public static bool SetPlanetData(ref PlanetSimulator __instance, ref Transform ___lookCamera, ref UniverseSimulator ___universe, ref StarSimulator ___star, PlanetData planet) { __instance.planetData = planet; if (__instance.planetData.atmosMaterial != null) { __instance.atmoTrans0 = new GameObject("Atmosphere") { layer = 31 }.transform; __instance.atmoTrans0.parent = __instance.transform; __instance.atmoTrans0.localPosition =; if (planet.GetScaleFactored() >= 1) { __instance.atmoTrans0.localScale *= planet.GetScaleFactored(); } else { __instance.atmoTrans0.localScale /= planet.GetScaleFactored(); } var primitive = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad); primitive.layer = 31; __instance.atmoTrans1 = primitive.transform; __instance.atmoTrans1.parent = __instance.atmoTrans0; __instance.atmoTrans1.localPosition =; Object.Destroy(primitive.GetComponent <Collider>()); var component = primitive.GetComponent <Renderer>(); var atmosMaterial = __instance.planetData.atmosMaterial; component.sharedMaterial = atmosMaterial; __instance.atmoMat = atmosMaterial; component.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; component.receiveShadows = false; component.lightProbeUsage = LightProbeUsage.Off; component.motionVectorGenerationMode = MotionVectorGenerationMode.ForceNoMotion; __instance.atmoTrans1.localScale = * (planet.realRadius * 5f * planet.GetScaleFactored()); __instance.atmoMatRadiusParam = __instance.atmoMat.GetVector("_PlanetRadius"); } ___lookCamera = Camera.main.transform; ___universe = GameMain.universeSimulator; ___star = ___universe.FindStarSimulator(; return(false); }
public static void AddFactoredRadius(this PlanetRawData planetRawData, PlanetData planet) { FactoredRadius[planetRawData] = planet.GetScaleFactored(); }
public static PlanetData ReworkCreatePlanet( ref GalaxyData galaxy, ref StarData star, ref GameDesc gameDesc, int index, int orbitAround, int orbitIndex, int number, bool gasGiant, int info_seed, int gen_seed) { Patch.Debug("ReworkCreatePlanet", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); var planetData = new PlanetData(); var mainSeed = new Random(info_seed); //Base data of the planet : planetData.index = index; planetData.galaxy = star.galaxy; = star; planetData.seed = gen_seed; // Index of the thing it's orbiting around , 0 for star , anything else mean it's a moon planetData.orbitAround = orbitAround; // Current orbit Index around the planet planetData.orbitIndex = orbitIndex; // index of the planet in the system ? planetData.number = number; // Global Id of the entity = * 100 + planetData.index + 1; var stars = galaxy.stars; Patch.Debug("Basic Information Setup", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); var randomNumber1 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber2 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber3 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber4 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber5 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber6 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber7 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber8 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber9 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber10 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber11 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber12 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber13 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); var randomNumber14 = mainSeed.NextDouble(); // Orbit definition Patch.Debug("Orbit definition", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); var baselineOrbitVariation = Mathf.Pow(1.2f, (float)(randomNumber1 * (randomNumber2 - 0.5) * 0.5)); var orbitInclination = UnityRandom.Range(0, Patch.MaxOrbitInclination.Value) * MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed); Patch.Debug("Rotation definition", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // rotation period planetData.rotationPeriod = randomNumber8 * randomNumber9 * Patch.RotationPeriodVariabilityFactor.Value + Patch.RotationPeriodBaseTime.Value; // Planet Patch.Debug("Body Stuff", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //orbit longitude planetData.orbitLongitude = (float)(randomNumber4 * 360.0); //runtimeOrbitRotation planetData.runtimeOrbitRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(planetData.orbitLongitude, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(orbitInclination, Vector3.forward); planetData.runtimeSystemRotation = planetData.runtimeOrbitRotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(planetData.obliquity, Vector3.forward); if (planetData.IsNotAMoon()) { Patch.Debug("Planets Stuff", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //orbit var baselineOrbitSize = Patch.OrbitRadiusPlanetArray[orbitIndex] * star.orbitScaler; var orbitSize = (float)((baselineOrbitVariation - 1.0) / Mathf.Max(1f, baselineOrbitSize) + 1.0); planetData.orbitRadius = baselineOrbitSize * orbitSize; // orbit Inclination + periods planetData.orbitInclination = orbitInclination; planetData.orbitalPeriod = Math.Sqrt(pi2Rad * planetData.orbitRadius * planetData.orbitRadius * planetData.orbitRadius / (1.35385519905204E-06 * star.mass)); //rotation period if (planetData.IsGasGiant() || == EStarType.NeutronStar) { planetData.rotationPeriod *= 0.200000002980232; } else if ( == EStarType.BlackHole) { planetData.rotationPeriod *= 0.150000005960464; } planetData.sunDistance = planetData.orbitRadius; // rotation period planetData.rotationPeriod = 1.0 / (1.0 / planetData.orbitalPeriod * 2); //Tidal Lock Management if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceTidalLock.Value) { if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceTidalLock1.Value) { planetData.obliquity *= 0.01f; planetData.rotationPeriod = planetData.orbitalPeriod; planetData.IsTidallyLocked(TidalLevel.TidalLocked); } else if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceTidalLock2.Value) { planetData.obliquity *= 0.1f; planetData.rotationPeriod = planetData.orbitalPeriod * 0.5; planetData.IsTidallyLocked(TidalLevel.TidalLocked2); } else { planetData.obliquity *= 0.2f; planetData.rotationPeriod = planetData.orbitalPeriod * 0.25; planetData.IsTidallyLocked(TidalLevel.TidalLocked4); } } Patch.Debug("Planets Stuff Done", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); } // Moon else { // the previous algo is using the number of the planet it's orbiting around, not the actual index --> so minus 1 orbitAround -= 1; Patch.Debug("Moon Stuff", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //affect the data of the planet of the moon Patch.Debug("orbitAround " + orbitAround, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.orbitAroundPlanet = star.planets[orbitAround]; Patch.Debug("orbitAround id : " + star.planets[orbitAround].index, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); var orbitRadiusScaled = Patch.OrbitRadiusArrayMoons[orbitIndex] * star.orbitScaler * Mathf.Lerp(baselineOrbitVariation, 1f, 0.5f) * planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.GetGasGiantOrbitScaler(); //orbit planetData.orbitRadius = orbitRadiusScaled; Patch.Debug("orbitRadius " + planetData.orbitRadius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // orbit Inclination + periods planetData.orbitInclination = orbitInclination * Patch.MoonOrbitInclinationFactor.Value; Patch.Debug("orbitInclination " + planetData.orbitInclination, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.orbitalPeriod = Math.Sqrt(pi2Rad * planetData.orbitRadius * planetData.orbitRadius * planetData.orbitRadius / 1.08308421068537E-08); Patch.Debug("orbitalPeriod " + planetData.orbitalPeriod, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.rotationPeriod *= Mathf.Pow(planetData.orbitRadius, 0.25f); Patch.Debug("rotationPeriod " + planetData.rotationPeriod, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // distance = planet of the moon planetData.sunDistance = planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.orbitRadius; Patch.Debug("sunDistance " + planetData.sunDistance, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // rotation period planetData.rotationPeriod = 1.0 / (1.0 / planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.orbitalPeriod + 1.0 / planetData.rotationPeriod); Patch.Debug("rotationPeriod - 2 " + planetData.rotationPeriod, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); Patch.Debug("Tidal Lock " + planetData.rotationPeriod, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //Tidal Lock Management if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceTidalLock.Value) { if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceTidalLock1.Value) { planetData.obliquity *= 0.01f; planetData.rotationPeriod = planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.orbitalPeriod; planetData.IsTidallyLocked(TidalLevel.TidalLocked); } else if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceTidalLock2.Value) { planetData.obliquity *= 0.1f; planetData.rotationPeriod = planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.orbitalPeriod * 0.5; planetData.IsTidallyLocked(TidalLevel.TidalLocked2); } else { planetData.obliquity *= 0.2f; planetData.rotationPeriod = planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.orbitalPeriod * 0.25; planetData.IsTidallyLocked(TidalLevel.TidalLocked4); } } Patch.Debug("End Tidal Lock " + planetData.rotationPeriod, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //runtimeOrbitRotation planetData.runtimeOrbitRotation = planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.runtimeOrbitRotation * planetData.runtimeOrbitRotation; Patch.Debug("runtimeOrbitRotation " + planetData.runtimeOrbitRotation, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); Patch.Debug("Moon Stuff Done", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); } Patch.Debug("Body orbit Phase", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // orbit phase planetData.orbitPhase = (float)(randomNumber5 * 360.0); Patch.Debug("Body Rotation Phase", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //rotation phase planetData.rotationPhase = (float)(randomNumber10 * 360.0); Patch.Debug("Body Orbit Obliquity", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // orbit obliquity Patch.Debug("Body Obliquity Modification", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChancePlanetLaySide.Value) { planetData.obliquity = (float)randomNumber6 * MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed) * Patch.LaySideBaseAngle.Value; planetData.obliquity += Patch.LaySideAddingAngle.Value * MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed); planetData.HasLayingObliquity(); } else if (randomNumber13 < Patch.ChanceBigObliquity.Value) { planetData.obliquity = (float)randomNumber6 * MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed) * Patch.BigObliquityBaseAngle.Value; planetData.obliquity += Patch.BigObliquityAddingAngle.Value * MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed); } else { planetData.obliquity = (float)randomNumber6 * MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed) * Patch.StandardObliquityAngle.Value; } Patch.Debug("Body runtimeSystemRotation", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //runtimeOrbitRotation obliquity adjustment planetData.runtimeSystemRotation = planetData.runtimeOrbitRotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(planetData.obliquity, Vector3.forward); Patch.Debug("Body Retrograde", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //Define if the orbit is retrograde if (randomNumber14 < Patch.ChanceRetrogradeOrbit.Value) { planetData.HasRetrogradeOrbit(); } Patch.Debug("Body Neutron Star", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // Anomaly around neutron stars if ( == EStarType.NeutronStar) { planetData.OrbitAroundNeutronStar(); } Patch.Debug("Body Type Definition", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); // type of the planet : if (gasGiant) { Patch.Debug("Body is Gas Giant", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.type = EPlanetType.Gas; planetData.habitableBias = 100f; } else { Patch.Debug("Body TypeDefinition ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); var sunDistance = planetData.sunDistance; var ratioHabitableDistance = Patch.HabitabilityBaseConstant.Value; Patch.Debug("Body Habitability", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); if (star.habitableRadius > 0.0 && sunDistance > 0.0) { ratioHabitableDistance = sunDistance / star.habitableRadius; } Patch.Debug("Star Habitability radius ", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); var minRadiusHabitable = star.habitableRadius - Patch.HabitableRadiusAreaBaseline.Value; var maxRadiusHabitable = star.habitableRadius + Patch.HabitableRadiusAreaBaseline.Value; if (planetData.sunDistance < maxRadiusHabitable && planetData.sunDistance > minRadiusHabitable) { planetData.habitableBias = Patch.ChanceBeingHabitable.Value; } Patch.Debug("Body Temperature ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.temperatureBias = (float)(1.20000004768372 / (ratioHabitableDistance + 0.200000002980232) - 1.0); if (randomNumber11 < planetData.habitableBias) { Patch.Debug("Body Type Ocean ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.type = EPlanetType.Ocean; ++star.galaxy.habitableCount; } else if (ratioHabitableDistance < Patch.VolcanoPlanetDistanceRatio.Value) { Patch.Debug("Body Type Volcano ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.type = EPlanetType.Vocano; } else if (ratioHabitableDistance > Patch.IcePlanetDistanceRatio.Value) { Patch.Debug("Body Type Ice ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.type = EPlanetType.Ice; } else { Patch.Debug("Body Type Desert ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); planetData.type = EPlanetType.Desert; } Patch.Debug("Body Type Defined ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); } Patch.Debug("Body Luminosity( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //Luminosity planetData.luminosity = Mathf.Pow( / (planetData.sunDistance + 0.01f), 0.6f); if (planetData.luminosity > 1.0) { planetData.luminosity = Mathf.Log(planetData.luminosity) + 1f; planetData.luminosity = Mathf.Log(planetData.luminosity) + 1f; planetData.luminosity = Mathf.Log(planetData.luminosity) + 1f; } planetData.luminosity = Mathf.Round(planetData.luminosity * 100f) / 100f; Patch.Debug("Body Size Def ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); //Size related stuff : if (planetData.type == EPlanetType.Gas) { var radiusGasGiantWanted = PatchSize.VanillaGasGiantSize; if (PatchSize.EnableResizingFeature.Value) { //Default : 0.25 var minScalingGasGiantRatio = (PatchSize.BaseGasGiantSize.Value - PatchSize.BaseGasGiantSizeVariationFactor.Value) / (PatchSize.BaseGasGiantSize.Value + PatchSize.BaseGasGiantSizeVariationFactor.Value); radiusGasGiantWanted = PatchSize.BaseGasGiantSize.Value + MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed) * PatchSize.BaseGasGiantSizeVariationFactor.Value; radiusGasGiantWanted -= radiusGasGiantWanted % 10; } planetData.scale = PatchSize.VanillaGasGiantScale; planetData.radius = radiusGasGiantWanted / planetData.scale; planetData.precision = 64; planetData.segment = 2; } else if (planetData.type != EPlanetType.None) { if (PatchSize.EnableResizingFeature.Value) { var radiusTelluricWanted = PatchSize.VanillaTelluricSize; if (planetData.IsNotAMoon()) { radiusTelluricWanted = PatchSize.BaseTelluricSize.Value + MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed) * PatchSize.BaseTelluricSizeVariationFactor.Value; } else { //A moon can only be smaller than it's host if (planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.type != EPlanetType.Gas) { radiusTelluricWanted = planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.radius - (float)mainSeed.NextDouble() * PatchSize.BaseTelluricSizeVariationFactor.Value; // clamp to avoid weird sizes radiusTelluricWanted = Mathf.Clamp(radiusTelluricWanted, PatchSize.MinTelluricSize.Value, planetData.orbitAroundPlanet.radius); } else { radiusTelluricWanted = PatchSize.BaseTelluricSize.Value + MathUtils.RangePlusMinusOne(mainSeed) * PatchSize.BaseTelluricSizeVariationFactor.Value; } } radiusTelluricWanted -= radiusTelluricWanted % 10; planetData.radius = Mathf.RoundToInt(radiusTelluricWanted); Patch.Debug(" planetData.radius" + planetData.radius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGenDeep); planetData.scale = planetData.GetScaleFactored(); Patch.Debug(" planetData.scale" + planetData.scale, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGenDeep); planetData.precision = planetData.GetPrecisionFactored(); Patch.Debug(" planetData.precision" + planetData.precision, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGenDeep); } else { planetData.radius = PatchSize.VanillaTelluricSize; planetData.scale = PatchSize.VanillaTelluricScale; planetData.precision = PatchSize.VanillaTelluricPrecision; } planetData.segment = 5; } else { planetData.radius = PatchSize.VanillaTelluricSize; planetData.precision = 64; planetData.segment = 2; } star.planets[planetData.index] = planetData; = star; Patch.Debug("Body Theme Def ( planet / Moon )", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); Patch.Debug("planetData \n" + " " + + "\n" + "planetData.index " + planetData.index + "\n" + "planetData.temperatureBias " + planetData.temperatureBias + "\n" + "planetData.planets " + + "\n" + "planetData.planets index : " +[planetData.index].type + "\n" + "planetData.planets Lenght " + + "\n" + "planetData.type " + planetData.type + "\n" + "planetData.mod_x " + planetData.mod_x + "\n" + "planetData.mod_y " + planetData.mod_y + "\n" + "planetData.algoId " + planetData.algoId + "\n" , LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); star.galaxy.astroPoses[].uRadius = planetData.realRadius; Patch.Debug("ReworkCreatePlanet Done !", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugReworkPlanetGen); return(planetData); }
public static bool UpdateDirtyMesh(ref PlanetData __instance, ref bool __result, int dirtyIdx) { Patch.Debug("UpdateDirtyMesh", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugGeneral); Patch.Debug("UpdateDirtyMesh Start :", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); Patch.Debug("scaleFactor updateDirtyMesh :" + __instance.GetScaleFactored(), LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); if (__instance.dirtyFlags[dirtyIdx]) { __instance.dirtyFlags[dirtyIdx] = false; var precisionOnSegment = __instance.precision / __instance.segment; Patch.Debug("precisionOnSegment :" + precisionOnSegment, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); var segmentSquared = __instance.segment * __instance.segment; Patch.Debug("segmentSquared :" + segmentSquared, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); var dirtyIOnSSqu = dirtyIdx / segmentSquared; var dirtyIOnSSquModulo = dirtyIOnSSqu % 2; var dirtyIOnSSquByTwo = dirtyIOnSSqu / 2; var dirtyIModuloSegmentSquared = dirtyIdx % segmentSquared; var DIMSQMod = dirtyIModuloSegmentSquared % __instance.segment * precisionOnSegment + dirtyIOnSSquModulo *; Patch.Debug("DIMSQMod :" + DIMSQMod, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); var DIMSQBy = dirtyIModuloSegmentSquared / __instance.segment * precisionOnSegment + dirtyIOnSSquByTwo *; Patch.Debug("DIMSQBy :" + DIMSQBy, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); var stride =; var radiusOffset = __instance.radius; Patch.Debug("radiusOffset :" + radiusOffset, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetData); var mesh = __instance.meshes[dirtyIdx]; var vertices = mesh.vertices; var normals = mesh.normals; var IndexGeo = 0; for (var i = DIMSQBy; i <= DIMSQBy + precisionOnSegment; i++) { for (var j = DIMSQMod; j <= DIMSQMod + precisionOnSegment; j++) { var strideIndexLoop = j + i * stride; var heightDataNormalized =[strideIndexLoop] * 0.01f; Patch.Debug("heightDataNormalized :" + heightDataNormalized, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetDataDeep); var thirdOdModLevel = * 0.3333333f; Patch.Debug("thirdOdModLevel :" + thirdOdModLevel, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetDataDeep); var copyOfRadiusOffset = radiusOffset; if (thirdOdModLevel > 0f) { copyOfRadiusOffset = * __instance.GetScaleFactored() * 0.01f; } //patched copyOfRadiusOffset // copyOfRadiusOffset *= scaleFactor; Patch.Debug("copyOfRadiusOffset :" + copyOfRadiusOffset, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetDataDeep); var ploup = heightDataNormalized * (1f - thirdOdModLevel) + copyOfRadiusOffset * thirdOdModLevel; Patch.Debug("ploup :" + ploup, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetDataDeep); if (ploup > __instance.radius) { ploup -= (float)0.2 * __instance.GetScaleFactored(); if (ploup < __instance.radius) { ploup = __instance.radius + 0.2f; } } vertices[IndexGeo].x =[strideIndexLoop].x * ploup; vertices[IndexGeo].y =[strideIndexLoop].y * ploup; vertices[IndexGeo].z =[strideIndexLoop].z * ploup; normals[IndexGeo].x =[strideIndexLoop].x * (1f - thirdOdModLevel) +[strideIndexLoop].x * thirdOdModLevel; normals[IndexGeo].y =[strideIndexLoop].y * (1f - thirdOdModLevel) +[strideIndexLoop].y * thirdOdModLevel; normals[IndexGeo].z =[strideIndexLoop].z * (1f - thirdOdModLevel) +[strideIndexLoop].z * thirdOdModLevel; normals[IndexGeo].Normalize(); IndexGeo++; } } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.normals = normals; __instance.meshColliders[dirtyIdx].sharedMesh = null; __instance.meshColliders[dirtyIdx].sharedMesh = mesh; __result = true; return(false); } __result = false; return(false); }
public static bool ModelingPlanetMain(PlanetData planet, ref Camera ___heightmapCamera, ref List <Mesh> ___tmpMeshList, ref PlanetData ___currentModelingPlanet, ref int ___currentModelingStage, ref int ___currentModelingSeamNormal, ref PlanetData ___currentFactingPlanet, ref int ___currentFactingStage, ref List <MeshRenderer> ___tmpMeshRendererList, ref List <MeshCollider> ___tmpMeshColliderList, ref Collider ___tmpOceanCollider, ref List <Vector3> ___tmpVerts, ref List <Vector3> ___tmpNorms, ref List <Vector4> ___tmpTgnts, ref VegeProto[] ___vegeProtos, ref List <Vector2> ___tmpUvs, ref List <Vector4> ___tmpUv2s, ref List <int> ___tmpTris, ref GameObject ___tmpPlanetGameObject, ref GameObject ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject, ref GameObject ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject, ref MeshRenderer ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer) { Patch.Debug("ModelingPlanetMain", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugGeneral); var themeProto = LDB.themes.Select(planet.theme);; Patch.Debug("Planet " +, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Modeling Main Start :", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet radius :" + planet.radius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet RealRadius :" + planet.realRadius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet precision :" + planet.precision, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Scale :" + planet.scale, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Algo :" + planet.algoId, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet RealRadius :" + planet.realRadius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Scale :" + planet.scale, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet scaleFactor :" + planet.GetScaleFactored(), LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Scale :" + planet.radius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); //data.heightData = scaledHeightData; if (___currentModelingStage == 2) { var planetPrecisionBySegment = planet.precision / planet.segment; var planetPrecision = planet.precision; var data =; var planetScale = planet.scale; // float planetRadiusScaled = (float) (planet.radius * (double) planetScale + 0.200000002980232); var planetRadiusScaled = (float)(planet.radius * (double)planetScale + 0.200000002980232); Patch.Debug("planetRadiusScaled " + planetRadiusScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); // planetRadiusScaled *= scaleFactor; Patch.Debug("planetRadiusScaled Patched " + planetRadiusScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); var stride = data.stride; var num6 = 0; var stateOfTheGame = !GameMain.isLoading ? 2 : 3; var num8 = 0; for (var index1 = 0; index1 < 4; ++index1) { var num9 = index1 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num10 = index1 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < planetPrecision; index2 += planetPrecisionBySegment) { for (var index3 = 0; index3 < planetPrecision; index3 += planetPrecisionBySegment) { if (num8 == 0 && num6 < ___tmpMeshList.Count) { ++num6; } else { var mesh = new Mesh(); ___tmpMeshList.Add(mesh); ___tmpVerts.Clear(); ___tmpNorms.Clear(); ___tmpTgnts.Clear(); ___tmpUvs.Clear(); ___tmpUv2s.Clear(); var gameObject = new GameObject("Surface"); gameObject.layer = 30; gameObject.transform.SetParent(___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.transform, false); for (var index4 = index2; index4 <= index2 + planetPrecisionBySegment && index4 <= planetPrecision; ++index4) { for (var index5 = index3; index5 <= index3 + planetPrecisionBySegment && index5 <= planetPrecision; ++index5) { var num11 = num9 + index5; var num12 = num10 + index4; var index6 = num11 + num12 * stride; var num13 = index6; if (index4 == 0) { var num14 = (index1 + 3) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = planetPrecision; var num18 = planetPrecision - index5; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } else if (index5 == 0) { var num14 = (index1 + 3) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = planetPrecision - index4; var num18 = planetPrecision; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } if (index4 == planetPrecision) { var num14 = (index1 + 1) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = 0; var num18 = planetPrecision - index5; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } else if (index5 == planetPrecision) { var num14 = (index1 + 1) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = planetPrecision - index4; var num18 = 0; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } Patch.Debug("data.heightData[index6] : " + data.heightData[index6], LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var heightDataScaled = data.heightData[index6] * 0.01f; //If GasGiant if (planet.type == EPlanetType.Gas) { heightDataScaled *= planetScale; } Patch.Debug("heightDataScaled : " + heightDataScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var thirdOfModLevel = data.GetModLevel(index6) * 0.3333333f; Patch.Debug("thirdOfModLevel : " + thirdOfModLevel, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); if (thirdOfModLevel > 0.0) { //data.GetModPlane(index6)) 20000 + * 0.01f --> 200 + Patch.Debug( "data.GetModPlane(index6) : " + data.GetModPlaneInt(index6), LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var modPlanePatched = data.GetModPlaneInt(index6); Patch.Debug("patch modPlane: " + modPlanePatched, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); planetRadiusScaled = modPlanePatched * 0.01f; Patch.Debug( "planetRadiusScaled is modified : " + planetRadiusScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); } // final height modification ? var finalHeight = (float)(heightDataScaled * (1.0 - thirdOfModLevel) + planetRadiusScaled * (double)thirdOfModLevel); Patch.Debug("finalHeight : " + finalHeight, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var vector3_1 = data.vertices[index6] * finalHeight; ___tmpVerts.Add(vector3_1); ___tmpNorms.Add(data.vertices[index6]); var vector3_2 = Vector3.Cross(data.vertices[index6], Vector3.up).normalized; if (vector3_2.sqrMagnitude == 0.0) { vector3_2 = Vector3.right; } ___tmpTgnts.Add(new Vector4(vector3_2.x, vector3_2.y, vector3_2.z, 1f)); ___tmpUvs.Add(new Vector2((num11 + 0.5f) / stride, (num12 + 0.5f) / stride)); ___tmpUv2s.Add(new Vector4(data.biomoData[index6] * 0.01f, data.temprData[index6] * 0.01f, index6 + 0.3f, num13 + 0.3f)); } } mesh.indexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt16; mesh.SetVertices(___tmpVerts); mesh.SetNormals(___tmpNorms); mesh.SetTangents(___tmpTgnts); mesh.SetUVs(0, ___tmpUvs); mesh.SetUVs(1, ___tmpUv2s); mesh.SetTriangles(___tmpTris, 0, true, 0); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.GetNormals(___tmpNorms); for (var index4 = 0; index4 < ___tmpNorms.Count; ++index4) { var z = (int)___tmpUv2s[index4].z; var w = (int)___tmpUv2s[index4].w; data.normals[z] = data.normals[z] + ___tmpNorms[index4]; data.normals[w] = data.normals[w] + ___tmpNorms[index4]; } var meshFilter2 = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); var meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var meshCollider = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); meshFilter2.sharedMesh = mesh; meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = planet.terrainMaterial; meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; meshRenderer.receiveShadows = false; meshRenderer.lightProbeUsage = LightProbeUsage.Off; meshCollider.sharedMesh = mesh; ___tmpMeshRendererList.Add(meshRenderer); ___tmpMeshColliderList.Add(meshCollider); ++num8; if (num8 == stateOfTheGame) { return(false); } } } } } var num23 = !GameMain.isLoading ? 5 : 15; for (var index1 = 0; index1 < ___tmpMeshList.Count; ++index1) { var num9 = index1 / num23; if (num9 >= ___currentModelingSeamNormal) { if (num9 > ___currentModelingSeamNormal) { ++___currentModelingSeamNormal; return(false); } var tmpMesh = ___tmpMeshList[index1]; ___tmpNorms.Clear(); ___tmpUv2s.Clear(); var vertexCount = tmpMesh.vertexCount; tmpMesh.GetUVs(1, ___tmpUv2s); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < vertexCount; ++index2) { var z = (int)___tmpUv2s[index2].z; ___tmpNorms.Add(data.normals[z].normalized); } tmpMesh.SetNormals(___tmpNorms); } } ___currentModelingStage = 3; } return(true); }
public static bool ModelingPlanetMain(PlanetData planet, ref Camera ___heightmapCamera, ref List <Mesh> ___tmpMeshList, ref PlanetData ___currentModelingPlanet, ref int ___currentModelingStage, ref int ___currentModelingSeamNormal, ref PlanetData ___currentFactingPlanet, ref int ___currentFactingStage, ref List <MeshRenderer> ___tmpMeshRendererList, ref List <MeshCollider> ___tmpMeshColliderList, ref Collider ___tmpOceanCollider, ref List <Vector3> ___tmpVerts, ref List <Vector3> ___tmpNorms, ref List <Vector4> ___tmpTgnts, ref VegeProto[] ___vegeProtos, ref List <Vector2> ___tmpUvs, ref List <Vector4> ___tmpUv2s, ref List <int> ___tmpTris, ref GameObject ___tmpPlanetGameObject, ref GameObject ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject, ref GameObject ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject, ref MeshRenderer ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer) { Patch.Debug("ModelingPlanetMain", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugGeneral); var themeProto = LDB.themes.Select(planet.theme);; Patch.Debug("Planet " +, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Modeling Main Start :", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet radius :" + planet.radius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet RealRadius :" + planet.realRadius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet precision :" + planet.precision, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Scale :" + planet.scale, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Algo :" + planet.algoId, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet RealRadius :" + planet.realRadius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Scale :" + planet.scale, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet scaleFactor :" + planet.GetScaleFactored(), LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Planet Scale :" + planet.radius, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); //data.heightData = scaledHeightData; var planetPrecisionBySegment = planet.precision / planet.segment; switch (___currentModelingStage) { case 0: { Patch.Debug("___currentModelingStage :" + 0, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); if (___tmpMeshList == null) { ___tmpMeshList = new List <Mesh>(100); ___tmpMeshRendererList = new List <MeshRenderer>(100); ___tmpMeshColliderList = new List <MeshCollider>(100); ___tmpOceanCollider = null; ___tmpVerts = new List <Vector3>(1700); ___tmpNorms = new List <Vector3>(1700); ___tmpTgnts = new List <Vector4>(1700); ___tmpUvs = new List <Vector2>(1700); ___tmpUv2s = new List <Vector4>(1700); ___tmpTris = new List <int>(10000); } if (planet.heightmap == null) { planet.heightmap = new RenderTexture( new RenderTextureDescriptor(512, 512, RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf, 0) { dimension = TextureDimension.Cube, useMipMap = false, autoGenerateMips = false }); } if (___heightmapCamera == null) { var gameObject = new GameObject("Heightmap Camera"); ___heightmapCamera = gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); ___heightmapCamera.cullingMask = 1073741824; ___heightmapCamera.enabled = false; ___heightmapCamera.farClipPlane = 900f; ___heightmapCamera.nearClipPlane = 10f; ___heightmapCamera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.Forward; ___heightmapCamera.allowDynamicResolution = false; ___heightmapCamera.allowMSAA = false; ___heightmapCamera.allowHDR = true; ___heightmapCamera.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.None; ___heightmapCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color; ___heightmapCamera.backgroundColor =; ___heightmapCamera.depth = 0.0f; ___heightmapCamera.SetReplacementShader(Configs.builtin.heightmapShader, "ReplaceTag"); gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (planet.terrainMaterial == null) { if (themeProto != null && themeProto.terrainMat != null) { planet.terrainMaterial = Instantiate(themeProto.terrainMat); = planet.displayName + " Terrain"; planet.terrainMaterial.SetFloat("_Radius", planet.realRadius); } else { planet.terrainMaterial = Instantiate(Configs.builtin.planetSurfaceMatProto); } } if (planet.oceanMaterial == null) { if (themeProto != null && themeProto.oceanMat != null) { planet.oceanMaterial = Instantiate(themeProto.oceanMat); = planet.displayName + " Ocean"; planet.oceanMaterial.SetFloat("_Radius", planet.realRadius); } else { planet.oceanMaterial = null; } } if (planet.atmosMaterial == null) { if (themeProto != null && themeProto.atmosMat != null) { planet.atmosMaterial = Instantiate(themeProto.atmosMat); = planet.displayName + " Atmos"; } else { planet.atmosMaterial = null; } } if (planet.reformMaterial == null) { planet.reformMaterial = Instantiate(Configs.builtin.planetReformMatProto); } if (planet.ambientDesc == null) { planet.ambientDesc = themeProto == null || !(themeProto.ambientDesc != null) ? null : themeProto.ambientDesc; } if (planet.ambientSfx == null && themeProto != null && themeProto.ambientSfx != null) { planet.ambientSfx = themeProto.ambientSfx; planet.ambientSfxVolume = themeProto.SFXVolume; } if (planet.minimapMaterial == null) { planet.minimapMaterial = themeProto == null || !(themeProto.minimapMat != null) ? Instantiate(Configs.builtin.planetMinimapDefault) : Instantiate(themeProto.minimapMat); = planet.displayName + " Minimap"; planet.minimapMaterial.SetTexture("_HeightMap", planet.heightmap); } ___tmpMeshList.Clear(); ___tmpMeshRendererList.Clear(); ___tmpMeshColliderList.Clear(); ___tmpOceanCollider = null; ___tmpTris.Clear(); ___currentModelingStage = 1; break; } case 1: { Patch.Debug("___currentModelingStage :" + 1, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); ___tmpPlanetGameObject = new GameObject(planet.displayName); ___tmpPlanetGameObject.layer = 31; GameMain.universeSimulator.SetPlanetSimulator( ___tmpPlanetGameObject.AddComponent <PlanetSimulator>(), planet); ___tmpPlanetGameObject.transform.localPosition =; ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject = new GameObject("Planet Body"); ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.transform.SetParent(___tmpPlanetGameObject.transform, false); ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.layer = 31; ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject = new GameObject("Terrain Reform"); ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject.transform.SetParent(___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.transform, false); ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject.layer = 14; var meshFilter1 = ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer = ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); meshFilter1.sharedMesh = Configs.builtin.planetReformMesh; ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer.sharedMaterial = planet.reformMaterial; ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer.receiveShadows = false; ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer.lightProbeUsage = LightProbeUsage.Off; ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; // radius x2 = diameter var planetReformDiameter = (float)((planet.realRadius + 0.200000002980232 + 0.025000000372529) * 2.0); Patch.Debug("planetReformDiameter :" + planetReformDiameter, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); planetReformDiameter /= 2; Patch.Debug("Try patching reform Diameter / 2 :" + planetReformDiameter, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer.transform.localScale = new Vector3(planetReformDiameter, planetReformDiameter, planetReformDiameter); ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (planet.waterItemId != 0) { var gameObject = Instantiate(Configs.builtin.oceanSphere, ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.transform); = "Ocean Sphere"; gameObject.layer = 31; gameObject.transform.localPosition =; gameObject.transform.localScale = * (float)((planet.realRadius + (double)planet.waterHeight) * 2.0); Patch.Debug("Ocean Sphere Scale : realRadius : " + planet.realRadius + " water height " + planet.waterHeight + " x 2 ", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); Patch.Debug("Ocean Sphere Scale :" + gameObject.transform.localScale, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); var component = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); ___tmpOceanCollider = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (component != null) { component.enabled = planet.oceanMaterial != null; component.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; component.receiveShadows = false; component.lightProbeUsage = LightProbeUsage.Off; component.sharedMaterial = planet.oceanMaterial; } } Patch.Debug( "Planet Precision : " + planet.precision + " Planet Segments " + planet.segment, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); var planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne = planetPrecisionBySegment + 1; Patch.Debug("Planet tris Generation", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); for (var index1 = 0; index1 < planetPrecisionBySegment; ++index1) { for (var index2 = 0; index2 < planetPrecisionBySegment; ++index2) { ___tmpTris.Add(index1 + 1 + (index2 + 1) * planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne); ___tmpTris.Add(index1 + (index2 + 1) * planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne); ___tmpTris.Add(index1 + index2 * planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne); ___tmpTris.Add(index1 + index2 * planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne); ___tmpTris.Add(index1 + 1 + index2 * planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne); ___tmpTris.Add(index1 + 1 + (index2 + 1) * planetPrecisionBySegmentPlusOne); } } Patch.Debug("___currentModelingStage end of 1", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); ___currentModelingStage = 2; break; } case 2: { var planetPrecision = planet.precision; var data =; var planetScale = planet.scale; // float planetRadiusScaled = (float) (planet.radius * (double) planetScale + 0.200000002980232); var planetRadiusScaled = (float)(planet.radius + 0.200000002980232); Patch.Debug("planetRadiusScaled " + planetRadiusScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); // planetRadiusScaled *= scaleFactor; Patch.Debug("planetRadiusScaled Patched " + planetRadiusScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); var stride = data.stride; var num6 = 0; var stateOfTheGame = !GameMain.isLoading ? 2 : 3; var num8 = 0; for (var index1 = 0; index1 < 4; ++index1) { var num9 = index1 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num10 = index1 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < planetPrecision; index2 += planetPrecisionBySegment) { for (var index3 = 0; index3 < planetPrecision; index3 += planetPrecisionBySegment) { if (num8 == 0 && num6 < ___tmpMeshList.Count) { ++num6; } else { var mesh = new Mesh(); ___tmpMeshList.Add(mesh); ___tmpVerts.Clear(); ___tmpNorms.Clear(); ___tmpTgnts.Clear(); ___tmpUvs.Clear(); ___tmpUv2s.Clear(); var gameObject = new GameObject("Surface"); gameObject.layer = 30; gameObject.transform.SetParent(___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.transform, false); for (var index4 = index2; index4 <= index2 + planetPrecisionBySegment && index4 <= planetPrecision; ++index4) { for (var index5 = index3; index5 <= index3 + planetPrecisionBySegment && index5 <= planetPrecision; ++index5) { var num11 = num9 + index5; var num12 = num10 + index4; var index6 = num11 + num12 * stride; var num13 = index6; if (index4 == 0) { var num14 = (index1 + 3) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = planetPrecision; var num18 = planetPrecision - index5; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } else if (index5 == 0) { var num14 = (index1 + 3) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = planetPrecision - index4; var num18 = planetPrecision; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } if (index4 == planetPrecision) { var num14 = (index1 + 1) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = 0; var num18 = planetPrecision - index5; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } else if (index5 == planetPrecision) { var num14 = (index1 + 1) % 4; var num15 = num14 % 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num16 = num14 / 2 * (planetPrecision + 1); var num17 = planetPrecision - index4; var num18 = 0; num13 = num15 + num17 + (num16 + num18) * stride; } var heightDataScaled = data.heightData[index6] * 0.01f; if (planet.type == EPlanetType.Gas) { heightDataScaled *= planetScale; } Patch.Debug("heightDataScaled : " + heightDataScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var thirdOfModLevel = data.GetModLevel(index6) * 0.3333333f; Patch.Debug("thirdOfModLevel : " + thirdOfModLevel, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); if (thirdOfModLevel > 0.0) { //data.GetModPlane(index6)) 20000 + * 0.01f --> 200 + Patch.Debug( "data.GetModPlane(index6) : " + data.GetModPlane(index6), LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var modPlanePatched = data.GetModPlane(index6) * planet.GetScaleFactored(); Patch.Debug("patch modPlane: " + modPlanePatched, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); planetRadiusScaled = modPlanePatched * 0.01f * planetScale; Patch.Debug( "planetRadiusScaled is modified : " + planetRadiusScaled, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); } // final height modification ? var finalHeight = (float)(heightDataScaled * (1.0 - thirdOfModLevel) + planetRadiusScaled * (double)thirdOfModLevel); Patch.Debug("finalHeight : " + finalHeight, LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManagerDeep); var vector3_1 = data.vertices[index6] * finalHeight; ___tmpVerts.Add(vector3_1); ___tmpNorms.Add(data.vertices[index6]); var vector3_2 = Vector3.Cross(data.vertices[index6], Vector3.up) .normalized; if (vector3_2.sqrMagnitude == 0.0) { vector3_2 = Vector3.right; } ___tmpTgnts.Add(new Vector4(vector3_2.x, vector3_2.y, vector3_2.z, 1f)); ___tmpUvs.Add(new Vector2((num11 + 0.5f) / stride, (num12 + 0.5f) / stride)); ___tmpUv2s.Add(new Vector4(data.biomoData[index6] * 0.01f, data.temprData[index6] * 0.01f, index6 + 0.3f, num13 + 0.3f)); } } mesh.indexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt16; mesh.SetVertices(___tmpVerts); mesh.SetNormals(___tmpNorms); mesh.SetTangents(___tmpTgnts); mesh.SetUVs(0, ___tmpUvs); mesh.SetUVs(1, ___tmpUv2s); mesh.SetTriangles(___tmpTris, 0, true, 0); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.GetNormals(___tmpNorms); for (var index4 = 0; index4 < ___tmpNorms.Count; ++index4) { var z = (int)___tmpUv2s[index4].z; var w = (int)___tmpUv2s[index4].w; data.normals[z] = data.normals[z] + ___tmpNorms[index4]; data.normals[w] = data.normals[w] + ___tmpNorms[index4]; } var meshFilter2 = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); var meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var meshCollider = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); meshFilter2.sharedMesh = mesh; meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = planet.terrainMaterial; meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; meshRenderer.receiveShadows = false; meshRenderer.lightProbeUsage = LightProbeUsage.Off; meshCollider.sharedMesh = mesh; ___tmpMeshRendererList.Add(meshRenderer); ___tmpMeshColliderList.Add(meshCollider); ++num8; if (num8 == stateOfTheGame) { return(false); } } } } } var num23 = !GameMain.isLoading ? 5 : 15; for (var index1 = 0; index1 < ___tmpMeshList.Count; ++index1) { var num9 = index1 / num23; if (num9 >= ___currentModelingSeamNormal) { if (num9 > ___currentModelingSeamNormal) { ++___currentModelingSeamNormal; return(false); } var tmpMesh = ___tmpMeshList[index1]; ___tmpNorms.Clear(); ___tmpUv2s.Clear(); var vertexCount = tmpMesh.vertexCount; tmpMesh.GetUVs(1, ___tmpUv2s); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < vertexCount; ++index2) { var z = (int)___tmpUv2s[index2].z; ___tmpNorms.Add(data.normals[z].normalized); } tmpMesh.SetNormals(___tmpNorms); } } ___currentModelingStage = 3; break; } case 3: { ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.SetActive(true); ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject.SetActive(true); ___heightmapCamera.transform.localPosition = ___tmpPlanetGameObject.transform.localPosition; ___heightmapCamera.RenderToCubemap(planet.heightmap, 63); ___currentModelingStage = 4; break; } case 4: { Patch.Debug("___currentModelingStage start of 4", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); if (planet.wanted) { Patch.Debug("planet.wanted is True", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); planet.gameObject = ___tmpPlanetGameObject; planet.bodyObject = ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject; var component = ___tmpPlanetGameObject.GetComponent <PlanetSimulator>(); component.surfaceRenderer = new Renderer[___tmpMeshRendererList.Count]; component.surfaceCollider = new Collider[___tmpMeshColliderList.Count]; for (var index = 0; index < ___tmpMeshList.Count; ++index) { planet.meshes[index] = ___tmpMeshList[index]; planet.meshRenderers[index] = ___tmpMeshRendererList[index]; planet.meshColliders[index] = ___tmpMeshColliderList[index]; } for (var index = 0; index < ___tmpMeshRendererList.Count; ++index) { ___tmpMeshRendererList[index].gameObject.layer = 31; ___tmpMeshRendererList[index].sharedMaterial = planet.terrainMaterial; ___tmpMeshRendererList[index].receiveShadows = false; ___tmpMeshRendererList[index].shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; component.surfaceRenderer[index] = ___tmpMeshRendererList[index]; component.surfaceCollider[index] = ___tmpMeshColliderList[index]; } component.oceanCollider = ___tmpOceanCollider; component.sphereCollider = ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); if (component.sphereCollider != null) { component.sphereCollider.enabled = false; } component.sphereCollider.radius = planet.realRadius; component.reformRenderer = ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer; component.reformMat = planet.reformMaterial; var sharedMaterial = component.surfaceRenderer[0].sharedMaterial; if (planet.type != EPlanetType.Gas) { component.reformMat.SetColor("_AmbientColor0", sharedMaterial.GetColor("_AmbientColor0")); component.reformMat.SetColor("_AmbientColor1", sharedMaterial.GetColor("_AmbientColor1")); component.reformMat.SetColor("_AmbientColor2", sharedMaterial.GetColor("_AmbientColor2")); component.reformMat.SetColor("_LightColorScreen", sharedMaterial.GetColor("_LightColorScreen")); component.reformMat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", sharedMaterial.GetFloat("_Multiplier")); component.reformMat.SetFloat("_AmbientInc", sharedMaterial.GetFloat("_AmbientInc")); } ___tmpPlanetGameObject.transform.localPosition =; ___heightmapCamera.transform.localPosition =; ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject.SetActive(true); ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject.SetActive(true); ___tmpPlanetGameObject = null; ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject = null; ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject = null; ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer = null; ___tmpMeshList.Clear(); ___tmpMeshRendererList.Clear(); ___tmpMeshColliderList.Clear(); ___tmpOceanCollider = null; ___tmpTris.Clear(); ___tmpVerts.Clear(); ___tmpNorms.Clear(); ___tmpTgnts.Clear(); ___tmpUvs.Clear(); ___tmpUv2s.Clear(); ___currentModelingPlanet = null; ___currentModelingStage = 0; ___currentModelingSeamNormal = 0; planet.NotifyLoaded(); if (! { break; }; Patch.Debug("___currentModelingStage end of 4", LogLevel.Debug, Patch.DebugPlanetModelingManager); break; } for (var index = 0; index < ___tmpMeshList.Count; ++index) { Destroy(___tmpMeshList[index]); } Destroy(___tmpPlanetGameObject); ___tmpPlanetGameObject = null; ___tmpPlanetBodyGameObject = null; ___tmpPlanetReformGameObject = null; ___tmpPlanetReformRenderer = null; ___tmpMeshList.Clear(); ___tmpTris.Clear(); ___tmpVerts.Clear(); ___tmpNorms.Clear(); ___tmpTgnts.Clear(); ___tmpUvs.Clear(); ___tmpUv2s.Clear(); ___currentModelingPlanet = null; ___currentModelingStage = 0; ___currentModelingSeamNormal = 0; break; } } return(false); }