Example #1
        static private bool SendBulkData(byte[] Data)
            /* From MPPICKIT3:
             * This class allows the user to send/receive any amount of data as a series of
             * HID reports. It isolates the user from knowing how to hook to MPLABComm
             * and from knowing how data is turned into reports. You basically, open,
             * read, write and close. It extends HID which is the class that actually
             * knows how to send/receive reports.
             * Protocol notes: HID wants to send information in reports. We chose a report size of 64 bytes.
             * The Real ICE/ICD3/PK3, do not have a symetric protocol implementation with respect to the PC.
             * In other words, the requirements for the USB driver implementation in the embedded side of
             * these tools are not the same as the requirements of the USB driver in the PC side.
             * If you look at the PK3 FW driver you will see it does not look like the GetData/SendData defined
             * here. However, both the transmission and reception use the same protocol format.
             * In the PC side, GetData gets called and we can safely assume that GetData will not
             * need to read from the middle of a message. GetData is called to get a message. This message
             * might have the excepted len (passed as a parameter) or any other len. As long as a message
             * is received, GetData must return indicating how much data it got.
             * Of course, that means that when calling GetData, you'd better pass a buffer big enough
             * to handle the largest possible response (which might not be the one you were expecting)
             * the PK3 can send.
             * This allows the following situation to occur:
             *      PC -> Send command
             *      PK3 -> Send response
             *  Or
             *      PC -> Send command
             *      PK3 -> Send working indication
             *      PK3 -> Send response
             * Note: the following examples show how data is packetized into reports. The
             * examples are the same regardless of who is sending our who is receiving
             * (PC or PK3 FW).*
             * An example of 32 (0x20) bytes of data being sent in s single report
             *     +----------+
             *     | data1    | byte 0      <-- beginnig of report 1
             *     | data2    | byte 6
             *     :          :
             *     | 0x20     | byte 60     <- length of data in this message (little endian)
             *     | 0x00     | byte 61        In this case the length is 0x20 or 32 bytes
             *     | 0x00     | byte 62
             *     | 0x00     | byte 63     <-- end of report 1. End of transmission
             *     +----------+
             * An example of 67 bytes (0x43 in hex) being sent. It
             * requires sending 2 reports with 60 bytes in the first one (64 bytes of
             * report size - 4 bytes for the length) and 7 in the
             *     +----------+
             *     | data1    | byte 0      <-- beginnig of report 1
             *     | data2    | byte 6
             *     :          :
             *     | 0x43     | byte 60     <- length of data in this message (little endian)
             *     | 0x00     | byte 61        In this case the length is 0x43 or 67 bytes
             *     | 0x00     | byte 62
             *     | 0x00     | byte 63     <-- end of report 1
             *     +----------+
             *     +----------+
             *     | data61   | byte 0      <-- beginning of report 2
             *     | data62   |
             *     | data63   |
             *     | data64   |
             *     | data65   |
             *     | data66   |
             *     :          :
             *     :          :
             *     | padding  | byte 60     <--- note NO length included here. Only in the
             *     | padding  | byte 61          very first report
             *     | padding  | byte 62
             *     | padding  | byte 63     <-- end of report 2
             *     +----------+
             * @author jose

            // Add the total message length at the end of the first USB report
            int size = Data.Length + 2 + 4;

            // Round the packet size up to the nearest USB report size
            if (size % 64 != 0)
                size = size + (64 - size % 64);
            byte[] TotalData = new byte[size];

            // Fill the buffer with our pad value. Useful data will overwrite as necessary.
            for (int i = 0; i < TotalData.Length; i++)
                TotalData[i] = 0x5B;

            if (Data.Length <= 60)
            { // Only one report needed
                Array.Copy(Data, 0, TotalData, 0, Data.Length);
            { // Muliple reports needed
                Array.Copy(Data, 0, TotalData, 0, 60);
                Array.Copy(Data, 60, TotalData, 64, Data.Length - 60);

            TotalData[60] = Convert.ToByte((Data.Length + 2) & 0xFF);
            TotalData[61] = Convert.ToByte(((Data.Length + 2) >> 8) & 0xFF);
            TotalData[62] = Convert.ToByte(((Data.Length + 2) >> 16) & 0xFF);
            TotalData[63] = Convert.ToByte(((Data.Length + 2) >> 24) & 0xFF);

            uint Checksum = GetTwosCompWordChecksum(Data);

            // If the data packet is more than one report big, add 4 to the index to skip
            // over the Bulk Transfer Checksum
            if (TotalData.Length > 0x40)
                TotalData[Data.Length + 4 + 0] = Convert.ToByte(Checksum & 0xFF);
                TotalData[Data.Length + 4 + 1] = Convert.ToByte((Checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);
            { // The packet is only 1 report, so we don't need to adjust for the DWORD Length
                TotalData[Data.Length + 0] = Convert.ToByte(Checksum & 0xFF);
                TotalData[Data.Length + 1] = Convert.ToByte((Checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);

            byte[] outgoingData = new byte[64];

            ResetStatusBar((int)(TotalData.Length / 64));
            for (int reportCount = 0; reportCount * 64 < TotalData.Length; reportCount++)
                Array.Copy(TotalData, reportCount * 64, outgoingData, 0, 64);



            if (Pk3.readUSB())
                // Evaluate response to determine success or failure
                if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[1] == 0x00) && (Pk3.Usb_read_array[2] == 0x00))
                { // we got a "success" indicator
                { // we got something crazy
Example #2
        static private bool ReceiveCommandResponse(uint Command, out byte[] DataReceived)
        {   //TODO: Now that ReceiveCommandResponse() throws an exception instead of returning "false" on USB errors, make DataReceived a return value instead of an [out] parameter.
            //TODO: This method uses 3 different ways to control loops: if/else, break/continue, and straight returns inside code. Pick one and clean up.
            byte[] usbReadBuffer = new byte[64];
            byte[] usbCommand    = new byte[] { (byte)(((ushort)Command) & 0xFF), (byte)(((ushort)Command >> 8) & 0xFF) };
            bool   ExitLoop      = false;
            uint   DataLength    = 0;

            // Temporary assignment to make the compiler happy.
            DataReceived = null;

            // Internally we will use a generic list to handle output data.
            List <byte> retval = new List <byte>();

            while (ExitLoop == false)
                Pk3.readUSB(); // Remember: readUSB() is a blocking function

                // Grab the payload size from the message, subtracting the command echo and success indicator
                DataLength = checked ((uint)(Pk3.Usb_read_array[61] + (Pk3.Usb_read_array[62] << 8) +
                                             (Pk3.Usb_read_array[63] << 16) + (Pk3.Usb_read_array[64] << 24) - 4));
                DataReceived = new byte[DataLength];

                // If the received report does not include the command echo, reject it. The
                // command was not echoed properly.
                if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[1] != usbCommand[0]) || (Pk3.Usb_read_array[2] != usbCommand[1]))
                { // This is a protocol exception.

                // The 3rd and 4th byte are either the Success/Fail indicator bytes or the Working
                // Indicator packet.
                if (Pk3.Usb_read_array[3] == 0x3F && Pk3.Usb_read_array[4] == 0x00)
                { // Received Working Indicator... need to try again for package.
                    while (ExitLoop == false)

                        // Grab the payload size from the message, subtracting the success indicator
                        DataLength = checked ((uint)(Pk3.Usb_read_array[61] + (Pk3.Usb_read_array[62] << 8) +
                                                     (Pk3.Usb_read_array[63] << 16) + (Pk3.Usb_read_array[64] << 24) - 4));
                        DataReceived = new byte[DataLength];

                        // In subsequent receptions, there is no Command Echo, so everything
                        // is shifted to the left by two bytes. The Success or Working Indicator
                        // will appear at bytes 0 and 1.

                        if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[1] == 0x3F) && (Pk3.Usb_read_array[2] == 0x00))
                        { // We received a Working Indicator. Try again with the next report.
                        else if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[1] == 0x00) && (Pk3.Usb_read_array[2] == 0x00))
                        {     // We received a Success Indicator. Declare success.
                            if (DataLength > 0)
                            { // Length is non-zero, then the returning data needs to be passed to the calling function
                                Array.Copy(Pk3.Usb_read_array, 3, DataReceived, 0, DataLength);
                            ExitLoop = true;
                        else if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[1] == 0xFF) && (Pk3.Usb_read_array[2] == 0x00))
                        {   // We received a Fail Indicator. Declare failure.
                            // NOTE FOR DEBUGGERS: We expect VS's debugger to stop here, but this
                            // actually gets handled in the BackgroundWorker's RunWorkCompleted
                            // callback. Just hit "play" to continue debugging.
                        { // Any other received message is an error.
                else if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[3] == 0x00) && (Pk3.Usb_read_array[4] == 0x00))
                {   // Received "Success" indicator. Copy any data values over and return (ignore command echo and success indicator)
                    // If the incoming data is longer than a USB report size, we will have to grab more than one.
                    // See SendReadMemObj() method. It is doing basically the same thing.
                    if (DataLength == 0)
                    else if (DataLength <= 60)
                    {   // Incoming data fits in one USB report. Remember: the length includes
                        // the command echo and success/fail indicator. We only want to return
                        // the actual data, so we can ignore those parts. We have to subtract
                        // this size from the total size for the array copy, or else we will
                        // include the Length data as part of the return data.
                        Array.Copy(Pk3.Usb_read_array, 5, DataReceived, 0, DataLength);
                    {   // Incoming data requires more than one report.
                        // Grab the first report. Its size is different than the rest because of
                        // the Command Echo and Success/Fail indicator. (56 bytes of data)
                        Array.Copy(Pk3.Usb_read_array, 5, Pk3.Usb_read_array, 0, 56);
                        Array.Resize <byte>(ref Pk3.Usb_read_array, 56); // Resize, so we can use .AddRange() to add the data below.
                        retval.AddRange(Pk3.Usb_read_array);             // We'll use the generic list for this part

                        // Tracks the expected number of data bytes in the next USB report
                        uint IncomingDataLength = 56;

                        // Get the rest of the data. Note that incrementing the loop control variable is
                        // done within the loop
                        for (uint DataLeftToGet = DataLength - 56; DataLeftToGet > 0; DataLeftToGet -= IncomingDataLength)
                            if (DataLeftToGet > 64)
                                IncomingDataLength = 64;
                                IncomingDataLength = DataLeftToGet;


                            // Adjust the array in case we're receiving less than the USB report size of data
                            if (IncomingDataLength < 64)
                                byte[] smallerArray = new byte[IncomingDataLength];
                                Array.Copy(Pk3.Usb_read_array, 1, smallerArray, 0, smallerArray.Length);
                                Array.Copy(Pk3.Usb_read_array, 1, Pk3.Usb_read_array, 0, 64);

                        DataReceived = retval.ToArray();
                    ExitLoop = true;
                else if ((Pk3.Usb_read_array[3] == 0xFF) && (Pk3.Usb_read_array[4] == 0x00))
                { // Received "Fail" indicator.
                {   // If any other value is found, assume failure.
