Example #1
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create sample data
            double[] spans  = { 26, 20 };
            double[] starts = { 0, 14 };

            double[] spans2  = { 23, 7, 16 };
            double[] starts2 = { 50, 60, 55 };

            double[,] spanss  = { { 26, 20, 15 }, { 23, 7, 16 } };
            double[,] startss = { { 0, 14, 20 }, { 50, 60, 55 } };

            // add a gantt graph to the plot
            //plt.AddGantt(spans, starts);
            //plt.AddGantt(spans2, starts2);

            plt.AddGantts(new string[] { "m1", "m2" }, new string[] { "p1", "p2", "p3" }, spanss, startss);

            // adjust axis limits so there is no padding below the bar graph
            //plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);

            plt.YTicks(DataGen.Consecutive(3), new string[] { "p1", "p2", "p3" });
            plt.Legend(location: Alignment.UpperRight);