private DungeonRoom CreateRandomExit(PlanetData data, DungeonRoom room, bool locked, int lockID, bool bossRoom, bool treasure, PlanetDifficultyModifiers difficultyModifiers) { if (room.ExitCount == 4) { return(room); } List <Direction> directions = new List <Direction> { Direction.Up, Direction.Right, Direction.Down, Direction.Left }; //remove any directions that are not available for (int j = directions.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { IntPair roomPos = AddDirection(room.position, directions[j]); if (data.GetRoomAtPosition(roomPos) != null) { directions.RemoveAt(j); } } //if no available directions then we're in a dead end if (directions.Count == 0) { return(room); } Direction randomDirection = directions[Random.Range(0, directions.Count)]; IntPair pos = AddDirection(room.position, randomDirection); DungeonRoom newRoom; if (bossRoom) { newRoom = new BossRoom(pos, room, difficultyModifiers.enemyRoomDifficulty); } else if (treasure) { newRoom = new TreasureRoom(pos, room); } else { newRoom = PickRandomRoom(pos, room, difficultyModifiers); } data.AddRoom(newRoom); if (locked) { ConnectWithLock(room, newRoom, randomDirection, lockID); } else { Connect(room, newRoom, randomDirection); } return(newRoom); }
public PlanetData Generate(float difficultySetting) { PlanetData data = new PlanetData(); PlanetDifficultyModifiers difficultyModifiers = new PlanetDifficultyModifiers(difficultySetting); DungeonRoom currentRoom = null; int keyLevel = 1; //rule 1 - Create starter room DungeonRoom startRoom = new StartRoom(, null); data.AddRoom(startRoom); data.startRoom = startRoom; //rule 2 - "Current Room" is starter room currentRoom = data.startRoom; //rule 7 - Repeat steps 3 - 6 Y amount of times. int branchCount = Mathf.Max(1, Random.Range( difficultyModifiers.minBranchCount, PlanetDifficultyModifiers.MAX_BRANCH_COUNT)); for (int j = 0; j < branchCount; j++) { //rule 3 - Create a single branch from the "Current room" until X rooms have been // created. Branch can't overlap with existing rooms. If branch meets a dead // end, end the branch. int branchLength = Mathf.Max(1, Random.Range(difficultyModifiers.minBranchLength, difficultyModifiers.maxBranchLength)); for (int i = 0; i < branchLength; i++) { DungeonRoom newRoom = CreateRandomExit(data, currentRoom, false, keyLevel, false, false, difficultyModifiers); if (newRoom == currentRoom) { break; } currentRoom = newRoom; } //rule 4 - Place a key at the end of that branch currentRoom.AddKey(keyLevel); //rule 5 - Create a locked exit to a new room from any existing room except the end of // that branch. List <DungeonRoom> existingRooms = data.GetRooms(); DungeonRoom lockRoom = currentRoom; do { int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, existingRooms.Count); lockRoom = existingRooms[randomIndex]; } while (lockRoom == currentRoom || lockRoom.ExitCount == 4); lockRoom = CreateRandomExit(data, lockRoom, true, keyLevel, j == branchCount - 1, false, difficultyModifiers); keyLevel++; //rule 6 - "Current room" is the new room on the other side of the locked exit currentRoom = lockRoom; } //rule 8 - "Current room" is the final room data.finalRoom = currentRoom; //rule 9 - Create "Dead end" branches Z times of X length from any room except the boss // room. branchCount = Mathf.Max(0, Random.Range(difficultyModifiers.minDeadEndCount, difficultyModifiers.maxDeadEndCount)); for (int i = 0; i < branchCount; i++) { List <DungeonRoom> existingRooms = data.GetRooms(); DungeonRoom deadEndStart = null; do { int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, existingRooms.Count); deadEndStart = existingRooms[randomIndex]; } while (deadEndStart == data.finalRoom || deadEndStart.ExitCount == 4); currentRoom = deadEndStart; int branchLength = Mathf.Max(1, Random.Range(difficultyModifiers.minBranchLength, difficultyModifiers.maxBranchLength)); for (int j = 0; j < branchLength; j++) { DungeonRoom newRoom = CreateRandomExit(data, currentRoom, false, keyLevel, false, j == branchLength - 1, difficultyModifiers); if (newRoom == currentRoom) { break; } currentRoom = newRoom; } } for (int i = 0; i < data.GetRoomCount(); i++) { data.GetRooms()[i].GenerateContent(); } for (int i = 0; i < data.GetRoomCount(); i++) { data.GetRooms()[i].GenerateOuterWalls(); } return(data); }