Example #1
        public NodeDef GetNode(string id)
            var t = Tasks.Find(x => x.Id == id);

            if (t != null)
            return(Places.Find(x => x.Id == id));
        public void Find_ReturnsCorrectItem_Item()
            Places newPlaces1 = new Places("test", "test", "test");
            Places newPlaces2 = new Places("test2", "test2", "test2");

            Places result = Places.Find(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(newPlaces2, result);
Example #3
    private void Start()

        Settings = new Settings();
        Place selected = Places.Find(p => p.id == Settings.SelectedPlaceId);

        if (selected != null)
            Settings.SelectedPlace = selected;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine which suspect is the murderer
        /// </summary>
        public void DetermineMurderer()
            // declare variables
            int[] randomNumber;

                // first generate an array with random numbers that represents each suspect
                randomNumber = Enumerable.Range(1, numberSuspects).OrderBy(x => randomNumbers.Next()).ToArray();

                // determine who the murderer is
                for (int count = randomNumber.GetLowerBound(0); count <= randomNumber.GetUpperBound(0); count++)
                    if (randomNumber[count] != Victim.Id)
                        // set the murderer
                        Murderer            = Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == randomNumber[count]); });
                        Murderer.IsMurderer = true;

                // get an array of numbers representing the places
                randomNumber = Enumerable.Range(0, numberPlaces).OrderBy(x => randomNumbers.Next()).ToArray();

                // determine the place the murderer went to
                for (int count = randomNumber.GetLowerBound(0); count <= randomNumber.GetUpperBound(0); count++)
                    if (places[randomNumber[count]] != Victim.VictimPlace && places[randomNumber[count]] != place38Id && places[randomNumber[count]] != place45Id)
                        Murderer.MurdererPlace = places[randomNumber[count]];
                        Murderer.AlibiPlace    = Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Murderer.MurdererPlace); });

                // determine the murder weapon used
                Murderer.MurderWeapon     = randomNumbers.Next(1, 3);
                Murderer.MurderWeaponName = Murderer.MurderWeapon == 1 ? ".38" : ".45";
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #5
        public ActionResult Show(int id)
            Places foundPlace = Places.Find(id);

Example #6
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            Places place = Places.Find(id);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This will determine what information is part of the suspect's alibi
        /// </summary>
        public void GetSuspectAlibi()
            // declare variables
            int[] alibiInfo;            // an array of four random numbers three will be used to determine the alibi information
                                        // 1 = location
                                        // 2 = area
                                        // 3 = place
                                        // 4 = suspects

            int[] alibiSuspects;        // an array of four random numbers three will be used to determine the suspects used
                                        // 1 = odd male suspect
                                        // 2 = even male suspect
                                        // 3 = odd female suspect
                                        // 4 = even female suspect

            int suspectsToShow  = 0;    // the number of suspects to show in the alibi
            int alibiInfoToShow = 0;    // the number of alibi information to show
            int counter         = 0;    // a counter to help determine number of suspects to show in alibi
            int alibiCounter    = 0;    // a counter to help determine the alibi information

                // first set the place where the victim was found (we could not do this when determining the victim as the place information wasn't defined yet)
                Victim.AlibiPlace = Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Victim.VictimPlace); });

                // now loop through each suspect to determine what their alibi information will be
                foreach (Suspect s in Suspects)
                    // skip if this is the victim, victim doesn't have an alibi
                    if (s.Id != Victim.Id)
                        // reset counter for alibi array
                        alibiCounter = 0;

                        // populate the array of four random numbers.  this will determine the alibi information for each suspect
                        alibiInfo = Utilities.GetArrayofRandomNumbers(1, 4, randomNumbers);

                        // get the alibi information to show for this suspect
                        alibiInfoToShow = randomNumbers.Next(1, 4);

                            // set location as alibi
                            if (alibiInfo[alibiCounter] == 1)
                                s.AlibiShowLocation = true;

                            // set the area as alibi
                            else if (alibiInfo[alibiCounter] == 2)
                                s.AlibiShowArea = true;

                            // set the place as alibi
                            else if (alibiInfo[alibiCounter] == 3)
                                s.AlibiShowPlace = true;

                            // set the suspects as alibi
                            else if (alibiInfo[alibiCounter] == 4)
                                // reset the counter for the array
                                counter = 0;

                                // first determine the number of suspects to show as alibi
                                suspectsToShow = randomNumbers.Next(1, 4);

                                // get the array of suspects in random order
                                alibiSuspects = Utilities.GetArrayofRandomNumbers(1, 4, randomNumbers);

                                // now set which suspects will be included in the alibi
                                for (int count = alibiSuspects.GetLowerBound(0); count <= alibiSuspects.GetUpperBound(0); count++)
                                    // get the first suspect to potentially use and make sure this is not the current suspect
                                    // odd male suspect
                                    if (s.AlibiPlace.OddMaleSuspect.Id != 0)
                                        if (alibiSuspects[count] == 1 && s.AlibiPlace.OddMaleSuspect.Id != s.Id)
                                            s.AlibiShowOddMaleSuspect = true;

                                    // even male suspect
                                    if (s.AlibiPlace.EvenMaleSuspect.Id != 0)
                                        if (alibiSuspects[count] == 2 && s.AlibiPlace.EvenMaleSuspect.Id != s.Id)
                                            s.AlibiShowEvenMaleSuspect = true;

                                    // odd female suspect
                                    if (s.AlibiPlace.OddFemaleSuspect.Id != 0)
                                        if (alibiSuspects[count] == 3 && s.AlibiPlace.OddFemaleSuspect.Id != s.Id)
                                            s.AlibiShowOddFemaleSuspect = true;

                                    // even female suspect
                                    if (s.AlibiPlace.EvenFemaleSuspect.Id != 0)
                                        if (alibiSuspects[count] == 4 && s.AlibiPlace.EvenFemaleSuspect.Id != s.Id)
                                            s.AlibiShowEvenFemaleSuspect = true;

                                    // check if the number of suspects is reached
                                    if (counter >= suspectsToShow)

                            // increment alibi information counter
                        } while (alibiCounter < alibiInfoToShow);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This will place all the suspects in the places
        /// </summary>
        public void PutSuspectsInTheirPlace()
            // declare variables
            int[] maleOddSuspects    = Utilities.GetArrayofRandomNumbers(1, 10, true, randomNumbers);   // array of odd male suspect ids
            int[] maleEvenSuspects   = Utilities.GetArrayofRandomNumbers(1, 10, false, randomNumbers);  // array of even male suspect ids
            int[] femaleOddSuspects  = Utilities.GetArrayofRandomNumbers(11, 20, true, randomNumbers);  // array of odd female suspect ids
            int[] femaleEvenSuspects = Utilities.GetArrayofRandomNumbers(11, 20, false, randomNumbers); // array of even female suspect ids
            int[] randomNumber;                                                                         // an array of random numbers for generic purposes
            int   maleOddSuspectsCount    = 0;                                                          // the number of elements in male odd suspect array
            int   maleEvenSuspectsCount   = 0;                                                          // the number of elements in male even suspect array
            int   femaleOddSuspectsCount  = 0;                                                          // the number of elements in female odd suspect array
            int   femaleEvenSuspectsCount = 0;                                                          // the number of elements in female even suspect array
            char  placeThreeSuspects      = ' ';                                                        // the place that contains only three suspects
            Place victimPlace;                                                                          // references the victim place

                // remove the victim and murderer from the arrays
                maleOddSuspects    = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(maleOddSuspects, Victim.Id);
                maleOddSuspects    = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(maleOddSuspects, Murderer.Id);
                maleEvenSuspects   = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(maleEvenSuspects, Victim.Id);
                maleEvenSuspects   = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(maleEvenSuspects, Murderer.Id);
                femaleOddSuspects  = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(femaleOddSuspects, Victim.Id);
                femaleOddSuspects  = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(femaleOddSuspects, Murderer.Id);
                femaleEvenSuspects = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(femaleEvenSuspects, Victim.Id);
                femaleEvenSuspects = Utilities.RemoveNumberFromArray(femaleEvenSuspects, Murderer.Id);

                // get an array of numbers representing the places
                randomNumber = Enumerable.Range(0, numberPlaces).OrderBy(x => randomNumbers.Next()).ToArray();

                // get the place with three suspects
                for (int count = randomNumber.GetLowerBound(0); count <= randomNumber.GetUpperBound(0); count++)
                    // get place with three suspects
                    placeThreeSuspects = places[randomNumber[count]];

                    // check if place is equal to victim place
                    if (placeThreeSuspects == Victim.VictimPlace)
                        placeThreeSuspects = ' ';

                    // check if the murder and victim have same parity and the place with three suspects is same as place of murderer
                    if (Murderer.MurdererPlace == placeThreeSuspects)
                        if ((Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Utilities.IsOdd(Murderer.Id)) || (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && !Utilities.IsOdd(Murderer.Id)))
                            placeThreeSuspects = ' ';

                    // exit from loop
                    if (placeThreeSuspects != ' ')

                // populate the victim place with the the victim
                if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Victim.VictimPlace); }).EvenMaleSuspect = Victim;
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Victim.VictimPlace); }).OddMaleSuspect = Victim;
                else if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Victim.VictimPlace); }).EvenFemaleSuspect = Victim;
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Victim.VictimPlace); }).OddFemaleSuspect = Victim;

                // place the victim temporarily into the place with three suspects to serve as a place holder
                if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).EvenMaleSuspect = Victim;
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).OddMaleSuspect = Victim;
                else if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).EvenFemaleSuspect = Victim;
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).OddFemaleSuspect = Victim;

                // place the murderer in their place
                if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Murderer.Id) && Murderer.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Murderer.MurdererPlace); }).EvenMaleSuspect = Murderer;
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Murderer.Id) && Murderer.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Murderer.MurdererPlace); }).OddMaleSuspect = Murderer;
                else if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Murderer.Id) && Murderer.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Murderer.MurdererPlace); }).EvenFemaleSuspect = Murderer;
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Murderer.Id) && Murderer.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Murderer.MurdererPlace); }).OddFemaleSuspect = Murderer;

                // loop through each place and store the suspects.  skip the place with the victim
                foreach (Place p in Places)
                    if (p.Id != Victim.VictimPlace)
                        // store the male odd suspect
                        if (p.OddMaleSuspect == null)
                            p.OddMaleSuspect = Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == maleOddSuspects[maleOddSuspectsCount]); });
                            Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == maleOddSuspects[maleOddSuspectsCount]); }).AlibiPlace = p;

                        // store the male even suspect
                        if (p.EvenMaleSuspect == null)
                            p.EvenMaleSuspect = Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == maleEvenSuspects[maleEvenSuspectsCount]); });
                            Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == maleEvenSuspects[maleEvenSuspectsCount]); }).AlibiPlace = p;

                        // store the female odd suspect
                        if (p.OddFemaleSuspect == null)
                            p.OddFemaleSuspect = Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == femaleOddSuspects[femaleOddSuspectsCount]); });
                            Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == femaleOddSuspects[femaleOddSuspectsCount]); }).AlibiPlace = p;

                        // store the female even suspect
                        if (p.EvenFemaleSuspect == null)
                            p.EvenFemaleSuspect = Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == femaleEvenSuspects[femaleEvenSuspectsCount]); });
                            Suspects.Find(delegate(Suspect s) { return(s.Id == femaleEvenSuspects[femaleEvenSuspectsCount]); }).AlibiPlace = p;

                // now remove the victim from the place having only three suspects and put in place holder suspect
                if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).EvenMaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id <= 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).OddMaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
                else if (!Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).EvenFemaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
                else if (Utilities.IsOdd(Victim.Id) && Victim.Id > 10)
                    Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == placeThreeSuspects); }).OddFemaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);

                // put in place holder suspects for place that contains the victim
                victimPlace = Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == Victim.VictimPlace); });
                if (victimPlace.EvenMaleSuspect == null)
                    victimPlace.EvenMaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
                if (victimPlace.OddMaleSuspect == null)
                    victimPlace.OddMaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
                if (victimPlace.EvenFemaleSuspect == null)
                    victimPlace.EvenFemaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
                if (victimPlace.OddFemaleSuspect == null)
                    victimPlace.OddFemaleSuspect = new Suspect(0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads information about the places
        /// </summary>
        public void PopulatePlaceInfo()
            // declare variables
            int weaponType = 1;

            int[]     randomPlaces;
            Place     placeWeapon;
            DataTable pla;
            DataRow   plaRow;

                // for each place load the basic information (place id, name)
                for (int count = 0; count < numberPlaces; count++)
                    Places.Add(new Place(places[count]));

                // we need to determine the location (east, west) and area (uptown, midtown, downtown) for each place
                // retrieve all combinations of locations and areas for the places
                pla = DataRetrieval.QueryDataResults("ED.GetPlacesLocationArea", DataRetrieval.ConnectionSql, true);

                // loop through each place and find its location and area
                foreach (Place p in Places)
                    // find a random location and area and store it
                    plaRow         = pla.Rows[randomNumbers.Next(pla.Rows.Count)];
                    p.LocationId   = Int32.Parse(plaRow["LocationId"].ToString());
                    p.LocationName = plaRow["LocationDesc"].ToString();
                    p.AreaId       = Int32.Parse(plaRow["AreaId"].ToString());
                    p.AreaName     = plaRow["AreaDesc"].ToString();

                    // remove this row from the data table

                // now determine the location of the weapon for each place.  The weapon cannot be located where the victim's body is.
                // first generate an array with random numbers that represents each place
                randomPlaces = Enumerable.Range(0, numberPlaces).OrderBy(x => randomNumbers.Next()).ToArray();

                // now loop through the array and get the place of the .38 first then the .45  If the place is equal to where the
                // victim's body is we cannot use that
                for (int count = randomPlaces.GetLowerBound(0); count <= randomPlaces.GetUpperBound(0); count++)
                    // get the location of the .38 or .45
                    if (Victim.VictimPlace != places[randomPlaces[count]])
                        // first get a potential place to hide the weapon
                        placeWeapon = Places.Find(delegate(Place p) { return(p.Id == places[randomPlaces[count]]); });

                        // now store the weapon in the place provided that place doesn't already have a weapon
                        if (weaponType == 1 && placeWeapon.WeaponId == 0)
                            // .38
                            placeWeapon.WeaponId   = 1;
                            placeWeapon.WeaponName = ".38";
                            place38Id = placeWeapon.Id;
                        else if (weaponType == 2 && placeWeapon.WeaponId == 0)
                            // .45
                            placeWeapon.WeaponId   = 2;
                            placeWeapon.WeaponName = ".45";
                            place45Id = placeWeapon.Id;

                    // exit loop
                    if (weaponType > 2)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks up a <see cref="Place"/> by its Name and returns the object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the place you are looking for.</param>
 /// <returns>The first object in the list of places with that Name.</returns>
 public Place GetPlaceByName(String name)
     return(Places.Find(place => place.Name == name));
Example #11
        public ActionResult Show(int id)
            Places places = Places.Find(id);

        [HttpGet("/Visited/{id}")] //Requests
        public ActionResult VisitedPlaces(int id)
            Places newPlace = Places.Find(id);
