Example #1
    public DataEntryWithNavigation()
        Text = "Simple Data Entry with Navigation";

        // Initialize the BindingSource.
        FileNewOnClick(null, EventArgs.Empty);

        // Create the panel.
        PersonPanel personpnl = new PersonPanel(bindsrc);

        personpnl.Parent = this;
        personpnl.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;

        // Create the menu.
        MenuStrip menu = new MenuStrip();

        menu.Parent = this;
        ToolStripMenuItem item = (ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items.Add("&File");

        item.DropDownItems.Add("&New", null, FileNewOnClick);
        item.DropDownItems.Add("&Open...", null, FileOpenOnClick);
        item.DropDownItems.Add("Save &As...", null, FileSaveAsOnClick);

        // Create the BindingNavigator.
        BindingNavigator bindnav = new BindingNavigator(true);

        bindnav.Parent        = this;
        bindnav.Dock          = DockStyle.Bottom;
        bindnav.BindingSource = bindsrc;
Example #2
    private void Awake()
        Instance        = this;
        personPanel     = Instantiate(personPanel, tabsPanel.transform);
        technologyPanel = Instantiate(technologyPanel, tabsPanel.transform);
        economicPanel   = Instantiate(economicPanel, tabsPanel.transform);
        diplomacyPanel  = Instantiate(diplomacyPanel, tabsPanel.transform);
        tradePanel      = Instantiate(tradePanel, tabsPanel.transform);
        var actions = new ShowSmth[] { ShowTrade, ShowDiplomacy, Nope, ShowTechnology, ShowEconomic, ShowPersons };

        buttonSelector = new ButtonSelector(ModeButton, actions);
        PanelMover     = panel.GetComponent <PanelMover>();
Example #3
    public DataEntryWithBinding()
        Text = "Simple Data Entry with Binding";

        // Initialize BindingSource object.
        bindsrc.Add(new Person());

        // Create the panel.
        PersonPanel personpnl = new PersonPanel(bindsrc);

        personpnl.Parent = this;
        personpnl.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;

        // Create the menu.
        MenuStrip menu = new MenuStrip();

        menu.Parent = this;
        ToolStripMenuItem item = (ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items.Add("&File");

        item.DropDownItems.Add("&New", null, FileNewOnClick);
        item.DropDownItems.Add("&Open...", null, FileOpenOnClick);
        item.DropDownItems.Add("Save &As...", null, FileSaveAsOnClick);