private void MainWindow_FormLoadPost(object sender, EventArgs e) { HookOtherTimers(false); m_OtherTimers.Clear(); if (m_lTimers.Contains("None")) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Hooking other timers disabled", 0); } else { foreach (string sTimer in m_lTimers) { string[] timer = sTimer.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2); if (timer.Length != 2) { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid timer format", 0, "Expected: PluginNamespace.NameOfTimerVariable", "Found: " + sTimer); continue; } AddTimerIfExists(timer[0], timer[1]); } } HookOtherTimers(true); }
private int RemoveEmptyGroups(PwGroup pg) { int removed = 0; if (pg == null) { return(removed); } for (int i = pg.Groups.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PwGroup g = pg.Groups.GetAt((uint)i); removed += RemoveEmptyGroups(g); if ((g.Groups.UCount > 0) || (g.Entries.UCount > 0)) { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid group in OTP database", 0, "Group uuid: " + g.Uuid.ToHexString(), "Group name: " + g.Name, "Subgroups: " + g.Groups.UCount.ToString(), "Entries" + g.Entries.UCount.ToString()); continue; } pg.Groups.Remove(g); removed++; } return(removed); }
static Config() { if (KeePassLib.Native.NativeLib.IsUnix()) { KPAutoTypePWPossible = false; return; } if (!Program.Config.CustomConfig.GetBool("AlternateAutoType.UseAutoTypePasswordHotKey", true)) { return; } KPAutoTypePWPossible = Tools.KeePassVersion >= new Version(2, 41); if (!KPAutoTypePWPossible) { return; } m_piHotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword = Program.Config.Integration.GetType().GetProperty("HotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword"); if (KPAutoTypePWPossible && (m_piHotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword != null)) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Hooking Program.Config.Integration.HotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword successful"); } else { PluginDebug.AddError("Hooking Program.Config.Integration.HotKeyGlobalAutoTypePassword failed"); KPAutoTypePWPossible = false; } }
private void GetStandardMethods() { m_miUpdateColumnsEx = m_host.MainWindow.GetType().GetMethod("UpdateColumnsEx", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (m_miUpdateColumnsEx == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not get method 'UpdateColumnsEx'", 0); } m_miGetEntryFieldEx = m_host.MainWindow.GetType().GetMethod("GetEntryFieldEx", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (m_miGetEntryFieldEx == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not get method 'GetEntryFieldEx'", 0); } try { Type t = typeof(KeePass.Program).Assembly.GetType("KeePass.UI.AsyncPwListUpdate"); m_miSprCompileFn = t.GetMethod("SprCompileFn", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } catch { } if (m_miSprCompileFn == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not get method 'SprCompileFn'", 0); } }
private void OnAutoTypeFormShown(object sender, EventArgs e) { AutoTypeCtxForm f = sender as AutoTypeCtxForm; ListView lv = Tools.GetControl("m_lvItems", f) as ListView; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type entry selection window shown", 0); if ((lv != null) && (lv.Items.Count == 0) && !Program.Config.Integration.AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type Entry Selection window closed", 0, "Reason: No entries to display"); f.Close(); return; } if ((lv != null) && (lv.Items.Count == 1) && !Program.Config.Integration.AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog) { lv.Items[0].Selected = true; try { MethodInfo miPIS = f.GetType().GetMethod("ProcessItemSelection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); miPIS.Invoke(f, null); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type Entry Selection window closed", 0, "Reason: Only one entry to be shown"); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError("Auto-Type Entry Selection window NOT closed", 0, "Reason: Could not process entry", "Details: " + ex.Message); } return; } }
public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host) { m_host = host; PluginTranslate.Init(this, KeePass.Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code); Tools.DefaultCaption = PluginTranslate.PluginName; Tools.PluginURL = ""; m_menu = new ToolStripMenuItem(Tools.DefaultCaption + "..."); m_menu.Image = SmallIcon; m_menu.Click += (o, e) => Tools.ShowOptions(); m_host.MainWindow.ToolsMenu.DropDownItems.Add(m_menu); Tools.OptionsFormShown += OptionsShown; Tools.OptionsFormClosed += OptionsClosed; ColorConfig.Read(); m_lvEntries = (ListView)Tools.GetControl("m_lvEntries"); if (m_lvEntries != null) { PluginDebug.AddSuccess("m_lvEntries found", 0); m_host.MainWindow.FormLoadPost += MainWindow_FormLoadPost; } else { PluginDebug.AddError("m_lvEntries not found", 0); } ColorPasswords(ColorConfig.Active); GlobalWindowManager.WindowAdded += OnWindowAdded; SinglePwDisplay.Enabled = ColorConfig.SinglePwDisplayActive; return(true); }
private void SprEngine_FilterCompile(object sender, SprEventArgs e) { if ((e.Context.Flags & SprCompileFlags.ExtActive) != SprCompileFlags.ExtActive) { return; } if (e.Text.IndexOf(Config.Placeholder, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { OTPDAO.EnsureOTPUsagePossible(e.Context.Entry); KPOTP myOTP = OTPDAO.GetOTP(e.Context.Entry); if (!myOTP.Valid) { PluginDebug.AddError("Auto-Type OTP failed", 0, "Uuid: " + e.Context.Entry.Uuid.ToHexString()); } else { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Auto-Type OTP success", 0, "Uuid: " + e.Context.Entry.Uuid.ToHexString()); } e.Text = StrUtil.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(e.Text, Config.Placeholder, myOTP.GetOTP(false, true)); if (myOTP.Valid && (myOTP.Type == KPOTPType.HOTP)) { var newOTP = myOTP.Clone(); newOTP.HOTPCounter++; OTPDAO.SaveOTP(newOTP, e.Context.Entry); } } }
public void OTPDB_Open() { if (m_bOpening) { return; } m_bOpening = true; if (OTPDB_Opened) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("OTP DB already opened"); UpdateDBHeader(); m_bOpening = false; return; } if (!OTPDB_Exists) { PluginDebug.AddError("OTP DB not available"); m_bOpening = false; return; } OTPDB_Load(); if (OTPDB_Opened) { OTPDB.Modified = false; } m_bOpening = false; }
private void HookOtherTimers(bool activate) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in m_OtherTimers) { if (kvp.Value == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Hook other timers", 2, "Object: " + kvp.Key, "Hook/Unhook: " + (activate ? "Hook" : "Unhook"), "Error: Object is null"); return; } if (kvp.Value is System.Timers.Timer) { if (activate) { (kvp.Value as System.Timers.Timer).Elapsed += OnUIStateUpdated; } else { (kvp.Value as System.Timers.Timer).Elapsed -= OnUIStateUpdated; } } if (kvp.Value is Timer) { if (activate) { (kvp.Value as Timer).Tick += OnUIStateUpdated; } else { (kvp.Value as Timer).Tick -= OnUIStateUpdated; } } PluginDebug.AddSuccess("Hook other timers", 2, "Object: " + kvp.Key, "Hook/Unhook: " + (activate ? "Hook" : "Unhook")); } }
//Format password profiles dependant on usage // - Used as PCA profile // - Used for generating the new password // - No special usage private void ctxPWGen_Opening(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { try { m_OnProfilesOpening(sender, e); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError(ex.Message); } }
public void SetDB(PwDatabase db) { m_db = db; m_bInitialized = (db != null) && db.IsOpen; if (!m_bInitialized) { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid DB provided"); } }
internal static void LoadPlugins(bool bReload) { lock (Plugins) //Might be called in multiple threads, ensure a plugin is listed only once { if (!bReload && Plugins.Count > 0) { return; } Plugins.Clear(); if (m_Plugins.Count == 0) { m_Plugins = Tools.GetLoadedPluginsName(); } if (Plugins.Count > 0) { return; //Might have been filled from different thread meanwhile } List <string> lPluginnames = new List <string>(); foreach (string sPlugin in m_Plugins.Keys) { try { string s = sPlugin.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; Plugin p = (Plugin)Tools.GetPluginInstance(s); if (p == null) { continue; } AssemblyCompanyAttribute[] comp = (AssemblyCompanyAttribute[])p.GetType().Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute), false); bool bOwnPlugin = string.Compare("rookiestyle", comp[0].Company, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0; PluginUpdate pu = null; if (bOwnPlugin) { pu = new OwnPluginUpdate(p.GetType().Namespace); } else { try { pu = new OtherPluginUpdate(p.GetType().Namespace); } catch { } } if (pu != null && Plugins.Find(x => x.Name == pu.Name) == null) { Plugins.Add(pu); if (pu.UpdatePossible) { lPluginnames.Add(pu.Name); } } } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError(ex.Message, 0); } } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Installed updatable plugins", 0, lPluginnames.ToArray()); } }
public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host) { Terminate(); if (host == null) { return(false); } m_host = host; PluginTranslate.Init(this, Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code); Tools.DefaultCaption = PluginTranslate.PluginName; Tools.PluginURL = ""; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Display of expired entries: " + (Config.HideExpired ? "Hide" : "Show"), 1); m_lTimers = Config.GetOtherTimers(); AddMenu(); m_host.MainWindow.UIStateUpdated += OnUIStateUpdated; m_host.MainWindow.FormLoadPost += MainWindow_FormLoadPost; Tools.OptionsFormShown += OptionsFormShown; Tools.OptionsFormClosed += OptionsFormClosed; m_host.MainWindow.KeyDown += ToggleHideExpiredKey; m_host.MainWindow.KeyPreview = true; if (Config.ShowToolbarButton) { m_MainToolBar = (ToolStrip)Tools.GetControl("m_toolMain"); if (m_MainToolBar != null) { m_tsbToggle = new ToolStripButton(); m_tsbToggle.Name = "m_tbToggleExpired"; m_tsbToggle.ToolTipText = PluginTranslate.HideExpiredToolBar; m_tsbToggle.Image = SmallIcon; m_tsbToggle.Click += ToggleHideExpired; m_tsbToggle.CheckState = Config.HideExpired ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked; m_tsbToggle.Checked = Config.HideExpired; m_MainToolBar.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); m_MainToolBar.Items.Add(m_tsbToggle); } else { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate m_toolMain", 0); } } if (m_tsbToggle != null) { m_tsbToggle.Enabled = Config.AlreadyExpiredActive; } m_host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.ActiveDocumentSelected += HidingAllowedReset; PwGroup.GroupTouched += HidingAllowedReset; return(true); }
private bool AddCheckBox(Form form) { CheckBox m_cbIgnoreGroupSettings = (CheckBox)Tools.GetControl("m_cbIgnoreGroupSettings", form); CheckBox m_cbDerefData = (CheckBox)Tools.GetControl("m_cbDerefData", form); m_btnOK = (Button)Tools.GetControl("m_btnOK", form); Button btnCancel = (Button)Tools.GetControl("m_btnCancel", form); Button btnHelp = (Button)Tools.GetControl("m_btnHelp", form); //KeePass 2.47 if ((m_cbIgnoreGroupSettings == null) || (m_cbDerefData == null) || (m_btnOK == null) || (btnCancel == null)) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not add 'Search in all DB' checkbox", 0, "m_cbIgnoreGroupSettings: " + (m_cbIgnoreGroupSettings == null).ToString(), "m_cbDerefData: " + (m_cbDerefData == null).ToString(), "m_btnOK: " + (m_btnOK == null).ToString(), "m_btnCancel: " + (btnCancel == null).ToString(), "m_btnHelp: " + (btnHelp == null).ToString()); return(false); } m_cbSearchAllDatabases = new CheckBox(); m_cbSearchAllDatabases.Name = "m_cbRookieSearchAllDB"; m_cbSearchAllDatabases.Text = PluginTranslate.Search; m_cbSearchAllDatabases.AutoSize = true; m_cbSearchAllDatabases.Left = m_cbDerefData.Left; int spacing = m_cbDerefData.Top - m_cbIgnoreGroupSettings.Top; m_cbSearchAllDatabases.Top = m_cbDerefData.Top + spacing; Control c = m_cbDerefData.Parent; while (c != null) { c.Height += spacing; c = c.Parent; } m_btnOK.Top += spacing; btnCancel.Top += spacing; if (btnHelp != null) { btnHelp.Top += spacing; } m_cbDerefData.Parent.Controls.Add(m_cbSearchAllDatabases); PluginDebug.AddInfo("'Search db' checkbox added", 0); if (m_cbSearchAllDatabases.Enabled) { m_cbSearchAllDatabases.CheckedChanged += OnSelectAllDB_CheckedChanged; } else { PluginDebug.AddInfo("'Search db' checkbox is disabled, something went terribly wrong", 0); m_cbSearchAllDatabases.Enabled = true; m_cbSearchAllDatabases.CheckedChanged += OnSelectAllDB_CheckedChanged; } return(true); }
public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host) { Terminate(); if (host == null) { return(false); } m_host = host; PluginTranslate.Init(this, Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code); Tools.DefaultCaption = PluginTranslate.PluginName; Tools.PluginURL = ""; var t = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetType("KeePass.Native.NativeMethods"); try { m_miSetForegroundWindowEx = t.GetMethod("SetForegroundWindowEx", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } catch { } if (m_miSetForegroundWindowEx == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate method 'SetForegroundEx'", 0); } try { m_miGetForegroundWindowHandle = t.GetMethod("GetForegroundWindowHandle", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } catch { } if (m_miGetForegroundWindowHandle == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate method 'GetForegroundWindowHandle'", 0); } m_miAutoType = m_host.MainWindow.GetType().GetMethod("ExecuteGlobalAutoType", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null); if (m_miSetForegroundWindowEx == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate method 'ExecuteGlobalAutoType'", 0); } CreateMenu(); AddTray(); Config.Init(); m_columnOTP = new KeePassOTPColumnProvider(); m_host.ColumnProviderPool.Add(m_columnOTP); m_columnOTP.StartTimer(); SprEngine.FilterCompile += SprEngine_FilterCompile; SprEngine.FilterPlaceholderHints.Add(Config.Placeholder); TFASites.Init(false); OTPDAO.Init(); PTHotKeyManager.HotKeyPressed += PTHotKeyManager_HotKeyPressed; m_host.MainWindow.FileOpened += MainWindow_FileOpened; GlobalWindowManager.WindowAdded += GlobalWindowManager_WindowAdded; return(true); }
private bool OTPDB_Reload() { try { byte[] bOTPDB = GetOTPDBData(); if (bOTPDB == null) { return(false); } //Create DB if required if (!OTPDB_Exists) { SetDB(DB, true); } else if (!OTPDB_Opened) { if (Config.ShowHintSyncRequiresUnlock) { Tools.ShowInfo(PluginTranslate.HintSyncRequiresUnlock); } if (!EnsureOTPSetupPossible(null)) { return(false); } //DB was not opened yet //Try loading initially remembered database //This is required to not lose local changes during a sync //Current content of CustomData might already be replaced if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_sInitialOTPDB)) { byte[] bInitial = ConvertFromCustomData(m_sInitialOTPDB); m_sInitialOTPDB = string.Empty; OTPDB_Synchronize(OTPDB, m_FFP, bInitial, PluginTranslate.OTPDB_Opening); } } OTPDB_Synchronize(OTPDB, m_FFP, bOTPDB, PluginTranslate.OTPDB_Sync); InitEntries(DB); UpdateDBHeader(); PluginDebug.AddInfo("OTP db reloaded"); OTPDB_Opened = (OTPDB != null) && OTPDB.IsOpen; if (OTPDB_Opened && CheckAndMigrate(DB)) { FlagChanged(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError("Reloading OTP db failed", 0, ex.Message); return(false); } }
private static KPOTP ConvertOTPSettings(string settings) { KPOTP otp = new KPOTP(); string[] setting = settings.ToUpper().Split(';'); if (setting.Length != 5) { setting = new string[] { "30", "6", "TOTP", "BASE32", "SHA1" } } ; try { otp.Type = (KPOTPType)Enum.Parse(typeof(KPOTPType), setting[2]); } catch { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid OTP data", 0, "Error field: Type", settings.ToUpper()); } try { otp.Encoding = (KPOTPEncoding)Enum.Parse(typeof(KPOTPEncoding), setting[3]); } catch { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid OTP data", 0, "Error field: Encoding", settings.ToUpper()); } try { otp.Hash = (KPOTPHash)Enum.Parse(typeof(KPOTPHash), setting[4]); } catch { PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid OTP data", 0, "Error field: Hash", settings.ToUpper()); } int i = 0; if (!int.TryParse(setting[0], out i)) { i = 30; PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid OTP data", 0, "Error field: Timestep / Counter", settings.ToUpper()); } if (otp.Type == KPOTPType.TOTP) { otp.TOTPTimestep = i; } else { otp.HOTPCounter = i; } if (!int.TryParse(setting[1], out i)) { i = 6; PluginDebug.AddError("Invalid OTP data", 0, "Error field: Length", settings.ToUpper()); } otp.Length = i; return(otp); }
/// <summary> /// Update installed plugin translations /// </summary> /// <param name="bDownloadActiveLanguage">Download translation for currently used language even if not installed yet</param> public void UpdatePluginTranslations(bool bDownloadActiveLanguage, List <string> lUpdateTranslations) { foreach (var upd in PluginUpdateHandler.Plugins) { upd.Selected = (lUpdateTranslations == null) || lUpdateTranslations.Contains(upd.Name); } bool bBackup = PluginConfig.DownloadActiveLanguage; PluginConfig.DownloadActiveLanguage = bDownloadActiveLanguage; //If called from CheckPluginLanguages, we're running in a different thread //Use Invoke because the IStatusLogger will attach to the KeyPromptForm within the UI thread m_host.MainWindow.Invoke(new KeePassLib.Delegates.GAction(() => { UpdatePlugins(true); }), null); PluginConfig.DownloadActiveLanguage = bBackup; foreach (var upd in PluginUpdateHandler.Plugins) { if (!upd.Selected) { continue; } Plugin p = (Plugin)Tools.GetPluginInstance(upd.Name); if (p == null) { continue; } Type t = p.GetType().Assembly.GetType("PluginTranslation.PluginTranslate"); if (t == null) { continue; } MethodInfo miInit = t.GetMethod("Init", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); if (miInit == null) { continue; } try { //Use Invoke because TranslationChangedEvent might be raised and can require running in UIThread m_host.MainWindow.Invoke(new KeePassLib.Delegates.GAction(() => { miInit.Invoke(p, new object[] { p, PluginUpdateHandler.LanguageIso }); }), null); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError("Refresh translation failed", 0, "Plugin: " + upd.Name, "Error: " + ex.Message); } } SetPluginSelectionStatus(false); }
private void ColorPasswords(bool active) { if (!OverridePossible) { PluginDebug.AddError("TypeOverride not possible"); return; } if (!KeePass.App.AppPolicy.Current.UnhidePasswords) { PluginDebug.AddError("Policy 'UnhidePasswords' does not allow unhiding passwords'"); return; } if (ColorConfig.ColorEntryView) { if (m_lvEntries != null) { m_lvEntries.OwnerDraw = active; if (active) { m_lvEntries.DrawColumnHeader += Lv_DrawColumnHeader; m_lvEntries.DrawItem += Lv_DrawItem; m_lvEntries.DrawSubItem += Lv_DrawSubItem; } else { m_lvEntries.DrawColumnHeader -= Lv_DrawColumnHeader; m_lvEntries.DrawItem -= Lv_DrawItem; m_lvEntries.DrawSubItem -= Lv_DrawSubItem; } PluginDebug.AddInfo("m_lvEntries changed", "OwnerDraw: " + m_lvEntries.OwnerDraw.ToString(), "ColorPasswords active: " + active.ToString(), "Viewstyle: " + m_lvEntries.View.ToString()); } else { PluginDebug.AddError("m_lvEntries cannot be changed"); } } else { PluginDebug.AddInfo("ColorEntryView is disabled, check KeePass config file", 0); } if (active) { TypeOverridePool.Register(typeof(SecureTextBoxEx), CreateCustomInstance); } else { TypeOverridePool.Unregister(typeof(SecureTextBoxEx)); } }
private void HandleProfileSaveForm(SingleLineEditForm slef) { if (slef == null) { return; } //SingleLineEditForm is used multiple times //Check whether it's called from with the PwGeneratorForm System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(); if (st.GetFrames().SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetMethod().Name.Contains("OnBtnProfileSave")) == null) { return; } ComboBox cb = Tools.GetField("m_cmbEdit", slef) as ComboBox; if (cb == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Cound not add 'Save db-specific' checkbox", 0, "m_cmbEdit not found"); return; } CheckBox cbDB = new CheckBox(); cbDB.Left = cb.Left; cbDB.Top = DpiUtil.ScaleIntX(146); Button bOK = Tools.GetField("m_btnOK", slef) as Button; if (bOK != null) { cbDB.Top = bOK.Top + (int)((bOK.Height - cbDB.Height) / 2); } cbDB.Text = PluginTranslate.SaveProfileInDB; cbDB.AutoSize = true; cbDB.Enabled = (m_host.Database != null) && m_host.Database.IsOpen; cbDB.CheckedChanged += AdjustProfileName; cb.Parent.SuspendLayout(); cb.Parent.Controls.Add(cbDB); cb.Parent.ResumeLayout(); cb.Parent.PerformLayout(); cb.TextChanged += (o, e) => { cbDB.CheckedChanged -= AdjustProfileName; cbDB.Checked = cbDB.Enabled && (cb.Text.EndsWith(Config.ProfileDBOnly)); cbDB.CheckedChanged += AdjustProfileName; }; }
public static void Init(Plugin plugin, string LanguageCodeIso6391) { List <string> lDebugStrings = new List <string>(); m_translation.Clear(); bool bError = true; LanguageCodeIso6391 = InitTranslation(plugin, lDebugStrings, LanguageCodeIso6391, out bError); if (bError && (LanguageCodeIso6391.Length > 2)) { LanguageCodeIso6391 = LanguageCodeIso6391.Substring(0, 2); lDebugStrings.Add("Trying fallback: " + LanguageCodeIso6391); LanguageCodeIso6391 = InitTranslation(plugin, lDebugStrings, LanguageCodeIso6391, out bError); } if (bError) { PluginDebug.AddError("Reading translation failed", 0, lDebugStrings.ToArray()); LanguageCodeIso6391 = "en"; } else { List <FieldInfo> lTranslatable = new List <FieldInfo>( typeof(PluginTranslate).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public) ).FindAll(x => x.IsInitOnly); lDebugStrings.Add("Parsing complete"); lDebugStrings.Add("Translated texts read: " + m_translation.Count.ToString()); lDebugStrings.Add("Translatable texts: " + lTranslatable.Count.ToString()); foreach (FieldInfo f in lTranslatable) { if (m_translation.ContainsKey(f.Name)) { lDebugStrings.Add("Key found: " + f.Name); f.SetValue(null, m_translation[f.Name]); } else { lDebugStrings.Add("Key not found: " + f.Name); } } PluginDebug.AddInfo("Reading translations finished", 0, lDebugStrings.ToArray()); } if (TranslationChanged != null) { TranslationChanged(null, new TranslationChangedEventArgs(LanguageIso6391, LanguageCodeIso6391)); } LanguageIso6391 = LanguageCodeIso6391; lDebugStrings.Clear(); }
public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host) { m_host = host; PluginTranslate.Init(this, KeePass.Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code); Tools.DefaultCaption = PluginTranslate.PluginName; Tools.PluginURL = ""; GetStandardMethods(); m_lvEntries = (ListView)Tools.GetControl("m_lvEntries"); if (m_lvEntries == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not get 'm_lvEntries'", 0); } Tools.OptionsFormShown += Tools_OptionsFormShown; Tools.OptionsFormClosed += Tools_OptionsFormClosed; Activate(); FindInfo fi = SearchHelp.FindList.Find(x => x.Name == SearchHelp.SearchForm); if (fi != null) { m_img = fi.img; } if (m_img == null) { try { m_img = (Image)KeePass.Program.Resources.GetObject("B16x16_XMag"); } catch { } } if (m_img == null) { m_img = m_host.MainWindow.ClientIcons.Images[(int)PwIcon.EMailSearch]; } m_menu = new ToolStripMenuItem(); m_menu.Click += OnShowOptions; m_menu.Text = PluginTranslate.PluginName + "..."; m_menu.Image = m_img; m_host.MainWindow.ToolsMenu.DropDownItems.Add(m_menu); return(true); }
private bool CallStandardSearch(FindInfo fi, string sendername) { if (fi == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Call standard find routine", 0, "Reason for standard call: FindInfo empty", "Event sender: " + sendername); return(true); } if (fi.StandardMethod == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Call standard find routine", 0, "Action: " + fi.Name, "Reason for standard call: No hook for " + fi.Name); return(true); } if (m_host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.GetOpenDatabases().Count < 2) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Call standard find routine", 0, "Action: " + fi.Name, "Reason for standard call: No more than one db opened"); return(true); } return(false); }
private void AddMenu() { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add menu", 0); m_menu = new ToolStripMenuItem(); m_menu.CheckOnClick = true; m_menu.Checked = Configuration.Active; m_menu.CheckedChanged += (o, e) => ToggleActive(); m_menu.Image = Configuration.Active ? m_iconActive : m_iconInactive; m_menu.Text = Configuration.Active ? PluginTranslate.Active : PluginTranslate.Inactive; m_host.MainWindow.ToolsMenu.DropDownItems.Add(m_menu); m_host.MainWindow.EntryContextMenu.Opening += OnMenuOpening; m_ContextMenuEntry = CreatePEDMenu(false, false); m_MainMenuEntry = CreatePEDMenu(false, false); m_host.MainWindow.GroupContextMenu.Opening += OnMenuOpening; m_ContextMenuGroup = CreatePEDMenu(true, false); m_MainMenuGroup = CreatePEDMenu(true, false); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add context menu"); m_host.MainWindow.EntryContextMenu.Items.Insert(m_host.MainWindow.EntryContextMenu.Items.Count, m_ContextMenuEntry); m_host.MainWindow.GroupContextMenu.Items.Insert(m_host.MainWindow.GroupContextMenu.Items.Count, m_ContextMenuGroup); try { ToolStripMenuItem last = m_host.MainWindow.MainMenu.Items["m_menuGroup"] as ToolStripMenuItem; last.DropDownOpening += OnMenuOpening; last.DropDownItems.Add(m_MainMenuGroup); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add group menu"); last = m_host.MainWindow.MainMenu.Items["m_menuEntry"] as ToolStripMenuItem; last.DropDownOpening += OnMenuOpening; last.DropDownItems.Add(m_MainMenuEntry); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add entry menu"); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError("Error adding menu", 0, ex.Message); } }
private static bool MoveAllNonShieldified(string sTempFolder, string sTargetFolder) { bool bSuccess = true; List <string> lFiles = UrlUtil.GetFilePaths(sTempFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); List <string> lMsg = new List <string>(); foreach (string sFile in m_lFilesDelete) { try { File.Delete(sFile); } catch (Exception ex) { lMsg.Add(ex.Message); } } foreach (string sFile in lFiles) { string sTargetFile = sFile.Replace(sTempFolder, sTargetFolder); try { File.Copy(sFile, sTargetFile, true); } catch (Exception ex) { bSuccess = false; lMsg.Add(ex.Message); } } if (!bSuccess) { PluginDebug.AddError("Error moving files", 0, lMsg.ToArray()); if (WinUtil.IsAtLeastWindowsVista) { return(MoveAllShieldified(sTempFolder, sTargetFolder, true)); } if (Tools.AskYesNo(PluginTranslate.PluginUpdateFailed, PluginTranslate.PluginUpdateCaption) == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(sTempFolder); } } m_lFilesDelete.Clear(); //Clear list after MovAllShieldified was tried as well return(bSuccess); }
private void OTPDB_Synchronize(PwDatabase targetdb, FileFormatProvider fmtImp, byte[] bDecrypted, string text) { IStatusLogger dlgStatus = new OnDemandStatusDialog(true, Program.MainForm); dlgStatus.StartLogging(text, false); try { dlgStatus.SetText(text, LogStatusType.Info); PwDatabase pwImp; pwImp = new PwDatabase(); pwImp.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), targetdb.MasterKey); pwImp.MemoryProtection = targetdb.MemoryProtection.CloneDeep(); pwImp.MasterKey = targetdb.MasterKey; dlgStatus.SetText(text, LogStatusType.Info); using (var s = new MemoryStream(bDecrypted)) { fmtImp.Import(pwImp, s, null); } targetdb.KdfParameters = pwImp.KdfParameters; targetdb.DataCipherUuid = pwImp.DataCipherUuid; targetdb.HistoryMaxItems = pwImp.HistoryMaxItems; targetdb.HistoryMaxSize = pwImp.HistoryMaxSize; PwMergeMethod mm = PwMergeMethod.Synchronize; targetdb.RootGroup.Uuid = pwImp.RootGroup.Uuid; targetdb.MergeIn(pwImp, mm, dlgStatus); CleanupSyncedDB(targetdb); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginDebug.AddError("Error loading OTP db", 0, ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { dlgStatus.EndLogging(); } }
private void AddSearchfield(AutoTypeCtxForm f) { var lvShownEntries = Tools.GetControl("m_lvItems", f) as ListView; if (lvShownEntries == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate m_lvItems, search-as-you-type field not added"); return; } var c = lvShownEntries.Parent; Label lSearch = new Label(); TextBox tbSearch = new TextBox(); c.Controls.Add(lSearch); c.Controls.Add(tbSearch); lSearch.Text = KeePass.Resources.KPRes.FindEntries; lSearch.AutoSize = true; tbSearch.Left = lvShownEntries.Left + lSearch.Width + DpiUtil.ScaleIntX(10); lSearch.Left = lvShownEntries.Left; tbSearch.Top = lvShownEntries.Top; lSearch.Top = lvShownEntries.Top + tbSearch.Height / 2 - lSearch.Height / 2; tbSearch.Width = lvShownEntries.Width / 2; List <ListViewItem> lvAllEntries = new List <ListViewItem>(lvShownEntries.Items.Cast <ListViewItem>()); tbSearch.Tag = new _SearchAsYouTypeData() { AllEntries = lvAllEntries, ShownEntries = lvShownEntries }; tbSearch.TextChanged += OnFilterSearchResults; int iGap = DpiUtil.ScaleIntY(10); int iHeight = lvShownEntries.Height; tbSearch.Dock = lvShownEntries.Dock = DockStyle.None; lvShownEntries.Top += tbSearch.Height + iGap - 1; lvShownEntries.Height = iHeight - tbSearch.Height - iGap; lvShownEntries.Width = lvShownEntries.Parent.ClientSize.Width - lvShownEntries.Parent.Padding.Left - lvShownEntries.Parent.Padding.Right; }
//Color passwords in password generator private void OnPwGeneratorFormShown(object sender, EventArgs e) { (sender as Form).Shown -= OnPwGeneratorFormShown; if (!ColorConfig.Active) { return; } if (!ColorConfig.ColorPwGen) { return; } KeePass.Forms.PwGeneratorForm pg = sender as KeePass.Forms.PwGeneratorForm; TextBox tb = Tools.GetControl("m_tbPreview", pg) as TextBox; if (tb == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate m_tbPreview", 0); return; } ColorTextBox rtb = new ColorTextBox(); rtb.Name = "ColoredPassword_" + tb.Name; rtb.Left = tb.Left; rtb.Top = tb.Top; rtb.Width = tb.Width; rtb.Height = tb.Height; rtb.ColorBackground = false; rtb.Multiline = tb.Multiline; rtb.ReadOnly = tb.ReadOnly; rtb.WordWrap = tb.WordWrap; rtb.Font = tb.Font; rtb.ScrollBars = (RichTextBoxScrollBars)tb.ScrollBars; tb.Tag = rtb; tb.Visible = false; tb.Parent.Controls.Add(rtb); tb.TextChanged += Tb_TextChanged; }
internal static bool CopyOTP(PwEntry pe) { if (!OTPDAO.EnsureOTPUsagePossible(pe)) { PluginDebug.AddError("Copy OTP failed", 0, "Uuid: " + pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), "OTP db not unlocked"); return(false); } KPOTP myOTP = OTPDAO.GetOTP(pe); if (!myOTP.Valid) { PluginDebug.AddError("Copy OTP failed", 0, "Uuid: " + pe.Uuid.ToHexString()); return(false); } ClipboardUtil.CopyAndMinimize(myOTP.GetOTP(false, true), true, Program.MainForm, pe, Program.MainForm.DocumentManager.SafeFindContainerOf(pe)); Program.MainForm.StartClipboardCountdown(); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Copy OTP success", 0, "Uuid: " + pe.Uuid.ToString()); if (myOTP.Type == KPOTPType.HOTP) { myOTP.HOTPCounter++; OTPDAO.SaveOTP(myOTP, pe); } return(true); }
private void UpdateAvailableTranslations() { Dictionary <string, List <UpdateComponentInfo> > dUpdateInfo = new Dictionary <string, List <UpdateComponentInfo> >(); Dictionary <string, long> dResult = new Dictionary <string, long>(); Type t = typeof(KeePass.Program).Assembly.GetType("KeePass.Util.UpdateCheckEx"); if (t == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate class 'UpdateCheckEx'", 0); return; } MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("DownloadInfoFiles", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (mi == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not locate method 'DownloadInfoFiles'", 0); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VersionURL)) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not read plugin update url", 0); return; } dUpdateInfo = mi.Invoke(null, new object[] { new List <string>() { VersionURL }, null }) as Dictionary <string, List <UpdateComponentInfo> >; List <string> lTranslationsNew = new List <string>(); string[] cSplit = new string[] { "!", "!!!" }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <UpdateComponentInfo> > kvp in dUpdateInfo) { if (kvp.Value == null) { continue; } Version vCheck = null; foreach (UpdateComponentInfo uci in kvp.Value) { //Github: <Plugin>!<language identifier> string[] sParts = uci.Name.Split(cSplit, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (sParts.Length == 1) { vCheck = new Version(StrUtil.VersionToString(uci.VerAvailable, 2)); if (VersionAvailableIsUnknown()) { VersionAvailable = vCheck; } } if (!PluginUpdateHandler.VersionsEqual(VersionInstalled, vCheck)) { return; //Different version might require different translation files } if (sParts.Length != 2) { continue; } long lVer = 0; if (!long.TryParse(StrUtil.VersionToString(uci.VerAvailable), out lVer)) { continue; } string sLang = Name + "." + sParts[1].ToLowerInvariant() + ".language.xml"; TranslationVersionCheck tvc = Translations.Find(x => x.LangugageFile == sLang); if (tvc == null) { tvc = new TranslationVersionCheck() { LangugageFile = sLang }; Translations.Add(tvc); } tvc.Available = lVer; } } }