public static void Notification(string message, PLPlayer recipient = null, int subjectPlayerId = 0, int durationMs = 6000, bool addToShipLog = false) { if (recipient == null && PLNetworkManager.Instance != null) { recipient = PLNetworkManager.Instance.LocalPlayer; } Notification(message, recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), subjectPlayerId, durationMs, addToShipLog); }
public static void ChatMessage(PLPlayer recipient, string message, int sendingPlayerId = -1) { if (sendingPlayerId == -1) { sendingPlayerId = PLNetworkManager.Instance.LocalPlayerID; } ChatMessage(recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), message, sendingPlayerId); }
public static void Echo(PLPlayer recipient, string message) { if (recipient == null || message == null) { AntiNullReferenceException($"{(recipient == null ? "recipent: null" : "recipent: PLPlayer")}, {(message == null ? "message: null" : $"message: \"{message}\"")}"); return; } Echo(recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), message); }
public static void Centerprint(string message, PLPlayer recipient, string tag = "msg", Color color = new Color(), EWarningType type = EWarningType.E_NORMAL) { if (recipient == null || message == null || tag == null) { AntiNullReferenceException($"{(recipient == null ? "recipent: null" : "recipent: PLPlayer")}, {(message == null ? "message: null" : $"message: \"{message}\"")}, ..., {(tag == null ? "tag: null" : $"tag: \"{tag}\"")}"); return; } Centerprint(message, recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), tag, color, type); }
public static void ChatMessage(PLPlayer recipient, string message, int sendingPlayerId = -1) { if (recipient == null || message == null) { AntiNullReferenceException($"{(recipient == null ? "recipent: null" : "recipent: PLPlayer")}, {(message == null ? "message: null" : $"message: \"{message}\"")}, sendingPlayerId: {sendingPlayerId}"); return; } if (sendingPlayerId == -1) { sendingPlayerId = PLNetworkManager.Instance.LocalPlayerID; } ChatMessage(recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), message, sendingPlayerId); }
static void Postfix(PLServer __instance, int inID) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && ChatCommandRouter.Instance.getPublicCommandAliases().Length > 1) { PLPlayer player = __instance.GetPlayerFromPlayerID(inID); if (player != null && player.GetPhotonPlayer() != null) { Messaging.Echo(player, $"[&%~[C0 Welcome ]&%~] {player.GetPlayerName()}!"); Messaging.Echo(player, "This game has some commands available."); Messaging.Echo(player, "Type [&%~[C2 !help ]&%~] for more information."); } } }
public override void Execute(string arguments) { string arg1 = arguments.Split(' ')[0].ToLower(); string message = arguments.Substring(arg1.Length); PLPlayer player = null; switch (arg1) { case "c": case "captain": player = PLServer.Instance.GetCachedFriendlyPlayerOfClass(0); break; case "p": case "pilot": player = PLServer.Instance.GetCachedFriendlyPlayerOfClass(1); break; case "s": case "scientist": player = PLServer.Instance.GetCachedFriendlyPlayerOfClass(2); break; case "w": case "weapons": player = PLServer.Instance.GetCachedFriendlyPlayerOfClass(3); break; case "e": case "engineer": player = PLServer.Instance.GetCachedFriendlyPlayerOfClass(4); break; default: foreach (PLPlayer p in PLServer.Instance.AllPlayers) { if (p != null && p.GetPlayerName().ToLower().StartsWith(arg1)) { player = p; break; } } break; } if (player != null) { if (!player.IsBot) { Messaging.Echo(PLNetworkManager.Instance.LocalPlayer.GetPhotonPlayer(), $"<color=#a0a0a0>You whisper to</color> [&%~[C{player.GetClassID()} {player.GetPlayerName()} ]&%~]<color=#a0a0a0>: {message}</color>"); PrivateMessage.SendMessage(player.GetPhotonPlayer(), message); } else { Messaging.Notification("Can't send messages to bots"); } } else { Messaging.Notification("Could not find the specified player"); } }
public static void Centerprint(string message, PLPlayer recipient, string tag = "msg", Color color = new Color(), EWarningType type = EWarningType.E_NORMAL) { Centerprint(message, recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), tag, color, type); }
public static void Echo(PLPlayer recipient, string message) { Echo(recipient.GetPhotonPlayer(), message); }