internal static int DeleteFiles(params string[] files) { // 0 = success // -1 = aborted by user // other value = error string from = string.Empty; foreach (string file in files) { from += file + "\0"; } from += "\0"; SHFILEOPSTRUCT lpFileOp = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT(); lpFileOp.hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.wFunc = FILE_OP_TYPE.FO_DELETE; lpFileOp.pFrom = from; lpFileOp.pTo = "\0\0"; lpFileOp.fFlags = FILE_OP_FLAGS.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FILE_OP_FLAGS.FOF_ALLOWUNDO; lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = false; lpFileOp.hNameMappings = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.lpszProgressTitle = string.Empty; int result = SHFileOperation(ref lpFileOp); if (result == 0 && lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted) { result = -1; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Delete in UAC mode: " + result.ToString()); return(result); }
private void OnFocusChangeRequired(object sender, EventArgs e) { PluginDebug.AddInfo(Name + " Check for focus change"); if (UseSystemPasswordChar) { return; } if (!ReadOnly) { return; } if (TabStop) { return; } if (m_text == null) { return; } //UIUtil.SetFocus(m_text, GetForm(m_text), true); //Only availabe as of KeePass 2.42 UIUtil.SetFocus(m_text, GetForm(m_text)); if (m_text.CanFocus) { m_text.Focus(); } PluginDebug.AddInfo(Name + " Focus changed"); }
private void bDBSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PwDatabase db = m_dDB.ElementAt(lbDB.SelectedIndex).Key; RefreshHandler(db); if (!m_handler.OTPDB_Opened) { return; } PwDatabase kpotpdb = m_handler.OTPDB; if (kpotpdb == null) { return; } DatabaseSettingsForm dsf = new DatabaseSettingsForm(); dsf.InitEx(false, kpotpdb); dsf.Shown += DBSettings_Shown; if (UIUtil.ShowDialogAndDestroy(dsf) == DialogResult.OK) { m_handler.FlagChanged(true); m_handler.FlagChanged(false); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Changed OTP Db settings", 0); //KeePass.Program.MainForm.RefreshEntriesList(); // History items might have been deleted } }
private void SprEngine_FilterCompile(object sender, SprEventArgs e) { if ((e.Context.Flags & SprCompileFlags.ExtActive) != SprCompileFlags.ExtActive) { return; } if (e.Text.IndexOf(Config.Placeholder, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { OTPDAO.EnsureOTPUsagePossible(e.Context.Entry); KPOTP myOTP = OTPDAO.GetOTP(e.Context.Entry); if (!myOTP.Valid) { PluginDebug.AddError("Auto-Type OTP failed", 0, "Uuid: " + e.Context.Entry.Uuid.ToHexString()); } else { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type OTP success", 0, "Uuid: " + e.Context.Entry.Uuid.ToHexString()); } e.Text = StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(e.Text, Config.Placeholder, myOTP.GetOTP(false, true)); if (myOTP.Valid && (myOTP.Type == KPOTPType.HOTP)) { var newOTP = myOTP.Clone(); newOTP.HOTPCounter++; OTPDAO.SaveOTP(newOTP, e.Context.Entry); } } }
private void WindowAdded(object sender, GwmWindowEventArgs e) { if (!PluginConfig.Active) { return; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Form added", 0, e.Form.Name, e.Form.GetType().FullName, DebugPrint); if (e.Form is UpdateCheckForm) { if (m_CheckProgress != null && !m_CheckProgress.IsDisposed && !m_CheckProgress.Disposing) { if (!KeePassLib.Native.NativeLib.IsUnix()) { m_CheckProgress.Hide(); //Makes KeePass freeze sometimes... How I love randomness in development... } lock (m_lock) { m_UpdateCheckStatus = UpdateCheckStatus.Checked; } } if (PluginConfig.OneClickUpdate) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("OneClickUpdate 1", 0, DebugPrint); e.Form.Shown += OnUpdateCheckFormShown; PluginDebug.AddInfo("OneClickUpdate 2", 0, DebugPrint); } return; } if (e.Form is KeyPromptForm) { KeyPromptFormAdded(); } if (e.Form is LanguageForm) { e.Form.Shown += LanguageFormAdded; } }
public static PEDCalcValue GetPEDCValue(PwEntry pe, bool recursion) { if (!m_dPEDValues.ContainsKey(pe)) { string days_string = pe.ReadPEDCString(); PEDCValueEntry pve = new PEDCValueEntry(); pve.value = PEDCalcValue.ConvertFromString(days_string); if (pve.value.Inherit && (pe.ParentGroup != null)) { pve.valueinherit = pe.ParentGroup.GetPEDValue(true); } else { pve.valueinherit = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Off); } m_dPEDValues[pe] = pve; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add PEDCValues to buffer", 0, "Entry: " + pe.Uuid.ToHexString() + " / " + pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField), "Value: " + pve.value.ToString(), "Value inherited: " + pve.valueinherit.ToString()); } if (recursion && m_dPEDValues[pe].value.Inherit) { return(m_dPEDValues[pe].valueinherit); } return(m_dPEDValues[pe].value); }
/* Ensure the internal RichTextBox m_text has the same parent * as the SecureTextBoxEx * Adjust TabIndex as well */ protected override void OnParentChanged(EventArgs e) { PluginDebug.AddInfo(Name + " Adjust parent control"); base.OnParentChanged(e); if (m_text == null) { return; } if (m_text.Parent != null) { m_text.Parent.Controls.Remove(m_text); } if (Parent == null) { return; } Parent.SuspendLayout(); Parent.Controls.Add(m_text); m_text.Parent = Parent; foreach (Control c in Parent.Controls) { if (c.TabIndex > TabIndex) { c.TabIndex++; } } m_text.TabStop = true; m_text.TabIndex = TabIndex + 1; Parent.ResumeLayout(); Parent.PerformLayout(); }
private void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemOrButtonClick != null) { PEDCalcValue pcv; PEDC unit = PEDC.Days; PEDCListItem i = m_cbUnit.Items[m_cbUnit.SelectedIndex] as PEDCListItem; unit = i.Unit; int dummy = -1; if (!int.TryParse(m_tbValue.Text, out dummy) || (dummy == -1)) { pcv = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Inherit); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Converted expiry value", 0, "Given: " + m_tbValue.Text, "Converted: " + pcv.unit.ToString()); } else if (dummy <= 0) { pcv = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Off); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Converted expiry value", 0, "Given: " + m_tbValue.Text, "Converted: " + pcv.unit.ToString()); } else { pcv = new PEDCalcValue(unit, dummy); } QuickActionEventArgs qe = new QuickActionEventArgs(pcv); ItemOrButtonClick(this, qe); } }
public static bool CopyFiles(string from, string to) { bool success = false; from += "*\0\0"; to += "\0\0"; SHFILEOPSTRUCT lpFileOp = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT(); lpFileOp.hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.wFunc = FILE_OP_TYPE.FO_COPY; lpFileOp.pFrom = from; lpFileOp.pTo = to; lpFileOp.fFlags = FILE_OP_FLAGS.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = false; lpFileOp.hNameMappings = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.lpszProgressTitle = string.Empty; int result = SHFileOperation(ref lpFileOp); if (result == 0) { success = !lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Copy in UAC mode: " + success.ToString()); return(success); }
public override void PerformCellAction(string strColumnName, PwEntry pe) { //Copy OTP to clipboard if (strColumnName == null) { return; } if (KeePassOTPExt.CopyOTP(pe) || OTPDAO.OTPDefined(pe) != OTPDAO.OTPDefinition.None) { return; } //Show 2FA setup instructions if available if (!Config.CheckTFA) { return; } string url = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); string target = TFASites.GetTFAUrl(url); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Show 2FA instructions", 0, "URL: " + target); try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(target); } catch { } }
static Config() { if (KeePassLib.Native.NativeLib.IsUnix()) { KPAutoTypePWPossible = false; return; } if (!Program.Config.CustomConfig.GetBool("AlternateAutoType.UseAutoTypePasswordHotKey", true)) { return; } KPAutoTypePWPossible = Tools.KeePassVersion >= new Version(2, 41); if (!KPAutoTypePWPossible) { return; } m_piHotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword = Program.Config.Integration.GetType().GetProperty("HotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword"); if (KPAutoTypePWPossible && (m_piHotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword != null)) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Hooking Program.Config.Integration.HotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword successful"); } else { PluginDebug.AddError("Hooking Program.Config.Integration.HotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword failed"); KPAutoTypePWPossible = false; } }
private void OnWindowRemoved(object sender, GwmWindowEventArgs e) { if (m_AT == null) { return; } if (!(e.Form is AutoTypeCtxForm)) { return; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type entry selection window removed", 0); m_AT.Shown -= OnAutoTypeFormShown; ListView lv = Tools.GetControl("m_lvItems", m_AT) as ListView; lv.ColumnWidthChanged -= HandleColumns; lv.Columns.RemoveByKey(Config.DBColumn); lv.Columns.RemoveByKey(Config.PWColumn); UIUtil.ResizeColumns(lv, true); string ColumnWidths = UIUtil.GetColumnWidths(lv); if (ColumnWidths.Length > 0) { KeePass.Program.Config.UI.AutoTypeCtxColumnWidths = ColumnWidths; } m_AT = null; m_SortColumn = null; m_SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending; m_DBColumnVisible = false; }
internal static bool DeleteFiles(params string[] files) { bool success = false; string from = string.Empty; foreach (string file in files) { from += file + "\0"; } from += "\0"; SHFILEOPSTRUCT lpFileOp = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT(); lpFileOp.hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.wFunc = FILE_OP_TYPE.FO_DELETE; lpFileOp.pFrom = from; lpFileOp.pTo = "\0\0"; lpFileOp.fFlags = FILE_OP_FLAGS.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FILE_OP_FLAGS.FOF_ALLOWUNDO; lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = false; lpFileOp.hNameMappings = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.lpszProgressTitle = string.Empty; int result = SHFileOperation(ref lpFileOp); if (result == 0) { success = !lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Delete in UAC mode: " + success.ToString()); return(success); }
internal static bool RecalcRequired(this PwEntry pe) { if (pe.History.UCount < 1) { return(false); // no history exists, this is a new entry and not a password change: nothing to do } byte[] pw_now = pe.Strings.GetSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField).ReadUtf8(); byte[] pw_prev = pe.History.GetAt(pe.History.UCount - 1).Strings.GetSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField).ReadUtf8(); string days_string = ReadPEDCString(pe); string days_string_prev = ReadPEDCString(pe.History.GetAt(pe.History.UCount - 1)); DateTime expiry_now = pe.ExpiryTime; DateTime expiry_prev = pe.History.GetAt(pe.History.UCount - 1).ExpiryTime; //check whether recalculation is required bool bNoRecalc = ((expiry_now != expiry_prev) || //expiry time has been changed manually ((days_string == days_string_prev) && // PEDCalc password lifetime value is the same as before MemUtil.ArraysEqual(pw_now, pw_prev))); // Passwords are the same if (bNoRecalc) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Recalc expiry date", pe.Uuid.ToString(), "Recalc not required"); } else { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Recalc expiry date", pe.Uuid.ToString(), "Recalc required"); } return(!bNoRecalc); }
internal static void RecalcExpiry(this PwEntry pe, bool forceRecalculation) { if (!pe.Expires) { return; //password does not expire: nothing to do } if (!forceRecalculation && !RecalcRequired(pe)) { return; } PEDCalcValue days = GetPEDValue(pe, true); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Recalc expiry date", pe.Uuid.ToString(), "Force: " + forceRecalculation.ToString(), "Old: " + pe.ExpiryTime.ToString("YYYYMMddTHHmmssZ"), "New: " + days.NewExpiryDateUtc.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ"), "Recalc required: " + (days.Specific && (pe.ExpiryTime != days.NewExpiryDateUtc)).ToString()); if (!days.Specific) { return; } if (days.NewExpiryDateUtc == pe.ExpiryTime) { return; } pe.ExpiryTime = days.NewExpiryDateUtc; pe.Touch(true, false); Tools.RefreshEntriesList(true); }
private void Lv_DrawItem(object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e) { AceColumn colPw = KeePass.Program.Config.MainWindow.FindColumn(AceColumnType.Password); string m = string.Empty; if (((colPw == null) || colPw.HideWithAsterisks) && !SinglePwDisplay.PasswordShown(e.Item)) { //Let the OS draw in case no other handlers exist //If other handlers exist, we pass their value for DrawDefault e.DrawDefault = true; if (colPw == null) { m = "Password column not found"; } else { m = "Password column found, password hidden"; } List <string> lCol = new List <string>(); foreach (var c in KeePass.Program.Config.MainWindow.EntryListColumns) { lCol.Add(c.GetDisplayName()); } PluginDebug.AddInfo(m, 0, lCol.ToArray()); return; } e.DrawDefault = false; m = "Password column found, password shown"; PluginDebug.AddSuccess(m, 0); if ((e.State & ListViewItemStates.Selected) != 0) { e.DrawFocusRectangle(); } }
private void RestoreFormLoadPostHandlers(object sender, EventArgs e) { Thread t = new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(PluginConfig.RestoreMutexThreshold); if (KeePass.Program.MainForm == null || KeePass.Program.MainForm.Disposing || KeePass.Program.MainForm.IsDisposed) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Restore MainForm.FormLoadPost handlers not done"); return; } EventHelper.RestoreFormLoadPostEventHandlers(m_lFormLoadPostHandlers); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Restore MainForm.FormLoadPost handlers done"); foreach (var del in m_lFormLoadPostHandlers) { if (KeePass.Program.MainForm != null && !KeePass.Program.MainForm.Disposing && !KeePass.Program.MainForm.IsDisposed) { del.DynamicInvoke(new object[] { sender, e }); } } PluginDebug.AddInfo("MainForm.FormLoadPost handlers executed"); }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); }
private void MainWindow_FormLoadPost(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Can be null if restart after upgrade is in progress //In this case, EarlyUpdateCheckExt.Terminate() might have been called already //RemoveAndBackupFormLoadPostHandlers and RestoreFormLoadPostHandlers should work around that, but you never know... if (m_host == null || m_host.MainWindow == null) { return; } if (m_host.MainWindow.IsDisposed || m_host.MainWindow.Disposing) { return; } m_host.MainWindow.FormLoadPost -= MainWindow_FormLoadPost; //Load plugins and check check for new translations if not already done if (PluginUpdateHandler.CheckTranslations && !m_bRestartInvoke) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(CheckPluginLanguages)); } else if (!m_bRestartInvoke) { //Only load plugins, do NOT check for new translations ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((object o) => { PluginUpdateHandler.LoadPlugins(false); })); } PluginDebug.AddInfo("All plugins loaded", 0, DebugPrint); m_bRestartInvoke = false; }
/// Calculate time offset for all relevant entries /// Do NOT use Task.Run as this requires .NET 4.5 which will cause issues on Mono /// Mono reports .NET 4.0.3 being installed despite higher versions can be used /// This results in KeePass refusing to compile the plgx public static /*async*/ void GetTimingsAsync(KeePassLib.PwDatabase db) { //Don't use TraverseTree as db content might change during processing //and this will result in an exception since TraverseTree uses 'foreach' //await - Don't use, see comment above method definition System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => //System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; IEnumerable <string> lURL = db.RootGroup.GetEntries(true). Where(e => OTPDAO.OTPDefined(e) != OTPDAO.OTPDefinition.None). //We're not interested in sites without OTP being set up Select(e => e.Strings.ReadSafe(KeePassLib.PwDefs.UrlField)).Distinct(); //We're not interested in duplicate URLs foreach (string url in lURL) { if (m_timeCorrectionUrls.ContainsKey(url)) { continue; } GetTimeCorrection(url); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } ; DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Calculated OTP time corrections", 0, "Start: " + dtStart.ToLongTimeString(), "End: " + dtEnd.ToLongTimeString()); } ); }
private EntryOTP EnsureEntry() { EntryOTP otp; if (m_dEntryOTPData.TryGetValue(m_pe, out otp) && !IgnoreBuffer) { return(otp); } otp.db = DB; otp.OTPDefined = OTPDefined(m_pe); otp.Loaded = OTPDB_Opened; otp.ReadableOTP = otp.OTPDefined == OTPDefinition.Partial ? "???" : string.Empty; otp.ValidTo = otp.OTPDefined != OTPDefinition.None ? KPOTP.UnixStartUTC : DateTime.MaxValue; if (otp.OTPDefined != OTPDefinition.Complete) { otp.ReadableOTP = otp.OTPDefined == OTPDefinition.Partial ? "???" : string.Empty; otp.ValidTo = DateTime.MaxValue; otp.kpotp = new KPOTP(); InitIssuerLabel(otp.kpotp, m_pe); } else { otp.kpotp = GetSettings(); otp.ValidTo = KPOTP.UnixStartUTC; } UpdateOTPBuffer(m_pe, otp); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Fill OTP buffer", 0, "Entry uuid: " + m_pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), "OTP db exists: " + OTPDB_Exists.ToString(), "OTP db loaded: " + otp.Loaded.ToString(), "OTP defined: " + otp.OTPDefined.ToString(), "OTP setup valid: " + otp.kpotp.Valid.ToString()); return(otp); }
public void OTPDB_Create() { if (m_bOpening) { return; } m_bOpening = true; OTPDB_Init(true); if (!OTPDB_ChangePassword(false)) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("OTP DB - Creation cancelled"); OTPDB_Exists = OTPDB_Opened = false; OTPDB = null; m_bOpening = false; return; } DB.CustomData.Set(Config.DBUsage, StrUtil.BoolToString(true)); DB.CustomData.Set(Config.DBPreload, StrUtil.BoolToString(true)); FlagChanged(false); OTPDB_Save(); PluginDebug.AddInfo("OTP DB - Creation successful"); m_bOpening = false; }
private void GetOTPEntry(bool bCreate, out bool Created) { Created = false; m_peOTP = null; if (!OTPDB_Opened) { return; } string uuid = m_pe.Uuid.ToHexString(); m_peOTP = OTPDB.RootGroup.GetEntries(true).Where(x => x.Strings.ReadSafe(UUID) == uuid).FirstOrDefault(); if (m_peOTP != null) { string s = "Found OTP entry for main entry " + m_pe.Uuid.ToHexString(); if (!PluginDebug.HasMessage(PluginDebug.LogLevelFlags.Info, s)) { PluginDebug.AddInfo(s); } } if ((m_peOTP != null) || !bCreate) { return; } m_peOTP = new PwEntry(true, true); OTPDB.RootGroup.AddEntry(m_peOTP, true); m_peOTP.Strings.Set(UUID, new ProtectedString(false, uuid)); UpdateString(PwDefs.TitleField); UpdateString(PwDefs.UserNameField); UpdateString(PwDefs.UrlField); Created = true; if (m_peOTP != null) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Created OTP entry for main entry " + m_pe.Uuid.ToHexString()); } }
public void OTPDB_Open() { if (m_bOpening) { return; } m_bOpening = true; if (OTPDB_Opened) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("OTP DB already opened"); UpdateDBHeader(); m_bOpening = false; return; } if (!OTPDB_Exists) { PluginDebug.AddError("OTP DB not available"); m_bOpening = false; return; } OTPDB_Load(); if (OTPDB_Opened) { OTPDB.Modified = false; } m_bOpening = false; }
private void OptionsFormClosed(object sender, Tools.OptionsFormsEventArgs e) { if (e.form.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } bool shown = false; Options options = (Options)Tools.GetPluginFromOptions(this, out shown); if (!shown) { return; } Program.Config.Application.ExpirySoonDays = options.Days; Config.AlreadyExpiredIcon = options.expiredIcon; Config.SoonExpiredIcon = options.expiringIcon; Config.AlreadyExpiredColor = options.expiredColor; Config.SoonExpiredColor = options.expiringColor; Config.IgnoreTimeFraction = options.ignoreTimeFraction; Config.ToggleKey = options.hkcToggle.HotKey; Config.SoonExpiredActive = options.cgExpiring.Checked; Config.AlreadyExpiredActive = options.cgExpired.Checked; m_tsbToggle.Enabled = Config.AlreadyExpiredActive; if ((Config.HideExpired != options.hideExpired)) { if (m_tsbToggle != null) { m_tsbToggle.Checked = options.hideExpired; } Config.HideExpired = options.hideExpired; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Display of expired entries: " + (Config.HideExpired ? "Hide" : "Show"), 1); } m_host.MainWindow.UpdateUI(false, null, false, null, true, null, false); }
private void MainWindow_FormLoadPost(object sender, EventArgs e) { HookOtherTimers(false); m_OtherTimers.Clear(); if (m_lTimers.Contains("None")) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Hooking other timers disabled", 0); } else { foreach (string sTimer in m_lTimers) { string[] timer = sTimer.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2); if (timer.Length != 2) { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid timer format", 0, "Expected: PluginNamespace.NameOfTimerVariable", "Found: " + sTimer); continue; } AddTimerIfExists(timer[0], timer[1]); } } HookOtherTimers(true); }
private void OnAutoTypeFormShown(object sender, EventArgs e) { AutoTypeCtxForm f = sender as AutoTypeCtxForm; ListView lv = Tools.GetControl("m_lvItems", f) as ListView; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type entry selection window shown", 0); if ((lv != null) && (lv.Items.Count == 0) && !Program.Config.Integration.AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type Entry Selection window closed", 0, "Reason: No entries to display"); f.Close(); return; } if ((lv != null) && (lv.Items.Count == 1) && !Program.Config.Integration.AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog) { lv.Items[0].Selected = true; try { MethodInfo miPIS = f.GetType().GetMethod("ProcessItemSelection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); miPIS.Invoke(f, null); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type Entry Selection window closed", 0, "Reason: Only one entry to be shown"); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError("Auto-Type Entry Selection window NOT closed", 0, "Reason: Could not process entry", "Details: " + ex.Message); } return; } }
/// Calculate time offset for all relevant entries /// Do NOT use Task.Run as this requires .NET 4.5 which will cause issues on Mono /// Mono reports .NET 4.0.3 being installed despite higher versions can be used /// This results in KeePass refusing to compile the plgx public static /*async*/ void GetTimingsAsync(KeePassLib.PwDatabase db) { //Don't use TraverseTree as db content might change during processing //and this will result in an exception since TraverseTree uses 'foreach' //Don't use Task at all ( KeePassLib.Delegates.GAction <object> act = new KeePassLib.Delegates.GAction <object>((object o) => { DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; IEnumerable <string> lURL = db.RootGroup.GetEntries(true). Where(e => OTPDAO.OTPDefined(e) != OTPDAO.OTPDefinition.None). //We're not interested in sites without OTP being set up Select(e => e.Strings.ReadSafe(KeePassLib.PwDefs.UrlField)).Distinct(); //We're not interested in duplicate URLs foreach (string url in lURL) { if (m_timeCorrectionUrls.ContainsKey(url)) { continue; } GetTimeCorrection(url); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } ; DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Calculated OTP time corrections", 0, "Start: " + dtStart.ToLongTimeString(), "End: " + dtEnd.ToLongTimeString()); }); System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(act)); }
public static KeePass_Update.KeePassInstallType VerifyKeePassInstallType() { //By default, KeePass-Setup.exe installs to Program Files\KeePass Password Safe 2 / Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2 //By default, KeePass.msi installs to Program Files\KeePass2x / Program Files (x86)\KeePass2x var lSpecialFolders = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); string sFolder = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFolder)) { lSpecialFolders.Add(sFolder); } try { //Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86 sFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath((Environment.SpecialFolder) 42); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFolder)) { lSpecialFolders.Add(sFolder); } } catch { } sFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFolder)) { lSpecialFolders.Add(sFolder); } sFolder = KeePassLib.Utility.UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(KeePass.Util.WinUtil.GetExecutable(), true, true); var lMsg = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); lMsg.AddRange(lSpecialFolders); lMsg.Add("KeePass path: " + sFolder); sFolder = sFolder.ToLowerInvariant(); var result = KeePass_Update.KeePassInstallType.Portable; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lSpecialFolders.Find(x => sFolder.StartsWith(x.ToLowerInvariant())))) { result = KeePass_Update.KeePassInstallType.Portable; } else if (sFolder.Contains("keepass password safe 2")) { result = KeePass_Update.KeePassInstallType.Setup; } else if (sFolder.Contains("keepass2x")) { result = KeePass_Update.KeePassInstallType.MSI; } lMsg.Add(result.ToString()); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Verify KeePass install type", 0, lMsg.ToArray()); return(result); }
public override void SaveOTP(KPOTP myOTP, PwEntry pe) { if (!SetEntry(pe, true)) { return; } //string otpSettings = myOTP.Settings; KPOTP prev = GetOTP(pe); bool OnlyCounterChanged = false; if (!SettingsChanged(pe, prev, myOTP, out OnlyCounterChanged)) { return; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Update OTP data", "Entry uuid: " + pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), "Only change of HOTP counter: " + OnlyCounterChanged.ToString()); bool bCreated = false; GetOTPEntry(true, out bCreated); if (!OnlyCounterChanged) { //Create backup if something else than only the HOTP counter was changed if (!bCreated) { m_peOTP.CreateBackup(OTPDB); } } m_peOTP.Strings.Set(Config.OTPFIELD, myOTP.OTPAuthString); if (myOTP.TimeCorrectionUrlOwn) { m_peOTP.Strings.Set(Config.TIMECORRECTION, new ProtectedString(false, "OWNURL")); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(myOTP.TimeCorrectionUrl) || (myOTP.TimeCorrectionUrl == "OFF")) { m_peOTP.Strings.Remove(Config.TIMECORRECTION); } else { m_peOTP.Strings.Set(Config.TIMECORRECTION, new ProtectedString(false, myOTP.TimeCorrectionUrl)); } Touch(m_peOTP); if (myOTP.OTPSeed.IsEmpty) { m_pe.Strings.Remove(DBNAME); } else { m_pe.Strings.Set(DBNAME, new ProtectedString(false, StrUtil.BoolToString(true))); } FlagChanged(false); FlagChanged(true); m_pe.Touch(true); }
private void PrepareEntryForm() { m_pweForm.PasswordGeneratorContextMenu.Opening += ProfilesOpening; m_pweForm.PasswordGeneratorContextMenu.ItemClicked += ProfileClicked; m_pweForm.FormClosed += OnFormClosed; m_pwgForm = null; LoadDBProfiles(); //try to get the edit mode var spb = DoShowPCAButton(); if (spb == ShowPCAButton.Error) { m_pweForm.Shown += OnEntryFormShown; //Reading the edit mode failed, try this as fallback } else if (spb == ShowPCAButton.NoShowMultiple) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Multiple entries selected - No PCA button added", 0); return; } else if (spb == ShowPCAButton.NoShowOthers) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Neither CREATE nor EDIT mode - No PCA button added", 0); return; } SaveOldPassword(); m_pweForm.Resize += OnEntryFormResize; //create plugin button right below the button for generating a new password CreatePCAButton(); #region add context menu to plugin button ContextMenuStrip cmsPCA = new ContextMenuStrip(); ToolStripMenuItem menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(PluginTranslate.OldPWCopy, m_btnPCA.Image, PasswordCopyClick); menuitem.Name = PluginTranslate.PluginName + "OldCopy"; cmsPCA.Items.Add(menuitem); menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(PluginTranslate.OldPWType, m_btnPCA.Image, PasswordTypeClick); menuitem.Name = PluginTranslate.PluginName + "OldType"; cmsPCA.Items.Add(menuitem); menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(PluginTranslate.NewPWCopy, m_btnPCA.Image, PasswordCopyClick); menuitem.Name = PluginTranslate.PluginName + "NewCopy"; cmsPCA.Items.Add(menuitem); menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(PluginTranslate.NewPWType, m_btnPCA.Image, PasswordTypeClick); menuitem.Name = PluginTranslate.PluginName + "NewType"; cmsPCA.Items.Add(menuitem); cmsPCA.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(PluginTranslate.PluginName + "...", m_btnPCA.Image, ShowPCAFormFromEntry); menuitem.Name = PluginTranslate.PluginName + "ShowPCAFormFromEntry"; cmsPCA.Items.Add(menuitem); m_btnPCA.ContextMenuStrip = cmsPCA; cmsPCA.Opening += cmsPCAOpening; m_btnPCA.Click += (o, x) => m_btnPCA.ContextMenuStrip.Show(m_btnPCA, 0, m_btnPCA.Height); #endregion //finally add the button to the form m_btnPCA.BringToFront(); }