public static void WarpPlayerToTrain(Player player) { if (!SaveableEntityComponent.HaveAllEntitiesLoaded) { throw new HamstarException("OnARail.TrainEntityHandler.WarpPlayerToTrain - Entities not loaded."); } var myplayer = player.GetModPlayer <OnARailPlayer>(); if (myplayer.MyTrainWho == -1) { throw new HamstarException("OnARail.TrainEntityHandler.WarpPlayerToTrain - Player " + + " (" + player.whoAmI + ") has no train."); } CustomEntity train_ent = CustomEntityManager.GetEntityByWho(myplayer.MyTrainWho); if (train_ent == null) { throw new HamstarException("OnARail.TrainEntityHandler.WarpPlayerToTrain - Player " + + " (" + player.whoAmI + ") has no train entity."); } PlayerHelpers.Teleport(player, train_ent.Core.Center - new Vector2(player.width / 2, (player.height / 2) + 16)); int train_buff_id = OnARailMod.Instance.BuffType <TrainMountBuff>(); player.AddBuff(train_buff_id, 30); }
protected virtual void Teleport(Player player, Vector2 dest) { var mymod = WormholesMod.Instance; WormholesPlayer myplayer = player.GetModPlayer <WormholesPlayer>(mymod); if (myplayer.MyPortal == null || (myplayer.MyPortal != null && this.ID != myplayer.MyPortal.ID)) { myplayer.ChartedLinks.Add(this.ID); } PlayerHelpers.Teleport(player, dest); if (player.FindBuffIndex(88) != -1) { int def = player.statDefense; player.statDefense = 0; var dmg = player.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByOther(13), player.statLifeMax2 / 7, 0); player.statDefense = def; } player.AddBuff(164, (int)(60f * 2.5f)); // Distorted player.AddBuff(88, 60 * 10); // Chaos State float vel_x = player.velocity.X * 3; float vel_y = player.velocity.Y * 3; if (vel_x > 0 && vel_x < 1) { vel_x = 1; } else if (vel_x < 0 && vel_x > 1) { vel_x = -1; } if (vel_y > 0 && vel_y < 1) { vel_y = 1; } else if (vel_y < 0 && vel_y > 1) { vel_y = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { Dust.NewDust(player.position, player.width, player.height, 245, vel_x, vel_y); } //Main.PlaySound( 2, player.position, 100 ); var snd = SoundID.Item100.WithVolume(mymod.Config.WormholeEntrySoundVolume); Main.PlaySound(snd, player.position); }
private void TraverseToTunnel(CustomEntity train_ent, TrainTunnelTileEntity to_tunnel) { if (this.IsMountedBy == -1 || train_ent.MyOwnerPlayerWho == -1) { // TODO train-only traversal } else { Vector2 to_tunnel_pos = to_tunnel.GetWorldRectangle().Center.ToVector2(); to_tunnel_pos.Y -= 32; Player plr = Main.player[train_ent.MyOwnerPlayerWho]; Vector2 vel = plr.velocity; PlayerHelpers.Teleport(plr, to_tunnel_pos); plr.velocity = vel; } }
private void HandleRecall() { CustomEntity ent = CustomEntityManager.GetEntityByWho(this.MyTrainWho); var train_comp = ent.GetComponentByType <TrainBehaviorEntityComponent>(); if (train_comp.IsMountedBy != -1) { PlayerHelpers.Teleport(this.player, this.PrevPosition); // return to train's last position } else { if (((OnARailMod)this.mod).Config.DebugModeInfo) { Main.NewText("Warping to train..."); } TrainEntity.WarpPlayerToTrain(player); // return to train } }