalApproachThrust      = 20;                                                         //80

        var isShortCircuitMidpointOnBigAngle = false;
        var isMadKnightTrick          = true;
        var isAdjustForNextCheckpoint = false;
        var isOverrideBasedOnAngle    = false;

        while (true)
            var    pods     = new List <Pod>();
            var    lastPods = new List <Pod>();
            string thrust;


            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
                double x                = double.Parse(inputs[0]);
                double y                = double.Parse(inputs[1]);
                double vx               = double.Parse(inputs[2]); // x position of the next check point
                double vy               = double.Parse(inputs[3]); // y position of the next check point
                int    angle            = int.Parse(inputs[4]);    // angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint
                int    nextCheckPointId = int.Parse(inputs[5]);    // distance to the next checkpoint
                var    pod              = new Pod()
                    Id = i, X = x, Y = y, Vx = vx, Vy = vy, Angle = angle, NextCheckPointId = nextCheckPointId
                var cp = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == nextCheckPointId).First();
                pod.AngleToCheckPoint = pod.GetAngle(new Point()
                    X = cp.X, Y = cp.Y

            var myPods    = pods.Where(p => p.IsMine).ToList();
            var otherPods = pods.Where(p => !p.IsMine).ToList();

            foreach (var myPod in myPods)
                double velocity = 0;

                nextCheckPoint = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == myPod.NextCheckPointId).First();
                if (checkPoints.Any(c => c.Id == myPod.NextCheckPointId + 1))
                    nextNextCheckPoint = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == myPod.NextCheckPointId + 1).First();
                    nextNextCheckPoint = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == 0).First();

                var pointNextCheckpoint = new Unit()
                    X = nextCheckPoint.X, Y = nextCheckPoint.Y
                var nextCheckpointDist = myPod.Distance(nextCheckPoint);

                myLastPod = lastPods.Where(lp => lp.Id == myPod.Id).SingleOrDefault();

                if (myLastPod != null)
                    velocity = myPod.Distance(myLastPod);

                var checkPoint = new CheckPoint()
                    X = nextCheckPoint.X, Y = nextCheckPoint.Y
                var isSameCheckPoint = checkPoint.IsEqual(nextCheckPoint);

                double angleToPoint     = 0;
                double angleToNextPoint = 0;

                if (!isSameCheckPoint)
                    if (nextCheckPoint != null)

                        Console.Error.WriteLine(nextNextCheckPoint == null ? "No Next Next Checkpoint Yet" : nextNextCheckPoint.ToString());

                    if (isShortCircuitMidpointOnBigAngle)
                        isStillOrienting = true;

                if (isStillOrienting && (myPod.AngleToCheckPoint > 10 || myPod.AngleToCheckPoint < -10))
                    //var midPointOfNextCheckPoint = new Point() { X = Math.Abs(nextCheckPoint.X + myPod.X ) / 2, Y = Math.Abs(nextCheckPoint.Y + myPod.Y) / 2 };
                    var midPointOfNextCheckPoint = nextCheckPoint.GetMidpoint(myPod);
                    xToGo = Math.Floor(midPointOfNextCheckPoint.X);
                    yToGo = Math.Floor(midPointOfNextCheckPoint.Y);
                    //thrust = "70";
                    thrust = stillOrientingThrust.ToString();

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 10");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees and {1} units from next Checkpoint.", myPod.AngleToCheckPoint, nextCheckpointDist));

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} Big Angle, still orienting!!!", xToGo, yToGo, thrust));
                    isStillOrienting = false;

                if (nextNextCheckPoint != null)
                    if (myLastPod != null)
                        angleToPoint = myPod.GetAngleToPoint(nextCheckPoint, myLastPod);

                    angleToNextPoint = myPod.CalculateAngleFromPoints(nextCheckPoint, nextNextCheckPoint);

                    if (isAdjustForNextCheckpoint)
                        //Adjust the target, to go to the side of the current checkpoint that is opposite of the next checkpoint.
                        var newTargetPoint = myPod.AdjustedCoordinates(nextNextCheckPoint, pointNextCheckpoint);
                        pointNextCheckpoint.X = newTargetPoint.X;
                        pointNextCheckpoint.Y = newTargetPoint.Y;

                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees and {1} units from current Checkpoint.", angleToPoint, myPod.Distance(nextCheckPoint)));
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees and {1} units from next Checkpoint.", angleToNextPoint, myPod.Distance(nextNextCheckPoint)));
                    var midPoint = topLeft.GetMidpoint(gameBoard);
                    angleToNextPoint = myPod.CalculateAngleFromPoints(nextCheckPoint, midPoint);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees from current Checkpoint, and Next CheckPoint Unknown.", myPod.Angle));
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees and {1} units from next Checkpoint (approxmiated Midpoint).", angleToNextPoint, myPod.Distance(midPoint)));

                xToGo = pointNextCheckpoint.X;
                yToGo = pointNextCheckpoint.Y;
                var checkPointsVisitedThreeTimes = checkPoints.Count(cp => cp.TimesVisited == 3);
                var checkPointsCount             = checkPoints.Count();
                var isFinalCheckPoint            = checkPointsVisitedThreeTimes == checkPointsCount;

                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} out of {1} CheckPoints have been Visited 3 Times.", checkPointsVisitedThreeTimes, checkPointsCount));

                if (isFinalCheckPoint)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Last Checkpoint.  Balls to the Wall!!!!!"));

                if (myPod.AngleToCheckPoint > 60 || myPod.AngleToCheckPoint < -60)
                    thrust = currentCheckPointLargeAngleThrust.ToString();
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 20");
                    //} else if (myLastPod != null && Math.Abs(myPod.AngleToCheckPoint) > Math.Abs(myLastPod.AngleToCheckPoint))
                    //thrust = "80";
                    //    thrust = podDriftingFromCurrentCheckPointThrust.ToString();
                    //    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 30");
                else if (isFinalCheckPoint || nextCheckpointDist >= myPod.TurningRadius)
                    thrust = MaxThrust.ToString();
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 40");
                else if (nextCheckpointDist < myPod.TurningRadius && myPod.AngleToCheckPoint == 0)
                    thrust = MaxThrust.ToString();
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 50");
                    //} //else if ( nextNextCheckPoint != null && nextCheckpointDist < myPod.TurningRadius && angleToNextPoint != 0 && ((angleToNextPoint >= 170 && angleToNextPoint <= 180)|| (angleToNextPoint <= -170 && angleToNextPoint >= -180 )))
                    //    thrust = MaxThrust.ToString();
                    //    xToGo = nextNextCheckPoint.X;
                    //    yToGo = nextNextCheckPoint.Y;

                     *          } else if ( nextCheckpointDist < myPod.TurningRadius
                     *                      && angleToNextPoint != 0
                     *                      && (
                     *                          (angleToNextPoint > 60 && angleToNextPoint < 120)
                     || (angleToNextPoint < -60 && angleToNextPoint > -120 )
                     || (angleToNextPoint < 15 && angleToNextPoint > -15 && nextNextCheckPoint != null && myPod.IsBehind(nextNextCheckPoint))
                     ||                 ))
                     ||         {
                     ||             Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 60");
                     ||             if (nextNextCheckPoint != null)
                     ||             {
                     ||                 var midPointOfCheckpoints = nextNextCheckPoint.GetMidpoint(nextCheckPoint);
                     ||                 xToGo = Math.Floor(midPointOfCheckpoints.X);
                     ||                 yToGo = Math.Floor(midPointOfCheckpoints.Y);
                     ||             }
                     ||             //thrust = (MaxThrust / 6).ToString();
                     ||             thrust = nextCheckPointLargeAngleAsApproachCurrentCheckPointThrust.ToString();
                else if (nextCheckpointDist < myPod.TurningRadius && myPod.AngleToCheckPoint < 5)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 70");
                    thrust = approachingCurrentCheckPointThrust.ToString();
                    var proportionalThrust = (nextCheckpointDist / myPod.TurningRadius) * 100.0 * .2;
                    var roundedThrust      = Math.Round(proportionalThrust, 0);
                    thrust = Math.Max(roundedThrust, maxProportionalApproachThrust).ToString();

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Printing from 80");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Proportional Thust: {0}, Rounded Thrust: {1}, Final Thrust: {2}.", proportionalThrust, roundedThrust, thrust));

                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("NextCPDist: {0}, NextCPAngle: {1}, Vx: {2}, Vy: {3}, Timeout: {4}.", nextCheckpointDist, myPod.AngleToCheckPoint, myPod.Vx, myPod.Vy, timeout));

                if (!thrustUsed && ((myPod.AngleToCheckPoint == 0 && nextCheckpointDist >= 5000) || isFinalCheckPoint))
                    thrust     = "BOOST";
                    thrustUsed = true;

                if (isMadKnightTrick && thrust != "BOOST" && myPod.Id == 0)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("MadKnight Trick");
                    xToGo  = Convert.ToInt32(nextCheckPoint.X - (myPod.Vx * 3));
                    yToGo  = Convert.ToInt32(nextCheckPoint.Y - (myPod.Vy * 3));
                    thrust = "100";

                if (myPod.Id == 1)
                    var        otherPod = otherPods.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Id == 2);
                    CheckPoint opponentNextCheckPoint     = null;
                    CheckPoint opponentNextNextCheckPoint = null;

                    opponentNextCheckPoint = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == otherPod.NextCheckPointId).First();
                    if (checkPoints.Any(c => c.Id == otherPod.NextCheckPointId + 1))
                        opponentNextNextCheckPoint = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == otherPod.NextCheckPointId + 1).First();
                        opponentNextNextCheckPoint = checkPoints.Where(c => c.Id == 0).First();

                    xToGo = opponentNextNextCheckPoint.X;
                    yToGo = opponentNextNextCheckPoint.Y;

                    thrust = "100";

                if (isOverrideBasedOnAngle && thrust != "BOOST")
                    xToGo  = Convert.ToInt32(nextCheckPoint.X - (myPod.Vx * 3));
                    yToGo  = Convert.ToInt32(nextCheckPoint.Y - (myPod.Vy * 3));
                    thrust = "100";

                     * if (nextCheckpointAngle > 120 || nextCheckpointAngle < -120)
                     *  thrust = "15";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 110 || nextCheckpointAngle < -110)
                     *  thrust = "25";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 100 || nextCheckpointAngle < -100)
                     *  thrust = "35";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 90 || nextCheckpointAngle < -90)
                     *  thrust = "45";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 80 || nextCheckpointAngle < -80)
                     *  thrust = "55";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 70 || nextCheckpointAngle < -70)
                     *  thrust = "65";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 60 || nextCheckpointAngle < -60)
                     *  thrust = "75";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 50 || nextCheckpointAngle < -50)
                     *  thrust = "85";
                     * else if (nextCheckpointAngle > 40 || nextCheckpointAngle < -40)
                     *  thrust = "95";
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  xToGo = nextCheckPoint.X;
                     *  yToGo = nextCheckPoint.Y;
                     *  thrust = "100";
                     * }

                //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", xToGo, yToGo, thrust, thrust, myPod.AngleToCheckPoint, myPod.Vx, myPod.Vy, myPod.R));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", xToGo, yToGo, thrust, thrust, myPod.AngleToCheckPoint, angleToPoint, angleToNextPoint));
            lastPods = pods.Select(p => p).ToList();
Example #3
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] inputs;
        bool     thrustUsed = false;
        // game loop
        var        checkPoints         = new List <CheckPoint>();
        var        allCheckPointsFound = false;
        var        currentId           = 0;
        var        numberOfCheckPoints = 0;
        CheckPoint nextCheckPoint      = null;
        CheckPoint nextNextCheckPoint  = null;

        float xToGo = 0;
        float yToGo = 0;

        var checkPointRadius = 600;
        var MaxTimeout       = 100;
        var MaxThrust        = 100;

        var timeout = MaxTimeout;

        Pod myLastPod = null;

        var isDecelerate = false;

        while (true)
            var pods = new List <Pod>();

            inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            float x = float.Parse(inputs[0]);
            float y = float.Parse(inputs[1]);
            float nextCheckpointX     = float.Parse(inputs[2]); // x position of the next check point
            float nextCheckpointY     = float.Parse(inputs[3]); // y position of the next check point
            int   nextCheckpointDist  = int.Parse(inputs[4]);   // distance to the next checkpoint
            int   nextCheckpointAngle = int.Parse(inputs[5]);   // angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint
            inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            int opponentX = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
            int opponentY = int.Parse(inputs[1]);

            var point = new Point()
                X = xToGo, Y = yToGo
            var myPod = new Pod()
                Id = 0, X = x, Y = y
            var otherPod = new Pod()
                Id = 1, X = opponentX, Y = opponentY

            myPod.Angle = myPod.GetAngle(point);


            var checkPoint = new CheckPoint()
                X = nextCheckpointX, Y = nextCheckpointY
            var isSameCheckPoint = checkPoint.IsEqual(nextCheckPoint);


            if (!isSameCheckPoint)
                timeout = MaxTimeout;

                nextCheckPoint = checkPoints.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.X == nextCheckpointX && cp.Y == nextCheckpointY);

                nextNextCheckPoint = null;

                if (nextCheckPoint != null)
                    allCheckPointsFound = true;
                    currentId          = nextCheckPoint.Id;
                    nextNextCheckPoint = checkPoints.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.Id == (currentId == numberOfCheckPoints - 1 ? 0 : currentId + 1));

                    Console.Error.WriteLine(nextNextCheckPoint == null ? "No Next Next Checkpoint Yet" : nextNextCheckPoint.ToString());
                    nextCheckPoint = new CheckPoint()
                        Id = currentId++, X = nextCheckpointX, Y = nextCheckpointY, TimesVisited = 1

            if (nextNextCheckPoint != null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees (or {1}) and {2} units from current Checkpoint.", myPod.GetAngle(nextCheckPoint), myPod.GetVectorAngle(nextCheckPoint), myPod.Distance(nextCheckPoint)));
                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees and {1} units from next Checkpoint.", myPod.GetAngle(nextNextCheckPoint), myPod.Distance(nextNextCheckPoint)));
                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} degrees from current Checkpoint, and Next CheckPoint Unknown.", myPod.Angle));

            string thrust;
            xToGo = nextCheckpointX;
            yToGo = nextCheckpointY;
            var checkPointsVisitedThreeTimes = checkPoints.Count(cp => cp.TimesVisited == 3);
            var checkPointsCount             = checkPoints.Count();
            var isFinalCheckPoint            = checkPointsVisitedThreeTimes == checkPointsCount;

            Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} out of {1} CheckPoints have been Visited 3 Times.", checkPointsVisitedThreeTimes, checkPointsCount));

            if (isFinalCheckPoint)
                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Last Checkpoint.  Balls to the Wall!!!!!"));

            if (nextCheckpointAngle > 60 || nextCheckpointAngle < -60)
                thrust = (MaxThrust / 5).ToString();
            else if (isFinalCheckPoint || nextCheckpointDist >= myPod.TurningRadius)
                thrust = MaxThrust.ToString();
            else if (nextCheckpointDist < myPod.TurningRadius && nextCheckpointAngle == 0)
                thrust = MaxThrust.ToString();
            else if (nextCheckpointDist < myPod.TurningRadius && nextCheckpointAngle < 5)
                thrust = (MaxThrust / 2).ToString();
                var proportionalThrust = (nextCheckpointDist / myPod.TurningRadius) * 100.0 * .2;
                var roundedThrust      = Math.Round(proportionalThrust, 0);
                thrust = Math.Max(roundedThrust, 20).ToString();

                Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Proportional Thust: {0}, Rounded Thrust: {1}, Final Thrust: {2}.", proportionalThrust, roundedThrust, thrust));

            float velocity = 0;

            if (myLastPod != null)
                velocity = myPod.Distance(myLastPod);
                Console.Error.WriteLine((myPod as Unit).ToString());

            if (velocity > 500)
                isDecelerate = true;

            //if (isDecelerate)
            //    thrust = "0";

            Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("NextCheckpointDist: {0}, NextCheckpointAngle: {1}, Velocity: {2}, Timeout: {3}.", nextCheckpointDist, nextCheckpointAngle, velocity, timeout));

            //if (Math.Abs(opponentX - x) < 5 && Math.Abs(opponentY - y) < 5 && !thrustUsed) {
            if (!thrustUsed && ((nextCheckpointAngle == 0 && nextCheckpointDist >= 5000) || isFinalCheckPoint))
                //thrust = "BOOST";
                thrustUsed = true;
            // You have to output the target position
            // followed by the power (0 <= thrust <= 100)
            // i.e.: "x y thrust"

 *          if (nextCheckpointAngle > 30 || nextCheckpointAngle < -30)
 *          {
 *              xToGo = xToGo * -3;
 *              yToGo = yToGo * -3;
 *              thrust = "100";
 *          }
            Console.WriteLine(xToGo + " " + yToGo + " " + thrust + " " + thrust + " " + nextCheckpointAngle);

            myLastPod = myPod;