public void UpdateParticles() { if (material != null && mainTexture != null && m_Particle2D != null && m_Particle2D.mesh != null) { m_Particle2D.simulationSpace = simulationSpace; m_Particle2D.material = material; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) //update Material and texture { m_Particle2D.UpdateUV(); canvasRenderer.SetMaterial(material, mainTexture); } #endif configValues.texture = mainTexture; m_Particle2D.color = color; m_Particle2D.AdvanceTime(Time.deltaTime * speedScale); if (m_Particle2D.isOver) { canvasRenderer.SetMesh(null); } else { canvasRenderer.SetMesh(m_Particle2D.mesh); } } }
public void UpdateParticles() { if (material != null && mainTexture != null && m_Particle2D != null && m_Particle2D.mesh != null) { meshRenderer.enabled = !m_Particle2D.isOver; m_Particle2D.simulationSpace = simulationSpace; m_Particle2D.material = material; m_Particle2D.color = color; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) //update Material and texture { m_Particle2D.UpdateUV(); MaterialPropertyBlock block = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); meshRenderer.GetPropertyBlock(block); block.SetTexture("_MainTex", mainTexture); meshRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(block); } #endif configValues.texture = mainTexture; m_Particle2D.AdvanceTime(Time.deltaTime * speedScale); } }